Tradiciones Del Realismo en El Concepto Literario

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The traditions of Realism

in the literary and

philosophical concept
of M.M. Filippova
REVISTA SAN GREGORIO, , NO.,SPECIAL EDITION.MARCH (-), ISSN: -; EISSN: -





Anna S. Ivanova1, Tatyana Yu. Bodrova2, Larisa V. Adonina3

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russian Federation
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russian Federation
Sevastopol National University, Sevastopol, Russian Federation

ARTÍCULO RECIBIDO: 14 de marzo de 2019

ARTÍCULO PUBLICADO: 30 de abril de 2019

Mikhail Mikhailovich Filippov - the Great Russian writer, literary historian, representative of the "natural
school". In his works, Filippov talks about the role of art in human life. Filippov calls deduction as the main
method of knowing reality. The basis of the works of art M.M. Filippova has an illusion that elevates reality.

Keywords: Mikhail Filippov, "Prometheus", deduction, artistic truth.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Filippov - el gran escritor ruso, historiador literario, representante de la "escuela natural".
En sus obras, Filippov habla sobre el papel del arte en la vida humana. Filippov llama a la deducción como el
método principal para conocer la realidad. La base de las obras de arte M.M. Filippova tiene una ilusión que
eleva la realidad.

Palabras clave: Mikhail Filippov, "Prometeo", deducción, verdad artística.


Zola begins his creative journey by studying

Introduction general pathology, and ends with a solemn the
apotheosis of life. The writer assesses the creative
Mikhail Mikhailovich Filippov (1858 – 1903), work of Zola from the standpoint of naturalism,
an outstanding Russian scientist and noting that in these philosophical and aesthetic
encyclopedist, went down in history not only as a coordinates the look of the French classic is not
famous scientist, but as a philosopher and always attractive, but always sincere (Herder,
historian of philosophy, a writer, an expert in the 1977).
history of literature, who gave a deep analysis of When the naturalism ceased to dominate over
the work of Russian and foreign classics. “Until minds of people, E. Zola did not begin to fawn
recently, this name was unfortunately forgotten; upon youth, and safely proclaimed an open gap.
the scientific heritage of the scientist is almost not "In the person of Zola the naturalism destroyed
studied and is not judged by merit. Meanwhile, itself. Having aimed to represent the nature, from
this extraordinary man left a significant mark in the very beginning, naturalism distorted this
the domestic science. He owns more than three nature, threw out a half of human psychology,
hundred works in various fields of knowledge, simplified it almost to some animal passions and
works deep and serious, in which the original and instincts" (Lutonina, 2000).
original thinker, who possesses broad knowledge, M.M. Filippov did not remain away from
a progressive scientist, responsive to everything polemic disputes, however in the esthetic views
new in science and life, appears before us” developed traditions of literary criticism of the 40-
(Lutonina, 2000). 60th years of the 19th century. Through its entire
critical heritage there passes the thought of need
Results and Discussion of the realistic image of reality. According to
M.M. Filippov, art should not embellish reality or
In literary criticism, Filippov takes a keen distort it. Addressing the analysis of works of art,
interest in national cultural heritage. Paying the Russian writer adhered to the principles of the
attention to literature, Filippov acts primarily as a realistic esthetics developed by it based on realism
publicist and sociologist, who saw in it a philosophy.
reflection of the processes taking place in society. In article "Beauty and the Truth in Art" M.M.
M.M. Filippov attributed himself to the Filippov speaks about an art role in life of society:
representatives of the “natural school”; for him, an "Art is the public work of the artist reproducing in
art is associated with higher moral principles, with images of feeling, a thought, acts and in general
ideas of goodness and justice.A supporter of the more and more or less considerable in life of
image of the truth of life, he was the successor of people, and these images have to meet
the best traditions of critical realism in literature. requirements of the art truth" (Filippov, 2017).
Following the aesthetic principles of V.G. The given reasoning’s about art are based on the
Belinsky and N.G. Chernyshevsky, M.M. Filippov position that it should excite cheerful feelings and
carried out a broad analysis of works of art both moral reflections. Art objectively reflects the
Russian and foreign literature of different eras world; therefore, the major artists were those who
based on deep generalizing conclusions about the managed to rise above their likes. Proving the
processes and phenomena of social life. His connection of art with the history and morality of
articles were devoted to of Russian and foreign society, he notes that visual images and musical
writers and they were already published in the sounds can more be combined with moral feelings
twentieth century in the collections “Thoughts on and ideas than sensations of the senses. The critic
Russian Literature” (1965), “Etudes of the Past” considers that the author who creates works that
(1963) and “Essays on Western Literature of the contradict moral requirements cannot be an artist,
XVIII – XIX Centuries (Filippov, 1985). since art is a meaning of elevating a person. If
In his writings about Western literature, M.M. L.N. Tolstoy argued that in art, the artist conveys
Filippov demonstrates wide erudition. Focusing the feeling once caused by means of images, and
on the literary processes of different countries and then M.M. Filippov notes that the artist often does
times, the scientist freely analyzes not yet not feel, and guesses the object of creativity with
translated into Russian works of art. Delivering to his instincts, and sometimes he does not feel the
the Russian reader, which was little known in same feelings as his characters.
Russia, the scientist not only defended his artistic One of the most important principles of this
principles and techniques, but also sought to aesthetics was the requirement to create works of
preserve the peculiarities of the language and style art based on a scrupulous study of reality, the
of Western writers. In these works, great attention integration of a complex circle of facts and
was paid to M.M. Filippov devoted the work of phenomena of life.The Russian scientist called
Emil Zola as a writer. He had interests of this method of comprehension and representation
literature. At the conclusion of the scientist, E. of reality by induction. However, according to

REVISTA SAN GREGORIO, , NO.,SPECIAL EDITION.MARCH (-), ISSN: -; EISSN: -

Filippov, induction is not a simple logical trends of social development. Only the
operation involving the movement of thought harmonious unity of talent of the writer with
from the individual to the general, but it is a progressive outlook, connection of knowledge
complex combination of various factors, because with art, sciences with poetry gives to literature,
of which the need for an accidental becomes clear. Dobrolyubov, educational and informative value,
Thus, any event or phenomenon of reality, what and its direction is "humanistic" character
exists in the present, must be understood as a believed (Zamaleev & Zots, 1983). In addition,
natural phenomenon, due to a specific Filippov, arguing on process of scientific
combination of individual facts, of what happened creativity and wrote, ‘‘Only the history of science
in the past. specifies to us true value of the got results...’’
In the literature, M.M. Filippov sees a However, the matter is that between assimilation
reflection of social processes. His aesthetic views of others thought and scientific creativity the
are closely related to philosophical theories. enormous abyss lies; and having only tracked that
Therefore, analyzing the literary-critical legacy of way which led to the solution of the equations of
predecessors, he compares the theory of the highest degrees, we will understand why the
unconscious creativity with the theory of the latest whole centuries for this purpose were required
evolutionists (for example, G. Spencer), who (Filippov, 2017).
believed that creativity was “aimlessly for a Truly, the works of art Filippov considered the
purpose, unconsciously with consciousness, free most suitable genre for creation the novel and the
with dependence”. story as they allow showing dynamics of type, its
In a discussion about the literary critic M.M. history, to track possible options of development
Filippov resolutely rejects unconsciousness of of this or that event. About it the scientist wrote in
literary reviewers and observers, however does work "Beauty and the Truth in Art". Along with
not object that, really, the critic, as well as the inductive, it defines a historical method as main in
poet, it is necessary to be born. The critic has to knowledge of reality.
"have the known keenness, impressionability and The author emphasizes that no idea, event or
at the same time force of judgment to be able to be phenomenon arises from scratch, but goes a long
fond of beauty of the work, but not to be enslaved way of evolution. Only having penetrated the
by them, i.e. to keep ability of the analysis. The essence of this evolution, having ascertained the
critical talent can be improved from exercise, for laws, we can purposefully carry out our own free
the developed it demands knowledge, extensive creativity. The way that humankind passed in
erudition, but there was still no example that this comprehending reality in various forms, an
talent was gained by training" (Filippov, 2015). individual passes in abbreviated format through
From this point of view, the "good" work of art the assimilation of history - just as in organic
has to show from what "trifles" are real type of the evolution, ontogenesis is an abbreviated form of
hero, his fate, character as this or that type is phylogenesis. Attention to history, historical facts
connected with reality. Feelings, experiences, the is a distinctive feature of Filippov's works of art.
hero's thoughts are important in connection with History is as a story, a story is not a fiction, but a
his social environment, a natural landscape, living reality dressed in an artistic form. It is no
conditions, etc. At the same time, it is necessary, coincidence that the titles of the works of Filippov
Filippov believes to try to obtain the greatest include such explanations, “The profit of the last
possible accuracy of the description of reactions century” (the subtitle of the novel “Noble honor
and the origins of feelings for what writers have to ")". This story is based on historical fact
study psychology and physiology. Truly, the work "(explanation of the story" Prometheus ")". The
of art allows understanding how certain historical basis of this event can be found in many
circumstances with inevitability generate a certain Polish and Little Russian chroniclers of the time
type of the personality (Rumyantseva et al, 2018). and later chroniclers "(explanation in the story"
The nature of creativity is caused not by Ostap"). The meaning of these explanations is to
flavoring preferences of this or that author, and indicate the connection of the conceivable with
the reality and the requirement of adequate the real, product of conscious activity with real
reflection of historical, social and vital processes facts. “No image can matter if it is not in any
for the purpose of forecasting of the near-term particular correspondence with the depicted
outlook of social and cultural development. Still object” (Filippov, 2017).
N.A. Dobrolyubov, developing a method of "real The literary works of the Russian scientist and
criticism", insisted on need to find out how philosopher make up a small body of essays. All
truthful the work by the writer in terms of of them are an artistic demonstration of the "work
compliance of the pictures represented in it to the of the mind", performing the function of
real facts of reality. What view of the world "intellectual vaccination", i.e. they convey to
follows from this? The author offers the concept readers the philosophical dominates of the writer,
whether he answers "essential" or progressive, to in order to promote their intellectual development.


On Filippov's belief, intellectual development ago the picture "Prometheus" conceived by it from
is a separate form of evolution of humanity, and nature. In addition, as nature chose the slave
only the progressive movement in this direction teacher to whom directed a furious kite. Thus, the
offers prospects for development of society, the myth about Prometheus materialized in fact, and
state, the personality and culture. Not accidentally, from this reality, the artist painted a picture. This
works of art by Filippov carry not only social, but reality was tragic and terrible: rage of a kite,
also methodical character. There is no lofty style, suffering of the old man, pain, blood (Selomo &
abstract moralizing. Requirements of social and Govender, 2016).
moral life speak concrete examples. "Novels and The audience observed all this personally.
stories by Filippov are artless in terms of artistic However, the artist by means of a brush managed
touches, and are plain stylistically, but differ in to represent something "above the reality" and
pithiness, the sequence and clarity of reading" won a competition: "All the unpleasant, revolting
(Korobkova, 2014). According to Filippov, the soul lines of reality were improved; disgusting
truthful image of life and character of heroes has became touching. The features of the slave bent,
to cause in the reader the corresponding emotional distorted by suffering turned into inspired
reaction, on an example, empathy, and then to suffering of line of the mighty titanium, which
initiate their intellectual activity. In addition, entered fight with Zeus.
improvement intelligence is and there is a Convulsive compression of muscles, which at
progress mechanism. the old man had an appearance of weakness and
Filippov’s methodical approach is already decrepitude in a picture, became expression of
noticeable in his early story Prometheus (1883), powerful, indestructible energy. Groans and
especially when compared with the article Beauty sufferings of the unfortunate slave turned into
and Truth in Art (1898), written to criticize the expression of defiant threat" (Korobkova, 2014).
aestheticism of L.N. Tolstoy. Based on a realistic However, the celebration of the young artist
attitude that art should reflect reality, Filippov was bought by the price of painful death of his
wonders how this happens, what is the correlation teacher. Thereby at the reader, moral senses are
of the artistic image and reality. woken up: the fine picture discords with moral
It is known that Tolstoy considered that at insolvency of the artist who did not see behind the
creation of an image it is necessary to lean on face of the slave to a human face owing to what
sense of beauty and to select such means of the high aim was achieved by low means.
expressiveness that there was an effect of sensual In fact, Prometheus's death – the old man
infection with fine. Filippov's thought is a bit becomes that decisive moment which has to help
different: "Art should not decorate the nature... the reader to pass from "work of feelings" to
Idealization of reality consists of not that, an art "work of mind", i.e. from empirical
has to represent some angels and heroes. Thereby, comprehension to rational judgment of reality.
in the most every day and trite life to find the Analyzing works of art by the Russian writers
moments capable to excite serious feelings and and subjecting to the philosophical analysis their
thoughts" (Korobkova, 2014). Beauty, embodied art creativity, Filippov recreates that image of
in an ideal form, is not limited by "rough reality which corresponded to that or to other
sensuality", and includes "moral and intellectual stage of development of society and by that
elements" [In the same place]. proves the theory of the multiple-factor evolution.
Artistic truth, according to Filippov, is He assumed firstly it is 1) "the general living
achieved through a combination of mind, feeling, conditions", separate signs of empirical reality
and morality: “the truthfulness of art is not an form certain types of the personality and type of
exact reproduction of relationships that occur in the social relations. The second 2) the actions
the external world. made by this type are caused by a number of
The art truth always demands some illusion, factors, and the analysis of these factors allows to
and this illusion has to improve and ennoble define motives of these or those action and to
reality... The requirement of the art truth reveal type "height" in historical prospect.
inevitably includes beauty elements in art. Though Filippov is sure that ways of comprehension of
not all, represented by the artist, is fine in the reality are reflected also in works of art. Filippov
valid life, but already the need of idealization of wrote in one of articles: "In to literature, as well as
reality demands the known beauty of a form..." in biology, there are "prophetical" types preceding
(Korobkova, 2014). the distant future" (Filippov, 1965). The reality is
The story by Filippov "Prometheus" is an a complete system and therefore methods the
example of realization of the principles of "the art natural sciences integrated into the general
truth". In the center of a plot is a dispute evolutionary process find the reflection and in
competition of the artist and poet on the one who irregular shapes of human activity, one of which is
is best capable to reflect reality. The dramatic creativity.
nature is in what the artist decided to write long

REVISTA SAN GREGORIO, , NO.,SPECIAL EDITION.MARCH (-), ISSN: -; EISSN: -

Conclusions philosophical views of M.M.Filippova.

Messenger of MSTU. T.3. No. 3. 461-
Having considered literary and philosophical 466 p.
views of M.M. Filippova, we came to conclusion
that works of this gifted researcher -the scientist, Rumyantseva, N., Fisenko, O., &
the philosopher, the writer, the theorist and the Suvorova, E. (2018). Russian Nietzsche:
critic reflects the philosophical concept of Question about Linguistic Commenting
naturalism. Being the representative of philosophy of Texts of VV Rozanov in Foreign
of realism, M.M. Filippov adhered to the Audience. European Research Studies
principles of realistic esthetics which basic Journal, 21(Special 2), 635-642.
principle was the requirement to create works of
art based on scrupulous studying of reality. In Zamaleev A.F., Zots V.A. (1983).
opinion the scientist-encyclopaedist, any idea, an Dobrolyubov: life and ideas of the
event or the phenomenon does not arise from revolutionary. Minsk: Vysheyshy
scratch, and pass long evolutionary way of school, 96 p.


The publication was prepared with the support

of the “RUDN University Program 5-100”.


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