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Dreamweaver http://cpma.sandi.


Posting Work, Assignments,
And Documents On The Internet

Q: What is a “cheat sheet”?

A: A cheat sheet is an abbreviated document which you can use as a reference when attempting to complete a
task. Our cheat sheets are designed to cover the basics and can be VERY specific. A cheat sheet will not cover
everything you need to know about a topic. It is not designed to take place of a reference book or tutorial. It only
provides hints needed to complete a project.
Q: What is the purpose of the Dreamweaver cheat sheet?
A: This cheat sheet has two purposes:
1. How to add links to documents and external web pages to an existing web page
2. How to create a pdf document from a file or document you have created in another program

Part 1 - Creating Links in Dreamweaver

Step 1 - Creating And Modifying Text
Creating text in Dreamweaver is as easy as typing in a word processing program such as Microsoft Word. Both
programs allow you to type text, change fonts, size of the letters, and make certain letters bold or italics.

Dreamweaver uses a window

called Property Inspector to
make changes to text. You will
use this window often. Locate
the Property Inspector on your
If you can not find the property
inspector, pull down the Win- Add bullets
dow menu to Property. The
inspector will appear. Change font style

Change font color

Change font size

Make a link to a file

Change font type

Make a link to another




Step 1 - (continued)
A web page in Dreamweaver looks similar to a word processing document in Microsoft Word. The page appears
in a window which you can open, close, and type in. There are a couple of special features added in Dreamweav-
er for web pages.

Add the title to your

web page here

View your web page

in a browser by click-
ing here

Add text, links, and

graphics within the

You can not change

graphics, words, or
colors outside of the
blue box

There is a reason why you can not edit certain parts of this web page. I have made your page part of a tem-
plate. The benefit of a template is that one person can make changes to a template and then automatically update
ALL web pages with one click. This is faster than updating one page at a time. The CPMA web site has over
100 pages!

Your web site does not have to use the CPMA template. The template page I have provided you does.

Step 2 - Check Your Spelling

Nothing worse than sharing your spelling errors with the world. Before uploading
pages please check spelling by pulling down the Text menu to Check Spelling.



Step 3 - Uploading Files To The Server.

You need to upload your page to the server before you can share your information with students, parents, and the
community. Dreamweaver provides a variety of tools which make this process easy and painless.

Material located on your


Material located on the


Click this button to con-

nect to the server. You
are connected when the
green light is on

The blue arrow copies

material TO the server
FROM your computer

The green arrow copies

material FROM the server
TO your computer


1. - You need to have an internet connection in order to upload files to the server
2. - Once you upload a file, it can been seen by everyone so check for mistakes.
3. - When you upload a file, the new file takes the place of the old file on the server. Once you have erased the
old file, you can not get it back.
4. - You only need to upload files which you have changed or modified or are new and not currently on the
server. If you didnʼt change it - you donʼt need to upload it.



Part 2 - Saving Files To Be Posted On Your Site

Step 1 - Creating A PDF
There is no point to uploading files to your site if others can not open and view them. PDF files are documents
which can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Acrobat Reader is a free cross platform program which can be
downloaded at

Making PDF files in OSX is easy. Open the file you want to save, pull
down the file menu to print, and choose the “Save as PDF” option on
the bottom of the window.

Give the file a name which makes sense and DOES NOT HAVE ANY
SPACES IN THE NAME. Do not forget to add “.pdf” on the end of
the name. Save the file in the web folder on your computer.

Give the file a name with-

out any spaces and in-
clude .pdf on the end

Save the file in your web

site folder. It is located in
the “sites” folder in your
home folder

Press the save button

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