AA4 - Ev2 - DEP - Workshop "Distribution Channels"

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Tecnólogo en Negociación Internacional

Ficha 1667969

AA4_Ev2_DEP_ Workshop “Distribution channels”

Presentado a instructora:
David Pulido

Presentado por:
Angie Morillo Fomeque

octubre 2018


It is very important to learn how to choose the distribution channel as this

allows the pieces to reach the potential customers, it is necessary to define
the channel and the intermediaries in order to define the costs and the time
needed to invest, in this work We will find a series of questions and a
description of the pieces that Colombia crafs wants to export.

In addition to learning to define the best export channel, we will learn the terms in
the English language, which will allow us to know and learn technical terms of our
study and thus return them from the daily life

1. Lea cuidadosamente la siguiente conversación:

Susan: Good morning Mr. White.

Mr. White: Good morning, Ms. Susan. Can we start the meeting?

Susan: Of course, Mr. White. I have the options on the board.

Mr. White: That’s good. Remember, we need to choose the most suitable distribution
strategy for our products.Eso es bueno.

Susan: We have three strategies: Intensive, exclusive and selective. Intensive strategy
pretends to reach the largest possible number of POS (Point of Sale), but unfortunately it’s
difficult to control. That’s because we would have to deal with many intermediaries.

Mr. White: What about the exclusive strategy?

Susan: It’s different from the first one. Only it’s necessary one POS by each geographic
area, no matter if it’s retailer or wholesaler.

Mr. White: Sounds god to me. And the last one?

Susan: Well, it’s the selective strategy. It’s the intermediate strategy between the other
Bueno, es la estrategia selectiva. Es la estrategia intermedia entre los otros

Mr. White: I don’t know. I like the first one, but I don’t know how profitable it is.
Hhhhmmm, well. What do you think?

Susan: Well, I consider that the selective strategy is the best.

Bueno, considero que la estrategia selectiva es la mejor.

Mr. White: You’re right. Well done.

Susan: Thanks, Mr. White.

2. Responda T si es verdadero o F si es falso.

a. The Company product is a cake.

T ( ) F ( x)

b. The meeting objective is to choose the product’s price.

T ( ) F (x )

c. Susan proposes three distribution strategies.

T (x ) F ( )

d. The selective strategy pretend to reach many POS.

T ( ) F (x)

e. The exclusive strategy is difficult to control.

T ( ) F (x )

f. Mr. White chooses the intensive strategy.

T ( ) F (x )

3. Lea el siguiente texto y responda las preguntas planteadas posteriormente:

Economic aspects – understanding of cannel emergence

Economic reasons are the foremost determinant of channel structure. The

emergence of the wide variety of intermediaries can be explained in terms
of four logically related steps in an economic process:

 Intermediaries can increase the efficiency of the process of exchange,

 They align the quantities and assortments produced with the quantities
and assortments consumed,
 They make transactions routine, and
 They facilitate the searching process.
Las razones económicas son el principal determinante de la estructura del canal. La
aparición de la gran variedad de intermediarios se puede explicar en términos de
cuatro pasos lógicamente relacionados en un proceso económico:

• Los intermediarios pueden aumentar la eficiencia del proceso de intercambio,

• Alinean las cantidades y surtidos producidos con las cantidades y surtidos
• Hacen que las transacciones sean rutinarias, y
• Facilitan el proceso de búsqueda

Dependence and cooperation

Each member of a distribution channel is dependent upon the behaviour of

other channel members. Four different approaches have been used to
assess dependence levels in channel relationships:

 The ‘sales and profit’ approach, which postulates that the larger the
percentage of sales and profit contributed by the source firm, the greater
the target’s dependence on the source.

 The ‘role performance’ approach, which assesses the firm’s role

performance in carrying out its role in relation to another company down
or up the channel.

 The ‘specific assets –offsetting investment’ approach, which maintains

that offsetting investments help to safeguard the target company
against opportunism by the source.

 The ‘trust’ approach, in which a long-term relationship is built on the

extent to which companies trust one another.1

Cada miembro de un canal de distribución depende del comportamiento de otros
miembros del canal. Se han usado cuatro enfoques diferentes para evaluar los niveles de
dependencia en las relaciones de canal:

• El enfoque de "ventas y ganancias", que postula que cuanto mayor sea el porcentaje
de ventas y ganancias aportadas por la empresa fuente, mayor será la dependencia del
objetivo de la fuente.

• El enfoque de 'desempeño del rol', que evalúa el desempeño de la función de la

empresa en el desempeño de su función en relación con otra empresa a lo largo del canal.

• El enfoque de "activos específicos-inversión de compensación", que mantiene que las

inversiones compensatorias ayudan a proteger a la empresa objetivo contra el
oportunismo por parte de la fuente.

• El enfoque de 'confianza', en el que se construye una relación a largo plazo en la

medida en que las empresas confían unas en otras.


1. The raise of such many intermediaries, are explained in _D__ steps.

a. Three.
b. Two.
c. Five.
d. Four.

2. Intermediaries make: A

a. Process of exchange.
b. Transactions routine.
c. New members.
d. Assortments.

3. A member of a distribution channel depends on: A

a. Other channel members.

b. The retailers.
c. The wholesalers.
d. Intermediaries.
4. The ‘trust’ approach is based on: C

a. The role of another company.

b. The percentage of sales.
c. How much companies trust each other.
d. Channel members.

5. The ‘role performance’ approach assesses: A

a. The firm’s role performance.

b. The other channel members’ behavior.
c. Retailers.
d. Wholesalers.

4. Describa en inglés un producto de su preferencia, asígnele una marca y presente, tanto

las características como los costos de dicho producto, luego seleccione un canal y tipo
de estrategia de distribución según la clase de producto.

Product: Handmade jewelery

Brand: Tuúma Colombia crafs

Distribution channel: short

This is the best option for the company Tu'uma colombian crafs below we will show some
advantages of this channel:

- the communication will be direct between the commercial part of the company and the
independent retailers.
- This channel allows us to have more control, which is what we want, taking into account
that the pieces that we will handle have great value.
- They are long-lasting goods.

Some favorable characteristics of this channel are:

- Nature of the product: non-perishable items.

- Competition: great pressure is demanded on the retailer.
- Economic coexistence: the higher cost of the channel is offset by higher sales.

Costs: the costs will be lower since there will be no intermediaries in the distribution of
the pieces.

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