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Monge Martinez

Mauriyer Monge Martinez

Professor Kelly Candelaria

Engl 333


Freedom Writers

This movie “Freedom Writers” was by far the most inspiring movie that I have ever seen.

It was so emotional and I was able to connect with it in a different level. I have lived personal

experience that were extremely similar to the stories the students encounter. As a student that had

to fight that battle as well, I was happy to see that I was not alone. I also had this amazing and

most incredible teacher that showed me to be a better me. She inspired me the same way Mrs.

Erin Gruwell inspired her students. This movie brought me joy, laughter, and even tears. She

showed everyone that you do not need to be divided by color or race and that in education you

can all be united. Also, that no matter what obstacle is through your way you can overcome them

and do greatness. She inspired students to have hope and aspired for more. As well as fight the

system and the world to prove everyone wrong.

Eva was brought up to be a warrior to fight for her people because they were always seen

like less than they were, who said they were not equal in beauty and in blessing. Eva was the

third generation to be in the gang life. I have firsthand experience with expectation that are

required from gang life. The only life I knew was street life. My brothers are register gang

members and that meant I had to act and dress a certain way. I saw how gangs destroyed my

brothers' lives. My brothers being gang members meant that all our lives were put in danger. I

could not go down the street without being jumped, stopped, or had to duck down from drive-

bys. My brothers go in and out of jail/prison to this day because of gang affiliation.
Monge Martinez

It is sad how school see these students as an “at risk youth”. Since their academics were

low, since they have been to juvenal hall and have monitors on their ankles, they are concerted

less than the rest of the “normal” students. Margaret Campbell the person below the principle

who was against these students. When they were going over the curriculum with the Mrs. Erin

Gruwell the teacher Ms. Campbell advised Mrs. Gruwell that the book she wanted to teach was

going to be too hard for those students because there reading level was low. She also advises her

not to give them too much homework because they were not going to do it and it was going to be

waste of her time. That the only reason those students are there because of the voluntary

integration was suggested. Classroom quality was different depending on the students' academic

scores. Which meant that the "at risk youth” students were not given the resource that they

required. The administration does not give this type of students the support they need. Go to

school and get an education is what students are told. Yet students do not get the opportunity or

the chance to make a difference. For that reason, student felt that schools were like prisons all

divide into separated sections depending on their tribes.

Ms. Gruwell moved the student around from there comfort zone and made them sit all in

different spots. She also made them connect in a different way by using a game called the line.

She showed them that there were other students that went through the same things they went

through. She also allowed them to express what they were feeling by writing a journal in

whatever way they wanted to. They did not have to share unless they wanted too and Mrs.

Gruwell would just check if they wrote in their journals. I like this method she used because

students open up to her and she was able to get an inside of what some of her students would go

through. She used this to get to know her students and connect with them at a different level. I

feel that it is important to have a connection with your students because knowing what is
Monge Martinez

happening in their lives you can better support your students. Like the movies says they have

other more important things to worry about then school. In my personal experience I witness all

the domestic violence my biological father did to my mother, we got evicted endless amount of

times, was involved in gang affiliation, and got segregated and discriminated my whole life

growing up. So, I have firsthand experience living a horrible live and overcoming all the

obstacles that were thrown my way.

I do like how she incorporated artist the students knew to talk about poetry. She used

something students are interested in to get her message across. She also used this amazing

example to address an offensive drawing student were passing around about Jamal another

student in class. Mrs. Gruwell took the picture and starts comparing it to the Holocaust and how

the Nazis treated the Jews. She used a historical event to fight against bulling in her classroom.

She tells them that their “gangster” life was nothing compare to what the Nazis did to others.

That they started the same way. They were poor, angry and everyone looked down on them as

well. Until a man decided to give them some pride, an identity and someone to blame. This what

led to her finding out that these students did not know anything about the Holocaust and she felt

that it was up to her to teach them about it. Some students did not agree with her method at first.

They even got angry at her and told her that she could never understand what they had to go

through. That white people always get what they want.

The toast for change was amazing thing to do with her students. By then the students

were united despite these differences. I liked what she told the students “every voice that told

you can’t is silenced. Every reason that tells you things will never change disappears”. Her

message was powerful because it gave students a desire to want a better life. I also enjoyed how

she used the Dairy of Ann Frank to connect her students. They read the book and the story hit the
Monge Martinez

students in a powerful way. She felt that students would be able to connect with Ann Franks

situation and that created a big connection with students. Since they had a writing assignment to

write to Ms. Gies the women that helped Ana Frank the students wanted to meet Miep Gies.

They thought they could so something similar to what Mrs. Gruwell did for them when they

went to the museum of the holocaust. They did fundraisers, and figured out how to raise the

money to meet her Miep Gies. I loved what Ms. Gies told the students that she did not consider

herself a hero and that she did what she did because it was the right thing to do. This message

was beautiful it gives the students the idea that they have to do good because it was the right

thing to do. Also, that “ordinary people can turn on a small light in a dark room. That the

students were the heroes and that they are heroes everyday”. This inspired the students and even

to push through boundaries. I would definitely use Mrs. Gruwell method in connecting students

with historical events that they can relate too.

Mrs. Gruwell worked three jobs, lost her husband, went against her father and even

fought against the system. She went above and beyond for her students. She did double or even

three times over on what she was expected to do. She shows them that anything was possible.

She found a way for students to connect without using race, gender, cultural believes. She united

these students to be a family and to feel at home in their classroom. Having a safe place and

provided an environment where they can be themselves and not be judge is by far one of the best

things a teacher can do for their students. She shows them love and push them to their fullest.

They pass the 9th grade which most staff though it was not going to be possible since the kind of

kids they are. There academics where better and she showed them the value of a family and

educational values. As a future educator I would like to be like Mrs. Gruwell.

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