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Monge Martinez 1

Mauriyer Monge Martinez

Professor Karen Schreder

EDTE 265-72


Disposition for Self-Assessment

A disposition that I would like to incorporate in my future teaching is social and

ecological justice. I feel that this is an important opportunity to work and interact with different

students' cultural backgrounds. I would like to incorporate this and make it one of my main

goals. I strongly want to advocate for justice. I feel that this world is full of injustice and we need

to teach our future students to oversee all the wrongs the society has created. We the people have

created stereotypes and promote negative stereotypes for different cultural backgrounds and it’s

up to us to make a change. In a way it can be seen that it comes down to how you were culturally

brought up. Some people believe that certain language and stereotypes are fine because it’s made

as a joke. We need to show corruption and lead by example. Those are few reasons I would want

to incorporate in my future teachings social and ecological justice. Being a woman of color, I

have encountered many injustices growing up. Being said I don’t want my future students to

suffer all the Nicorette negative interactions because of their cultural background. I want my

students to learn and I want to have a framework about diversity.

Another disposition I would like to incorporate is effective communication. I think it is

important for us to have a clear conversation with our future students, parents and staff members.

I believe that communication is the key to success. In order for us to be able to help each other

out we need to have positive conversations that are going to be beneficial for everyone. Making

sure that the message that we are trying to send out is clear. It is extremely important to show our
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students the importance of clearly and concisely having a good conversation. On some occasions

miscommunication and lack of communication interferes with Students educational success. We

need to be on top of our future students and make sure that parents are aware and know what’s

going on in their children’s education life. Effective communication is to better assist our future

leaders. Remember when Acacian comes in many different types of forms. It could be a verbal

communication or written communication. As a teacher you also have to remember the

conversations you have to be strictly professional and adequate for that age group and families

you’re speaking to. As well as being aware of the language preference of the parents so you have

a clear communication with them. Not knowing how to speak the language should not be an

obstacle that stands in the way of helping my future students. This 21st-century has developed

many technologies. That can help both the parent, the teacher and the students communicate.

There are always going to be many resources four clear communication to come across.

Another thing that I would like to incorporate in my future teaching is self-reflection and

critical thinking. I think it is important for us teachers to reflect on our teaching styles and

methods to better assist students. As future teachers we have to be open to growth because we

are learning every day. There is always room for improvement. Our society is developing every

day and we have to be open to change. As future educators it is important for us to be up-to-date.

We educators have to demonstrate by example. We have to show our students that we are

learning, that we are changing and adapting every day. That in order for us to succeed we have to

hear and self-reflect on what is being told to us. We have to understand that our perspective is

not the only perspective that is correct. Seeking our suggestions to growth is extremely important

for the success of our future leaders. Critical thinking is also important because it helps us

Enhance our language skills. As well as it helps us improve the way we project our ideas.
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Learning how to analyze things can also be a helpful tool for teachers to have Because it helps

our comprehension skills. Critical thinking is looking into our head and looking for strategic

ideas. It helps improve our judgments on specific topics. As well as it helps us make better


The reason I choice these three dispositions is because I find them the most important. I

have suffered all type of injustice because I am “Mexican”. I refuse to identify myself in a

specific race because I believe I am part of one race and that’s the human race. We all bleed red

and for that reason I have always hated being categorized. Don’t get me wrong I am proud to say

I am a Chicana but that’s my ethnicity not my race. I come from poverty and I have seen all the

injustice people of color receive for not being white. I have got stereotype, discrimination, and

treated unfair because on my skin tone. I know firsthand that injustice is a major issue my future

students may encounter. For that reason alone, I want to make sure to be different and advocate

for justice. Communication is the second disposition I would like to incorporate because It is

important to have a clear communication all across. Not getting the message across to all parties

may cause misunderstanding and overall effect the student's education. Making sure both the

parents and the students know what you're referring to will be a useful tool to have. Being

willing to self-reflect is also extremely important because we educators have to lead by example.

We need to show our students the importance of self-growth. Becoming critical thinkers helps us

make better desisons and we can show our students how it's done the right way. WE can help

them me amazing leaders but first being the best we can.

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