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Starch from Hull-less Barley: Ultrastructure and Distribution

of Granule-Bound Proteins

J. H. Li,1 T. Vasanthan,1,2 R. Hoover,3 and B. G. Rossnagel4

ABSTRACT Cereal Chem. 80(5):524–532

Starch granules isolated from waxy, normal, and high-amylose hull- three genotypes, the growth rings closer to the granule surface were
less barley grains were examined by transmission electron microscopy narrower in width than those within the granule interior. The waxy starch
with cytochemical techniques. The micrographs showed two distinct had wider intercrystalline amorphous growth rings, semicrystalline
regions of different sizes: 1) densely packed granule growth rings (which growth rings, and more open crystalline lamellae than normal and high-
varied in size and number depending on the genotype), and 2) a loose amylose starches. Granule bound proteins (mainly integral proteins) were
filamentous network located in the central region of the granule. The located in the central and peripheral (growth ring) regions of the granule.
granule ring width decreased with increasing amylose content. In all

Starch is a unique carbohydrate polymer existing as discrete have extracted and identified proteins in cereal (wheat, maize,
granules with different shape, size, and composition among vari- barley, rice, millet, and sorghum) starch granules (Lowy et al
ous plant sources. It is mainly composed of amylose and amylo- 1981; Greenwell and Schofield 1986; Goldner and Boyer 1989;
pectin molecules. These molecules form semicrystalline and inter- Seguchi and Yamada 1989; Sulaiman and Morrison 1990; Rahman
crystalline amorphous regions in alternating layers, also called as et al 1995; Mu et al 1998; Darlington et al 2000; Baldwin 2001).
granule growth rings (Fig. 1) (French 1984), within starch granules. However, the majority of true starch granule-bound proteins are
The fine structure of starch molecules and the degree of association integral proteins, which may be associated with amylopectin
between the starch components differ with starch sources and (Prentice et al 1992; Appelqvist and Debet 1997). There is a pau-
among genotypes within a source. city of information on the localization and distribution of surface
A number of techniques, such as differential scanning calori- and bound proteins in HB starch granules. Therefore, it was con-
metry (DSC), X-ray diffractometry, nuclear magnetic resonance sidered worthwhile to investigate the granule ultrastructure and
(NMR), chromatography, mass spectrometry, and electron micro- the distribution of granule-bound proteins in starches isolated from
scopy combined with cytochemical techniques have been used to waxy (zero-amylose), normal, and high-amylose types of HB
study the structure of starches. Of these, only the latter enables a grains.
direct visualization of starch granule morphology and ultrastructure
with or without the need for prior physical, chemical, and MATERIALS AND METHODS
enzymatic treatments (Kassenbeck 1975, 1978; Nikuni 1978;
Yamaguchi et al 1979; Gallant and Bouchet 1986; Oostergetel and Starch Source
Bruggen 1989; Fannon et al 1993; Planchot et al 1995; Helbert and Waxy (zero-amylose, CDC Alamo), normal (CDC Dawn), and
Chanzy 1996; Helbert et al 1996; Garcia et al 1997; Atkin et al high-amylose (SB 94893) HB grains (grown in same location and
1998a,b). Our previous studies (Li et al 2001a,b) indicated that the harvested at Saskatoon in 1998) were obtained from the Crop
composition, granule structure, amylopectin chain length profile, Development Center, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon,
and physicochemical properties of hull-less barley (HB) starches Canada. The barley grains were dry ground in a Udy cyclone
differ among genotypes. However, the relationship between sample mill equipped with a 0.5-mm screen. Starch was isolated
ultrastructure of HB starches from different genotypes and the from ground barley grains as described previously (Li et al 2001a).
reactivity toward hydrolyzing and modifying agents have not been Waxy and normal maize starches were purchased from A. E. Staley
explored. As starch hydrolysis and chemical modifications are Manufacturing Co., Decatur, IL. High-amylose maize starch
widely used in commercial processes, a study of the ultrastructure of (Amylomaize VII) was purchased from American Maize-Products
barley starches varying in amylose content could pave the way for Co., Hammond, IN.
research geared to understanding the relationship between starch
ultrastructure and the degree of accessibility of chemical reagents Starch Localization
and hydrolyzing enzymes into the granule interior. Such a study The periodic acid-thiosemicarbazide-silver protenate method
would enable food processors to control modifying reactions, as one (PATAg) described by Garcia et al (1997) was used with modi-
path to developing novel derivatized barley starch. fication. Starch granule samples were fixed in 3% glutaraldehyde
Starch granule-bound proteins are a minor component in native in 0.1M sodium cacodylate buffer (pH 7.2) for 2 hr at room
starch, which may influence starch physicochemical properties such temperature and then for 6 hr at 4°C. Fixed samples were pre-
as digestibility, swelling, solubilization, retrogradation, and gran- embedded in agar aqueous solution (3%), cut into small cubes (1
ular integrity (Appelqvist and Debet 1997). A number of researchers mm3), and refixed for 1 hr. After fixation, the sample cubes were
washed in buffer (×2) and in distilled water (×2) for 20 min. For
blocking residue-free aldehyde, the washed sample cubes were
1 Department of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science, University of Alberta, immersed in a saturated 2,4-dinitrophenyl-hydrazine in 15% acetic
Edmonton, AB T6G 2P5, Canada. acid solution for 1 hr at room temperature. After washing (×4) in
2 Corresponding Author. Phone: +1-780-4922898. Fax: +1-780-4928914. E-mail:
distilled water for 15 min, the sample cubes were oxidized in a
3 Department of Biochemistry, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, 1% aqueous periodic acid solution for 45 min, washed again as
NF A1B 3X9, Canada. above, and then immersed in saturated aqueous thiosemicarbazide
4 Crop Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK S7N
solution for 24 hr. The sample cubes were washed again and stained
5A8, Canada. in 1% aqueous silver nitrate solution for three days in darkness with
Publication no. C-2003-0723-06R.
daily changes of the staining solution. The stained cubes were rinsed
© 2003 American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc. with distilled water, dehydrated in an ethanol series (30–100%),


and then embedded in EMbed 812 resin (EMS Inc., Fort Wash- 5 min, washed with distilled water (×3) and 100% ethanol (×2),
ington, PA). Controls of oxidative reaction were performed in then dried at 40°C overnight. The dried starch sample was mech-
parallel by substituting the periodic acid with 10% H2O2 anically cracked with a mortar and pestle, mounted on circular
(bleaching reagent). aluminum stubs with double-sided sticky tape, coated with 12 nm
of gold, then examined and photographed in a scanning electron
Protease Treatment Before Starch Localization microscope (JSM 6301FXV, JEOL, Tokyo, Japan) at an accel-
Starch samples were hydrolyzed with protease (Megazyme E- erating voltage of 5 kV.
BSPRT, 20 uL/100 mg of starch) in MES-TRIS buffer (pH 8.2)
for 1.5 hr at 50°C according the procedure described for total RESULTS
dietary fiber assay (Megazyme Int. Ireland Ltd. Wicklow, Ireland).
The treated samples were washed (×3) in distilled water and then Starch Granule Structure
localized for starch as described above. The periodic acid-thiosemicarbazide-silver protenate (PATAg)
reaction produced an excellent electron dense contrast for reveal-
Protein Localization ing starch granule inner structure (Fig. 2 A,C,E). There are two
Starch granules were fixed in a mixture of glutaraldehyde (3%) populations of granules, A (large) and B (small), in HB starches.
and paraformaldehyde (4%) in 0.1M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) for Our attention was focused mainly on A-type granules, because A-
1 hr at room temperature and 2 hr at 4°C. The samples were then type granules are large and elliptical in shape and they represent
thoroughly washed in 0.1M phosphate buffer (×3) and in distilled the major granule population (w/v) of starch (Li et al 2001a). A-
water (×2). The samples were incubated in ammoniacal silver type granules are easily observed under EM. Ultrathin sections of
nitrate (AS) solution (MacRae and Meetz 1970) for 5 min A-type granules from zero-amylose (CDC Alamo), normal (CDC
followed by washing (×3) in distilled water. The AS solution was Dawn), and high-amylose (SB 94793) types of HB exhibited dif-
prepared just before use by gradual addition of 10% silver nitrate ferent structural features. These starch granules showed two distinct
solution to concentrated ammonium hydroxide until the appear- regions (Fig. 2 A,C,E): 1) a central region with loose filamentous
ance of a slight persistent turbidity. The samples were then placed network, and 2) a dense relatively uniform peripheral region with
in a 3% paraformaldehyde in 0.1M phosphate buffer for 5 min growth rings. Waxy (zero-amylose) starch granules showed the
until the appearance of a yellow-brown color. After washing (×3), smallest central region, whereas high-amylose starch granules
the samples were preembedded in 3% agar solution and dehydrated showed the largest central region. Similar structural features were
in a graded series of ethanol. The samples were finally dehydrated also observed in waxy, normal, and high-amylose maize starches
with 100% ethanol and embedded in EMbed 812 resin. (Fig. 3). Scanning electron micrographs of enzyme (a-amylase)
hydrolyzed HB starches (Fig. 4) also showed differences in the
Transmission Electron Microscopy size of the central region. This suggests that the size of the fila-
The embedded sample blocks were randomly cut into thin sec- mentous central region probably increases with increasing amylose
tions (90–100 nm) with a diamond knife in a ultramicrotome (MT content. Under high magnification (Fig. 2 B,D,F), the filamentous
4000, RMC, Tucson, AZ). The ultrathin sections collected on network in the central region of native waxy starch granules
collodion-coated copper grids were observed and photographed appeared to be more loosely packed than those of normal and
with a transmission electron microscope (Philips CM12, F.E.I. high-amylose native starch granules. The filamentous network
Company, Tacoma, WA) at 60 kV without further staining. For was present surrounding clear areas, and large silver-stained par-
each sample, six blocks were cut and three grids from each block ticles were deposited beside the network in waxy starch granules
were observed. Each grid contained five to eight thin sections. (Fig. 2F). Whereas, in nonwaxy starch granules (Fig. 2 B,D), large
Each thin section had  20–50 granules. Hundreds of thin sections silver particles were randomly deposited beside and inside the
have been examined. All images taken from thin sections were filamentous network. This difference in the structure of the starch
carefully compared. The granule growth rings were measured by granule central region between waxy and nonwaxy starches may be
an image analysis software (Analysis Pro, Soft Imaging System due to variations in amylose content. Treatment of high-amylose
Corp., Lakewood, CO). HB starch and normal maize starch with protease (before fixation and
staining) resulted in the disappearance of the silver particles (Fig. 5),
Scanning Electron Microscopy suggesting that those silver particles could be stained proteins.
Starch (120 mg) was suspended in a 0.1M phosphate buffer (10
mL) containing 0.006M NaCl at pH 6.9. a-Amylase (26.5 µL, 8 Growth Rings
units/mg of starch) from porcine pancreas (EC, Sigma Growth rings (semicrystalline rings [lighter rings] and inter-
Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) was added. The starch was hydro- crystalline amorphous rings [darker rings]) of the starch granules
lyzed in a water bath at 37°C for 1 hr, centrifuged (1,700 × g) for were clearly seen in peripheral regions of the starch granules. The

Fig. 1. Amylopectin structure showing growth rings and areas for amorphous and crystalline lamellae formation. AL, amorphous lamellae; CL,
crystalline lamellae; SCGR, semicrystalline growth ring; ICAGR, intercrystalline amorphous growth ring.

Vol. 80, No. 5, 2003 525

growth rings varied in number and size depending on the genotype crystalline rings and intercrystalline amorphous rings varied substan-
(Fig. 2 A,C,E). The artifacts such as swelling, shrinkage, or stretch- tially across the granule (Fig. 3). This is perhaps due to irregular
ing may occur during preparation but were not noticeable. The granule shapes. In addition, the intensity and density of silver-stained
number and width of semicrystalline growth rings and intercrys- particles appeared unevenly in the granules. Large silver-stained
talline amorphous growth rings in HB starch granules measured particles were mainly located in the central region and on both sides
from transmission electron micrographs are presented in Table I. of the intercrystalline amorphous rings in the peripheral region
The width of granule growth rings decreased with increasing amy- (Fig. 2).
lose content. Furthermore, growth rings present closer to the gran-
ule surface were narrower in width than those present within the Proteins in Starch Granules
granule interior (Fig. 2 A, C, E, and Fig. 3). A similar measurement The ammoniacal silver (AS) reaction produced discrete electron
on maize starches was impossible because the width of the semi- dense particles (localized proteins) that were unevenly distributed

Fig. 2. Transmission electron micrographs of ultrathin sections of HB starch granules treated with PATAg. A and B, high-amylose (SB 94893); C and D,
normal (CDC Dawn); E and F, waxy (CDC Alamo). Lines in A, C, and E indicate the size of the central region of granules. Micrographs B (×34K), D
(×34K), and F (×18K) show magnified central regions of A, C, and E, respectively.


Fig. 3. Transmission electron micrographs of ultrathin sections of maize starch granules treated with PATAg. A, high-amylose; B, normal; C, waxy. Folds
are artifacts caused by mounting on the grids or high-viscosity embedding medium.

Vol. 80, No. 5, 2003 527

Fig. 4. Scanning electron micrographs of HB starch granules hydrolyzed by a-amylase from porcine pancreas at 37°C for 1 hr and cracked mech-
anically. A, high-amylose (SB 94893); B, normal (CDC Dawn); C, waxy (CDC Alamo).


Fig. 5. Transmission electron micrographs of ultrathin sections of high-amylose barley starch granule (A) and normal maize starch granule (B)
hydrolyzed by protease.

both on the edge and inside area of embedded native starch granules double helices (not involved in crystal formation) are located in
(Fig. 6). This suggests that proteins associated with starch granules amorphous rings together with lipid-complexed amylose, lipid-free
are located both on the granule surface (surface proteins) and amylose, and some proteins (Morrison 1995). Seguchi and
within the interior (integral proteins). Integral proteins accounted for Kanenaga (1997) studied wheat starch granules using remazol-
a large proportion of the total proteins based on the particle density brilliant blue dye staining and aqueous SDS extraction procedure
(visual evaluation). Our previous study (Li et al 2001a) showed that with contrast light microscopy and reported that the central region
protein contents of waxy, normal, and high-amylose HB starches (surrounded by concentric circles) was different from other inner
were 0.26, 0.33, and 0.42%, respectively. The location of dense regions (concentric circles surrounded by “skirt” area) of wheat
particles in both of central and peripheral regions of the granule starch granules. Helbert et al (1996) showed that the central region
(Fig. 6) suggests that integral proteins are probably present within of maize starch granules (immuno-gold labeled maize) was degraded
these regions. The density of silver particles (proportional to the by a-amylase more readily than the outer region. Localization of
protein content) increased with increase in amylose content (waxy amylose and amylopectin using enzyme-gold labeling (Atkin et al
< normal < high-amylose). 1999) and iodine staining (Seguchi et al 2000) studies revealed
that both linear amylose and branched amylopectin coexist in the
DISCUSSION central region of granules of nonwaxy maize and potato starches,
whereas only amylopectin is present within the central region of
Architecture of Starch Granules waxy maize and waxy wheat starch granules. These studies con-
The PATAg reaction enabled a clear visualization of granule firmed that an amorphous central region exists in most of the native
ultrastructure but did not distinguish between amylose and amylo- starch granules. Research has shown that amylose is concentrated
pectin within the starch granules. The alternating densely and at the center of granules in maize (Schwartz 1982) and potato
loosely packed regions and the central filamentous region represent (Tatge 1999) starches. Tatge (1999) observed that the size of the
three distinct inner structural features of starch granules. The amylose region increased as the granule grew and the increase in
densely packed semicrystalline region (lighter growth rings) are size was greater in potato with higher levels of granule-bound
mainly formed from ordered double-helical amylopectin lamellae starch synthase. This suggests that the size of central region is
and amorphous amylopectin lamellae (Fig. 1), whereas, the central closely related to amylose content and is also associated with the
filamentous region is completely amorphous. A 13C CP/MAS content and distribution of starch synthesis enzymes. The present
NMR study (Gidley and Bociek 1985) suggested that amylopectin study indicated that, in HB starch granules, the central region

Vol. 80, No. 5, 2003 529

Fig. 6. Transmission electron micrographs of ultrathin sections of HB starch granules treated with AS. A and B, high-amylose (SB 94893); C and D,
normal (CDC Dawn); E and F, waxy (CDC Alamo).

increased in size and the growth rings decreased in width with with amylose content. The smaller width of growth rings in
increasing amylose content. These structural variations could influ- nonwaxy starch granules may be attributed to amylose synthesis
ence the enzymatic digestion, hydration, and chemical reactions of that interrupts the formation of semicrystalline region. Thus, the
starch. Further research along this line of investigations is warranted. greater width of growth rings in waxy starch granules may be due
to very low amylose content.
Growth Rings Furthermore, in starch granules, the semicrystalline growth rings
For HB starches, the average width (Table I) of semicrystalline are formed by association between A-chains (A chain clusters) of
growth rings are waxy (260 nm) > high-amylose (190 nm)   amylopectin that arise from B1-chains, which in turn arise from
normal (170 nm). The average width of crystalline+amorphous B2/B3-chains (Fig. 1). A previous study (Li et al 2001a) on the
lamellae (Fig. 1) ranges from 9 to 12 nm (French 1984). amylopectin branch chain length distribution of HB starches had
Therefore, the average number of crystalline+amorphous lamellae shown that the waxy type has a lower proportion of longer chains
in the semicrystalline growth rings of HB starches could be esti- (DP 35–67) when compared with normal and high-amylose types.
mated to follow the order waxy (22–29) > high-amylose (16–21)   This indicated that waxy barley amylopectin has a lower
normal (14–19). The width and number of the growth rings varied proportion of B2/B3 branch chains, suggesting that the crystalline


lamellae of waxy HB starch may be packed more loosely and thus TABLE I
more open than those of normal and high-amylose starches. Such an Widths of Granule Growth Rings of HB Starches (n ˜ 10)
open structure in waxy barley starch may be attributed to its Starch Semicrystalline Growth Intercrystalline Amorphous
higher swelling (during pasting) and higher initial rate of enzyme Source Ring Width (nm) Growth Ring Width (nm)
and acid hydrolysis (Li et al 2001b; Vasanthan and Bhatty 1996). Range Average Range Average
Waxy 165–380 261 55–150 93
Starch Granule-Bound Proteins Normal 65–310 167 25–150 72
As minor components, two types of starch granule-bound pro- High-amylose 70–270 193 50–85 69
teins (surface proteins and integral proteins) are present in native
starch granules. Surface proteins in cereal starch granules have a
molecular weight range of 5–30 kDa, which are readily removed The ammoniacal silver (AS) technique was introduced by Mac-
by repeated washing with water (Darlington et al 2000), SDS Rae and Meetz (1970) to electron microscopy and successfully
(Greenwell and Schofield 1986; Seguchi and Yamada 1989; applied to identify localized proteins in animal and plant tissue
Rahman et al 1995), NaCl (Lowy et al 1981), and thermolysin (Souto-Padrón and Souza 1978; Benchimol et al 1982; Hayat
(Mu-Forster and Wasserman 1998) at subgelatinization temper- 1989; Yoshikawa and Oishi 1997). Also, it has been used for
ature. Major surface proteins account for  8% of total starch pro- characterization of protein in SDS-PAGE as one of routine high
teins in wheat starch (Lowy et al 1981). Integral proteins, which sensitivity staining reagents (Bollag and Edelstein 1991). Proteins
are embedded within the starch matrix, can be extracted by gelatin- could reduce ammoniacal silver nitrate to metallic silver that is
izing starch granules in the presence of SDS (Lowy et al 1981; deposited as dark silver particles of variable diameters in the plant
Mu et al 1998). SDS gel electrophoresis showed that integral or animal specimen (Robards and Wilson 1993). However, the
proteins are the three major starch synthases (60-kDa granule- precise mechanism of binding between silver and polypeptides is
bound starch synthase I, 76-kDa starch synthase I, and 85-kDa poorly understood (MacRae and Meetz 1970; Troyer 1980). The
starch-branching enzyme IIb) in maize starch (Mu-Forster et al treatment of samples with buffered formaldehyde solution is an
1996) and wheat starch (Rahman et al 1995) while the other two absolute requirement for the reaction with silver regardless of pre-
proteins (100 and 105 kDa) are only present in wheat and absent vious fixation in formalin (Troyer 1980). Starch granule bound
in other cereal starches. Granule-bound starch synthase, also known proteins exist as monomers (Mu-Foster and Wasserman 1998) and
as waxy protein, is correlated with the synthesis of amylose. Waxy are clearly visualized (appear in the form of electron-dense particles
mutants of cereals lack this functional protein (Goldner and Boyer by AS staining). In this study, the density of these silver-stained
1989). By using fluorescence labeling, Han and Hamaker (2001) particles have increased with the increase in amylose content (Fig. 6)
showed that granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS) is concen- and is consistent with the protein content of HB starches (Li et al
trated in granule rings of normal potato, maize, and wheat starches 2001a).
but not in waxy potato and waxy maize starches. However, protein A number of studies have reported that surface pores and inter-
bands other than GBSS were also identified by SDS-PAGE that nal channels (ˆ0.4 µm in diameter) are present on the granule
were not labeled by the fluorescence dye. Silver staining is a surface and within granules (Fannon et al 1992, 1993; Karathanos
commonly used protein staining procedure to stain basic proteins. and Saravacos 1993; Huber and BeMiller 1997, 2000). These
In the present study, stained proteins were located in both central surface pores and internal channels provide the entry of pathway for
and peripheral regions of the granules. With increasing amylose enzyme, dyes and reagents diffusing into granule interior (Kimura
content, more stained protein were visualized in the central region and Robyt 1995; Herbert et al 1996; Huber and BeMiller 2000).
indicating the diversity of concentration and distribution of Therefore, it is possible for protease to pass through the channels
integral proteins and enzymes among different genotypes of HB to the interior of granules. Our observation clearly showed that
starches as well as some relevance to starch biosynthesis. black or black particles (represent proteins) were greatly reduced in
the thin sections of starches from barley and maize after protease
Periodic Acid-Thiosemicarbazide-Silver Protenate treatment.
and Ammoniacal Silver Reactions in Starch Granules
The periodic acid-thiosemicarbazide-silver protenate (PATAg)
method is derived from the periodic acid and Schiff light micro- Substantial differences in the ultrastructure in terms of crystal-
scopy staining technique and is used for detection of carbohydrates lite formation, number and size of crystalline+amorphous lamellae,
in cells by electron microscopy (Jewell and Saxton 1970). A number amylopectin chain length, and association with minor components
of tissue components give PAS positive reaction, including (i.e., protein) exists among HB starch granules. Waxy HB starch
polysaccharides, glycoproteins, and glycolipids (Pearse 1968). In had wider intercrystalline amorphous growth rings, semicrystalline
the PATAg method, the dialdehydes react with thiosemicarbazide growth rings, and more open crystalline lamellae than normal and
instead of Schiff reagent forming thiosemicarbazones, which high-amylose genotypes. Starch granule-bound proteins were
effectively reduce silver proteinate and release metallic silver at mainly located in granule interior as integral proteins. But there
the sites of glycol linkages (Hayat 1989). The PATAg method has was diversity in the concentration and distribution of proteins
been successfully used for electron microscopy investigation of starch among different genotypes of HB. With increasing amylose
granule ultrastructure (Kassenbeck 1975, 1978; Gallant and Bouchet content, the central region of starch granule became larger, in
1986; Planchot et al 1995; Gallant et al 1997). The PATAg reaction which more protein was present. Structural variations among HB
produces a very fine reaction product and is almost free of nonspecific starches demonstrated in this study could influence reactivity
precipitates (Hayat 1989), which leads to a good contrast in thin toward enzymes and modifying reagents. Further research is
sections of starch granules. However, proteins (mostly the underway to understand structure-functionality relationships among
enzymes involved in starch synthesis) that are also rich in 1, 2- HB starches.
glycols and amino-substituted alcohol groups have a strong affinity
for silver stains and the small silver particles may fuse to form large ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
aggregates after a longer time treatment (Hayat 1989). These large This research was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering
silver-stained particles disappear when starch granules are treated Research Council of Canada and the Canadian Wheat Board. Our appre-
with protease before staining (Fig. 5), suggesting that the large ciation goes to L. C. Jian (University of Minnesota) for valuable advice
silver-stained particles in PATAg staining may be the PATAg on sample preparation and constructive discussions and to M. Chen
reaction products with proteins rather than with polysaccharides. (University of Alberta) for technical assistance.

Vol. 80, No. 5, 2003 531

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[Received June 14, 2002. Accepted February 14, 2003.]


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