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Department of Education

Region VI-Western Visayas

Schools Division of Iloilo City
S.Y. 2020-2021


Name: __________________________________________________________ Section:_____________________

I. Matching Type: Match column A with column B. Write only the letter of the correct answer.
______1. A tendency to favor one person, group, thing or point of view over another, often in an A. Bias
unfair way.
B. Prejudice
______2. An unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought or
reason. It simply means to pre-judge others. C. Inference
______3. Using clues and background knowledge to draw conclusions. D. Persuasive Language
______4. It helps to get people agree or disagree with your statements.
E. Persuasive Purpose
______5. It is used to convince, or persuade the reader that the opinion, assertion, or claim of the
writer is correct or valid. F. Emphasis
______6. A form of exaggeration or amplification making things bigger in some way than they really G. Emphasis markers
H. Fallacies
______7. Words or affixes that express the speaker’s stress in a sentence.
______8. Statements that might sound reasonable or superficially true but are flawed or dishonest. I. Fact
______9. Refers to something true and can be verified as such. That is, a fact is something that can J. Opinion
be proven to be true.
______10. Refers to a personal belief. It relates to how someone feels about something.

II. Identification: Determine whether the given scenario shows bias or prejudice. Write the word bias or prejudice on the space
provided before each item.
__________1. Not hiring someone because of their age or gender.

__________2. Assuming someone is gay because of the way he acts.

__________3. Bullying and discriminating someone with disability.

__________4. Accepting exclusive membership of clubs where certain people are not allowed.

__________5. Posting negative comments in social media about economic status of a family.

__________6. In other Christian sects, the preacher position is only given to males and not to females.

__________7. Sectarian schools only accept students who share the same religious beliefs.

__________8. Some churches don’t accept women who wear pants instead of dresses or skirts during their services.

__________9. A man who believes he is better than a person with disability by laughing at him

__________10. The two privileged men judge the man by his status.

__________11. Boys making assumptions because of their different social and cultural backgrounds.

__________12. Some Muslims are assumed to be terrorists and eventually being discriminated.

__________13. Jews during the period of Hitler were sentenced to death because Hitler himself despised Jewish people.

__________14. A teacher who gives good rating to her student who shares the same religious belief with her.

__________15. A married couple living in a new country where they are free to attend to any of their church services.

__________16. Tom Cruise’s affiliation with Scientology prompts all kinds of negative press.

__________17. Frontliners were discriminated in the community because of fear that they were virus carriers.

__________18. Women must stay in the house to look after the children and to do house chores.

__________19. Parents claimed that teenagers nowadays are lazy and dependent.

__________20. Francis Leo was labelled as “Negro” because of his skin color .

That little Island

Fishermen, soldiers, residents and foreigners, all of them have story to tell about Scarborough Shoal. What makes this small ring of
reefs a piece of last slice of cake? Philippines claims this as its territory because of its location. It lies about 230 kilo meters from the
Philippines while China has a distance of 650 kilo meters from its nearest island. It is abundant in marine life, so many fishermen
from three claiming countries benefit on it. The island is perfect for a security outpost because it has served as place for Philippine
military activities and command post for defence since then. Later on Chinese found out that this is also the best place for their
defence as shown in their new built outpost with jetfighters and missiles. These three main reasons on claiming the island ruined
the friendship of Philippines and China. When the dispute was brought to international tribunal and the decision was ignored by
China, this behaviour started many other harassments and advancements of Chinese over Filipinos. Thus, the claim for this piece of
island will surely run generation to generation.

III. Multiple Choice: Read the following statements and choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices.
______1. In the given information from the article, what is the main point or idea of the writer?
A. Many have story to tell.
B. Scarborough Shoal is claimed by more than one countries.
C. Scarborough Shoal is rich in marine life.
D. The relationship between Philippines and China.
______2. The following statements are relevant to the line, “What makes this small ring of reefs a piece of last slice of cake?”
A. It is abundant in marine life.
B. It lies about 230 kilo meters from the Philippines.
C. Fishermen, soldiers, residents and foreigners, all of them have story to tell about Scarborough Shoal.
D. The island is perfect for a security outpost.
______3. What statement is relevant to the line, “These three main reasons on claiming the island ruined the friendship of
Philippines and China.”
A. The claim for this piece of island will surely run generation to generation.
B. Later on Chinese found out that this is also the best place for their defence.
C. When the dispute was brought to international tribunal and the decision was ignored by China, this behaviour
started many other harassments and advancements of Chinese over Filipinos.
D. The island is abundant in marine life.
______4. What make the writer’s statement, “Philippines claims this as its territory because of its location,” true?
A. The statement is true because of the writer’s supporting facts, It lies about 230 kilo meters from the Philippines”.
B. The statement is true because the writer’s details tell that it is a military post.
C. The statement is true because of the writer’s statement that Fishermen benefit on it.
D. The statement is true because of the writer’s opinion that both countries never stop their connection.
______5. Which statement tells the truth?
A. Fishermen, soldiers, residents and foreigners, all of them have story to tell about Scarborough Shoal.
B. Later on Chinese found out that this is also the best place for their defence as shown in their new built outpost with
jetfighters and missiles.
C. This behaviour started many other harassments and advancements of Chinese over Filipinos.
D. Other countries have interests as well in the little island.

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