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Modified Lesson Plan: Found Paper Collage

Central Focus/Learning concepts:

Students will understand the how geometric and organic shapes can be used to
create interesting works of art.

Visual Arts Standards (Processes):

 Creating: VA:Cr2.1.Ka : Through experimentation, build skills in various
media and approaches to art-making.
 Responding: VA:Re8.1.Ka: Interpret art by identifying subject matter and
describing relevant details.
Learning Objectives/Outcomes for lesson:
 Students will demonstrate an understanding of organic & geometric shape.
 Students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of collage.
 Using different types of paper found in their home, students will
independently create a collage that uses both geometric and organic shapes.

Learning Activities:
 Responding session to the work of Matisse and identifying his use of organic
& geometric shapes.
 Creating a found paper collage by:
o Looking for paper in one’s home, discovering different types of paper
to use.
o Choosing what organic & geometric shapes to use and cutting these
o Assembling their shapes onto the paper, overlapping them in multiple
places, then securing with glue.
 Exit slip that asks students to analyze their own artwork.
 Final collage created by the student.

Differentiation of Instruction:
 Step-by-step instructions displayed through pictures as well as written.
 Written definitions paired with key visuals to support student
 Video demonstration for students to view if they struggle to follow written
 Opportunities for freedom in choosing materials.

Instructional materials:
 Slideshow with images of Matisse’s work, important definitions
 Teacher exemplar of collage.
 Exit ticket
 Demonstration videos

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