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© JCC 2017

Caveat emptor
The following two problems give the Henry’s law and its constant in the
following form: 0
pA = H x A
Our two-resistance model uses the following form for Henry’s law:
pA = HcA
To convert the given Henry’s law constants into the form needed for the
following two problems:
0 H0 H 0 MB
pA = HcA = (Hc)xA = H xA ! H = ⇡ =
c ⇢B /MB ⇢B

Consistent nomenclature:
H: units of pressure / concentration
Hʹ: units of pressure


© JCC 2017

Example 1: hexane absorption 1

Given: Hexane vapor is to be absorbed from air into a non-volatile
mineral oil, with mass density 0.080 g cm-3 and a molecular weight 180 g
mol-1. In the dilute concentration range, the equilibrium relationship for the
dissolution of hexane vapor in the mineral oil at 20°C is described by pAi =
HʹxAi, with Hʹ = 0.15 atm. At the operating conditions, the hexane partial
pressure in the bulk gas stream is 0.015 atm and the dissolved hexane in
the bulk absorption solvent is 5 mol %. The total system pressure is 1.50
is kx = 0.01 kmol m-2 s-1,8/>302,=H677,==><,8=10<.901H.408>4=5y =
0.02 kmol m-2 s-1.
KL,8/>30796,<I?B#A; (b) the composition of hexane at the gas-liquid
interface pAi and xAi.
Data: ρB = 8 × 105 g m-3, MB = 180 g mol-1
pA = 0.015 atm
T = 297 K, P = 1.5 atm
kx = 10 mol m-2 s-1, ky = 20 mol m-2 s-1
pAi = HʹxAi, Hʹ = 0.15 atm 15
© JCC 2017

Example 1: hexane absorption 2

(a) Determine KL,8/#A
kx MB 180 g mol-1
kL = ⇡ kx = 10 mol m-2 s-1 = 2.25 × 10-3 m s-1
cL ⇢B 8 × 10 g m
5 -3

= 0.02 kmol m s = 13.3 mol m-2 s-1 atm-1
-1 -2 -1
kG =
P 1.5 atm
Then, compute KL:
✓ ◆ 1 ✓ ◆−1
1 1 1 ⇢B
KL = + = + 0 =
kL HkG kL H MB k G

( 2.25 × 10
1 +
-3 m s-1

8 × 105 g m-3 -1
(0.15 atm)(180 g mol-1) (1.33 × 10-3 mol m-2 s-1 atm-1 )
= 3.75 × 10-4 m s-1

© JCC 2017

Example 1: hexane absorption

3 ◆
⇣p ⌘ pA ⇢ B
NA = KL (c⇤AL cAL ) = KL xA cL = KL xA cL
H H 0 MB

( )
(0.015 atm)(8 × 105 g m-3 ) 8 × 105 g m-3
= 3.75 × 10-4 m s-1 - 0.05
(0.15 atm)(180 g mol-1) 180 g mol-1
= 8.33 × 10-2 mol m-2 s-1
(b) Determine xAi and pAi
Equate the equilibrium line pAi = Hʹ xAi to a line with slope -kx / ky
0 H0
Equilibrium line: yAi P = pA = H xAi yAi = xAi
Operating line: yA = xA + b, with b = 0.035
ky (0.01 = -0.5(0.05) + b)

xAi = 0.5xAi + 0.035 Solve for xAi Determine yAi
Determine pAi = yAi P.
© JCC 2017

Example 2: wastewater treatment 1

Given: In a wastewater treatment process, water containing dissolved
TCE at a concentration of 50 mol m-308>0<=,.6,<4H0<,=3,669AA066
mixed tank with an exposed liquid surface). The tank diameter is 20 m
enclose dot contain the gases that are emitted from the wastewater. Fresh
air is blown into this enclosure to sweep away gases emitted from the
phase is 10 mol TCE m-364;?4/'30.6,<4H0<9:0<,>0=,> 

D'3064;?4/H677,==><,8=10<.901H.408>19<>30.6,<4H0<4=5x = 200
mol m-2 s-1,8/>302,=H677,==><,8=10<.901H.408>4=5y = 0.1 mol m-2
s-1. Equilibrium of the air-TCE-water system at 20°C is represented by
Henry’s law, pAi = HʹxAi, with Hʹ = 550 atm.


© JCC 2017

Example 2: wastewater treatment 2

-,6,8.0/0>0<7480>304860>@96?70><4.I9A91A,=>0A,>0<4873 h-1)
<0;?4<0/>908=?<0>3,>>3064;?4/01I?08>.98.08><,>49891'4=.AL = 10
mol TCE m-3.
Data: D = 20 m, depth max = 4 m, P = 1 atm, T = 293 K
yA = 0.04, cAL = 10 mol m-3, cAL,0 = 50 mol m-3
kx = 200 mol m-2 s-1, ky = 0.1 mol m-2 s-1
pAi = HʹxAi, Hʹ = 550 atm
(a) Determine KL
1 1 1 cL cL P ⇢B ⇢B P
= + = + 0 ⇡ +
KL kL HkG kx H ky MB k x MB H 0 k y
998,200 g m-3 (998,200 g m-3)(1 atm)
= +
(18 g mol-1)(200 mol m-2 s-1) (18 g mol-1)(550 atm)(0.1 mol m-2 s-1)

KL = 7.78 × 10-4 m s-1

© JCC 2017

Example 2: wastewater treatment 3

⇣ pA c L ⌘
NA = KL (cAL c⇤AL ) = KL cAL
✓ ◆
yA P ⇢B
= KL cAL
H 0 MB
(0.04)(1 atm)(998,200 g m-3)
= 7.78 × 10-4 m s-1[10.0 mol m-3 - ]
(18 g mol-1)(550 atm)
= 4.64 × 10-3 mol m-2 s-1
(c) Material balance and v0
Assume: steady-state, well-mixed, no reaction, liquid-stripping

⇡D2 ⇡D2 NA
(cAL,0 cAL ) v0 NA =0 v0 =
4 4(cAL,0 cAL )
π(20 m)2(4.64 × 10-3 mol m-2 s-1)
v0 = = 0.0364 m3 s-1
4(50 mol m-3 - 10 mol20m-3)

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