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Sandhya Senthilkumar; period 3 online

Roz chast, what i learned: a sentimental education from nursery school through twelfth
grade (cartoon):

From kindergarden to twelfth grade, Chast talks about how she was constantly made to

follow rules and “be good.” As she trasitioned to grade school, she was being taught

about gender norms and what girls and boys did. As she got older and older in school,

she came to see the curriculum as a setup where everyone were made to memorize the

study materials. In high school, the students were given the choice to pursue a career in

only three limited streams: academic, commercial and general. The students were made

to follow a standard curriculum limiting their choices and were made to follow rules

based on conformity.

She broke away from this barrier in Junior high school after being sick and tired of a

curriculum based on memorization, and started to pursue her career as a cartoon artist.

She felt that the rules she had to abide by inorder to make her a good person limited

her freedom. She criticizes the educational system of being based on conformity and

memorization, that she had no idea as to how those things were going to help her in the

long-run. The curriculum that was standard and had very little variation limited

student’s interets and choices.

This depiction of the education system by Chast is true when based on the former

education system. But the education system now has reformed a lot by taking into

consideration the criticisms it had faced. Arts are starting to be given equal importance
Sandhya Senthilkumar; period 3 online

as mathematics and science. Students have the opportunity to go to technical schools

while in high school and they have many opens choices about their career available to

them. Education is gradually evolving from being a curriculum based on memorization

to a one based on understanding of concepts and developing skills.

In this illustration, Rockwell criticizes the American Education system. The woman is

seen wearing a military cap and a semi-formal attire, presumably representing the
Sandhya Senthilkumar; period 3 online

public schools, the teachers, and the act of government interference in public

education. On the table beside her, she has what seems to be a sewing kit. She is “fixing

him” or grooming him, imposing conformity, and her and the nation’s ideals on the boy.

Despite dressing up as the statue of liberty, which represents freedom and liberty, the

boy is unhappy, upset, and uncomfortable. The teacher doesn’t take into consideration

the interest and feelings of the boy. The act of grooming the boy kills individuality and

the illustrator is trying to convey that the American educational system is based on

conformity and limits one’s freedom to pursue their dream with the burden of ideals

and conformity hanging on their shoulders. A standardized curriculum imposed by the

government limits the voices of the students and their freedom.

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