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A Speaking

S P E A K I N G S K I L L   Expressing Causal Relationships

Many verb phrases express causal, or cause and effect, relationships.
• Cause before Effect
Damage to the left brain can result in speech problems.
• Cause after Effect
Speech problems can be a result of damage to the left brain.

Here are some verb phrases for talking about causal relationships:
Cause before Effect Cause after Effect
. . . causes . . . . . . is caused by . . .
. . . results in . . . . . . is a result of . . .
. . . leads to . . . . . . is due to . . .
. . . is responsible for . . . . . . results from . . .
. . . produces . . . . . . is produced by . . .

A 4.5   Listen to three excerpts from the podcast about the brain. Match the
statements about cause and effect. Underline the cause in each statement.

1. It seemed obvious that the speech problems

2. Unfortunately, the fascinating scientific discoveries of Broca, Sperry, and others

3. In education, the right-brain/left-brain model

a. led to some less-than-scientific conclusions about the brain in the fields of psychology
and education.
b. resulted in the idea that “brain-balancing” activities could strengthen the less
dominant side of the brain.
c. were a direct result of the damage.

E XPRESSING C AUSAL B . Work in a small group. Discuss possible causes and effects for each of these topics
R E L AT I O N S H I P S related to psychology, and write them in the chart.
> A self-confident personality is usually a result of having successful or positive experiences.
I think it can lead to more leadership opportunities.

Topics Causes Effects

1.  A self-confident personality
2.  Computer game addiction
3.  A positive outlook on life
4.  Stress in the workplace
5.  Strong social connections


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