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CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-232 CHAPTER 9 DESIGN OF MAJOR EQUIPMENTS IN THE PLANT 9.1 MULTI-TUBULAR FIXED-BED REACTOR 9.4.4 INTRODUCTION Hydroformylation process can operate in the fixed-bed reactor, continuous stirred tank reactor or batch reactor. However, the mode of operation, phase reaction, the usage and the catalyst condition need to be compared before choosing the reactor. Therefore, the fixed bed reactor is selected to operate the hydroformylation process continuously in large scale. There are two basic types of catalytic fixed-bed reactor which are adiabatic reactor and multi-tubular fixed-bed reactor. In this process the ‘multi-tubular fixed bed reactor was chosen. Multi-tubular fixed-bed reactor is a tubular reactor that filled with a catalyst that can be operate in heterogenous phase to ‘overcome the cumbersome of the catalyst losses which is Rhodium (Unveren, 2004). ‘The gas reactant will react that catalyst that in solid phase in the reactor. Even though, the CSTR reactor can be choose as to operate the heterogenous phase, it required solvents to load with the catalyst to agitate the raw materials and the catalyst together. The possibility to loss the expensive catalyst will decrease in the fixed-bed reactor as catalyst is fixedly in the tube beds. The reactor requires low cost for constructions, operations, and maintainance than CSTR. However, the maintenance for the catalyst is higher as the catalyst need special treats in the reactor. In fixed bed reactor, the selection of the catalyst is important to the reactor as the shelf life of catalyst will determined how long the reactor can be operate before the catalyst be regenerated. (Sam Catalano, 2019). Another disadvantage of fixed-bed reactor is it is difficult to control the temperature of the reactor. CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-233 9.1.2 STEPS OF CHEMICAL DESIGN OF REACTOR The general procedures for reactor design are outlined as below Step 1 : Determination of chemical reaction background Step 2 : Determination of volumetric flow rate and initial concentration Step 3 : Development of temperature and k constant profiles at various conversion Step 4 : Determination of the volume of catalyst and total volume of reactor Step 5: Determination of the dimension of the reactor Step 6: Determination of the shell and tube design Figure 9.1-1 Steps of chemical design react CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-234 9.1.3. STEP 1: DETERMINATION OF CHEMICAL REACTION BACKGROUND OF THE REACTOR PROCESS CHEMICAL REACTION There are two chemical reactions of hydroformylation process that are involved in this reactor as shown in Table 1 Table 9.1-1: Chemical Reaction of Hydroformylation Process Product ‘Chemical Reaction Cally + CO + Hz > CHO Ethylene + Carbon Monoxide + Hydrogen — Propanaldehyde A+B+C5D Cally + Hz > CaHg Propionaldehyde Ethane Ethylene + Hydrogen — Ethane AFC3E, RATE LAW The order of reaction of hydroformylation process is determined from based on the reactivity of olefins (Source: (Arai, 1982) a) Production of by-products ethane = = kyCaCg 609% 3) CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-235 Table 9.1-2: List of pre-exponential factor for reactant and activation energy Parameter Pre-exponential factor 2439.19 s? (propionaldehyde), ky, Pre-exponential (ethane). ko.2 132756.14 s- ‘Aotivation energy (propionaldehyde) 10.2 kealmol E,.(kuikmol) Aativation energy (propionaldehyde) 8.9 kealimol E,(kuikmol) R (kPa maikmol. K) 1.987 kcal/mol (Arai, 1982) From Arrhenius equation: ky = Ae Var = 2488919 5 oaoisetaaTs = 0.25825-1 2 3 = 929,52 hr-? By, _ 13275614 102 ky = Ae Ver =O" >= eomnisarxa73 = 0.14 s 9.1.4 STEP 2: DETERMINATION OF VOLUMETRIC FLOWRATE AND INITIAL CONCENTRATION 4 3 R1 R-101 Figure 9.1-2: The diagram of hydroformylation reactor CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-236 3484.56 ke/hr 3 ? CH, = L1kmol/hr CH, = 60 kmol/hr CO = 1,11kmol/hr CO = 60 kmol/hr Hy = 1.11 kmol/hr Hz = 60 kmol/hr Figure 9.1-3: The block diagram of C3H,0 = 54.19 kmol/hr the fixed-bed CsHg = 4.7 kmolhr Table 9.1-3: The Parameter of the Reactor Reactor Parameter Description inlet Outlet Stream 3 4 Mass flowrate (kg/hr) 3484.56 | 3484.8 Molar flowrate (kmolhr) 780 66.92 Mass flowrate (kg/hr) Gi 1683.23] 31.02 co 7680.65 | 16274 Te 120.96 2.22 GAO 0.00 BaT a CH 0.00 141.45 Molar flow rate (kmol/hry Gly 60.00 14 co 60.00 58 He 60.00 71 CHO 0.00 34.19 CsHle 0.00 a7 Initial Concentration of reactant oe ane x a .0172 kmol/m? Cao = Cao = Ceo CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-237 Volumetric flowrate _ Fao _ 59.994 _ 0.97 m3 (4) No 0172S or 804: m3 /hr © Cho 9.1.5 STEP 3: DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEMPERATURE AND K CONSTANT AT VARIOUS CONVERSION ‘Assumption: The process is adiabatic, Q=W=0 The rate of reaction of by-products is neglected The reactor is 90 % conversion ‘The k constant is determined (Arai, 1986). Pens DETERMINATION OF HEAT FORMATION AND HEAT CAPACITY To determine the temperature the equation of temperature of the reactor is made from energy balance. The assumption that has been made is the process is in adiabatic and Q and is neglected Table 9.1-4 Specific Heat Capacity and Heat Formation ‘Component ‘Symbol | Molar | Cp H (Kimo!) ratio | (kJ/mol) Ethylene A 7 0.0436 | 52.28 Co B 7 00281 | -110.52 2 Cc 1 0.0288 0 Propionaldehyde | D 0.0808 | -187.95 Ethane E 00528 | -84.67 ‘Source: Elementary Principles CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-238 AH, xn = —187.95 — ($2.58 — 110,52 + 0) = -129,71 k/mol ‘Temperature at various conversion X(-AHaxcrny}+261Cp/Tio+XACp TR (6) pi aGX ‘Sample calculations for temperature at various conversion (0.1)(129.71) + 0.1015(127.1) + (0.1)(—0.0207)(25) 0.1015 + (—0.0207)(0.1) = 259,68°C ‘Sample calculations k, constant at different temperature: af 1 vane] : 10.271 1 = exp [55 (G5 — sagas) = 24000¢0he-* (First order) 9.1.6 STEP 3: DETERMINATION OF VOLUME OF REACTOR The calculated temperature (T), reaction rate constant (k), concentration of A, B, and rate law (-rA) and 1/-rA at various conversion (x) is shown in Table 5 The plotted graph x vs 1/-rA is shown in Figure 3, Table 9.1-5 : The calculated temperature, value concentration, reaction rate and 1/- Ra at various conversion x x [TK K CA cB | cc THA 0 [400.100 | 940.048 0.074 [0.074 [0.074 | 0.041 02 [670896 | 940.996 0.063 [0.069 [0.063 | 0.045 04 [965.745 | 941.425 0.061 [0.061 [0.061 | 0.054 0.6 | 1287999 | 941.669 0.043 [0.049 [0.049 | 0.071 Os | ieaie68 | 941.826 0.032 [0.032 | 0.032 | 0.132 09 | 1831753 | 941.886 001s [0019 [oois | 0.282 mpl Gas phase CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-239 d=-2 60 Yao = OF 60 + 60) = -2(0.333) = -0,667 Fa yak ca 0.069 kmol/m* 05,08 =r = k,CaCp =r = (940,996)(0.069)(0,069-°)(0,069°* ) = 22,062 0.300 0.250 0.200 0.150 0.100 0.050 0.000 ra Figure 9.1-4: The Levespiel plot 1/-rA vs x conversion (Fogler, 2016) Area under graph = (a — b) Ze Meaeereseran erase 0.041 x 3(0.045 + 0.054 + 0.071 + 0.132)0.282 = 09 -0)¢ si hr . 2 = 0.201 mE CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-240 hr 60kmol Sokamol 3 Tamol “hr Volume of reactor = 0.201m°. 2.4m’ 9.1.7 STEP 4: DETERMINATION OF VOLUME OF CATALYST AND TOTAL VOLUME OF REACTOR DETERMINATION OF WEIGHT AND VOLUME OF CATALYST Table 6 shows the properties of Rhodium catalyst. Table 9.1-6 Properties of Rhodium catalyst Properties Value Bulk density (kg/m3) 573.3 Voidage, € 08 Particle diameter, d, (m) 0.005 Volume of Catalyst Veat = Veeactor(1 — £) = 4.2107(1 — 0.8) = 2.42 m3 (7) Weight of Catalyst Weat = VeatPp = 2.42 x 573.3 = 1388 kg ‘ (8) DETERMNATION OF THE TOTAL VOLUME OF REACTOR Volume of Reactor Vrotal = Vreactor + Veatalyst = 12,109 + 2.42 = 14,53 : (9) CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-241 9.1.8 DETERMINATION OF DIMENSION OF REACTOR Diameter of reactor The ratio of length to diameter depends on the internal pressure inside the reactor. Pressure that less than 16 atm the ratio of length of diameter is 3. The internal pressure for the reactor is 800 kPa. Therefore, the ratio of length to diameter is 3. =3d Thus, the diameter is ad (3 14.53 Length of reactor L= 3D = 3(2.48) = 7.45 m Cross-sectional area of the reactor 2 2 40) =O ROE) gam? (10) Ty + Residence Time Vp _ 514.53 Vo 0.968 9.1.10 STEP 5: DETERMINATION OF SHELL AND TUBE DESIGN (11) = 15s DETERMINATION OF MASS FLOWRATE OF COOLANT IN THE TUBE FLOW The reactor operates in the exothermic process. Thus, the excess heat need to be remove from the reactor by the coolant in the reactant. The coolant will flow outside of the shell tube. The objective is to cool down the reactant gases from 200°C to 100°C while coolant is heated from 25°C to 65 °C. Heat capacity of water = 4.183 ki/kg°C Mass flowrate of gas mixture inlet = 3484.56 kg/hr Specific heat capacity of gas mixture = 1.9610 kJ/kg °C ‘Temperature hot stream= 200°C to 100°C ‘Temperature of cold stream = 25°C to 65°C CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-242 Log Mean Temperature Difference ) _ (200 (12) The Log Mean Temperature can be determined equation 12 or by applying correction factor that usual practice the design shell and tube exchangers. ATim = FeATim F, value can be determined by calculate the value of R and S first. RHeat Duty of Reactant 40456 = ha = (13) Q=me,aT = BS 5 1,961 x (200— 100) = 189.81 Kis (13) Molar Flowrate of coolant Qreactant = Qew = MCPwaterAT (14) 189.81 i183) x (200 = 00) ~ 94937 9.1.11 DETERMINATION OF SHELL DESIGN ‘The diameter and length of shell is same as the dimension of the reactor 2.480 m for the diameter and 7.45 m for length. DETERMINATION OF TUBES DESIGN From Table 7 shows the standard dimension for steel tubes is determined from the Standard dimension of stainless-steel tubes in Table 7 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-243 Table 9.1-7: Standard dimension of the stainless steel tubes Outside diameter (mm) ‘Wall thickness (mm) 16 12 16 2.0 = = 20 _ 16 2.0 26 — 25 _ 16 20 26 32 30 - 16 20 26 32 38 - — 20 26 32 50 - _ 20 26 32 Therefore, from Table 7, the standard dimension of stainless-steel tubes is listed as below in Table 8. Table 9.1-8: Standard dimension of stainless-steel tubes Description Dimensions Tube thickness. T (m) 0.002 ‘Outer diameter, do (m) 0.050 Inner diameter, di (m) 0.045 Tube length, I(m) (Same as reactor) | 7.45 Type of tube pass Single pass 0.05)" 25" (7.45) = 0.015 m? Number of Tubes Volume of catalyst __2.42 = ae = 165 tub Volume ofone tube 0.015 ae Number of tubes = ‘Tube Arran Tube is arranged in square pattern to gives more heat transfer rates. Tube pitch ratio must in between 1.25 < Pt/Do<1.5 P= 1.25 Dy = 1.25 x 0.05 = 0.0625 m (15) CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-244 Bundle Diameter Bundle diameter is determined to determine the diameter of tube that filled with tubes catalyst. The value of K, and n, is determined from Bundle Diameter Constant Table for number passes 1 and for square pitch. Dp = DOG (16) Table 9.1-9 The bundle diameter of constant 2 4 6 3 0.249 0.175 0.0743 0.0365 2202288249928 2 7 6 3 O15 0158 o0me _o0aa1 22a 228326172688 Total Cross-sectional area of one tube _ nb? _ (0.05)? a7) 0.002 m2 Ar 4 4 Total Cross-sectional Area of Tubes Total area of tubes = 0.002x 165 = 0.326 m? CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-245 DETERMINATION OF PRESSURE DROP OF TUBES CALCULATION OF DENSITY MIXTURE Table 9.1-10: The density and composition of inlet and outlet stream Gas Density inlet Outlet (kg/m3) | Composition | Composition Ethylene 1.26 0.33 0.0165 Carbon monoxide 1.75 0.33 0.0868 Hydrogen 1.04 0.33 0.0165 Propionaldehyde 081 0 0.8098 Ethane 0.0784 0 0.0703 Inlet stream Prnix = Wixi + WX) + HX (18) Prune = (1.26 x 10-5 x 0,33) + (1.75 x 1075 x 0,33) + (1.04 x 10-8 x 0.33) 107kg 2 m =144x Qutlet stream Pmix = (1.26 x 10-5 x 0.0165) + (1.75 x 1075 x 0.0868) + (1.04 x 10-5 x 0.0165) + (0.81 x 10-5 x 0,8098) + (0.0784 x 10% x 0.0703) 107k = 0.785 x s OF LINEAR VELOCITY INSIDE TUBES 3484.56, 19) mass flowrate CFE) _ 9 96, 9) total cross sectional area 0.326 : m2 (20) Uz pmixture CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-246 CALCULATION OF FRICTION FACTOR OF TUBES. Reynolds number _ PUD; _ (1000)(2,6)(2480) i a = 10661 Re Friction factor can be determined from the Figure A-2 Based on the graph the Reynold number the friction factor is 4.5 x 10-* Pressure Drop Inside Tube aR = Nolotr(F) on + 25] () ey AP, = 18(4.5 x 10%) (2455 + 2,5] CAH 0,225 kPa 9.1.12 DETERMINATION OF NUMBER OF BAFFLES Baffles are used in the shell to increase the fluid velocity and improve the rate of transfer across the tubes. Besides that, it also used to ensure there is no pressure change and backflow in the reactor. Baffles spacing 5 (diameter vessel) = 0.5 (2.48) = 1.241m. Number of baffles: at (22) No=qot Ny = Z#2=1= 7 bates CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-247 9.1.13 SUMMARY OF CHEMICAL DESIGN Specification Data Unit Equipment Code RA01 NA Equipment Name Packed Bed Reactor NA Condition ‘Adiabatic & Non-Isothermal | _ N/A Reaction Exothermic NA REACTOR Volume, VR 14.53 m3 Length, U 7.45 m Diameter, D 2.483 m Cross-Sectional Area, AR 484 m2 Mean Residence Time 15.00 s CATALYST Volume of Catalyst, Veat 2.42 m3 Bulk Density, pb 3573.30 kgima Weight of Catalyst, Weat 1368.47 kg COOLING SYSTEM Type of Cooling System ‘Shell and Tube Heat NIA Exchanger Type of Coolant Cooling Water NA Heat Transfer Area, A 6.20 m2 Mass flowrate of Cooling Water, 0.45 kgis Mew. TUBES Tube Arrangement Rotated Square Pattern NA (Outside Diameter, Do 0.05) m Inside Diameter, Di 0.05 m Wall Thickness. t 0.002 m Tube Length, Lt 745 m Heat Transfer Area 620 m2 Number of Passes: 700 NA Number of tubes, Nt 166.00 tubes Pressure Drop, AP 0.23 kPa Tube Pitch 0.06 m Mass of Catalyst in Each Tube 8.36 kgitubes Bundle Diameter, Db 102 m Number of Tubes in Centre Row 3 tubes BAFFLES Number of Baffles, Nb 7 | baffles CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-248 9.1.14 MECHANICAL DESIGN Mechanical design calculations were carried out to determine the vessel thickness, vessel head and closures, vessel support, weight, wind loadings, bolt design, and nozzle diameters, flanges size and manholes. The analysis of stress for the vessel and the vessel support were also carried out to calculate the allowable stress that can be handle for the reactor. START Step 1: Determination of material of construction Step 2: Determination of Thickness Vessel Step 3: Determination of head and Closures ‘Step 4: Determination of weight loading, wind loading and analysis of stress. Step 5: Determination of vessel support Step 6: Determination of bolts ‘Step 7 : Determination of Nozzles diameter, Flanges and Manhoies. END Figure 9.1-5: Step for mechanical design CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-249 STEP 1; DETERMINATION OF MATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTION There are many different type of materials that can be used to construct the vessel like carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminium and copper. However, there are factors that must considered before choose the material which are mechanical properties, effect on high and low temperatures, corrosivity resistance fabrication and availability in standard sizes. To ensure the shelf life of vessel is longer itis preferred to use high quality of material to design the vessel. Table 9.1-11: The properties of material of construction that has been selected Criteria Stainless steel 304 ‘Mechanical properties High hardness, stiffness, and strength Effect of high and low Can withstand high temperatures as the temperatures maximum temperature is 927°C Corrosion resistance. High Ease of fabrication Easy Availabilty in standard More variation sizes, The cost of material High Maximum Tensile Strength 510 (Nimm2) Design Stress (Nimm2) 145) ‘Among the type of steel that can be used the stainless steel is the most safest and high quality one to construct the vessel due to the criteria that this steel! meet in the Table 10. The type of stainless which is Stainless steel 304 is the most economical stainless compared to others stainless steel. This steel has high corrosivity that can endure the corrosivity from reactive gas of the reactant and the products. Plus, it can withstand with high melting point and high temperature and pressure that suitable to conduct process in gas phase. Even, though the stainless steel is expensive compared than other steel it is worth to designed for vessel because of its stiffness, strength, hardness and high resistance for fatigue and creeps. CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-250 STEP 2; DETERMINATION OF VESSEL THICKNESS From the design temperature, pressure and selection of material construction, the maximum tensile strength and design stress is determined based on Figure 5. Materia Tensile Design sess a temperature °C (Nim) Sl (Vian) O10 3 100150200250 300 350 400 450500 Caron stat (sem-kiled or sion killed) m0 1355S 10585 Sw Carbon manganese see ‘semkilled or silicon killed) 460 180170 150140130115 105 100 Cartan bsemu ‘tel, 05 per cont Mo 40 180-170-145. M0130 1201010 Low ally see ‘ML Cr, Mo, V) 50 240240240240 240235 290 220190170 Stainless tel TSCerNI usiabillsed 04) 510 165.45 130 115 110105 100 10095 Saintes set ISCHBNE Tistbilsed G21) M165 Mo 138 130 130125 129-120-115 Stainless tel SCENE Mo 25 percent 16) 520 175150 135120115110 105105 10095 Figure 9.1-6: The design stress of the materials Design Pressure Paesigni8 taking 10% above operating pressure, P, 2 Paesign = 1-1 x 3000 = 3300KPa x 3 N/mm? ‘000000 mm? Design Temperature Taesign 18 10% higher than operating Taesign = 1-1 X operating temperature = Ld x 127.1°C = 139.81 °C (Sinnott, 2005) CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-251 ‘Minimum Vessel Thickness AD, (23) 2F= 1.27; (3.3)(2422) = Fa) TDD 7 2865 m + 2mm (corrosion allowance) 30.65 mm Average Thickness (tava) of the Vessel STEP 3: DETERMINATION OF HEAD AND CLOSURES The type of head needs to be determined whether it is hemispherical head, tori spherical head or ellipsoidal head by calculating the thickness of head — (po Figure 9.1-7: Types of head Hemispherical Heads Assume R, = Dj po PP (24) ~ 4f= 0.4, (9.3)(2409), RAD = 116 mm + 2mm (corrosion allowance) = 16.16mm CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-252 Tori spherical Heads BSPRe (25) aR; _0.885(3.3)(2483) '= Gay) - 0163) (0.12 mm + 2mm (corrosion allowance) = 50.12 mm, Ellipsoidal Heads RD: (26) = F027, /3)(2483) 2045)() — 028.3) = 28,32 mm + 2mm = 30.32 mm. From the comparison of the head thickness, it was found that ellipsoidal heads are the most suitable heads and domes that is use in this design as the thickness is same with the thickness of vessel. ELLIPSOIDAL DESIGN pif Figure 9.1-8: The ellipsoidal figure The shape for ellipsoidal head is 2:1 In the drawing of the ellipsoidal head with ratio 2:1 the crown radius, knuckle radius and straight flange head were determined by first to determine the height of head from the drawing. However, for manual calculations the dishing head depth can be calculated and the height of head can be calculated by total up the value of straight flange head and dishing head depth. Crown Radius Cr = 0.9 x 2483mm = 235mm CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-253, Knuckle Radius K, = 2483 x 0.17 = 422 mm D= lo -2Xt 2422 mm D, = 2483 — 30.32 Straight Flange Head (Sf) S- = 3(head thickness) (27) Sp = 3(3032) = 91mm Dishing Head Depth Dy = 0.25D, (28) Dp = 0.225 x 2422 = 558,65 m Therefore, height of head is Th = Sp+ Dy = 649.61 mm (29) CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-254 STEP 4; DETERMINATION OF WEIGHT LOADING , WIND LOADING AND ANALYSIS OF STRESS The reactor vessel need to withstand any loads from any internal or external source without failure. Therefore, the calculations of loads for the total dead weight of vessel and wind loading must be determined TOTAL OF WEIGHT OF LOADING Weight of vessel (Sinnott, 2005) Dm = 2.482 + (33.64 x 1073) (80) 51 mm, Cw (weight factor) 1.15 W, = 240CwDm(Hy + O.8Dpn)t Wy = 240(1.15)(2.51)((7.45 + 0.8(2.51)) x 33.64 = 221.1 kN Weight of Tubes We2Net(Do? = D;?)LPmg, (31) W,-(165)m(0.05? — 0,0487)(7.45)(8000)(9.81) = 37.7 kN Weight of Catalyst Wear = MearB (32) Weat = 1388.47 x 9.81 = 13.6 KN Weight of Cooling Water Wow = Mwater™B Wow = 6.8 X 24 x 9,81 = 13,62 KN Weight of insulator Types of insulator = Mineral Wool Density of insulator = 130 kgim3 Thickness = 50 mm Wins = Vos = ntLpg @3) Wins = (1(7.45)(0.05)(2.48))(130) (9,81) = 3.7 KN CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-255 ‘Total Weight (Dead Weight Load) Wr = Wo + Weat + Wow + We + Wins Wr = 276.28 kN DETERMINATION OF WIND LOADING. Wind loading is important to determine whether the vessel can with withstand the stress from the wind, Dynamic wind pressure = 125 N/m? = Dest = (2.48) + 2(30.65 + 50) = 1.54. Loading =Fy = PyDerr = (125)(1.54) = 192.58/m i? 7.45)? 34) > 19258) 5 = ssazsznm 4) 2 Mx DETERMINATION OF ANALYSIS OF STRESS OF VESSEL Analysis of stress is carried out to determine the highest stresses of vessel can withstand At bottom tangent line Longitudinal Pressure Stress _ PD, _ @8)(248) _ : (35) ou Fe = Gaga 8684 N/mm PD, _ (8.3)(2.48) _ 4 (36) eee Dead Weight Stress, ow (37) Ws oe 2 Ow = Spent — waaees0esyaoas — 114 N/mm’ CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-256 Bending Stress (2.48? — 2.42") = 3.68 x 10"? mm* 94 = tes) = te (H+ 3065) = 0.00184 N/mm? The Resulted Longitudinal Stress, oz ,(upwind) = 66.84 — 1.14 + 0.00184 = 65.7 N/mm? (downwind) = 66.84 — 1.14 — 0.00184 = 65.7 N/mm? The difference = 133,69 — 65.7 = 67.99 N/mm? The maximum allowable design stress is 145 N/mm? 4 65.7 N/mm? 65.7 N/mm? «| }——> 133.69 N/mm? ’ Upwind <——_ —> 133.69 N/mm? J Downwind Figure 9 The diagram of the resultant stress (38) (39) CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-257 STEP 5: DETERMINATION OF VESSEL SUPPORTS Skirt support for the reactor vessel since the reactor is high enough and vertical columns. The skirt support is most stable support than other support because the surface area for support is more. The stability will increase as the surface area increase. A skirt support is a cylindrical with 90 degree of carbon steel with design stress 13 N/mm? and Young Modulus, E 200,000. The vessel is made of carbon steel to save the cost equipment from designed the vessel with stainless steel.. The skirt diameter is same as diameter of vessel and length of skirt is used the minimum. requirement for skirt height which is 2.5 m Tower Skirt | 12"x18" 300 mm x 450 mm Minimum Vent Hole Skirt Access Bottom Outlet Opening Bottom Outlet Pol Ios Opening piiffening ae Base Ring Figure 9.1-10: Skirt support 90 degree THE WEIGTH OF VESSEL SUPPORT Approximate Weight Wapprox = P&Hy = 1.44(9.81)(m(2.48 )(7.45)) = 152.2 kN (40) Total weight = Wr + Wapprox oy Total weight = 276.3 + 152.2 = 428.48 kN CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-258 OF STRESS The analysis of stress for skirt support is to determine how allowable stress that skirt withstand with any force and loads. Bending Moment at Skirt Base 2 2 Mg = Fy eH” = 9.2 PAS 425M 9.53 nym? 2 2 Bending Stress in Skir, 4M 4(9.53 x 10° x 108) (42) Soskirt “T(Dg + ts)tsDg (2480 + 30,65) (30.65 + 2480) 0.06342 N/mm? Dead Weight Stress in Skirt wsskiee (test) a 7 essere W(Ds+ts)ts (2.48 + 30.45)(30. = 0.63N/mm? (operating) = ——™ 276 x10" (44) wsirt Operating) = eg ~ wa4G0 + 3045) = 1.14N/mm* Resultant Oscskire)(tensile) = ops — dys = 0.063 ~ 0.63 = —1.07N/mm? (45) N scsi) Compressive) = Ops + Oys = 0.142 + 1.14 = 0.69= © = 68. Fame below the maximum allowable stres CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-259 STEP 6; DETERMINATION OF BOLT DESIGN Base ring is designed with skirt support to hold the vessel from the wind load and other loads. The diameter should not be less than 25 mm and pitch not less than 600 mm, The number of bolts must eight or more with multiple of four. is Figure 9.1-11: Anchor Bolt dimensions Approximate Pitch Circle Diameter Dp =Di + 2(tayg + tinsulation) = 2480 + 2(33.64 + 50) (47) = 2650 mm ‘Number of Bolts required nD _ (2650) 600 ~~ 600 (48) Ny 14 bolts Area of one bolt at the root the thread 1 aM, a (49) A» FNAL Dy Ay — (276280)| = 268.22 mm? 1__ [4634x103 wal 61 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-260 Table 9.1-12: The bolt size Al contacting edges filet welded Dinesh Dow Root Stee oa A 5 ¢ > E F G wae e Te o 1 9 » % NBO 2 % 6 B 3 % w M6 57 az % 6 2 a Maz o az % 16 2 & 5 Mas a i = 6 x a a Ms % 1 woz B % o 6 Met 5 1s 102 % 2 1 % 7 o ia iz 2 % 5 % 8 1% iz R & 5% 8 Bot size = Nominal da (BS 4190: 1967) As the area ofthe thread root of thread is 268.22mm, the bolt size use is M24 based on the Table 12 Bolt Root oy = asm (60) Total Compressive Load on Base Rin« iameter = Ms, 61) Fh=—S+— __ 4(6.342 x 108) | 276280 Fy= Samet aaa = 136 KN/m Base Ring width (62) fe= 5 Nimm2 a 5 “1000 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-261, Actual Width Required for Bolt size M24 bolts Lib = Ly +t, +50 = 3 + 30.5 +50 = 156.65 mm (53) Actual Bearing Pressure on concreate foundation fro= = 0,098N/mm? © Ring Thickness ty = by EE = 1, OP = 3.48 mm= 4mm CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-262 STEP 7: DETERMINATION OF DESIGN OF FLANGES, NOZZLES AND. MANHOLES DETERMINATION OF NOZZLES ‘There are four nozzles needed, two for gas inlet and gas outlet while another two for cooling water inlet and cooling water outlet. Optimum diameter of pipe Dope = 293.65? , (56) Table 9.1-13: Details of gas stream and cooling water ‘Stream Gas inlet Gas Outlet | Cooling Water Inlet and Outlet Mass Flowrate, m | 0.98 0.968 0.454 (kg/s) Density, pikgima) | 1.142 078 984.25 Stream Inlet gas Outlet gas 315 mm = 350mm Cooling Water Inlet | 15.05 mm = 20mm and Outlet Stream ‘@Buey Jo suoisuewig :E 1-16 eunBi4 ebuey 1991S Ss9[UIB}S S! YoIYM sjeua}eW enisuadxe ayy Uu pasn aq 0} pauayeud si aBuey juIof-de1 ou, SHONVT4 JO NOLLVNINYSLAGZ'2 716 pasn Jessen se pasn s| ebuey sIys 180}S UOUeD WON apeUL JeUp [29}WOUODe s! 1! se UBISEP S| £97-(TOT-¥) NOISIG ANAWdINIDA HOW 6 ¥ALdVHO yepno pue z|_ot| of| ss|tt| | ow Z| os| rz) vt| 06) _6'9z| _oz | _9zero'st | aap sayem Buyoo9 wl 9t) SBE Os” 7) OT OW v Of 89 9 SOS| SSSE OSE | ceCLSTE se pn | Ot) pre oy zz) tt OW v OLE 89 9% Sh GEE OOE| GSLT DLE sea y9qu 2) el ate loon i) ea a 3 ‘a0ey Ippo ans “po »pan Suma Sunjoa pastey aiuey = adid "WON adia weans ‘”92-(TOT-¥) NOISIG ANAWdINIDA HOW 6 ¥3LdVHO uo|suawig sebue}4 plepUels *r1-1'6 @1GeL ov ozs| oor} 959 ou or 8 s 006 (enewyd) Buu peoq sed ‘By | (ww) (gq) | anew | (uu) (0) wu wu (ww) () spnpoig | qe | sajawep| sad | ssauyoy| oor | __osz | _ ww 00g | sajeweig xoiddy | xoiddy| reueg| san wem | (q) uomsas uidap ajqejeny | jeunwoN J91U9 0} UeW e Jo} aIGEHNS Jeu WWI ONG $1 SeIOYUELL J0 2zIS PIEPUEIS BU 1OSSAA OJUI JOPEAI BY) JO ZOUEUSTUIEWI Jo} BOUELIUD BY) S! SE|OYUEN ‘SU TOHNVIN JO NOLLVNINYSL30€'2 7F'F'6 (uesouidy ow eounog) ais uoisuawip sejoyueW ay, °S4-1°6 eIgeL aJOYUeW Jo UOISUAWIP O4L :PL-1"6 e:NBI4 OF oRoOID PUR On $97-(TOT-¥) NOISIG LN3WdINIDA HOW 6 H3LdVHO — CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-266 9.1.15 SUMMARY OF MECHANICAL DESIGN Design Parameter Value MECHANICAL DESIGN Equipment Code R102 NA Type of Reactor Packed Bed Reactor NIA Design Orientation Vertical NA OPERATING CONDITION Maximum Design Pressure 33 Nimm2 Maximum Design Temperature 139.81 °c MATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTION Material Stainless Steel (304) NA Maximum Tensile Strength i) Nimm2 Allowable Design Stress 145 Nimm2 Vessel Design inimum Wall Thickness 30.64 mm ‘Type of Domed Head Ellipsoidal Head N/A Domed Head Thickness 30.32 mm Head Height 649.61 mm Type of Insulation Mineral Wool NIA DESIGN LOADING Dead Weight of Vessel 221.11 kN ‘Weight of Catalyst 13.62 kN Weight of Cooling Water 0.07 kN Weight of Tubes 62.70 kN Weight of Insulation 374 kN Total Weight of Vessel 301.21 kN Wind Loading Load per unit metre, Fw (Nim) 192.5806174 Nim Bending moment M (N.m) 5342.524797 Nm Analysis of Stress Circumferential Pressure Stress sh 133.69 Nimm2 Dead Weight Stress sw 1.24 Nimma Bending Stress sb 0.00 Nimm2 Longitudinal Stress sz (upwind) 65.60 Nimm2 Longitudinal Stress sz (downwind) 65.60 Nimm2 Elastic Stability Critical Buckling Stress sc 246.85 Nimm2 Maximum Compressive Stress 1.25 Nimm2 Vessel Support Design Material of Construction Carbon Steel NA Type of Skirt Straight Cylindrical NA Angle of skirt 90 NIA Diameter of skirt 2.48 m CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-267 Height of Ski 7.45 m Thickness of Skirt 30.64 mm Anchor Bolt Design Types of Bolt M-30 NIA No. of bolts 14 Bolts Design Stress 16.65 Nimm2 Area of one bolt 167.51 mm2 Bolt diameter 14.60 mm Bolt thickness 3.63 mm Nozzles & Flanges Minimum Diameter Gas Inlet 315.72 mm ‘Minimum Diameter Gas Outlet 274.18 mm Minimum Diameter Cooling Inlet 20 mm ‘Minimum Diameter Cooling Outlet 20 mm Flange Type Lap-joint flange NA MANHOLE Nominal diameter 900 mm CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-268 BIBLIOGRAPHY Arai, H. a. (1982). Hydroformylation and hydrogenation of olefins over rho m zeolite catalyst. Journal of Catalysis 75.1, 188-189. Fogler, H. S. (2016). Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering. United States: Pearson Education. Inc. Materials, P. (20 September, 2017). The 13 Types of Flanges for Piping Explained. Retrieved from Projects Materials Platform: https://blog, ‘Sam Catalano, A. W. (2019). Reactors. Retrieved from Visual Encyclopedia of ‘Chemical Engineering: http://encyclopedia. che. engin.umich edu/Pages/Reactors/PBR/PBR.htm Sinnott, R. (2005). Chemical Engineering Design Coulson & Richardson's . London, England: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann. Unveren, H. H. (2004). Hydroformylation of long chain olefins in microemulsion, CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-269 APPENDICES Table A-1: Standard Dimensions for Stee! Tubes Outside diameter (mm) Wall thickness (mm) 16 12 16 2.0 oe = 20 _ 16 2.0 26 — 25 - 16 2.0 26 32 30 _ 16 2.0 26 32 38 _ 2.0 26 32 50 2.0 26 32 Figure A-2: Tube-side Friction Factors ap petay pp agers pp apes gp eer ga eset ie CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-270 Figure A.3: Shell Side Friction Factor tas cp —— Table A.4: Bundle Diameter Constant Triangular pitch, py = 1.25dy No. passes 1 A nm ‘Square pitch, p; No. passes Ki 0215 ny 2207 riser 2 4 6 8 175 285 2 4 6 8 0.156 0.158 0.0402 0.0331 2.291 2.263 2.617 2.643 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-271 Figure A.3: Typical Design Stresses for Plate Material Tensile Design sires at temperature °C (Nima?) strength (Ninm®) 0150100 150200 250 300 350400450500 Carbon see ‘seid or silicon kled) 36013525 S05. 95S TO Carbo manganese sect ‘cemi-iled or silicon killed) 460 180170150 40130115 105100 carton ‘tea, 05 percent Mo 4018017050130 120110 Low alloy ste M Ce, Mo, V) 530 240-240 240 240 240235 230 220 190170 Staines tel TeCrreNI usable (308) 510 1654S 130115. 110.105 100 1095 Stiles tol 18CrBNI Ti stabilised (321) 540 165 150 140 135 130 130125 120, 120,115 Sualnes ste! T8CrrBNI Mo 2} percent G16) 520175150135 12018110105 105 10095 Figure A.4: Anchor Bolt Chair Design a A coating es filet welt Diao Toa = i 4 * © pk F 6 tae = = 75 f = = Noo a © % oe 2s £ © M6 =~ » © a eeaetr we 1} -_ = = « & = = = = - & = £ Me 0 Sw ame Gm a 0 = =_ = = &£ = = 6 nf = © © @& Tat stm = Nominal din (BS 4190: 1967) CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-101)-272 Figure A.5: Typical Standard Flange Design (All dimensions mm) Nom Pipe Fane Rabel face Baking Dailing Boss sae —— —n i oe No. as 0 2 "= 2 = % 5b 23 » Ww 2 mo ¢ 20 » 59 ow u ® 2 Mo ¢ wo % M7 100 u om 2 Mo ¢ 50 2 ae am © we 8 @ o 3 w ams om 8 70 o 03 10 wee wo FF » 6 160 nm 5 om 100 % 190 ii 7 MO i 10 210 o Ww 3 MG 1 10 20 “om 3 M6 18 160 265 “om 3 MB ss 20 “a mm 3 MIs 1% mo ms a 32 3 MG BSS 0 “om 4 Ma 2 M&S Nom Pipe Flange “Rae face Dring ee eed oe 4 0b we Ff Ne aE 300 ua 7 Mme es 230 2% 68 3 Mm 2 RD 30 500 68 s Mo 12 2 40 330 2% 4 Mm 6 R40 200 - A me em Ss 40 a 2 4 Me so a 2 4 Mm 20% 0 ro x ® s M7 % 3 fs 500 % 8 som & 3% Mo so 2 90 S$ Mo Ooo 300 M8 5 Mo 1080 1000 M9 3M 1. 1200 Mus 3 M6 2 ® 1380 1400 2 3 Me 1% 2 0 100 % 130 SoM 40 420 1800 0 140 3 Ms Mas ooo 2000 2020 M10 sms 8 4 220 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-273 9.2 PACKED BED REACTOR, R-102 9.2.1 INTRODUCTION Catalytic processes are carried out in several types of reactors like fixed bed, moving bed, trickle bed, two- and three phase fluidized beds, bubble columns, and stirred tanks. The function of catalyst to speed up the reaction while the function of this, reactor is to catalyse the gas-phase reactant with solid catalyst to get a product which is 4-propanol Since this reactor is an exother process, heat is released throughout the reactor and the heat immediately needs to be removing from the reactor by flowing the cooling water inside the reactor. The production of propanol occur through process. of hydrogenation of propionaldehyde (propanal) group with hydrogen. This is carried out in the presence hydrogenation catalysts such as Copper Zinc Oxide. Figure 9.1: The typical design of Packed Bed Reactor [1]. CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-274 9.2.2 REACTOR SELECTION The types of reactor used is important to ensure that the process can be done and the product can be achieved successfully. There are many aspects that should be considered to meet the criteria of the process. The criteria for each of the reactor are shown in the Table 9.1 below: Table 9.1: The criteria of the reactors Reactor Criteria_| Packed Bed | Continuous Stirred ] Batch Reactor Reactor (PBR) | Tank Reactor (CSTR) Mode of | Continuous Continuous Batch Operation Phase Reaction | Heterogeneous | Heterogeneous Homogeneous: Usage Large scale | Large scale | Small ‘soale operation operation operation Catalyst Solid catalyst are | Catalyst come out | Catalyst are mixed Condition used and usually | together with the | with reactant fixed in tubes or | product bed ‘Advantages * Easy to] + Easyto + High maintain. control the conversion + Highest temperature.| + Flexibility conversion | * Unwanted of per weight side reaction operation. of catalyst. can easy be minimizing [Source: [2] Based on Table 9.1, the first criteria that needs to be considered is mode of operation. Packed bed and continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) are in continuous process while batch reactor is the only reactor that operates in batch process. In continuous process, the reactor are operates at steady state condition which this condition is suitable for large scale operation, while for batch process, this process is suitable for small scale operation Next is the phase reaction of the reactor. Since production of 1-propanol is heterogeneous reaction, thus batch reactor is not suitable. The other criteria is CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-275 catalyst condition upon the reaction. In PBR, gaseous-solid reactions are mostly used in which the catalyst condition is usually in solid phase where the catalyst are fixed in tubes or bed and does not flowing out with production. While in CSTR reactor the reactant used usually in liquid phase and the catalyst can be presence in the form of solid or gas. Since the production of 1-propanolis in solid-gas reaction where reactant in gas and catalyst in solid form. Therefore, PBR is the suitable reactor can be used for 1-propanol hydrogenation reactor due to continuous mode of operation, used in large scale condition, heterogeneous phase reaction in which reactant in gas phase and catalyst in solid phase, and lastly the catalyst is fixed in reactor without further separation unit of catalyst and product. 9.2.3 PACKED BED REACTOR Design Steps The general steps procedures are outlined as below [2]: 1. The selection of material of construction. The required data were obtained from Hysys simulation The determination of rate of reaction The calculation to determine reactor sizing The designing of cooling system inside the reactor. oonen A preliminary mechanical design for the reactor is selected such as vessel design, heat-transfer surfaces, internals and general arrangement. 7. The costing of proposed design, capital and operating is calculated. Assumptions Before the start of designing of reactor, a few assumptions have been made during the design process. The assumptions are listed as below: 1. Assume the reactants, propanal and hydrogen as component A and B respectively. 2. Assume the process occur in steady state condition 3. Assume the product of 1-propanol as component C. CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-276 Based on literature research, the conversion is 90%. The reaction is in elementary reaction 6. The reaction is assumed heterogeneous reaction where the reactant is in gas phase while the catalyst is in solid phase. 7. Assume the reactor is adiabatic system (Q=0) and non-isothermal system where there is a change in temperature entering and exit the reactor. 8. The reactor is exothermic reaction. 9. Rate constant and activation energy is assumed from the literature research. 10. The reactor is assumed continuous process where there is continuous input and output 9.2.4 CHEMICAL DESIGN OF PACKED BED REACTOR The Design Parameters The designing of reactor starts with the design parameter which was obtained from Hysys calculation and tabulat ted in Table 9.2 below. Table 9.2: The parameters of reactor (R-102) Description Inlet Outlet Temperature (°C) 167.7 200 Pressure (kPa) 1500 1400 Phase Gas Gas Mass flowrate (kg/hr) 3234 3234 Molar flowrate (kmol/hr) 104.23 84.23 Molar composition (kmol/kmol) Ethylene 0.0009 0 Carbon monoxide 0.0003 0.0005 Hydrogen 0.4797 0 Propanal 0.5147 0.0689 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-277 Ethane 0.0045 0.0702 T-propanol 0 0.9158 Water 0 0.0023 Dipropyether 0 0.0023 [Source:hysys} The Chemical Reaction Determination of the rate of reaction of 1-propanol, There are two reactions occur in hydrogenation reactor which is major reaction and side reaction. 1. CgHgO + Hy 5 C3Hg0 Propanal(A) + Hydrogen(B) “3 1— propanol(c) 2. 2CHg0S CoHy40+ HO 1 = propanol(c) S DPE(D) + Water(E) The rate law: The rate law of reaction were determined by following elementary reaction. Therefore the order of reaction according to the stoichiometric of the reactant [2]. Thus: ara = KCaCp 3 The Reactor Design Equation The reactor design equation can be obtained from equation below by integrating both sides. sent) WW Fao CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-278 Fao Integrate both sides: The design equation must be in terms of Concentration of reactant A and B to identify volume of reactor. The rate law were substituted into volume of reactor. Exon fe a Where: Fio = _ Initial molar flowrate (kmol/hr) = molar composition x molar flowrate Fao 0.5147 x 104.2 = 53.63 kmol/hr of propanal Feo 0.4797 x 104.2 49.9847 kmol/hr of hydrogen Fe. = @ = 0 kmol/hr of 1-propanol Fo = @ = 0 kmol/hr of dipropyl-ether Feo 0 O kmol/hr of water Fro = 0.0009 x 104.2 = 0.09 kmol/hr of ethylene Foo = 0.0003 x 104.2 = 0.03 kmol/hr of carbon monoxide Fie 0.0045x 104.2 0.47 kmol/hr of ethane Stoichiometry table The value of Ca and Cs is unconverted reactant, therefore it can be calculated by using the table below: Table 9.3: The stoichiometry table ‘Species | Symbol | initial | Changes | Remaining ‘Concentration CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-279 Propanal JA Fao [-FaX | Fa=Fao-Fak aoa ote Cy = aa=0 nae aro GA) Hydrogen |B Foo | -FaX | Fa= Foo Faxk c y= Fos Fro( 222) — i wert) | Fo. 83.63 —X) Fa= FacOa— FaoX vot + ex) (%) () (Source: (2) For gas phase: Ver watt +08) (%) 2) Where: £= Ono Solve for: mole of A ao ~ total moles of reactant 53.63, 53.63 + 49.9847 Yao = 0.5176 Thus: = (-1)(0.5176) = 0.5176 Initial concentration and volumetric flowrate’ Yao = YaoPo RT _ (0.5176)(1500) ‘a0 31) 404.7) ‘a0 = 1.739 kmolim? Cho = CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-280 Fao vy = fae ° Cho y, = 536 °° 1739 Vp = 30.84 m°hr Mean residence ttime T Vr Vo = 19819 30.84 0.64 hr The Specific Reaction Rate (k) Due to non-isothermal reactor, the equilibrium constant (k) will varies as temperature changes. Thus from Arrhenius equation’ k= Ae er At different temperature: y= kgepe tar Where: Ki = Reaction rate constant at initial temperature, m3/kmol.s Ea = Activation energy at reference temperature, ku/kmol.K R Gas Constant, 8.314 kJ/kmol.K T = Temperature, K From energy balance: QW. — FaoB8iCpi(T — Tro) ~ [AHxcrey + AC)(T ~ Te)]FaoX = 0 Assumptions: 1. The system is operating in adiabatic condition throughout the process. 2. Qand Wsis neglected. The derivation of energy balance: —F4o20\CpiT + Fao28\CpiTio — [AHaxcrey + ACpT — ACpTp|FaoX = 0 T(—20,Cpj — AC)X) = 26;CpiTig + XAHaxcre ~ XACpTR EOAGpiTio XH pace “XACT p= EkpiTio AH crm AAC YT EB;Cpim ACH Where: ACy 26,Cpi AHpx. Tr X(Haxcrny)#E8iCy Tot RCT a BOC pir OC CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-281 Total specific heat capacity of the reaction, kJ/mol°C_ Summation of heat capacity going into system, kJimol°C Total heat of formation, kJ/mol Temperature reference, °C The specific heat capacity (Cp) and heat formation (H°) of all compounds are at reference temperature 25°C shown in table below: Table 9.4: Specific Heat Capacity and Heat Formation at 25°C ‘Component ‘Symbol | Molarratio, 67 | Cp, Klima] H, kJ/mol Propanal A 1 0.0808 ~187.95 Hydrogen B 0.932 0.0288 0.00 1-Propanol ic 0 0.0802 -255.20 DPE D 0 0.1451 -299.00 Water E 0 0.0753 -241.83, Ethylene F 0.0017 0.0436 52.28 ‘Carbon Monoxide 6 0 0.0291 -110.52 Ethane H 007 0.0528 “84.67 (Source: [2]& [5)) Solution: AC, = (0.0802) -(0.0808+0.0288) AC, = — 0.0294 kJimol°C 0;C,; = (10.0808) + (0.932x0.0288) + (0.0017 0.0436) + (0.010.028) CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-282 BOCy) = 0.1082 kuimol"C Alay = -255.2 ~(-187.95+0) AH = 67.25 kJimol"C By using Tr = 25°C, the conversion at different temperature can be known. T= ‘Assumption: 4. There is 10% conversion at initial temperature 150°C. Thus: pa ODLAZAHOL2150)H0.-0929725) - DaN42+(=0.0294)(0.1) Table 9.5: The reaction rate constant (k) and activation energy (Ea) at 25°C Parameter Value Rate constant at reference temperature, Kr 5.316 87 ‘Activation energy, Ea 3.44 kcal/mol Gas constant, R 1.987 calimolK Trot 298 K Tr 440.7 K [Source:{4] ALX=10% ky sai6e" 5.28028" ky The Working Volume The calculated temperature (T), reaction rate constant (k), concentration of Cx and CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-283, Cp, rate law (-ta) and Fa0/-ts at various conversion (X) is shown in Table 9.6, From the data obtain in Table 9.7, graph Fa0/-rs against conversion (X) is plotted below in Figure 9.2. Table 9.6: Design Equation Parameters at Various Conversions aaa GCC Gy |e aa Faolt& 0 167.7 5.2774 | 1.7420 | 1.8691 16.1317 3.3245 01 235.58 | 5.2802 | 1.6503 | 1.7775 14.4780 3.7042 02 307.35 | 5.2824 | 1.5484 | 1.6570 12.7239 4.2149 03 383.37 | 5.2842 | 1.4346 | 1.5593 10.9407 4.9019 04 464.03 | 5.2858 | 1.3065 | 1.4279 9.0741 §.9102 05 549.76 | 5.2871 | 1.1613 | 1.2711 7.1692 7.4806 06 641.06 | 5.2882 | 0.9954 | 1.1025 5.2672 10.1819 07 738.48 | 5.2891 | 0.8040 | 0.8979 3.4363 15.6067 08 842.67 | 5.2900 | 0.5807 | 0.6549 1.7926 (29.9171 F,,/-rA against conversion, X 120 100 80 Fgg/-tA 40 20 ey re Conversion, X Figure 9.2: Graph Fa/-rA against conversion, X From the graph obtained above, the area under the graph indicates the working volume for packed bed reactor. Since the 90% conversion is used in designing the equipment, the working volume is shown below: CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-284 0 Volume of PBR = jf fax 0 The working volume under the graph is determine by using five-point quadrature formula and trapezoidal rule. Five-point quadrature formula X h f(x)dX = lo) + AEX) + 2f(Xo + 4(Kay + KD] Ike At X=0 to X=0.5: vy [" I f(a easeas + 4(3,7042) + (2(4.2149) + 4(4,9019) + 2(5,9102) V, = 1.7363 m> At X=0.4 to X=0.8 (5.9102 + 4(7.4806) + 2(10.1819) + 2(15,6067) + 29.9171) v= [ 10pax = p= [160 Vp = 4.9513 m3 AtX=0.8 to 0s o4 Vy f f(x)dX = = (29.9171 + 100.5837) a 2 Vs = 6.5250 m> Therefore, the total working volume of reactor: Veeasor = Vi +V2+Va = 1.7363 + 4.9513 + 6.5250 = 13.2127 a 9.2.5 CATALYST Table 9.7: Properties of Copper Zinc Oxide Pellet Catalyst Parameters Value Diameter of particle, dy (mm) 5 Particle Density, pp (kg/m?) 12410 Voidage, « O5 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-285 Bulk Density, pe (kg/m?) 573 [Source: [4] Volume of catalyst Veat = Vreactor(1 — €) = 13.2127 (1-0.5) = 6.6063 m? Weight of catalyst Wear = VeatPs = 6.6063 (573) = 3785.439 9.2.6 THE SIZE OF REACTOR The ns of reactor Vreactor + Veatalyst 13.2127 + 6.6063 = 19.819 m> Length of reactor: UD = 3 L = 3D Diameter: Area = mt Total volume = 19.819 m? Thus: my, oe Wi gp) = 19.819 2.8038 m CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-286 Length: L = 3(2.8038) = 84115m Cross-sectional area: A = 11686 = §.3297? 9.2.7 COOLING SYSTEM IN THE REACTOR The cooling system is important to maintain the operating temperature inside the reactor. Therefore, it system can be defined as heat exchanger, where the coolant Which is cooling water flow into reactor. The type of coolant used is cooling water. Water serve several advantages such as it is easy and inexpensive to dispose of waste. Apart from that, it also have high specific heat capacity that gives high thermal mass and moderates temperature change due to heat of reaction thus, making temperature can be control easier. Lastly, it remains as liquid over a broad range of temperature at moderate pressure [3]. Table 9.8: Temperatures of fluids in shell and tubes ‘Allocation Tube ‘Shell Fluid Catalyst and gas reactant Cooling Water ‘Symbol Ti T2 ti @ Temperature 954.35 200 25 85 The Design of Cooling System Heat load of reactant: Q=mCpaT Where: Q = Heat transfer of reactant, ku/s m = Mass flowrate = 3394.417 kg/hr Cp = Specific heat capacity of mixture = 1.81 kJ/kg"C Thus: CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-287 Q = 3234/5 649) x 1.81 x (954,35 — 200) Q = 799.6361 KI/s Heat Transfer Area: The cold fluid is cooling water and hot fluid is categorize as gases [3] Q=UAATin Where: Q = Heat transfer = 799.636 kJ/s u Overall heat transfer coefficient = 300 Wim®*C A Heat transfer area, m? Thus: A= (11497 10°), = '300(304.0347) A= 45108 m? Cooling Water Flowrate: Queactant = Qew = MCPwater4T Where: 3 . Mass flowrate of cooling water cp Specific heat capacity of cooling water = 4.183 kJ/kg" = 411.4337, '4.183(954.35 — 200) m = 0.2255 kg The Design of Tubes The dimension of tube design is according to the catalyst condition [2]. The tubes material used is stainless steel 304 which can withstand high pressure. From Table A.2 in appendices, the standard dimension for steel tubes is determined, CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-288 ob $ ‘ | nal 4 ss —_+ 6+ 4 Square Tiangular Rotated square Figure 9.2: Types of tube arrangement Figure 9.3 shows that there are few types of tube arrangement. Rotated square and triangular tube arrangement can give higher heat transfer rate, but the pressure drop is slightly high if compared with square arrangement. For larger heat transfer surface area and cleaning purposes, the rotated square tube arrangement is better compared to other two tube arrangement. Table 9.10: Dimensions of tubes design Tube thickness, t (m) 0.0021 ‘Outer diameter, Do (m) 0.05 Tnner diameter, Di (m) 0.0479 Tube length, L (mm) 84115 Type of tube pass Single pass Surface area of one tube: A=nDL A= 1x 0.05 x 8.4115 A= 13214 mr? Total cross-sectional area of one tube: Cross-sectional area of one tube = mD#/,, CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-289 = (0.05)? (0.05)%), = 0.0020 m? Volume of one tube: Volume of one tube = D*L/, 4 = 1(0.05)?(8.4115) (antsy), = 0.0165 m? Number of Tubes: Number of tubes ey pe volume of one tube = 6.6063, 5165 = 399.9481 = 400 tubes Tube pitch: Tube pitch (Pt) is length between two tubes. Assume that 1.25 square pitches is used due to the shell-side fluid is relatively clean. The pitch ratio must in between 1.25 < Pt/D,< 1.5. Pt 1.25D, 1.25%0.05 0.0625 m Bundle diameter: The bundle diameter in the reactor is based on the arrangement of tubes in the packed bed reactor [2]. The bundle diameter of tube arrangement for rotated ‘square is shown in equation below: Dy = Dahm Where: D, = Bundle diameter of tubes, m CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-290 Number of tubes = 400 tubes Outer diameter = 0.05 m M Do From Table A.3 in appendices, the rotated square pitch with one passes is shown as below K, = 0215 ny = 2.207 Thus: Dy = 0.05(22)"/2207 Dy =1,5151m Number of tubes in centre row: = 1,5151/0.0625 24.2420 = 25 tubes Tubes in centre row ‘Mass of catalyst in each tube: mass of catalyst in one tube weight of catalyst ‘number of tubes = 375.434) ‘400 = 9.4636 kg Total cross-sectional area of tubes: Total area of tubes = Cross-sectional area of one tube 0.002 x 400 = 0.7855 m? Volume of catalyst in one tube: Volume of catalystin one tube = volume of catalyst, number of tubes = 6.6063/ ‘400 0.01652 m* CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-291 Linear velocity inside tubes, Ut: G U,=—_ pmixture Where: U, = Linear velocity, m/s Pmiae = Density of mixture = 430 kg/m3 G = Mass velocity, kgim?s mass flowrate /rotal cross sectional area 4/2600) G = 457.4581 kgim’s ‘Thus: U, = 1.0639 mis, Reynolds number: Re = Oar 7H Where: U, = Linear velocity =1.1166 mls Di = _Inner tube diameter = 0.0479 m u = Viscosity mixture = 0.00029 kg/m.s = Density mixture = 430 kg/m? pe = 430% 1.0639 x 0.0479 0.00029 Re = 75559.4577 Friction factor f: Friction factor were identified once Reynolds number was obtained. The friction factor can be determine from Appendices section: A.1 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-292 At Re= 75559.4577, fi= 1.8 x 10° Pressure drop inside the tube: AP, = Where: AP: = Total pressure drop, KPa Di = _Inner tube diameter = 0.0479 m Np = _ Number of pass =1 Pp Density mixture = 430 kg/m? U; = Linear velocity =1.1166 mls L Length of tube = 8.4115m By neglecting the value ()-"" ane 9.9% 10-2 4 2 ONE, AP, = 6314.2581 Pa AP, = 6.7616 kPa The Design of Shell Shell diameter, Ds: In design of packed bed reactor, shell diameter is same as vessel D, = 2.8038 m Shell side equivalent diameter, De: For the rotated square tube arrangement that were chosen for this packed bed reactor, the shell side equivalent diameter is determined as follow: CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-293 41 086) -F PD] 2625 (0,86)(0,0625) — 70.05 2 De = 0.036 m = 36 mm. Area of shell Py Do) DBs Aa (0.0625 — 0.05)2.8038(1.4019) : 0.0625 Ay = 0.7861 m? Shell near velocity: G Us pwater Where: U, = Linear velocity, m/s Prater Density of water = 1000 kgim3 G Mass velocity, kg/m’s mass water flowrate eC Ishett area) (02255) e 0.7861 G = 0.2869 kgim’s Thus: s = 000 U, = 0.000287 mis Reynolds number: ede Re = Pte Where: CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-294 Ds = Shell diameter = 2.6048 m = Viscosity water = 0.000685 kg/m.s ° = Density water = 1000 kg/m? re = 1000 x 0.000287 x 2.6048 a 0.000685 Re = 1174,227 Friction factor i Friction factor were identified once Reynolds number was obtained. The friction factor can be determine from Appendices section: A2 At Re =1174.227, f)= 1.75 * 10? Pressure drop inside the tube: Dy L water? aR = BG hrm Eater) Where: AP. = Total pressure drop, KPa Ds = Shell diameter = 2.8038 m Us Linear velocity = 0.000287m/s Length of shell = 8.4115 m B= 1.4019m By neglecting the value @ ps 2.8038, 8.4115, (1000)(0.000287 )* A, = 8(1.75 107%) A088, BANS, (4000) (0.900767", AP, = 0.0027 Pa - The Design of Baffles The optimum spacing of baffles is 0.3 to 0.5 times shell diameter [2]. The function of baffle is to increase heat transfer area and direct the fluid flow across the tubes and also increase the velocity of fluid across the tube and to make sure that there is no dead flow of cooling water inside the reactor. The dead flow can cause red spot on tube due to less effective cooling system inside the reactor CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-295 Number of baffles: Where: Ny Number of baffles Be Baffles spacing = 0.5 (diameter vessel) = 0.5 (2.8038) = 1.4019 m Length of vessel = 7.80 m 1.4019 — N, = S baffles Summary of Chemical Design Table 9.11: Summary of Chemical Design ‘Chemical Design Equipment Code R-102 Equipment Name Packed bed reactor Condition ‘Adiabatic and non-isothermal Reactor Volume, Ve 19.819 m? Length, L 8.4115m Diameter, D 2.8038 m Cross-sectional area, Ar 6.1751 m* Mean residence time 0.64 hr Catalyst Volume of catalyst, Vcat 6.6063 m? Weight of catalyst, Weat 3785.43 kg Cooling system CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-296 Type of cooling system ‘Shell and tube heat exchanger Type of coolant Cooling water Mass of Cooling Water, Ma, 0.2255 kgis Heat transfer area, A 6.1534 m? Tubes Tube arrangement Rotated square pattern ‘Outside diameter, Do 0.05 m Inside diameter, Di 0.0479m Wall thickness, t ‘o.0027 m Tube length, L Batism Number of passes 1 Number of tubes, Nr 400 tubes Pressure drop, AP, 6.7616 kPa Tube pitch 0.0625 m Bundle diameter T5181 m Number of tubes in center row 25 tubes ‘Shell ‘Shell diameter, D. 2.8038 m Equivalent area of shell, Ar 0.7861 m? Shell pressure drop, AP, 0.0027 Pa Baffles Number of baffles 5 9.2.8 MECHANICAL DESIGN OF PACKED BED REACTOR Material of Construction Material of construction (MOC) is important to understand key material properties, requirements and related behaviour characteristics. Few elements need to be consider during the choosing of MOC. Usually, the selected material of construction based on the plant operating properties which is pressure, temperature, chemical and physical properties. ‘There are many elements have to be considered such as mechanical strength which is includes strength, stiffness, toughness, hardness, fatigue resistance and creep resistance. The effect of temperature on mechanical properties also important as temperature plays an important role in plant designing. Corrosion resistance to CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-297 ensure its stability and longevity. Ease of fabrication, the availability of material in standard sizes and capital cost, Other special properties that need to be consider is thermal conductivity, electrical resistance and magnetic properties [5]. Therefore the material chosen is Stainless Steel 304. The Operating Parameters Table 9.12: Operating Parameters for Mechanical Design ‘Operating Parameters Value Maximum pressure 1500 kPa Maximum Temperature 200°C The design pressure: Operating pressure, P|= 1500 kPa Poesin = 1.1% 1500 = 1650 kPa P= 1.65 Nimm? The design temperature: Operating temperature, Top = 200°C Maximum design temperature 1.1 « 200 220°C The Design Stress Based on Figure A.3 in appendices, the maximum tensile strength and design stress can be determined as the design pressure, temperature and material of construction already calculated. The value is shown in table 9.17 below: Table 9.13: Design Stress Parameters Stainless Steel 304 ‘510 Nimm? 145 Nimm? CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-298 Corrosion allowance: |. 2mmis being added to the thickness calculation for safety purposes. Il, Severe corrosion is not expected Minimum Wall Thickness 2SE— Where: Pi = Design Pressure = 1.65 Nimm? Di = Diameter of reactor = 2803.819 mm t =Minimum thickness required S = Allowable design stress 45 Nimm? E = Efficiency welding (1.65)(2803.819 ) 2445) - @.2).65) 16.0624 mm + 2mm. = 18,0625 mm The Design of Heads and Domes At the end of the vessel, there is a part that were closed by heads and domes. And these consists of different types of head such as hemispherical, torispherical, ellipsoidal and domes head as shown by Figure 9.3. The selection of head is depends on the thickness where it can fit the design vessel. CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-299 Figure 9.3: a) Hemispherical head type (b) Torispherical head type (c) Elipsoidal head type. Ellipsoidal Heads: (2.65)(2604.816) BAAS) = O2)C1.65) = 15.9709 mm + 2mm 17.9709 mm. Hemispherical Heads: (4.65)(2803.819) 4045) = O65) 7.9855 mm + 2mm Torispherical Heads: (0.855)(2803.819)(2803.819) (45)) = (0.11.65) 28,2686 mm + 2mm t= 30.2686 mm Reis crown radius. The crown design is assume to be equal to D. CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-300 The height of heads can be determine from the summation of straight flange and dishing head depth, Ty = 5+ Dy Where: Straight Flange Head, Si Sp = 3(head thickness, t) S_ = 3(17.9709) Sp = 53.9128 mm Dishing Head Depth, Ds; Dy = 0.2250, ~ 0.638! Dy = 0.225(2803.819) - 0.635°797 D, = 630.8589 mm Thus, Head Height, Tw Th=Sp+Dy Ty = 53.9128 + 630.8589 Ty = 684.7717 mm Ellipsoidal head were chosen as it thickness were similar to minimum wall thickness as calculated in section 9.7.3. the value of minimum wall thickness is 18.0625 mm while ellipsoidal head is 17.9709 mm. The Design of Vessel The Weight of Insulation Insulation materials is important as it can shield the vessel from the excessive heat. Volume of insulation, V: V = nD(thickness)L, V = n(2.8038)(0.05)(8.4115) V= 3.7051 m? CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-301, Weight of insulator, Wins Wins = (3:4357)(130)(9.81) Wins = 4725.0854 N Wins = 4.7251 KN The Weight of Tubes ‘The equation for the calculation of weight of tubes is shown below: Wrube = Net(Do? — Di? )LPmg Where: N Da. Number of tubes = 432 Tube outer diameter = 0.05m Thus: Weute = 400 (0,05? — 0.04792)(8.4115)(8000)(9.81) Weube = 1705683 N Weube = 170.5683 KN The Weight of Cooling Water Weight of cooling water is equal to mass of cooling water where the value is taking from chemical design times with gravitational acceleration. The equation is shown below; Wow = Massow * 9.81 Masscw = MasSwater XT Masscw = 0.2255 x 0.64 Masscw = 0.662 kg Wew = 0,662 x 9,81 Wow = 6.4942.N Wev = 0.0065 KN CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-302 The Weight of Catalyst Weight of catalyst is equal to mass of catalyst times with gravitational acceleration and the equation is shown as below: Wear = Masseat X 9.81 Weat = 3785.434 x 9.81 Weat = 37135.11 N Weat = 37.1351 KN The Dead Weight The equation of dead weight of vessel for stainless steel materials as shown below: Wp = 240CyDm(Hy + 0.8Dm)t Where: Wo = Total weight of shell, excluding internal fitting, KN Cw = weight factor = 1.15 (for column with manholes, fittings and plates) t = Wallthickness Hy = Height or length between the tangent line of column Dn Mean diameter of vessel ‘Average thickness of the column, tows hthtthtt tayg = ft tte ts + tay, fave = 18.0624 + 20.0624 + 22.0624 + 24.0624), fave = tave = 21.0624 mm. Mean diameter of vessel, Dm Dm = Dj + (tx 107%) Dm = 2.8038 + (21.0624x 103) Dm = 2.8249 m Total weight of vessel, Wo Wp = 240C Din (Hy + 0.8Dp)t Wp = (240%1.15%2.8249)[8.4115+(0.8%2.8249)|(18.0624x 10-9) Wp = 150.2814 Kn CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-303 Total weight (dead weight load), Wr: Wr = Wo + Wear + Wew + Wave + Wins Wr = 150.2814 + 37.1351 + 0.0065 + 170.5683 + 4.7251 Wr = 362.7164 kN Analysis of Stross Wind load, W: W = PwDerr Where: Ry = 0.05 x Uy? Py = 0.05 x 50% Ry = 125 Nim? Where Uw is wind speed in Malaysia = 50km/hr Derr = Dy + 2(¢ +t) Der = 2.8038 + 2(50 x 1078 + 18,0624 x 1074) Derr = 2.9399 m Thus: w w 125)(2.9399) 67.4929 Nim Bending moment, M a4115? az M, = 13000.54 Nim My = 13.0005 kNim_ My = 367.4929 ) Longitudinal pressure stress, o1: 1.65(2803.819) “4(18.0624) oy, = 63.0321 Nimm? CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-304 Horizontal pressure stress, ou 165(2803.819) 218.0624) oy = 128,0642 Nimm? on Dead weight stress, ow: on ow =T 0, + bt 7 367.7164 x 10° * (203.819 + 18,0624)18,0624 ow = 2.2649 Nimm? ow Bending stress, Where: i =F ot = Dit) Dg = Di + 2(tmax) Dy = 2803.819 + 2(24.0624) Da = 2851.9436m 1 = J (2851,9436* — 2803,819*) ly = 3.4197 x 10% Thus: + 420005 2 10" ease “34197 x10 (2 op = £0.0054 os +18. 0624) Elastic stat y Critical bulking stress, oc: oc = 2x10" 18.0624 9c = 2% 10'SRra aig) CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-305 o¢ = 128.8416 Nimm? ‘Maximum compressive stress, Oma ow +o, ma Omay = 2.22649 + 0.0053 max = 2.2703 Nimm? The Design of Flange There are four types nozzle needed in designing this packed bed reactor. Two nozzle needed for gases while the other two for cooling water it - Figure 9.4: Flange types (a) Welding-neck (b) Slip-on (c) Lap-join (d) Screwed Pipe sizing: The parameters of inlet and outlet stream for reactant and cooling water are shown in Table 9.14. Table 9.14: The Parameters needed for pipe sizing CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-306 ‘Mass flowrate, | 0.8983 0.8983 0.2255 0.2255 m (kg/s) Density, __p | 430 #30 7000 7000 (kgim3) For carbon steel pipe optimum = 2936 p~°57 Where: ostium = Optimum pipe diameter, m 6 = Mass flowrate, kg/s e = Density fluid, kgim3 Pipe diameter for gas stream: optimum = 293(0.8983)°>3(1000)-°97 optimum = 29.3634 optimum = 30 Pipe diameter for cooling water stream: optimum = 293(0.2255)"53(1000)-°97 4. = 10.3290 loptimum optimum 11 Pipe thickness: Pdoprimur Moa +P Where: T = Pipe thickness P= Intemal pressure Ni = Number at each tube os = Design stress Pipe thickness at gas stream in: (45)(30) ~ @6)(135) + 15 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-307 t= 0.4277 mm, t=1mm t= 142mm corrosion allowance 3mm Pipe thickness at gas stream out _ G5) © (26)(125) + 15 0.1378 mm t= 1mm = 142mm corrosion allowance 3mm Pipe thickness at cooling water stream in and out: _ asa ~ @6)(125) + 15 t= 0.0468 mm t=1mm 1+2mm corrosion allowance 3mm Based on Figure A.5 in appendices, all the standard welding-neck flange dimension that suitable to be used are determined in Table 9.19: Table 9.15: Typical standard flange design for gas and cooling water stream (mm). Da at Gas 30 32 42.4 120 [14 [26 | M12 Cooling water | 11 15 213 80 [12 [20 [M10 de f No. K ra Gas 70 2 4 14 90 60 Cooling water | 40 2 4 1 55 30 The Design of Skirt CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-308 The Thickness and Height of Skirt The designing the skirt thickness is important as it can sufficiently support the dead weight loads of the vessel also the bending moment imposed on it by the vessel Approximate weight: Wapproximate = POV 2 Wapproximate = 430 X 9.81 X (7 x x 8.4115) Wapproximate = 219106.2 N Wapproximate = 219.1062 KN Weight of vessel: Total weight = dead weight + approximate weight Total weight = 362.7164 + 219.1062 Total weight = 581.8226 kN Wind loading: Fw = 367.493 « 10°kN/m Bending moment at skirt base: (8.4115 +3)? My = 0.3675 x 7 23.9277 KNIm The Design of Base Ring and Anchor Bolt Assumptions: + The bolt pitch should not be less than 600 mm, + The bolt diameter should not be smaller than 25 mm. ‘+ Should use eight number of bolt or more. + Used multiple of four. Approximate pitch circle diameter: Dy = Dy + 2(tavg + tinsutation) CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-309 Dy = 2803.819 + 2(21.0624 + 50) D, = 2945.944 mm D, = 2.9459 m Number of bolts: n(2945.944) [600 Np = 15.4269 Ny = number of bolts should be in times of four. Ny = 16 bolts Area of bolts: Where: ‘Ay = Area of bolt at the root of the thread, mm? f = Allowable tensile bolt stress = 125 Nimm? W = Weight of vessel, N Dp = bolt diameter, m M,= Bending moment, Nm 1___4(23,0005 x 10%) 2505 2.9459) Ay = 172.5321 mm? Ay (362.7164 x 1000)] Bolt root diameter: 172.5321 x 4 © dy = 14.8214 mm CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-310 The Manhole Design ‘Manholes is the entrance for the maintenance purposes of the reactor into the vessel. The standard size of manhole is 900 mm that st ble for a human to enter. Tongue and Groove Joint Profile Figure 9.6: The dimension of manhole Table 9.16: The manhole design Nominal | Available depth | Wall Titres | Barrel [Approx | Approx diameter | section (D) thickness | per | diameter | weight | products (A)mm_ | 500 | 750 | 1000 | (C)mm | metre | (B)mm | Kg. per load mm | mm | mm ring (plmeter) 900 5s |@ |10 |[70 656 | 1040 ‘| 520 46 9.2.9 SUMMARY OF MECHANICAL DESIGN All the data needed in designing were summarized in table below: Table 9.17: Summary of mechanical design ‘Mechanical design CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-311 Equipment code R02 Type of reactor Packed bed reactor Design orientation Vertical ‘Operating condition Maximum design pressure 7.65 Nimm? Maximum design temperature 220°C Material of construction Material Stainless steel (304) Maximum tensile strength ‘510 Nimm? ‘Allowable design stress 145 Nimm? Vessel specification Minimum wall thickness 78.0624 mm Type of domed head Elipsoidal head Head height 684.7717 mm Type of insulation Mineral wool Design loading Dead weight vessel 150.2814 KN Weight of catalyst ‘37.1531 KN Weight of cooling water (0.0065 KN’ Weight of tubes 170.5683 KN Weight of insulation 47251 KN Total weight of vessel 362.7164 kN Base ring and bolt Type of bolt M24 Circle diameter of bolt 2.9459 mm Number of bolts 16 Design stress on base ring 43.2838 KN Bolt area 169.4187 m? Bolt root diameter 74.8214 mm Minimum base thickness 6.0562 mm_ Vessel support (skirt) ‘Skirt type ‘Straight cylindrical design ‘Skirt angle 90° Material of skirt Carbon steel ‘Skirt height 3m CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-312 Wind loading 0.3675 KNim Bending moment 23.9277 kNim Pipe and flange Minimum diameter gas inlet 30mm Minimum diameter gas outlet 30mm Minimum diameter cooling water inlet 17 mm’ Minimum diameter cooling water outlet_ | 77 mm’ Pipe thickness gas inlet 3mm Pipe thickness gas outlet 3mm Pipe thickness cooling water inlet 3mm Pipe thickness cooling water outlet 3mm Flange type Welded-neck flange 9.2.10 REFERENCES [1] V. N. & F.H., Asynchronous Learning of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Chemical Engineering Education (Vol. 35), 2001 [2]J. M.C. J. F. R. R. K. Sinnott, Chemical Engineering Design Volume 6 (fourth Edition), Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005. [S]R. M. F. & R. W. Rousseau, Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes (Third Edition), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005. [4] NIST, “National Institute of Standards and Technology,” U.S Department of Commerce, 2018. [Online]. Available: https://webbook nist. govicgi/cbook.cgi?ID=C 1082038Mask=1 [5] D. W.G. & J... M. Robert H. Perry, Perry's Chemical Engineers Handbook (Seventh Edition), McGraw-Hill, 1997. [6] J. & D.G. R. Wiliam D. Callister, Material Science and Engineering An Introduction (Eighth Edition), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010. CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-313 9.3 APPENDICES Table A.1: Typical Overall Coefficients [2] CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-314 00-1500 100-300 100400 30-300 Gases 10-80 Water 250-150 Water 350-000 Waser 60-300 Goes Water 20-300 Organic solvents Bein 150-500 Water Brine 600-1200 Gases Reine 15-250 tea Stearn Wate 1500—4000 Soran Organic solvents ‘00-1000 Stearn ‘oll 300-900 Steant Heavy ots 0-450 Sear 30-300 Dower Heavy ots 50-300 Deweshern 20-200 Fue ges ‘Steam 30-100 Poe Hydrecarbon vapoues 30-100 Candeoers Agoroes vapeur Woe 1000-1300, Organic vapours Water 700-1000 Orgies Gome non-condemsables) —— Water 200-700 Vatcum vondemen Wer 200-300 = fwrow tre 1000-1500 s “mga ‘900-1200 Seon Hayes too=aa0 Table A.2: Standard Dimensions for Steel Tubes [2]. Outside diameter (mm) ‘Wall thickness (mm) 16 12 16 2.0 _ _ 20 - 16 2.0 26 _ 25 - 16 20 26 32 30 - 16 20 26 32 38 _ = 20 26 32 50 - - 20 26 32 Table A.3: Bundle Diameter Constant [2]. CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-315 Triangular pitch, p, = 1.25d, No. passes 1 2 6 8 Ki 0.319 0.249 0.175 0.0743, 0.0365, m 2.142 2.207 2.285 2.499 2.675 ‘Square pitch, py = 1.25dy No. passes 1 2 6 8 Ky 0.215 0.156 0.158 0.0402 0.0331 m 2.207 2.291 2.263 2.617 2.643 Figure A.1: Tube-side Friction Factors [2]. e ete Perera —t ww w Py wt Rn, rate Figure A.2: Shell-side Friction Factors (2). ai Figure A.3: Typical Design Stresses for Plate [2]. CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-316 ost Material “Tensile ‘strength (N/mm) Design sess at temperature °C (Ninn?) 150 200 250 300 350 400 Garton set (semi-killed or Coreg eet ‘semiiled or silicon ile) “60 Caton mole ‘tel 0 cent Mo 460 Low ally sel (Ni, Cr, Mo, V) 550, ‘Sines tel Tecra unstabilised (304) 510 ‘Seine tel 18Cr/BNi Ti stabilised (321) 540 ‘Staines ste! 18CHBNI Mo 2} per cont G16) 520 135 180 240 175 125 170 240 M5 ns M5 0 135 105 140 M0 240 us 135 95 130 130 240 us 8 89 «70 45 120 235 105 0 0 100 125 105 105 170 us Figure A.4: Anchor Bolt Chair Design [2]. CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-317 8 = 3 Tar su A . & r 6 wa © 7 rT w % M00 0 % 3 % 2 Nos a7 7 102 x a 7 Me 120 ra az 2 8 Se Mis 170, & rd 3 St o M36 30 5 150 6 o & M64 2680 5 182 0 70 % 7 = % im a B 5 i a % 78 CI 8 © Bok si = Nominal dia. (BS 4190: 1967) Figure A.5: Typical Standard Flange Design (All dimensions mm) [2]. CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (R-102)-318 Bos A £ No. a 0 :_ 7. -— = as 5 >» © 2 MI ‘ » a u 9 2 MI ‘ o B u oo 2 mo ¢ 0 R = es me o © ses © ‘ 7 o =. - ‘ 0 6 sus ®& ‘ 100 0 ms = ‘ no 100 o wi o3 Ml ‘ 10 5 n> & 1 0 wa £ & 8 135 200 “ao 3 lM 8 240 = mae we a fF 2 25 mo 390 ue 4 me © 355 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-319 9.3 HEAT EXCHANGER, E-104 9.3.1 INTRODUCTION Heat exchanger is a process equipment shown to transmit heat among two streams by two fluids, to transfer the heat energy without direct interaction or mixing. Heat exchanger (HE) between the streams of the utilities and process streams can be installed. A electricity stream and a power supply such as electric heats or between two process streams contribute to the integration of energy and the reduction of external heat sources. The fluid types selected depend on how much heat energy needs to be transmitted. HE is used extensively in space heating, cooling, electric util ies and chemical plants. Figure 9.3-1. Process Flow Diagram for HE-104 ‘Temperature shell out = 48.3 °C. Temperature tube in=111.5°C Temperature tube out HE-104 ‘Temperature shell i 30°C The process involve in the HE-104 is need to be cool down the temperature from 111.5°C. to 50°C with the help of cooling water to reduce the temperature. The phase in tube side is gases while in shell side is cooling water. The product from hydroformylation reactor are fed into heat exchanger without changing any component and being cooled before flow into the stripping column. Product flow in the heat exchanger has been shown in the table 1 Table 9.3-1: Composition in HE-104 ‘Component Molar flowrate Carbon monoxide 5.8099 Ethane 4.7040 Ethylene 1.1059 Propionaldehyde 54.1907 Hydrogen Gas 1.1059 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-320 9.3.2 TYPES OF HEAT EXCHANGER In chemical plants there are different types of HE commonly used. A number of exchanger types were considered when a suitable heat exchanger was used for construction. Following are the benefits of the heat exchanger which are the common type of heat ‘exchange system for the petrochemical industry (Gavin Towler, 2008): Table 9.3-2: Common type of heat exchange system dustry No. Types Description 7._| Shell and tube exchanger Provide large transfer area in small space > Itcan be clean easily > Built of a wide variety of materials 2._| Spiral and tube heat exchanger > Can be easily clean > High heat transfer rate > Applicable for small duty only > Limited pressure drop 20bar and temperature of 400°C 3. | Double pipe heat exchanger > The simplest type > Small flow rates, 4__| Plate exchanger Usedin food processing, etc > Fluid exposed to a wider area 5. | Cross-flow exchanger > The liquid passes via the tubes as the gas passes via the tube bundle forced. > Used for cooling and heating of gas In this design of propanol chemical plant, we decided to choose shell and tube exchanger ‘as our heat exchanger. The reason we choose this exchanger is because it has a flexibility that can support large process conditions that include temperature and pressure. It is also the most common type of industrial heat exchanger. Shell and HE tube contain of tube bundles stored in a cylindrical shell. The shell and tube side are detached by baffles. Rods and spacers installed in the HE to support baffles. ‘Compared to parallel and counter flows, counter flow is theoretically the highest efficiency. This is because of its possibilty to transmit the most heat out of the medium per unit weight, as a great difference in temperature can be obtained CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-321 9.3.3 SELECTION OF HEAT EXCHANGER Heat exchangers are challenging devices that require extra care to be designed. The overconception of a heat exchanger in future will cause many complex incidents. The power needed to operate the heat exchanger determines what type of heat exchanger is used (R.KSinnot, 2005). Some factors need to be taken into account when choosing heat exchangers such as. 1) The amount of heat transfer rate 2) The cost 3) The pumping power 4) Size and weight of the heat exchanger 5) Types of heat exchanger 6) The materials 7) Some other considerations Heat transfer rate The rate of heat transfer is the most important factor to consider. The heat exchanger should be in a position at a specified rate to transfer heat. This ensures that the temperature changing of the fluid in the stream can be transferred to the heat exchanger. Cost The cost of constructing a plant has always been one of the most important factors. Heat ‘exchanger costs vary according to its size, operating pressure, operating temperature and the material types used. The pumping power This can prevent unnecessary maintenance and guarantee equipment safety. The pumping power provided by the heat exchanger must be precise and operationally appropriate 9.3, Based on its chemical and mechanical design, heat changer sizing and weight are calculated. The total area required to install the equipment is determined by the calculation. ize and weight of heat exchanger Types of heat exchanger The type of heat exchanger used depends on how the fluids operate. This design uses the heat exchanger shell and tube as it satisfies the fluids requirement. There are several kinds of shell and tube heat exchangers. Table shows the advantages and disadvantages of the types of heat exchangers (R.K.Sinnot, 2005). CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-322 Table 9.3-3: Advantages and disadvantages of different types of shell and tube heat exchanger Type of ‘Advantages Disadvantages Heat Exchanger Fixed tube > The simplest & cheapest heat| > Tube bundle cannot be exchanger removed for cleaning Fewer gaskets > No provision for differential Pure counter current ‘expansion of shell and tube U-tube > Cheaper thanfloatingheadtype| > Tube bundle difficult to > Widely used clean > Difficult to replace tube > Limited to clean fh Floating > More versatile than others > _Intemal gasket can be leak head > Suitable for high temperature | > Expensive differential > Easier to clean & used for fouling liquid After all these comparison of heat exchanger, the design chosen in the system is fixed tube because it is less expensive and very simple compared to the others. Although the tube bundle cannot be remove during cleaning process because it is welded to the shell itself. ‘Therefore, it must be done by chemical cleaning, It is important to ensure the cleaning process is complete before the operation is resumed. The operator need to be strict with fully rinsed off the shell. Otherwise, the remaining waste can infect product or damage the construction materials. Moreover, there will always have a backup heat exchanger to replace the damage heat exchanger because it is low in cost. CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-323 9.3.4 CHEMICAL DESIGN OF HEAT EXCHANGER (E-104) CHEMICAL DESIGN Heat Exchanger is used to exchange the heat from one stream to another stream. In order to increase the efficiency of the HE, the surface area of the wall that being contact with the fluid is increased to maximize the heat transferred and reducing the heat resistance. In order to increase the efficiency of HE, the heat transfer between the streams need to be maximized and decreasing the fluid resistance. In this plant, shell and tube types is selected as the HE used. E-104 is located after left the heat exchanger E-103 stream and before entering the stripping column, The purpose is to decrease the temperature of the gas stream from 111.5°C to 50°C. The phase inside the tube side is in gases state. This is because the product exit from hydroformyiation reactor in gases. Therefore, with the help of cooling water, the fluid can cool from hot to cool. A ‘study on the chemical design of HE has to be carried out in order to get most suitable HE to be used in the plant. All the physical properties data in in table 3 has been collected from HYSYS ‘The assumption has been made in his chemical design which are: 1, No heat loss to the surrounding 2. Neglect the kinetic and potential energy changes 3. The surrounding heat exchanger is isolated Table 9.3-4: Physical properties of fluids in shell and tube side Physical properties Shell Side Tube side Inlet Temperature (°C) 30 111.5 Outlet Temperature (°C) 48.3 50 Mass flowrate (kg/s) 101.62 58.08 Pressure inlet (kPa) 101.325 700 Pressure outlet (kPa) 101.325 600 ‘Specific heat, Cp (kJikg.°C) 42 2.19 Density (kgim’) 997 10.36 Dynamic viscosity (Ns/m*) 0.00001751 0.0000113 Thermal conductivity (W/m.K) 0.5511 0.02578 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-324 HEAT LOAD The heat load is determined by the following equation: Q =mcpaT Equation 9.1 Where, Q=Heat load m= Mass flowrate (kg/h) op = Specific heat capacity (kJ/kg.°C) AT = Temperature difference (T: - Ta) (°C) Ay kg Q= 219 FC x 58.0857 x (111.5 ~ 50) Q = 7822.95 kW Cooling water is been choose in this system. The temperature input at the shell side is 30°C while the temperature outlet is 48.3°C. The temperature taken is based on the typical water supply for cooling. There is no phase change in the cooling stream. Therefore, the flowrate of cooling water on the shell side has been calculated. : @ Cooling water flowrate = =O Cool ter fl te a ooling water flowrate = => Taare kg Cooling water flowrate = 101.62 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-325 LOG MEAN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE, LMTD The mean difference in temperature, ATims must be evaluated. The difference fluid temperature at the exchanger entrance and entry is normally calculated. Just appropriate in actual cocurrent or counter current flow to critical heat transfer. There are assumptions done before calculating the log mean temperature difference which are: 1. The overall heat transfer coefficient is steady 2. No heat loss ‘The mean temperature difference is given by (R.K.Sinnot, 2005); (=) -W2=t) At yro = 2 maa) @-t) Equation 9.2 = Log mean temperature difference, °C = Inlet shell tube side fluid temperature, °C ‘Tz = Outlet shell tube side fluid temperature, °C ty = Inlet tube side fluid temperature, °C t2= Outlet tube side fluid temperature, °C (30 — 50) — (48.33 - 111.5) Sisco = (30=50) In qg33— 1115) AT ywro = 37.54 °C CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-326 TRUE TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE OF HEAT EXCHANGER After calculating the LMTD of the process, next is to determine the true temperature difference of the heat exchanger. In order to calculate the true temperature difference, ATw, the value of LMTD times with the correction factor, F (R.KSinnot, 2005). Correction factor is the function of the shell and tube fluid temperature and the number of tube and shell passes (R.K.Sinnot, 2005). Equation 9.5 Equation 9.6 Where, R= Shell-side fluid flow rate time the fluid mean specific heat di side fluid flow rate times the tube-side fluid specific heat S = Measure the temperature efficiency of the exchanger (30 - 48.33) (60-1115) 0.30 (50 ~ 111.5) (30 = 111.5) 0.76 Hence, the correction factor can be obtained from the figure 9.1. In addition to those for the calculation of the log mean temperature difference, the assumptions are made with the temperature correction factor: 1. Equal area of heat transfer at each pass 2. Inevery pass, a constant total heat transfer coefficient 3. There is no fluid leak between shell passes CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-327 Figure 9.3-2: Correction factor temperature: one shell passes; two or more even tube passes(Gavin Towler, 2008). Therefore, Equation 9.7 ATi = 0.85 x 37.54 °C Tn = 31.91°C HEAT TRANSFER AREA ‘The assumption made of overall heat coefficient, Us for the system is 150 Wim?.°C. The utilities used in the system for hot and cold fluid are gases and water respectively. Therefore, the overall heat coefficient value obtained from figure 9.2 (Gavin Towier, 2008). CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-328 Figure 9.3-3: Typical heat coefficient for shell and tube exchanger(Gavin Towler, 2008) ‘Shell and Tube Exchangers Cold Fld Umno Water 00-1500 Onan soem 100-100 Ligh ie 100-400 Heavy oil 0-300 Gut 10-30 ater 250-780 Wace 350-900 Wace 300 Water 20-300 ine 150-500 Wine 600-1200 rine 15-250 waer 1500-4000 Organ sven 00-1000 Ligh ote 300-900 Hary ol 0-450 Gan 30-300 Heavy ofl 0-300 Goes 20-200 Steam 30-100 Hydrocarbon vapors 30-100 Water 1000-1500 Water 700-1000 waice 00-700 Mater 200-500 ‘Aico slaioa 1000-1500 Ligh organics ‘900-1200 steam any yan 600-300 ‘The heat transfer is calculated for the exchanger by, Equation 9.8 Where, ‘Ao = Heat transfer area, m? Qr = Heat loads, W Us = Overall heat transfer coefficient, Wim? ATm = Mean temperature difference, °C CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-329 Aa= 7822954 © 150 x 31.91 Ag = 1634.61 m2 SELECTION OF TUBE ‘The most commonly used tubes with diameters from 16 mm to 50 mm. The smaller diameter preferred for the most duties are from 16 mm to 25 mm which give the exchanger more compact and cheaper (Gavin Towler, 2008). Larger tubes could be cleaned easier with mechanical methods and would be selected for severely fouling fluids Table 9.3-5: The assumption for tube dimensions Factors Dimensions Outside diameter, Do 25 mm Inside diameter, D, 21mm Tube length, L B0m Birmingham wire gauge 14 The area of a tube determined by using Area of tube, Equation 3.9 Ay = 1x 0.025 x8 Ar = 0.6283 m? Number of tubes, Ny, Equation 9.10 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-330 ny, = 163461 "0.6283 Ne = 2601.56 ~ 2602 ‘Tubes per two passes, 32601.56 Tubes per two passes = > Tubes per two passes = 1300.78 = 1301 Tubes cross sectional area, Ac, Equation 9.12 mx 0.021? Ac = 0.00035 m? Total flow area, Ar, Equation 9.13, Ar = 2601.56 x 0.00035 Ar = 0.9011 m* Fluid velocity vi, _ Mass flowratd Equation 9.14 Fluid velocit; eae CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-331 101.62 0.9011 Fluid velocity = 4 kg Fluid velocity = 112.77 Average velocity, — . locity = 11277 Cr = verage velocity = > m Average velocity = 0.1131 — TUBE SIDE HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT To examine the mean temperature of the mixture, the equation used is equation 9.16. Mean mixture temperature (Tavg a Equation 9.16 1115 +50 Mean mixture temperature = —>—— Mean mixture temperature (Tayg) = 80.75 °C Prandit number, Equation 9.17 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-332 a.2tec x 0.0000175155 7 Et Pr= 2 > Ossie Pr= 0.133 Reynold's number, Equation 9.18 Where, Re, = Reynolds number of fluid in tube side + = fluid density of tube side, kgim® Uz = fluid velocity of tube side, m/s di = Inside diameter of tube side, m Hy = Fluid dynamic viscosity of tube side, Ns/m? re, = 207K OAIS1 x 0,021 ec =“ 00001751 Re, = 135.25 x 10°. Therefore, the flow of the fluid in the tube side is turbulence flow. ‘The graph of tube side heat transfer factor is used in figure 3 (Gavin Towler, 2008). ‘The graph used to obtain the tube side heat transfer factor. CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-333 Figure 9.3-4: Tube side heat transfer factor (Gavin Towler, 2008) 10! Heat uanstertactor. i, 10! " ie " Length over diameter, Length over diameter = = Equation 9.19 Jn value obtained from the graph is 0.0026. Thus, the heat transfer coefficient for tube side: Equation 9.20 1 Nu = 0,0026 x 135.25 x 10°x (0.133) 3 Nu, = 180.91 ANanainos wadsNMuLuysH CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-334 180,91 x 0.5511 0.021 w 4747.51 —.°C m TUBE ARRANGEMENTS The tubes can be arranged in several different patterns in the heat exchanger. Patterns such as square pitch or triangular pitch in industry are popular because their efficiency is higher than that of other patterns (R.K.Sinnot, 2005). The distance between the tube centers can be defined as tube pitch. Figure 9.4 shown the pattern of tubes arrangement in heat exchanger (Gavin Towler, 2008). In this design, triangular tubes arrangement was selected. Figure 9.3-5: Pattern of tubes arrangement in heat exchanger (Gavin Towler, 2008) ye, $4 “Ss $+ ee 7y? BUNDLE DIAMETER Bundle diameter, Db depends on the tubes passes and the number of the tube. While the constant value of K; and n; can be obtained from figure 9.5 (Gavin Towler, 2008). CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-335 Figure 9.3-6: Constants used in bundle diameter(Gavin Towler, 2008) 1 2. 4 0.319 0.249 0.175 0.0743 0.0365 21422207 2.285 2.499 2.675 No. pases 1 24 6 8 K 0.215 0.156 0.158 0.0402 0.0331 my 2.207 2291 2263 2617 2643 Therefore, the constant value for K; and n; obtained from the figure 9.5 is, 0.249 and 2.207 respectively because the system using two passes tubes. Bundle diameter, Ds , Equation 9.22 Where, Dy = Bundle diameter, mm d,= Tube outside diameter, mm. N, = Number of tubes 2601.56 1 Dy = 0.025 (TET 7 P, = 1.25 x 0.025 = 0.03 m CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-336 ‘The number of tubes in the centre row can be calculated using equation 9.24. Tubes in centre row Equation 9.24 Tubes in centre row Tubes in centre row = 52.98 Tubes in centre row = 53 8 SHELL SIDE The shell side diameter is obtained from figure .6 (Gavin Towler, 2008). The head used in this heat exchanger is fixed head. Thus, value of shell bundle clearance is 18mm. Figure 9.3-7: Shell bundle clearance(Gavin Towler, 2008) eo Bullthrough floating head E 2 & feel i == ; [Sis tears E Calculated tube length ratio using = L a> Ton = 38098 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-337 Dy + bundle clearance Equation 9.25 D, = 1,66 + 0.019 D, = 1.675m SHELL SIDE VELOCITY Inside the heat exchanger, baffles are inserted. It is intended to direct the flow through the pipes and enhance the speed and heat transfer. The most common. type of baffle is the separation of the single segment (R.K.Sinnot, 2005). Baffle spacing, Ip = D,x0.3 Equation 9.26 Baffle spacing, Ip = 1.675 x 0.3 Baffle spacing, Ip = 0.502 The area for cross flow,As p= Spee a me (0.03~0.021) x 1.675 x 0.502 0.03 As Ag = 0.276 m® Equivalent diameter D. Equation 9.28 1.10 1.025 )(0.03* — (0,9 x 0.025") D, = 0.018 m CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-338 Volumetric flow rate on shell side, Vs = ¢ Equation 8.28 101,62 0.552 = G, = 184.10— s Shell side velocity Equation 9.30 184,10 e097, m U, = 0.185 = 5 SHELL SIDE HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT ‘The Reynold's number at the shell-side: Re, ona Equation 9.31 10.36 x 0.185 x 0.018 Re, = 0.000113 3084.39 Prandtl number: Equation 9.32 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-339 pr (2:19x1000) x 0,0000113 n= 0.02578 Pr= 0.96 The heat transfer factor jn can be determined from this selection of the baffle cut. Jn = 0.0250 is taken from figure 9.4.7 since the Reynold number is 4211.48. Generally, 20 % to 25% battle cut is usually optimal, providing good heat transfer speeds without a decrease in pressure (R.K.Sinnot, 2005). The butfle cut used in this calculation is 25%. Figure 9.3-8: Shell side heat transfer factors(Gavin Towler, 2008) Equation 9.33 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-340 ho = heat transfer coefficient of shell side, Wim2°C de = inner diameter of tube side,m k:= thermal conductivity of shell tube, Wim'C n= heat transfer factor of shell side Res = P, = Prandtl number of shell side ’eynolds number of shell side ode = 85.21 - 85.21 x 0.02578 a 0.018 w hy = 120.57—5°C m OVERALL HEAT TRANSFER In order to calculate the overall heat transfer, fouling factor should be decided and obtain from the table 5. Whereas, the conductivity of metal should be based on table 6 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-341 Table 9.3-6: Ty| 1 value fouling factors Fluid Coeflicient (Wim?"C) Factor (resistance) (m2°C/W) River water 3000 12,000) 0.0003-0.0001 Sea water 1000-3000 10.001 0.0003 Cooling water (towers) 3000-6000 0,0003-0.00017 Towns water (soft) 3000-3000 0,0003~-0.0002 Towns water (hard) 1000-2000 10.001 -0.0005 Steam condensate 1500-5000 0.00067-0.0002 Steam (oil free) 10,0025-0.0001 Steam (oil traces) 10,0005-0.0002 Refrigerated brine 10.0003-0.0002 Air and industrial gases 5000 10,000 (0.00020.0001 Flue gases 2000-5000] (0.0005 -0.0002 Organic vapours 5000 0.0002 Organic liquids 5000 0.0002 Light hydrocarbons 5000 0.0002 Heavy hydrocarbons 2000 0.0005 Boiling organics 2500 Condensing organics 5000 Heat transfer fluids 5000 Aqucous salt solutions 3000-5000 Table 9.3-7: Conductivity of metal Metal Temperature CC) ky(W/m°C) ‘Alu 0 202 100 206 Brass 0 7 (70 Cu, 30 Zn) 100 104 400 li Copper 0 388 100 318 Nickel 0 2 212 59 Cupro-nickel (10 per cent Ni) 0-100 As Monel 0-100 30, Stainless stel (18/8) 0-100 16 Steel 0 45 100 45 600 36 Titanium 0-100 16 ‘The equation shows the relationship between the overall and individual coefficient Equation 9.34 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-342 Where, ho = —_ outside fluid film coefficient, Wwim?.*C. ho = outside fouling factor, Wim." k, = thermal conductivity of the tube wall, Wim?.°C ha = _ inside fouling factor, Wim?.°C hb = _ inside fluid film coefficient, Wim?.°C D, = Tube inside diameter, m De = tube outside diameter, m 1_, 0.025(0.1744) | ( 0.025 5000 2x55 ( 0.021 0025 1 ) FATS. 12057 + = 00092 °0% Ue Ww w u = 108.92 —.°¢ m To be confirmed, calculate percentage error: = Toss « 100] = <30% 150 — 108.92 Ta ¥ 100] = 27.39% < 30% The percentage error was made to detect the difference of error between manually calculated of heat transfer coefficient with the assumption made. The percentage error shows that itis less than 30%. Therefore, the calculated overall heat transfer co-efficient is well within the design criteria, CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-343 PRESSURE DROP TUBE SIDE PRESSURE DROP Table shows summary tube properties: Table 9.3-8: Summary at tube side No of tubes 2602 Density, kgim™ 10.36 Outside diameter,m 0.025 Inside diameter,m 0.021 Length of tube, m 8 Velocity of tube, mis 01737 ‘Tube Side pressure drop calculated using Equation 9.35, 8 10.36x0.1131 AP, = 2|sx0.0024(—=) +2. —E__ AP, = 1.3006 kPa AP, = 0.013 atm SHELL SIDE PRESSURE DROP Table shows summary shell properties: Table 9.3-9: Summary at shell side Density, kg.m* 997 Baffle spacing, m 0.502 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-344 ‘Shell diameter, m 1.675 Equivalent diameter, m 0.018 Length of tube, m 8 Velocity of shell, m/s 0.185, The shell side pressure drop was calculated using Equation 9.36 AP, 64.33 Pa AP, = 0.004 atm CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-345 SUMMARY OF THE CHEMICAL DESIGN OF HEAT EXCHANGER (E-104) General Summary Type of ‘Shell and tube: 1 shell, 2 tube passes Heat Load, Q 7822.95 kW Log mean temperature difference, 37.54°C ATurro ‘True temperature difference, ATm 31.91 °C Heat transfer area 7634.61 m? ‘Overall heat transfer coefficient 708.92 Wimc Summary of Shell and Tube Side Parameters ‘SI unit Inlet Temperature, T: 30°C Outlet Temperature, T2 48.33 °C Flowrate.mis 58.08 kg/s Shell side velocity, us 0.185 mis Diameter of shell, Ds 1.675 m Bundle diameter, Db 1.66m CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-346 Heat Transfer Coefficient,ho Pressure drop, APs Inlet Temperature, T; Outlet Temperature, T2 Flowrate,mt Tube side velocity, ut Tube length, L Outer diameter, Do Inner diameter, Di Tube pitch, Pt Number of tube, Nt ‘Tube per pass Heat Transfer Coefficient,hi Pressure drop, APt 120.57 Wim?*C_ 0.004 atm: 111.5°C 50°C 58.08 kg/s 0.1131 mis 8m 0.025 m 0.021 m 0.03 m 2602 1301 4747.51 Wim? °C 0.013 atm CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-347 9.3.5 MECHANICAL DESIGN HEAT EXCHANGER E-104 9.3. 1 MECHANICAL DESIGN ‘The mechanical strategy proposes the design physical function of the equipment, the working pressure and temperature of the equipment, the opening and connection dimension and the construction material. These parameters are necessary to calculate and decide the exact heat exchanger size. Figure 8 shows the part of heat exchanger need to be design. Figure 9.3-9: Part of heat exchanger (fixed-tube plate)(Gavin Towler, 2008) . Table 9.3-10: Description about part of heat exchanger No. Description No. Description 1. | Shell 11. | Cross baffle 6._| Fixed tube sheet 14. | Support bracket 7. | Channel 78._| Tube 9._| Branch (nozzle) 20. | Pass partition 10. | Tie rod and spacer 26. | Expansion bellows MATERIAL SELECTION ASME standards have always been applied in industry. There are certain standards which must be followed to design mechanical components. In the petrochemical, chemical and process industries, proper material selection for mechanical equipment is a major focus. In addition, proper materials can ensure the security, finance and development of the ‘company (R.K.Sinnot, 2005). CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-348 Its better to choose carbon steel because the cost is cheap. In addition, fluid of the process. is not highly reactive which not so corrosive (R.K Sinnot, 2005). The heat exchanger shell and tube use the same material which is carbon steel to cut down the cost of the plant. DESIGN PRESSURE ‘The heat exchanger must be capable of withstanding the maximum pressure to be put into use. The heat exchanger design pressure is supposed to be approximately 5% to 10% higher than the working conditions (R.K.Sinnot, 2005) Shell side; Equation 9.37 Where, Ps = Design pressure at the shell side, N/mm? Po = Operating pressure, Nimm? P= 0.1013x 1.1 R 0.1115 N/mm? Tube side: Equation 9.38 Where, Pt = Design pressure at the tube side, Nimm? Po = Operating pressure, Nimm? Pp = 0.65 x11 0.715 N/mm? CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-349 DESIGN TEMPERATURE. To determine the maximum temperature a vessel can withstand is calculated for the design temperature. The temperature should not be below the maximum fluid temperature. Selecting the perfect construction material for the separator vessel is essential (R.K.Sinnot, 2005). In terms of safety factors, 10% of the maximum working temperature is added. Shell side; Equation 9.39 Where, Ts = Design pressure at the shell side, °C To = Operating temperature, °C T, = 39.17°C x 11 T, = 43,09°C Tube side; Equation 9.40 Where, Tt= Design pressure at the tube side, °C To = Operating temperature, °C = 80.75°C x11 T, = 88.83 °C CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-350 TYPE OF HEAT EXCHANGER The type of heat exchanger used is shell and tube exchanger with type fixed tube heat exchanger. It has been chosen because it is a lot cheaper and simplest type of shell and tube heat exchanger. However, tube bundle cannot be removed during cleaning and there are no provisions to extend the shell and tubes differentially. 5 WELDED JOINT EFFICIENCY AND CORROSION ALLOWANCE The strength of the welding joint depends on the joint type and on the welding quality. The joint factor can be considered 1.0. Additional metal thickness is added to the corrosion allowance for material lost by corrosion or erosion or scaling. The value of the welded joint factor, J used in the design depends on the type of joint and the radiographic quantity required. Using the joint will reduce the cost rather than using the radiograph, but it will produce heavier and thicker vessels. A minimum corrosion allowance of 2.0 mm should be used for carbon and low-alloy steel, where serious corrosion is not predicted. CORROSION ALLOWANCE The allowance for corrosion is defined as the additional metal thicken to permit material lost through corrosion and erosion. As a corrosion allowance, a minimum of 2.0 mm is used, DESIGN STRESS For design purposes, the maximum permissible stress value (nominal design stress) acceptable in the construction material is to be determined. The correct design stress factor can be achieved by measuring the maximum stress on the material without errors. Figure 9.5.2 lists the typical design stress. CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-351 Table 9.3-11: Typical design stress(R.K.Sinnot, 2005) Material Temite Design seas a temperate °C (Nines a Aen!) To 1 10 mm se mw Cte (pera led | sical!) mo 13S ts SOS SS wD OTD Catton eunganese set (pens ued lice kl) “0 70 10 M1115 105 0 Cartoa ‘ee, 05 er cent Mo 0 m0 Ms wo 1m mw nO 0 Low aly sce i Ce. Ma, V) so 2 20 2 BS BO BO IM 17 Ssainles tet THCeAENG sexta’ 208) sO 63 MS 30S 110105 0D sD ssw Sekine at TOCerEN Tisebdoed (21) WKS 180, M135 1D 1D 2S 11D Saini wrt TOCerEN Mo 2} percent a9 sos 135 1m MS 0 105 105 108s DESIGN CRITERIA FOR HEAT EXCHANGER MINIMUM PRACTICAL WALL THICKNESS. SHELL THICKNESS. The minimum thickness of the wall necessary to maintain that any vessel is inflexible enough to resist its own weight and any implicit loads. The minimum practical wall thickness can be calculated for a cylindrical shell. Minimum wall thickness, Equation 9.41 Where, Pi =internal design pressure of shell, Nimm? Di = Shell diameter,mm CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-352 J = Joint factor (J=1) f= Design stress of shell, Nimm? 0.1115 x 580 2(@) (25) = 0.1115 t= .235 mm Adding 2mm as the corrosion allowance; c .235 mm + 2mm t= 2.235 mm = 2.5mm TUBE THICKNESS. The minimum allowable thickness at tube side is, 0.715 x 25 2(@) 05) = 0.715 t .085 mm Adding 2mm as the corrosion allowance, £ = 0.085 mm + 2mm t = 2,085 mm ~ 2.5mm 9.3.. HEAD AND CLOSURE ‘The edges of a cylindrical vessel shuttered with heads of different forms. As described in Table 11, there are several types of head and closure. Table 9.3-12: Types of head and closure(R.K.Sinnot, 2005) Types of head Application Hemispherical heads 1. Expensive 2. Withstand in high pressure 3._The strongest shape Ellipsoidal heads Most affordable for over 15 bar operation Tori spherical Usually up to 15 bar for operation. CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-353 Ellipsoidal heads was chosen in this operation and this type of heads most economical. The standard ellipse heads with a large and small axis ratio of 2:1 are produced. Where, Equation 9. 42 Pi = internal design pressure of shell, N/mm? Di= Shell diameter, mm J = Joint factor (J=1) Fs = Design stress of shell, Nimm? Therefore; 1115 x 580 e .2587 mm Adding with corrosion allowance, ).2587 mm + 2mm .2587 mm ~ 2.3 mm 2x 1x 125 — (0.2 x 0.1115) ‘The thickness of the heads is almost similar to the shell thickness. Therefore, ellipsoidal head is chosen. The diameter of the head and closure should therefore be the same as 580 mm diameter of the vessel in order to avoid leakage. CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-354 LOAD ON VESSEL, In aims to discuss any problems caused by the surrounding environment or any consequences, the calculation of the vessel must be focused. The heat exchanger weight is obtained by (R.K.Sinnot, 2005): 1) Organic solvents in the tubes 2) Mixture in shell 3) Tube 4) Shells WEIGHT OF SHELL TP m Dn GUL + 0.8D Je Where, Ww = Weight of shell Cv = Factor for weight of nozzles, manways, internal support, 1.08 pm = Density of shell material,7854 kgim* = Wall thickness,mm Dm= lean diameter of shell,m g = gravitational acceleration , 9.81 m/s® And, Dm, = (0.21 + 2.235 x107*) Dy, = 0.212 m W, = 1.08 x mx 7854 x 0.212 x 9.81 x (8 + (0.8 x 0.212))x 0.00224 W, = 1014.19 N Equation 9. 43, Equation 9. 44 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-355 WEIGHT OF TUBE Weight of tube can be determined with, W, = Ni pmgL(d3 + d?) Equation 9. 45 W, = 2602 x mx 7854 x 9.81 x8 (0.025? + 0.0212) W, = 5371.11 kN WEIGHT OF MIXTURE IN TUBE Equation 9. 46 (0.025? + 0.021? We = 2602 x1 x 10.36 x 9.81 x 8 7 ——— We; = 1771.22 N WEIGHT OF MIXTURE IN SHELL. XLXPmX9 Equation 9. 47 1.675 We = (x 7 )xax997 x9 Wo = 172414.44 N CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-356 Table 9.3-13: Summary of weight loads ‘Sources Weight ‘Shell, KN 4.0142 Tube . kN 5371.12 Mixture in tube , KN 4.7712 Mixture in shell, KN 172.41 Total Weight, KN 5546.32 Total weight + 5% allowance. kN 5551.32 BAFFLES The fluid flow will be directed to the entire tube and the fluid velocity will be increased by baffles. The rate of heat transfer is also increased when the fluid speed increases. In general, the baffle reduction of 20%-25% is optimal as a result of a good rate of heat transfer without an overly drop (R.K.Sinnot, 2005). ‘The number of baffle can be evaluated by; Number of baf ft Equation 9. 48, Number of baffle = (2mm Number of baffle =5 NOZZLE PIPE SIZES Nozzle are used to enter and to leave the heat exchanger input and outlet on the side of the channel and shell. Flow restrictions on the inlet and outlet nozzles are important to avoid. The material of construction will be identical to the heat exchanging body for the nozzle (R.K.Sinnot, 2005). ‘The optimal pipe diameter can be determined with; Equation 9.49 Where, G = Mass flowrate of fluid, kg/hr p= Density of fluid, kg/m? U= Velocity of fluid, mis Di = Diameter of the nozzle, m Ai = Area of fluid flow, mis Tube side; 3484 ~~ 10,36 x 0.1131 x 3600 A= 08259 m? p, = [*08259)/, D, = 0.8863 m Shell side; 6097.2 997 x 0.252 x 3600 A = 0.01096 m? p, = [#(0.01096)/ D, = 0.1181 m CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-357 Equation 9. 50 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-358 FLANGES Flanged joints are used to connect pipes and instruments with the vessel, to cover manholes and to remove the head of the vessel when easy access is required. Flanges are also used for transfer and servicing on a vessel body to split vessels into parts. In different codes and standards the proportion of flanges can be followed (R.K.Sinnot, 2005). ‘The welding-neck flange is used to design this heat exchanger because of the long trapped hub between flange and welded joint. Also, flanges are used because they are suitable for use in extreme conditions of service (R.K.Sinnot, 2005). Figure 9.3-10: Typical standard of flange design(R.K. innot, 2005) CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-359 Table 9.3-14: Standard flange design Table 9.3-15: Selected dimension of flange for nozzle Type Flange | Raised] Bolting] Drilling Neck face D [b[h | a4 [Ft No. [a2] k [a3 [hl r Tube | 900 [914.4] 1075| 26/70] 980|5| M27 | 24 | 30] 1020 | 942 | 16 | 12 side Shell| 125 | 1397 | 240 |718|48|178|3| Mie | 8 | 18] 200 | 155] 10] 8 side DESIGN OF SUPPORT SADDLE The saddle shall hold up to the load imposed by the weight and contents of the vessel. ‘Commonly, two saddles are mounted on the body for horizontal vessel. Two saddles for a horizontal vessel are usually mounted on the body. The contact angels should not less than 120° C and normally not surpass 150 ° C (R.K.Sinnot, 2005). Wear plate frequently welded to the shell wall to strengthen the wall through the saddle contact. CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-360 Figure 9.3-11: Standard saddle design (R.K.Sinnot, 2005) Table 9.3-16: Saddle support design Vessel Max Dimension,m mm diameter,(m) | Weight(kN) | V | Y | C | E | J | G |t]t] Bolt | Bolt diameter | holes 06 35 0.48 [0.15 [055[024[0.19|0095[6[5| 20 25 SUMMARY OF MECHANICAL DESIGN OF HEAT EXCHANGER E-104 General Summary ‘Type of heat exchanger ‘Shell and tube : 1 shell, 2 tube passes Heat Load, Q 7822.95 KW Log mean temperature difference, 37.54°C ATuno True temperature difference, ATm 31.91 °C CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (E-104)-361, Heat transfer area 1634.64 m? ‘Overall heat transfer coefficient 708.52 WiC Design Pressure, Nimm? 0.1115 0.715 Design Temperature , °C 43.09 88.83 Minimum practical wall thickness, mm 2.235 2.085, Weight, KN. 1.0142 5371.12 Weight of mixture ,KN 172.41 1.7712 Diameter of nozzle, m 0.1181 0.8863 Head and Closure Ellipsoidal Number of Baffle 5 Support type Saddle Flange type Welding neck flange 9.3.6 CONCLUSION After so many consideration, it is decided to design fixed tube of shell and tube exchanger. ‘The temperature use to exchange is from 111.5°C to 50°C. Based on the calculation, the heat exchanger length is 8m and the number of tube is 2602. The material of construction for both tube and shell is carbon steel. The design satisfied for both chemical and mechanical design requirement. 9.3.7 APPENDIX Gavin Towler, R. S. (2008). Chemical Engineering Design Economics of Plant and Process Design. Elsevier Inc., 794-845. Principles, Practice and RK Sinnot. (2005). Chemical Engineering Design. Coulson & Richardson's Chemical Engineering, 6. CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-362 9.4 STRIPPING COLUMN, T - 104 9.4.1 Introduction A stripping column is a chemical equipment that use for physical separation where ‘one or more components are removed from a liquid stream by a vapor stream. The liquid and vapor streams can have co-current or counter current flows in the industrial applications. Stripping is usually carried out in either a packed or trayed column. Va Vout Vout f > You Yout Ln ‘ big } uy ) lr ry Low thie (a) ) Figure 9.4-1. Packed columns with countercurrent flow : (a) absorber (b) stripper 9.4.2 Process Background Stripping Column (T-101) are used in the process in order to strip carbon monoxide (CO) gas from the mixture. The inlet stream of stripping column consist of carbon monoxide, hidrogen, ethane, ethylene, and propanal. The temperature of inlet stream and outlet stream do not change which is 41.94°C. The inlet pressure is 300 kPa while the outlet pressure of top stream and bottom stream are 280kPa and 290kPa respectively. Solvent Selection Characteristics of water: 1) High solubility for the gas with low vapor pressure. 2) Low viscosity 3) Mass transfer limitations become unimportant with increased solubility of gases and organic compounds by using water inter-phase. CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-363 Types of Packing ‘There some principal requirements of packing need to be considered in design of packed tower to ensure the process is operate at good condition: 1) Provide a large surface area: a high interfacial between the gas and liquid. 2) Have an open structure: low resistance to gas flow. 3) Promote uniform liquid distribution on packing surface 4) Promote uniform vapor gas flow across the column section. For this packed tower, pall rings packing is suitable in this application where pall rings are essentially Raschig rings in which openings have been made by folding strips of the surface into the ring. This increases the free area and improves the liquid distribution characteristics. It is more efficient compare to other types of packing t | Figure 9.4-2. Block diagram of stripping Table 8.4-1. Molar Summary of Inlet and Outlot Stream for Stripping Column, T - 101 Feed Top satom (steam 9) (steam 10) (steam 1) component | Pree | 2c0i°= | Pressure | 2a0iPa | erensura | 208A Wor | oie | oiarriow| _woie | Molt (kmouhy | Fraction | (kmotmhy | Fraction | moimy | Fraction Eyre 1088 oores| Tove | cosor | wceds | uot? Carbon Wonoxe” | 000 | —vanss | —s 7805] —oaser| —aoze6 | —co05 HycropenGas | 17059] wares | 1.7022] — ose] —a00ar | 0.000% Propenadehyde | 547007] —oamBe | —o-saae| —ooaae| —Sa6476 | 06607 thane a70i0 | 0070 | —azaor | —o7ae | — 04690] — 00088 oT a060 | — 0.0000 | —Baae0 | —@aaea | —o.0000| — 0.000 Water a060 | — 0.0060 | —@ae0 | —@aaeo | — 0.0000 | — 0.000 Dpropyiéiter | 00000] —aaoo0 | —0,0000| —0.0000| —cocoo | —c0000 Tota ee atea | — 10000 | —raae38 | —taoe0 | 4.2008 | — 1.0000 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-364 Table 9.4-2, Mass Summary of Inlet and Outlet Stream for Stripping Column, T- 101 Feed Top Satom (stream 9) (saa 10) (soa) component | Pressure | 200%°a | Pressure | Pressure | 2004Pa | Pressure Mass |" mass | Mass Fiow | Mass | M855 | Mass (kgihy Fraction (kg/h) Fraction (kgih) Fraction eens Shazss| 0008s | — 28406] —aaaie | —esa07 | — 00008 Garbon Navara | 162-7417 | — 0.0467 | —T6. 8881 | 04608 | 07460 |] —voon2 Tychonen tas] 22295] —wonoe | —z2aat| — 0.006] —c007s | —a0000 Proponaidenyae [3747078 | — 0.8052 | —Sr.s2ee | —ooaee | srrsarte | —oeBWs = Ta aa65 | owas | Tarawa | — 0a | Ta bao] OOS 1- Prosar ‘Taad0-| —0.0000| — 0.0006 | —waa00-| —vanc0-| — 0.0000 aa ‘reo00-| —o0000-| —o.0000 | —woo00-| —ean00-| — 0.0000 Dpropyiciher | —80000-| —eaeo0 | 0.0000 | —0.0000| —aocoe | —c0000 cca sass. ei20 | —a000 | — asi 287 | — 0000 | 398.1796 | T0000 Tabi 9.49, Molar Summary of Componont involved in Design Calculation Feed Top Baton (steam 9) (sven 10) (sean) component | Pressure | 200%°= | Pressure | 2a0ura | pressure | 2008 Weir woe | wourrow | woe | MO | wow rat, | Fraction | “emoim | Fraction | F¥,, | Fraction Carbon wananae |" 8005 | — conn | 57888 | — oor | “.0a86 | —000ns Ehane a 7ox-| —o0ris | —4aaor | —aae67 | —oaeae | — 00088 = + 10867 —vaves | —voise] 00877 | — 00808 | —o00ir Froponaldonae | 21007 | ozs | —aseas | — oan | —saea7e | —aoeRr Taal 5 a0 | — T0000 | —T7 sere | —raa00-| —erzz8= | —0008 Tab 8.44 Mass Summary of Componant involved in Design Caleulation Feed Top Bottom (steam 9) (stra 1) (steam 1) component | Pressure | s00xP= | Pressure | Pressure | 00KPa | Pressure ass Fiow | ass | maseriow | mass | 25° | aos ‘ony | eration | “om” | eeton | 2" | erection Carbon nonane | SETA | — 057 | TOT BRET SST 00meT ane 1454468 | 00406 | T2704 44488 | 00408 aman 0255 | — 00066 | — 7862 saa | —O one Proponaldonie [47.3576 | — 0.007 | — Sr eae9 WaT a67e | —OeasT oa aez6r30 | — 10000 | ~340.5066 826790 | — 10000 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-365 9.4.3 Chemical Design Vapor Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) Data Vapor / Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) is the liquid and vapor phase coexistence state. The VLE data provides knowledge to calculate the dew point and bubble points of a given mixture of multicomponents. The law of Raoult can be used for multi-component structures that were considered optimal to determine the composition of the vapor in equilibrium with the liquid yiP = xiPi In handling with hydrocarbon system, K-value is often used to represent the equilibrium data. K-value is the equilibrium ratio which calculates the propensity of a given chemical species to distinguish between liquid and vapor phases preferentially Ki K-value can be expressed as eq. for the law of Raoult. K-value is generally assumed as a function of T and P, regardless ofthe liquid and vapor phases composition. Thus, Raoul’s law enables K-values to be correlated and calculated as a function of T and P Kia P Where, Psat = vapour pressure from Antoine's equation. Antoine's equation is being utilized to obtain parameters in obtaining dew and bubble point. Below is the Antoine's equation: Where: AB, Pi = Antoine constant japour pressure at T (mmHg) T = operating temperature (°C) P = operating pressure (mmHg) CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-366 Bubble Point and Dew Point Dew point is the constant pressure temperature where the first droplet forms when the vapor is cooled or compressed while the bubble point is the constant pressure temperature where the first vapor bubbles form when a liquid is heated or decompressed (Richardson, 2002) The following formula may be used to determine the bubble point and dew point in terms of equilibrium constant in order to satisfy the temperature of the binary variable mixture at a given system pressure by iteration (Sinnott, 2005). Below is the bubble and dew point equation: B= Ukisi=1 east By using Antoine's equation, bubble point and dew point can be calculated. Since this is a trial and error process, “Goal seek’ function in Microsoft excel comes to the rescue to aid the calculation. Table 9.1-5. Antoine Coetticients for The System ‘Component A B © Carbon Monoxide 624020 230270 260.070 Ethane 68202 663.720 256.687 Etiyiene 69664 649.806 262.730 Propionaldehyae 7.0498 7154-800 229.010 Table 8.1-6. Calculation of Bubble Point at Foed Stream. (Pr= 300 kPa, Teunbw=134.45°C) Component | ractonxi | cami) | army | | Carbon Monoxide 0.0885 2548332 | _S387 4876 | 11 3249 | 08887 Ethane o.0715 25.0608 33424 | O01T | 00007 Ethylene 0.0168 7e.5024 | 10.6114 | 0.0964] 0.0005 Propionaldehyde 08234 687E-06 | _8.1596-07 | 305E-09 | 2516-09 Total 1.0000 Die dK 7.0008 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-367 Table 9.1-7. Calculation of Dew Point at Top Stream. (Pr = 280 kPa, Toow = 115.5°C) Mole PI Pi Component Fraction Yi | (mmHg) (xP) a y Carbon Monoxide 0.0885 4433495 | 50108419 | 211102] _O97IT Ethane a] 1342768 T7901 | 0068 | 0.0214 Ethylene vores 3671649 | a7ete7 | 01701 | 00136 Propionaldehyde 08234 0.0008 00007 | S.58E7 | 0.00007 Total 1.0000 EXI= EYUKI= 1.0008 Table 8.1-8, Calculation of Bubble Point at Bottom Stroam (Pr=280kPa, Tautie=65.65°C) componeet | retort | immed | orn | “| Carbon Monoxide ‘0005 | _a4T2816 | 4550048 | 766-8082 | O.07Es Ethane ‘1008s | 5886445 | 7eBTSS | —a7.O7ED | — O2SR Ethylene D007 | __97179.95| _12056.26| 44.6768 | 00759 Propionaldehyde 09882 7343605 77993 | 06205 | 08738 Total 70000 EVissKiKi= 1.0002 Determination of Column Diameter Calculation to determine column diameter Average Molecular Weight for the inlet gas at stream 9 Amw gas= E401 6274118 sarasestt sors = 2x28 2+ Gast 3007 2) + ast 2805 Guar 58.085] 0 = 55.2279 s_ Generalized pressure drop correlation Mass flow for gas inlet Viw = 348542 x te = 0.9681 kg/s Mass flow liquid inlet Liw= 1742.5 tex = 0.4840 kg/s CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-368 Table 9.1-9. Critical Properties of Component Component | Mass fraction Temperature | Pressure critical vi) a (bar) Carbon monoxide 0.0467 132.9 35 Ethane 0.0406 305.4 48.8 Ethylene 0.0089 282.4 50.4 Propanal 0.9082 496 476 Pom of gas in Pom =E Pend = [ 35bar(0.0467) + 48.8bar(0.0406) + 50.4bar(0.0089) + 47.6bar(0.9032) ] = 47.0567bar Tem of gas in Tin ™ ET ead = 132.9°K(0.0467) + 305.4°K(0.0406) + 282.4°K(0.0089) + 496°K(0.9032) = 489.1062°K Prof gas in P Pom bar Woserear = 0.0638 P, T, of gas in Tom = 1500K By referring to Figure (Appendix ), with the value of P-= 0.0638 and + 0.6717, the value of compressibility factor, z is 0.9. Therefore, specific volume of inlet gas is CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-369 ver ep? 0.9 x (20e2Abar mt mol x (31509°K)) a = 7.8589m*/kmol Density of gas mixture in to the absorption unit is AMWi gas i rf = 552279 fd 7.8589%/kmoT = 7.0274 kg/m Data properties | aa Koel So. iT <1.5, N= 0.00034 (7,)0™ HT,> 15, N = 0.0001778 (4.58(7-) — 1.67)°*25 AtT,= 0.6717, $0 Tr < 1.5 N= 0.00034 (r,)0™ N = 0.00034 (0.67172 N= 0.00033 ‘Sample calculation for viscosity of carbon monoxide 1 [(0.00033(28))*} [ (35.00)% re 2), aaa Mico = 8.271x10%-3 Nsim*2 ‘Component Viscosity (Nisin?) ‘Carbon monoxide B.aTtx107 Ethane 9301x107 Ethylene 9.302x107 Propanal TAT3x107 Havg 9651x107 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-370 Generalized Pressure Drop Correlation be 0484 (70274 Ve ‘5, 09681 * 1000 0.042 Recommended design value, mm per m packing for absorber are 15 to 50. For these design, 45mm H20/m is chosen. Ke =2 Atflooding line, Ke =6 (Obtained from Coulson & Richardson's, Chemical Engineering, Volume 6) Percentage flooding = vx 100 = 57.74% Design for pressure drop of 45mm H20/m packing Ky=2 Ya Leads vie (Cee Lomm AD | 905 Vu = 9.031 kg/mis Column Area Hole diameter = 5mm Column area required: = 0.1072 m? Diameter = V(O1281) + =0.36m, * 0.4m(round of for safety consideration) Diameter = (1281) * =0.36m = 0.4m(round off for safety consideration) CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-371 New column area = =x (0.4)? = 0.132 Packing size to column diameter ratio =5.26m A larger packing size should be considered Percentage flooding at selected diameter 7.74% x 72 : 013 = 82.46% Diffusion Coefficients (Diffusivities) Gases (Dy) Diffusion volume for Carbon Monoxide (CO) Element Vi No of element | Vixno of element c 16.50 1 16.50 oO 5.48 i 548 Levi= 21.98 Diffusion volume for Ethane (C2fis) Element Vi No of element | Vixno of element c 76.50 2 33.00 oO 1.98 6 17.88 Levi= 44.88 Diffusion volume for Ethylene (C2#:) Element Vi No ofelement | Vi xno of element c 16.50 2 33.00 ° 1.98 4 7.92 Levi= 40.92 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-372 Diffusion volume for Propanal ((3/1<0) Element Vi No ofelement | Vixno of element c 76.50 3 495 H 1.98 6 711.88 5 5.48 7 5.48 Levi= 66.86 By using the Lee and Thodos method from (Perry's, 2001) for pr < 1 , the diffusivities of gas is Loraei0-Trarsch sty Dy= a Pavds+ (EbW0 5? Lorsd0-7(31509)175¢ 414" 3 ((66.86)3+ (9.44)3]2 Do = 5.635x10-° m?/s 10-2005 p= ES 9 =2.6 for water Vu = molar volume of 20 Vu = 0.0189 (Obtained from Coulson & Richardson's, Chemical Engineering, Volume 6) 1a73m0326(18))°5(315.09) a CoaonyoorsHe Dy = 2.735x10-6 m?/s Estimation of Hos Cornell's Method From figure at APPENDIX , at 54.43 per cent flooding, K3 = 0.92 From figure at APPENDIX , at 54.43 percent flooding, !h = 60 From figure at APPENDIX , at 2.203 kg/m2s, 6h = 0.04 (Obtained from Coulson & Richardson's, Chemical Engineering, Volume 6) HOG can be expected to be around 1m, so as the first estimation Z can be taken as 1m, CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-373 Liquid Schmidt number, (Sc)L. (Se). = (Sc). = 0. Gas Schmidt number, (Sc). (Se)v = = __s6sinio7 Sede = Gomme > (Sc)v= 243.72 Liquid mass flow rate per unit cross-sectional area, L°w Lew = awl Lew = 2484 Lw=3.72 kg/m?s Height of a liquid phase transfer unit, Hi = 0.3050 (Se)°5K (7 yous Hh =0305(0.03(036699(092)(230 H.= 6.68x10-4m As the liquid temperature has been taken as 20°C and the liquid is water, Height of gas phase transfer unit, H Xt O14 (5e)PS CM ra gO LAW FF) = 0.011(60)(243.72)8" (°* ys o/ @:72) He = 3.256 m The overall gas phase transfer unit and individual film transfer unit Hog = Ha + Ke+ He Hog = 3.256 + 2 + 6.68x10-* Hog = §.256 m CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-374 The height of a transfer uniz, Z 2 Zescinarea® Hoe Z=1x5.256 Z=5.256m 9.4.4 Mechanical Design Operating temperature = 41.49°C or 315.09°K Operating pressure = 300kPa or 3 bar Design pressure, take as 10% above operating pressure, = 3barx 1.1 =33 = 0.33 N/mm? Plate Typical design stresses for plate: Material : Stainless Steel 18Cr/BNi Ti establish (321) Tensile strength : 540 N/mm? Design stress : 165 N/mm? (Obtained from Coulson & Richardson's, Chemical Engineering, Volume 6) Cylindrical Section 203310410) 2(165)-033 e=04mm Add corrosive allowance, 0.44 mm + 2 mm = 2.44 mm Round up the cylindrical section, 3mm Analysis of Head thickness Domed head Standard dished head ( Torisphere): Crown radius, Re = D1 =0.4mK nuckle radius, Rk = 6% of Re = 0.024m CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-375 A head of this size would be formed by pressing: no joints, so J=1 cs Torispherical heads, e ee _ BI Pde 03) (033)(04:105 aes +(as9j 771-0] = 0.707 mm Add corrosive allowance, 0.707 mm + 2 mm = 2.707 mm Ellipsoidal head Ratio major : minor axes = 2:1 ee = 2fj-0.2P, = _(038)(04110%) 3068)-02033) =0.4mm Add corrosive allowance, 0.4 mm + 2mm = 2.4mm With these two methods, the results give the value below 5 mm. An ellipsoidal head would probably be most economical. So the thickness as taken same as the wall is 5 mm. Column Weight Dead weight vessel, Wv = 240 CvDm (Hv + 0.8Dm)t Where, Cv = weight factor take as 1.08, vessel with fittings Dm = mean diameter, m (DI +t) Hv = height or length between tangent line take as 10 mt. = wall thickness take as 11mm (obtained from Coulson & Richardson's, Chemical Engineering, Volume 6) CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-376 Dn = (Di+t)m = (0.4 + (11x10-8)] =0.411m Wy = 240 CwDm( Hy+ 0.8Dm)t = 240(1.08)(0.411)[10 + 0.8(0.411)\ 11) = 12.1 kN Weight of insulation, Wi The insulating material is mineral wood Density of mineral wool = 130 kglm3 Thickness of insulation, t; = 75 mm (typical assumed value) (obtained from Coulson & Richardson's, Chemical Engineering, Volume 6) Volume of insulation, V7 = nDiHts = 1(0.4)(10)(75 x 10-8) = 0.94 m? Wi =Vipg = (0.94)(130)(9.81) = 1.199 kN This value is doubled to allow fittings, so weight of insulation Wr =2x 1.199 = 2.398 kN Total weight, Wr Wr =Wtw 2.1 +2.398 = 14.498 kN CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-377 Wind Loading Take dynamic wind pressure, Pw as 1280 Nim? (obtained from Coulson & Richardson's, Chemical Engineering, Volume 6) Mean Diameter, including insulation, Deyy Dep = 0.4 + 2(11+75) x 10-3] =0.572m Loading (per linear meter) Fv ye = Py Der = (1280)(0.572) = 0.732 kNim Bending moment at bottom tangent line, Ms we a Where, X = Distance measured from the free end (column height) w 4.498 kN Mx 14,498)10? = 1449.8 kN Analysis of Stress At bottom tangent line, Pressure Stresses, o =PD, ou rf = (033(04n10%)_ 411) N/mm? =P 2e = (033)(0.4x103) 201) = 6 N/mm? CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-378 Dead weight stress, aw -_W ow aoe = 498 x(a00F GD) = 1.02 N/mm? Bending stresses, os a seer . re Where, I = £(D4- D4) ° aot Do =Dr+2t = (400 + 2(11)) = 422 mm 1 ="(D4-D4) » ne = #(422— 4004) = 0.3.x 10° mm? o | =M(R+t) te2 1449800,400, = 11) aan * = 1.02 N/mm? The resultant longitunal stress is o+(upwind) o: =atowtors =3- 1,02 + 1.02 =3 N/mm? The resultant longitunal stress is o.(downwind) a =atowto =3-1.02- 1.02 = 0.96 N/mm? CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-379 Critical Elastic Stability (Buckling), a oc = (2x10*)(4) De = (2x10 = 521 N/mm? Vessel Supports At the ambient temperature conditions: ‘Type of support Straight oylindrical skirt (@s= 90°) Material construction : Stainless steel! Design stress £165 Nim? Young's Modulus: 200 kN/mm? Skirt height, Hs : 3m (typical height for vertical column support) (Obtained from Coulson & Richardson's, Chemical Engineering, Volume 6) The maximum dead weight load on the skirt will occur when the vessel is full of mixture. Approximate weight =2(D)*Hpg = £(04)*(10\(7.0274)9.81) = 86.63 N Weight of vessel, Wr = 14.498 + 0.08663 = 14,585 kN Wind loading = 0.732 kNim Bending moment at the base of skirt, Ms Bending stress in the skirt, ov Oe De = 16662108) WG7o0+NANA700) = 25.77 N/mm Oe = CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-380, The dead weight stress in the skirt, ow.(test) w Oe te 1498 = oor = 1.021 N/mm? The dead weight stress in the skirt, ow(operating) “Oe ee = 1585 aor = 1.027 N/mm The test condition is with the vessel full of water for the hydraulic test. In the estimating total weight, the weight of liquid on the plates has been counted twice. The weight has not been adjusted to allow for this as the error is small and the safe side. The resultant stresses in the skirt, 0 o:(compressive) Obs + dws 28.77 + 1.021 26.791 N/mm? os(tensile) = ots ows = 25.77 + 1.027 = 26.797 N/mm? Take the standard joint factor, j = 0.85 (Obtained from Coulson & Richardson's, Chemical Engineering, Volume 6) The skirt thickness the worst should be that under the worst combination of wind and dead weight loading the following design criteria is not exceeded! a; (tensile) > fisine 26.797 N/mm? > (165)0.85 sin 90 26.797 N/mm? > 125,38 N/mm? o, (compressive) > 0.125E("*)sind 26.791 N/mm? > 0.125(200000)1) 26.791 N/mm? > 687.5. N/mme CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-381 Both criteria are satisfied, add 2mm for corrosion, give the design thickness =11mm+2mm = 13mm Base Ring and Anchor Bolts Approximate pitch circle diameter = 0.4 +2(0.011+0.075) =0572m = 572mm = 600 mm Circumferences of bolt circle = 6007. Number of bolts required at minimum recommended bolt spacing = 500 Take bolt design stress = 125 N/mm? (Obtained from Coulson & Richardson's, Chemical Engineering, Volume 6) Bending moment at base of skirt, M, Mx = =36.6KN Wr = 14.585 kN The anchor bolts area, Ab Ab x5) = 49.97 mm? 14585) Bolt root diameter CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-382 Total compressive load on the base ring per unit length = 4 14505 moa) (04) = 302859 Nim Taking the bearing pressure as 5 Nimm2 (Obtained from Coulson & Richardson's, Chemical Engineering, Volume 6) The minimum width of the base ring, Lb bo ft) ¢ 0 = 302889, 1 aS i) = 60.57 mm Therefore, the size of Anchor bolt design use is M24 bolts (BS 4190:1967) (Obtained from Coulson & Richardson's, Chemical Engineering, Volume 6) Actual width required Lr + ts 50mm 5 +75 = 50 70 mm Actual nearing pressure on concrete foundation, fc fe Ee Ay 302889 Toxi03 = 1.782 N/mm? The minimum thickness, th CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-383, In this packed column, there are four pipes needed in this process. There for liquid in piping, liquid out piping, gas in piping and also for gas out piping. The piping size are very important to be considered because it can make flow is more effectives. The size of the piping involves in this packed column are’ Diameter for liquid in Component water Flowrate 0.484 kgls Density 1000 kg/m D, optimum = — 2036°5%p-°37 = 293(0.484)°59(1000)-297 15.482 mm Round offto = 20mm Diameter for liquid out Flowrate = 3.55 kg/s Density = 1000 kg/m? D, optimum 293699997 = 293(3.55)°53(1000)-#97 = 44.51mm Round off to 50mm Diameter for gas in Flowrate = 0.9681 kg/s Density 7.0274 ka/m? D, optimum = — 203G05p-037 293(0.9681)"°(7.0274)-#2” = 139,99mm Round off to 150 mm Diameter for gas out Flowate = 0.238 kgis Density = 7.0274 kg/m? , optimum, 293695%p-027 293(0.238)"59(7.0274)-037 66.55 mm Round off to 80 mm CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-384 Standard Flanges Standard flanges are available in range of types, sizes and materials. The proportions of standard flanges are set out in the various codes and standard. In the processes, the relevant British Standards BS 2560 is used. Nom.| Pipe | Flange Raised | Bolting | Drilling Neck Size | od face Dd __|D_[b Th] & [ft [M No. [da [k [a | fa |r 20 [269 [105 [18 [40 [58 [2 [Miz [4 [44 [75 [40 [e [4 50 | 60.3 | 165 [20/48 |102 [3 |Mie (4 18 [125/75 [8 16 30/88 [200 [24/58 |138_|3 [Mie 6 | 18 |160|105|12 18 150 | 168.3|300 | 28 | 75 (218 |3 (M24 |8 | 26 |250|102|12 | 10 (Obtained from Coulson & Richardson's, Chemical Engineering, Volume 6) CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-385 9.4.5 Summary on Chemical Design for T-101 Tem No: 1-107 Types Packed Column Savent Water “Types of packing Pail ing Wateral Ceramic Diameter OF m Height 326m Hole diameter Sm Tiquid mass flow rate B72 kale Height ofa Liquid Phase Transfer Seax0+m Height ofa Gas Phase Transter 3255 ‘The Overall Gas Phase Transfer Unit 526m 9.4.6 Summary on Mechanical Design for T-101 em No: 1-107 Types Packed Column Design pressure O53 Nin Plate Types of packing Paling Waterial ‘Siainiess steel 1ECVENI Ti establish (21) Tensile strength "540 Ninn Design stress 165 Nim Cylindrical section Oa mm Crown radius Oam ‘Knuckle radios 0024 Elpsoidal head Zam Column Weight ‘Mean diameter oat m ‘Dead weight 121 IN Weight of insulation 2308 KN Total weight T4408 KN Wind Loading ‘Wean diameter os72m Toading OTaZ KN ‘Bending moment at Botiom tangent ine Tea. KN ‘Analysis of Stress Pressure stress i = 3 Ninn Gu = 6 Nim Dead weight stress OZ Nimim® Bending stress 1.02 Nim Critical elastic stability (Bucking) ‘BRI Nine CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-386 Vessel Supports “Types of supports ‘Straight cylindrical skit (@s = 80°) Waterials Siainless steel Design stress 165 Nim Young's modulus 200 Nini ‘Skirt height om Total weight Ta BBERN Wind loading 0732 KN Bending moment BESWN ‘Dead weight TORT Nim Thickness: TSmim ‘Anchor Bolts Bat B bolts Design stress 125 Nin ‘Bending moment ZESKN Total weight Ta 5G RN ‘Anchor bolts area 4.97 min ‘Anchor bois root diameter oo M24 bolts (BS 4190:1867) Tiquidin 2mm Tiquid out somm asin a0 mam Gas out som Flanges Tiquidin 700 mm Tiquid out 100 mm Gasin 300mm Gas out 500 mim CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-387 BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Christie J. Geankoplis. Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles (Includes Unit Operations), Fourth Edition, (Pearson Education, Inc., 2003) [2] RK. Sinnott. Chemical Engineering Design, Coulson & Richardsons Chemical Engineering Series, Volume 6, Fourth Edition (ELSEVIER BUTTERWORTH HEINEMANN, 2005) [3] Warren L. McCabe, Julian C. Smith. Unit Operation of Chemical Engineering, McGraw Hill, Six Edition (McGRAW-HILL HANDBOOKS, 2001) CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-388 APPENDIX Packing Data Type = Pall ring Material = Ceramic Diameter, dp = 76mm Specific surface area,a = 66 m*/m® Packing factor, Fpm-1 =52 Solvent used = Water (H20) (Coulson & Richardson's, Chemical Engineering, Volume 6) Generalized Pressure Drop Correlation CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-389 Design Data for Various Packing Size Bulk ‘Surface Packing density area a i mm (agin) (mim?) FRaschig rings 030 3 1 368 2100 ‘ceramic 10 28 or 190 325 1s 3 689 128 310 20 SI 61 9s 210 30 76 361 o 120 Metal os ie 1201 47 980 (density for carbon see!) 8 os 207 378 3% 78S 141 270 31 383 102 190 16 ‘400 n los Pall rings 16 393 a 20 metal 2 481 210 160 (density for carbon steel) 2 385 128 92 rT 383 102 66 16 m3 6 32 Plastics 16 nz 31 320 (density for polypropylene) 10 PY 207 170 is 38 10 20 3 2 3s » 2 Imalox saddles os 3 660 ceramic 10 2 300 ts 38 170 20 SI Bo Percentage flooding —= CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-101)-390 Standard Flanges 10° Nim?) STEEL WELDING NECK FLANGES ‘Nominal pressure 40 bar (1 bar anes = Jevowerwony snes SA RRR 3 SERA BESRE Sores 20998 ARRAR Seas SEEN AARRE ARRAY ASSIS TRB: 5558 S5505 99588 S9A9R BBHAY BERRY Senge RASS 9) S2ne8 RAHAT MARTA SRR 928 89088 BRAG GRSER aad BHR HERE Ry aa Baa eanns suas nacag g9gg CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-102)-391 9.5 DISTILLATION COLUMN, T - 102 9.5.1 Introduction Distillation is one of the most widely used separation process in the chemical industries. The applications ranging from the fractionation of crude oil to the rectification of alcohol. A good and reliable design methods for distillation equipment is important to ensure the equipment functioning at optimum rate while at the same time bearing a cost-effective design in terms of maintenance, material used and column internal component [1]. The basic equipment required for continuous distillation is shown in Figure 9.1.1. a tc xe feeds Bottom ® product (o) Figure 9.1.1. Distillation Column, (a) Basic Column. (b) Multiple feeds and side streams. [Source: (Gavin Towler & Ray Sinnott, 2008)} 9.5.2 Process Background The plant aims to design a multi - component distillation column for separation of ight key (carbon monoxide, hydrogen, ethane, ethylene and propionaldehyde) and heavy key (1-propanol, dipropyl ether, water) component from the feed stream. Since the working principal of distilation column is by the boiling point difference, thus the light key component tends to rise as vapor and flows up the column, whereas the heavy key will counter ~ currently flows down the column as liquid. The primary concem is to separate 1-propanol effectively and at maximum rate from the feed stream of the. distillation column. Figure 9.1.2 shows the block diagram for distillation column, T- 102. Feed = 54.2290 kmol/h 0.0000 Ethylene 0.0005 Carbon Monoxide 0.0000 Hydrogen Gas 0.0889 Propionaldehyde 0.0102 Ethane 0.9158 1 - Propanol 0.0023 Water 0.0023 Dipropyl Ether (OPE) T= 50°C, P = 150kPa (abs) CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-102)-392 Distillation Column, T-102 Top = 4.8432 kmol/h 0.0002 Ethylene 0.0055 Carbon Monoxide 0.0000 Hydrogen Gas 0.7690 Propionaldehyde 0.1143 Ethane 0.0737 1 - Propanol 0.0140 Water 0.0233 Dipropyl Ether (OPE) = 60.3°C, P= 120kPa (abs) Bottom = 49.3858 kmol/h 0.0000 Ethylene 0.0000 Carbon Monoxide 0.0000 Hydrogen Gas 0.0002 Propionaldehyde 0.0000 Ethane 0.9984 1 - Propanol 0.0012 Water 0.0002 Dipropyl Ether (DPE) T = 106°C, P = 140kPa (abs) Figure 9.1.2. Block Diagram of Distillation Column, T-102 9.5.3 Chemical Design Section 9.1.3 covers the main design specification of the distillation column based on the capacity of the equipment. The operating conditions, stage and reflux requirements, size of column and the internal are outlined in this section, Inlet and Outlet Stream Composition Table 9.1.1 and 9.1.2 shows the composition of the inlet and outlet streams for the distillation column for molar and mass, respectively. The composition value is taken from HYSYS data on distillation column, T-102 from Chapter 5. CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-102)-393 Table 9.1.1. Molar Summary of Inlet and Outlet Stream for Distillation Column, T - 102 Feed Top Satom sveam 19) (stan 20 (steam Pressure | 160xPa | Prosure | 120Kha | Pressure | 140%Pa omen ‘Temp. 50.00°C ‘Temp. 60.30°C ‘Temp. 106.00°C Wor Tote | mourriow | oie | Mer | moto arty | rection | “tmeim)” | Fraction | gM, | eracton ayers 0.0000 eao06 | _aoeoe | 0002 | 0000 | 00000 Carbon ionoae | —oaze6 | —o0o0s | —oazee | —c.o0ss | 0.0000] —eanco Tydrgen Gas | —oano0 | 0.0000 | 0000 | —o.0000| 0.0000] —eano0 Propionaldehyde 37338 | 0.0689 37246 | _ 0.7690 0.0082 0.0002 Ethane 05635 [ 0.0102 05535 | 0.1743 (0.0000 [0.0000 1 Propanol 49.0645 | 0.9158 oases | 0.0737 49.307 | 0.9984 Water ‘0.1248 | 0.0023 0.0676 | 0.0140 0.0872 0.0012 Dipropyl Ether or2aa | 0.0023 or1st| 00233 oort7 | 0.0002 Total 54.2290 | 1.0000 48432 | _ 14,0000 49.3858 | 1.0000 Tablo 9.1.2. Mass Summary of Ini lot and Outlot Stroam for Dis itillation Column, T - 102 ‘Component Food {Stream 19) Top (Stream 20) Bottom (Stream 22) Prossure | 150 kPa Prossure | 120kPa Pressure | 140kPa Temp. | 50.00 | Temp. | 5030 | Temp. | 10500% Wess | uass | mass riow | mass | ™#* | wase (kgihy Fraction (kg/h) Fraction (kgih) Fraction Eyre 02s | a0000 | 00254 —a000r| 0.0000] 00000 Caroon Monoxide | 07459 | 0002 | 07450] a002e| 0.0000 00000 Hydrogen Gas ‘2.0000 | 0.0000 0.0000] —a.0000 | 0.0000} 0.0000 Proponaigehyde | 2160610 | o0s71| 216.2272 oeora| osaaz| o.0002 thane 16.6493 | 00051 | 166490 | 0.0621 | 0.0000 | 0.0000, 1 Propanol 2084600 | 09220 | 21.4452 | 00800 | 206.104 | 0.9001 Water z2400 | 00007 | 12178 | —o00as | 1.0308 | 00008 Dipropy! Ether 12.7602 | 0.0030 71.5824 | 0.0431 1.1977 | 0.0004 Total 3233013 | 1.0000 267.9572 | _ 1.0000 2965.957| 1.0000 Key Component of the System The key component is chosen to ensure the desired separation on the column's products is achieved. As such, the propionaldehyde is set as the light key component as it is desired to keep the component out of the bottom product. The ‘main product of the plant which is 4 - propanol is set as the heavy key component since the component is to be kept out of the top product. The selection of the key component is mainly based on the set operating temperature of the feed stream and CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-102)-394 the average temperature within the column, of 50°C and 83.15°C respectively. Since the boiling point of propionaldehyde and 1-propanol is 48.8°C and 97°C, they were selected as the key component for the system. The rest of the components, automatically falls under the non-key component. As for the non — key component, those with less than 10 percent and does not significantly affect the volatility of the key components can be lumped in with the key ‘component [2]. As such, all the light gaseous component (ethylene, carbon monoxide, hydrogen gas and ethane) is neglected from the design calculation and the percentage is lumped with the light key component. Table 9.1.3 and 9.1.4 shows the ‘summary inlet and outlet stream for the distillation column after the consideration of the key and non-key component for molar and mass, respectively. Table 8.1.3. Molar Summary of Component Involved in Design Calculation Feed Top atom isveam 18) (steam 20) (steam 22 Pressure | 180%Pa | Pressure | 1204s | Pressure | 140KPa are eel ‘Temp. 50.00°C ‘Temp. 60.30°C Temp. 106.00°C Wir | wow | woiarriow| wow | MO" | wore (kmoun | Fraction | (kmotm) | Fraction | gmoim) | Fraction Propenadehyse | 0ns7| —oavas | a0eas| —o8aco] ~oocs2 | aoa 1 Propanol To.e6ia | 00008 | 0368s | oraz | —ao.soaa] 9004 Water o.1248 | 0.0003} 00676 | —oor4s | — o0sr2] —o00re DiropyEter —| 0.1248 | —o0zs | ora | 0.0248 | 00117] —ooote Teta sass | 1.0000 «620 | 1.0000 | 49.3025 1.00 Tablo 8.1.4. Mass Summary of Ink lot and Outlot Stroam for Dis istillation Column, T - 102 Feed Top Botiom (stream 19) (steam 20) (stream 22) Proceurs | sea | Promo | ‘0K | Proeeum | ON ‘Component Temp. | 50.00% Temp. | 60.30 | Temp. | 106.0% Wass Tass | maseriow | mass | M83 | ass (kgih) Fraction (kg/h) Fraction (kgih) Fraction Proponaicohyae | 234.2750] ooras | asarete | oemaa | 0soaa| o00t2 1-Propanoi | 2888620] 0.9200 | 21.452 | 00800_| 7063 104 | —o.001 Water 2248| o0oor| 12176] cooas| 1.0008 | 0.0003 Diropyever | 127502 | —o.o030 | 11.8826 | 0.0401 | 1.1977 | 00008 Total zaxa13 [1.0000 267.8589 | 1.0000 296s.ese | 1.0000 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-102)-395 Vapor and Liquid Flow Across the Column ‘The determination of vapor and liquid flow inside the column and flow into the system through reflux were estimated using the Lewis Sore! method [1], [2] Material Balance Above Feed Comparing the two equation of the top operating line given by Lewis Sorel method, Yields to vapor flowrate above feed, a Va ree ies Where, Figure 9.1.3. Vapor and Liquid D = Flow rate of distillate (kmol/h) Flow Across T-102 Ve = Vapor flow rate above feed point (kmol/h) R= Reflux ratio of the column And liquid flowrate above feed, La = Va-D Where, Ln = Liquid flow rate above feed point (kmol/h) Vo = Vapor flow rate above feed point (kmol/h) D__= Flow rate of top produet (kmol/h) Material Balance Below Feed Balance for liquid flowrate below feed, Ln = Ly +F Where, Lm = Liquid flow rate below feed point (kmol/h) Ls = Liquid flow rate above feed point (kmol/h) F = Feed flow rate (kmol/h) CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-102)-396 Balance for vapor flowrate below feed, Ven = bm —W Where, Lm = Liquid down flow rate below feed point (kmol/h) Vm = Vapor flow rate below feed point (kmol/h) W__ = Flow rate of bottom product (kmol/h) The liquid and vapor molar flow rate are then converted to mass flow rate to determine the liquid vapor flow factor, Fiv. The following equation is used to estimate the liquid vapor flow factor, Fuv. Lb Liquid Vapor Flow Factor, Fyy = 7 " Vw Where, Lw = Liquid mass flow rate (kg/s) (La.Lin) Vw = Vapor mass flow rate (kg/S) (Vos, Vm) Table 9.1.5 shows the summary on the material balance over the column Table 8.1.5. Summary on Material Balance on The Column Tem Mass Balance ‘Wolar Balance Feed flow rate, F 3233.9791 gin 33.0444 kor Distilate (Top) fow rate, D 267 9569 Kgih 45620 KOT Bottom fow rate, W 2065 9562 Kgih 49,3825 KOT Vapor flowrate Above Feed, Vn 0.2114 gis 12.9587 kmoth “Below Feed, Vm 0.2162 kg/s 12,9587 kmouth Tiquid fowrate Above Feed, La 0.1370 kgis 8.3968 kmolh ¥- Below Feed, Lm 41,0400 kal 62.3412 kmolh Tiquid — Vapor Flow Factor, Fav Y Above Feed 0.0377 Below Feed 0.2965 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-102)-397 Design Information and Data Section covers the prediction of physical property of the materials involved in the process in the distillation column. In case of no reliable values to be found in the literature, estimation using techniques available for the prediction of physical properties with sufficient accuracy is use to proceed with the design [2] 9 Viscosity values are needed for any design calculation involving the transport of fluids or heat. Table 9.1.6 shows the liquid viscosity of the respective component in the mixture, which were determined using the formula from Appendix C in Coulson and Richardson's, Chemical Engineering, Volume 6 at an average temperature of column, Tag = 83.15°C (356.3 K) [2]. 4.1 Viscosity login; = Where, Hi = The molar liquid viscosity of component i, mNs/m? T = Temperature of the liquid in Kelvin VISA, VISB__= Constants in the liquid viscosity equation Table 9.1.6. Liquid Viscosity of Respective Component Liquid Viscosity, ‘Component visa vis8 Log pi : bl (mNsim’) Propionaldahyae aa Foss “6080 O50T 1 Propanol 954.04 37.8 02318 05864 Water carr 283.16 “Oa772 T3335 Dipropyl Ether H058 21067 “O7167 0.1920 Since viscosities are rarely additive, as such the estimation of the liquid viscosity of the component mixture is determined using the Refutas equation [3], [4] VBNj = 14.534 In(In(y; + 0.8)) + 10.975, Where, VBN, = Viscosity Blending Number of component i hy = The liquid viscosity of component i, mNs/m? CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-102)-398 Table 9.1.7 shows the tabulation data of the calculation for VBN and mixture viscosity The viscosity blending number (VBN) of the mixture is estimated by taking consideration of the VBN of the components and their mass relative portion. VBN ture =) XiVBNs Where, VBNmicture = Viscosity blending number x = The mass fraction of component i The liquid viscosity of the mixture is then estimated using the viscosity blending number of the mixture using the equation below, VBNmixture — 10. 275)) _ 14.534 Where, VBNomixture “iscosity blending number Mi misture he liquid viscosity of component | Table 8.1.7. Viscosity of Mixtures at Feed, Top and Bottom Liquid Viscosity, | Viscosity Blending Number Component Liquid Viscosity, fone ee — ems) ropionaldehyas 25006 | _ 75008 T= Propancl SERA) 58640 | Feed | 187518 | Food | 54289 Water aaa | _sasa7 |Top | 139622 |Top | 26237 Dipropyl Ether ToTee | 19798] Bottom | 202722 | Batiom | —SBS5E CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-102)-399 Relative Molar Mass (RMM) The relative molar mass of the mixture is determined by taking consideration of the relative molar mass of the components and their relative portion. Table 9.1.8 shows the tabulation data on the relative molar mass for mixture at feed, top and bottom ‘stream. RMMmisture > xjRMM, Where, RMMypixeure = The relative molar mass of mixture (kg/kmol) x = The molar fraction of component | (kmol/kmol) RMM; = Molecular weight of respective component, (kg/kmol) Table 8.1.8, Relative Molar Mass of Mixture at Foed, Top and Bottom Mole Fraction Relative Molar Mass, Component Feed, Distillate, | Bottom, MM; (kgikmot) xt xa xw Propionaldehyae 38,0800 0748 018822 0.0002 1 Propanol 60.0860 08206 oraz 09984 Water TeoTeo ‘w00zs OTs ‘wor! Dipropyl Ether 102.1770 0023 00288 ‘o.0002 MM: 59.9483 8.7371 | 60.0869 9 The density of the mixture is determined by taking consideration the density of the 4.3 Density components and their relative portion. In case of the data on the variation of density with temperature cannot be found, the liquid density of the respective component at the inlet and outlet stream of the column is estimated using the following equation [5]. eure “STH BO — Tred) Where, PL = Liquid Density of the component at desired temperature (kg/m*) Pret = Liquid Density of the component at reference temperature (kg/m?) B = Coefficient of thermal expansion (K") 7) _ = Temperature of the component (k) Tre = Temperature reference (K) CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-102)-400 Table 9.1.9 shows the coefficient of thermal expansion for component with limited variation density with temperature data. The coefficient of thermal expansion is approximated for nonpolar liquids from the Smith's equation for thermal expansion (2), 0.04314 pet Where, B = Coefficient of thermal expansion (K") Te = Critical temperature of the component (k) 7; = Temperature of the component (k) Table 9.1.9. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion for Component Mixture Liquia Temp. | Density, Coofficient of Thermal . | Temperature Component | Tyref(K) | p.ref Expansion, 6 critical, Te (K) (kgima) Reference Feed | Top | Bottom Propionaldehyde | 28315 797.00 49600] 0.0016 | 0017 | 0.0020 T- Propanol 25315 | __ 604.00 536.70 | _000T4 | 0.0014 | 0.007 Dipropyl Ether 25815 | 724.00 soUNT | 0007S | ~aOOTe | —o00ae Table 9.1.10 shows the liquid and gas density of the mixture at feed, top and bottom. stream. The gas density is determined by considering the vapor state of the mixture behave ideally by using the following equation [1], RMM,) (Tsrp\ ( Por (ee) (Tes) es) Where, RMM, = Molecular weight of respective component, (kg/kmol) Vsrp_ = Gas molar volume at STP (22.4 m°/kmol) ‘Tgrp = Standard Temperature, (273.14 K) Gas Density, py Top = Temperature of the mixture (K) Pore = Standard pressure, (1 atm = 101.325 kPa) Pop = Operating pressure (kPa) CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-102)-401 Table 9.1.10. The Liquid and Vapor Density of The Mixture and Respective Component. FEED ‘Average ‘Average Liquid ba _ ‘Vapor Mole Liquid Vapor Component | Density, pi density, Fraction | Density, Density, (kgims) i (kgima) ee) Propionaldehyde | 7607827 | 0.0748 37405 T= PropanohT 778616 | _09206 33671 7778100 33487 Water" 988.05" 0.0023 1.0064 Dipropyi her SOT SBTS | __ 00025 57079 TOP Average ‘verage Liquid . be Vapor Mole Liquid Vapor Component | Density, pi density, Fraction | Density, Density, (gins) (kama) pL (kgim3) pv (kgim3) Propionaldehyde | 7472013] 08822 256s T= Propanol 760.1817 | 00782 26008 750.1115, 25439 Wiater™ oa5.0 | 00748 ‘o7a02 Dipropyl Ether 379.4006 | 00248 44253 BOTTOM average ‘Average Liquid ded . ‘Vapor Mole Liquia Vapor Component | Density, pi Density, Fraction | Density, Density, (kgims) il (kg/m) ee) Propionaldehyde | 6780673 | 0.0002 Zea 1 Propanol 702-2028 | 0.9864 20705 702.5597 2.6688 water 355.99 | __00072 ‘0.8005 Dipropyl Ether 17.9289 | _0.0002 45405 (16 Ghaicals Ww Propana” Nal Oscars ard Anoop AERIS, Te I7}E, ToolBox. Water-Densiy, Speciic Weight and Thermal Expansion CoeFicent 2003, Surface Tension The surface tension of the mixture is determined by taking consideration the respective component's surface tension and their relative portion. Table 9.1.11 shows. the surface tension of mixture at inlet and outlet streams of distillation column, T-102. ‘The surface tension of the respective component is estimated using the Sugden parachor, which is estimated by a group contribution method [1], Pen(oL =v)" RMM, x 107? CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-102)-402 Where, 9 = Surface tension, mJ/m? RMM, = Molecular weight of respective component, (kg/kmol) Po, = Sugden’s parachor p= Liquid density (kgm?) Py = Density of the saturated vapor (kg/m) Table 8.1.41. Surface Tension of Mixture at Feed, Top and Bottom FEED Surface Liquid | Vapor | surface | Component Pen | Density, | Density | Tension, Mixture, p ° _ Propionaidehyde | C30 iar | 7e0.7aa7 | —a2aas | 70.7952 7 Propanot THO Tosa | VERBS | —aaSTT| OTEED] Water 70 426 | 9860500 | 10064 | 206785 Dipropy Ether Caro 282 | 6015575 | 5.7079 | 14,0040 TOP Liquid | Vapor | surface | Uree Component Penh | Density, | Density | Tension, | Tn" Mixture, rs i ° 0 Propionaidehyde | C0 iar | varaia | —25ie4 | 05259 7 Propanot Tare ves4] 7e01817 | 26028 | 18.9000 10.6364 Water i 426 | 983.0300 | 0.7802 | 20-1004 Dipropy Ether CaO WBZ | GTOAWG | 44053 | 13.1459 BOTTOM Surface Liquid | Vapor | Surface Tension Component Penh | Density, | Density | Tension, i & ° ow Propionaldehyde | CaO a7 | 676.0673 | 25810] 64459 7 Propanol THO Toa | TORRE | FOTOS] TOTATE| Water 70 426 | 953.9900 | 08005 | 25.8118 Dipropy Ether Caro 262 | 017.9280 | 45405 | 89500 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-102)-403 Bubble and Dew Point Temperature Bubble and dew point are vital information to estimate the stage of the column and the temperature for both condenser and reboiler [1]. In order for the column to have maximum rate of separation for both light key and heavy key component, the temperature for reboiler must be set higher than the bubble point temperature whereas the condenser temperature to be set lower than the dew point temperature. Goal seek method also known as trial and error method is used to find the temperature that satisfies the following equations at a given system pressure, Bubble point: yn = kx 10 denon + Yu=S2 =10 Where, x= Mole fraction of component iin liquid phase y= Mole fraction of component i in vapor phase K = Distribution coefficients Three —term Antoine equation is used to determine the vapor pressure for the mixture at their respective stream. B Antoine Equation: log, = A— =—= T+C Where, PB = Vapor pressure, mmHg A, B, C= Antoine coefficients T = Temperature, (K or °C) [Depends on references used] The vapor pressure for each component is used to find the distribution coefficient, Ki value for each of them. The Ki value also known as equilibrium ratios is the ratio of the component in the vapor phase to that in the liquid phase [8]. Assuming that Raoult's Law and Dalton’s Law is effective, the Ki value is determined through the following equation, Distribution coefficient K, Where, P, = Vapor pressure, kPa Pr = Total pressure of the system, kPa Table 9.1.12 shows the Antoine coefficients used for the calculation in Table 9.1.13 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-102)-404 (iii), the calculation of bubble point and dew point for inlet and outlet streams. Table 9.1.12, Antoine Coefficients for The System ‘Component A B ce Propionaldehyde™ CaO 704880 77548000 229.0100 1 =Propanalit CaO 7eTe20 13751400 793.0100 Water FO E1401 78109400 aa A850 Dipropyl Ether CHO 709770 7257,6000 230.0100 [i ayeosatbon Processing, 60), paE Ga, 1065” (Yans, C1 ana Vang Ho CY Table 8.1.13(). Calculation of Bubble Point at Food Stroam. (P:= 150 kPa, Tausse=102.30°C) Wore comonm | rector | wo | intig | of | x | om T- Proponel canes | 26m | viva | eset | ares | Oe mae canzs | —2 arr | —a2a-1085 | —troaror | —a7aer | Ua0T7 prop Emer | 0008s | sare | —zasaaaso| —zraaber | 10260 | ooo = 7406 Ss = a0 Tab 9.4.13) Calculation of Dow Point at Top Stour. (Pr = 120 KPa, Tow = 68.88%) joe rrcton hae | eo | T= Propane! ToTeE] PSB] FiOaTS | — Faas | OTE OTE Drops | 00s | aera | rename | we woes | —aao | 7.008 Total 4.0000 xi 4.0000 Table 9.1.13¢ Calculation of Bubble Point at Botiom Stream (r=140kPa, Taaw108.05%) = component | raion | eo | iat | by | M | % Prpenadehyde “| 0000 | Sar | —aooa sas | aaa ores | aes | OT Water Tour] 2arae | — SrraTaE | Tas sase | —oaRES | TOTTT prop Emer [aon | —aasee | Zana eens | — sur ezee | 2665 | 000s Teta 0006 rs R= tame CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-102)-405 9. 3.6 Relative Volatility ‘The separation efficiency of components through distillation process depends on the differences in volatilities of components in the system. Separation by heating is much easier when the components have great difference in their volatility. For ‘multicomponent mixture, the relative volatility can also be defined as the ratio of the K — factors if the system obeys Raoult's Law for an ideal system. More volatile component will act as the denominator with respect to the heavy key component [9] Relative Volatility, ayy = 2 Kux Where, K — value of the other component in the system Kine ~ value of the heavy key in the system (1 — propanol) Table 9.1.14 shows the relative volatility of the system. To consider the characteristic of the overall column, the mean of the relative volatility at the top and bottom of the column is calculated using the following equation [10], Mean Relative Volatility, (aij)... = (24j) gop" C5) pottom Where, (CD)op = Relative volatility at the top of the column (Jsouom = Relative volatility at the bottom of the column Tablo 9.1.14. Relative Volatility of the System Top Batiom _ ae Mean Relative component | Ditibutlon Distribution aie ion, | Volatiity, | cooticient, | Volatility, (Dean Ki Cudaop «| w), Propionalderyae THT] ese] 358 | —_3aT78 5023 7 Propanol 02338 | 10000 | 08898 | 1.0000 73000 Water ozo 0820 | oaees | 08074 3455 Dipropg Ether oa008 | —sazas| 2.1858} 21674 2788 Total 720271 Ta72 36062 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-102)-406 Nature of Feed, q @ is defined as the mole of liquid flow in the stripping section that result from the introduction of each mole of feed. The nature of the feed is determined using the following equation, Nature of feed,q = Where, Cr = Specific Heat Capacity of the Feed (ku/kgmol.°C) Tap — = Boiling Point of the Feed mixture (°C) Ties = Entrance or Operating Temperature of the Feed (°C) A= Latent Heat of Vaporization (ku/kgmol) Nature of feed, q Ky kgmol iy 4 0 (181.2020 etree) (102.3°C - 50°C) + (41040.3835 410403835 ET = 1.2309 > 1 : Cold feed as liquor Based on the q-value, all the liquid from feed will go to the stripping section. Due to the feed mixture enter below bubble point, some of the rising vapor is believed to condense and join the liquid flow. Thus, the vapor flow in the rectifying section is lower than in the stripping section since some of them already condense to liquid. Minimum Number of Column Stages, Nm The number of stages required at total reflux is the minimum number of stages at which all the overhead condenser vapor from the top column is return back to the column as reflux while all the liquid from the bottom is reboiled. The minimum number of stages is determined using Fenske’s Equation, logl(upD/xupD). &HwW/xwW)] Minimum Number of Stages, Nin = top| (Cine) Where, ip = Mole fraction of light key in distillate xiw = Mole fraction of light key in bottom Xuo = Mole fraction of heavy key in distillate Xew = Mole fraction of heavy key in bottom (4) nean® Mean Relative volatility CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-102)-407 Minimum Number of Stages, Nm» 09782 (15600) 0002 (49.3005 Togi9.6852] 4.8488 ~ 5 stages Minimum Reflux Ratio, Rm The minimum reflux ratio implies the minimum value of reflux need to be consider to achieved the desired separation value at infinite number of trays. The minimum. number of stages is determined using Fenske's Equation, Minimum Reflux Ratio, Rm, » Suid Rd a8 Where, Xs = Concentration of component iin the tops at minimum reflux ij = Relative volatility of component i with respect to the heavy key 0's the root of the equation yee a=8 Where, x1 = Concentration of component iin the feed @ = depends on the condition of the feed ti; = Relative volatility of component i with respect to the heavy key The root of equation, 0 is determined through trial and error and iteration until it satisfies the equation of q and the range of the root is between the relative volatility of the light key and heavy key component. Table 8.1.18. The Iteration of the Root Equation yield to @ = 3.1868 Component | Hole Fraction | Reatve a Rootof | aku Feed, xi, | Volatility, a, ‘equation, @ Propionaldehyde 0.0748 5.0234 | 0.3756 31868 | 02045 1 Propanal 0.3206 T0000 | 0.9206 ‘3186s | 04270 Water 0.0023 09435 | 0.0022 31868 | 0.0010 Dipropyl Ether 0.0023 27183 | _0.0063 31868 | -O0TS4 Total 7.0000 6852 31868) 0.2308 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-102)-408 Table 9.1.16. Fenske's Equation requirement for Minimum Reflux Ratio, Component | OW Frection | Relative 7 Rootof | isn Food, xi) | Volatility, a, ‘equation, 0 Propionaidehyde 08822 30234 | 4.436 a18es | 2472 1 Propanol ‘o.07e2 70000 | 0.0782 31868 | 0.0358 Water O08 9435 | 0.0740 a 1aes | 00082 Dipropyl Ether ‘0248 z71es | 00674 a1a6s | 01438 Total 7.0000 po ‘E1a6e | 2227 AAs such, the minimum reflux ratio for the system is, Ry = 1.2271, Optimum Reflux Ratio, R The practical reflux ratio lies between the minimum reflux ratio and total reflux. For many systems, the optimum reflux ratio is in the range of 1.2 Rmn to 1.5 Rin. Therefore, the optimum reflux ratio for the system, lies between 1.2Rmin = 1.4725 and 1.5 Rmin = 1.8406, As such, the value of the reflux ratio is specified at 1.5 Rmin as lesser number of stages is required to achieve the desired degree of separation. Reflux ratio = 1.5Rmin = 1.8406 CHAPTER 9 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN (T-102)-409 Number of Actual Stages ‘The actual number of stages is determined using the Erbar ~ Maddox correlation with minimum reflux ratio, operating reflux ratio and minimum number of stages as the consideration factors. Figure 9.1.4 show the ratio of the minimum and actual number of stages is Nm/N = 0.625 yielding to approximately 8 number of ideal stages for the column to achieved the design target at 100% efficiency of column. Section estimate the efficiency of the column as 27.87%. As such, the practical number of stages to achieved the desired degree of separation need to consider the estimated efficiency. The number of ideal stages = 8 stages, and one ideal stage will be the reboiler, therefore, ‘The number of actual stages, N (@-1) * 02757 5.397 ~ 26 stages Figure 9.1.4. Erbar - Maddox correlation Source: (Gavin Towler & Ray Sinnott, 2008), Column Efficiency A quick estimation of the column efficiency was obtained from the O'Connell's Correlation [1]. The correlation measures the efficiency of the column by relating the. relative volatility of the light key component to the heavy key component and the molar average viscosity of the feed at the average column temperature. The following equation is the equation of O'Connell correlation expressed by Eduljee (1958) [1], = 51 -32.510g(1H),645) Where, (4s) mean” Relative volatility of light key with respect to the heavy key h; = The molar average liquid viscosity of the feed, mNs/m? Fo = Column efficiency (%)

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