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Argument Analysis Graphic Organizer

Key Point:

Kennedy Nixon

What is the purpose of the argument? What is the purpose of the argument?

Freedom in the whole world not just America To move forward with the country while
making more freedom

What is the point of view of the argument? Who What is the point of view of the argument?
is the intended audience? Who is the intended audience?

The point of view is of the americans and Point of view is from americans and audience
people around the world and the intended is americans
audience is americans

What is Kennedy’s claim? That we are not What is Nixon’s claim? That the country is
doing enough for freedom in our country moving forward and needs to keep moving

What evidence is provided to support the What evidence is provided to support the
claim? Evidence of different groups not being claim? Statistics of what the country has done
as free as others within the past year

Is a counterclaim presented? If so, how is it Is a counterclaim presented? If so, how is it

refuted or weakened? no refuted or weakened? Yes he agreed with
part of Kennedys argument and decided to
refute it by saying many statements hes made
that were untrue.

How convincing is the argument presented by How convincing is the argument presented by
Kennedy? Use details from the reading to Nixon? Use details from the reading to
support your opinion. No he didnt have a support your opinion. Yes he had a
counter claim it was convincing before i counterclaim and successfully refuted it he
watched Nixon's that had a counterclaim. also showed the means he has to actually go
through with what he's saying.

Overall, which debater has a more successful or convincing argument? Use details from their
statements to support your opinion. Nixons was more convincing because it was a full argument
with a counterclaim.

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