Azlan Shafer - Abū Alī Al - Asan Ibn Al - Asan Ibn Al-Haytham

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Abū Alī al-Ḥasan bn al-Ḥasan bn al-Haytham, Pers an, Alhacen or Alhazen (965 n Basra - c. 1039 n Ca ro), was an Arabor Pers an polymath. He made
s gn f cant contr but ons to the pr nc ples of opt cs, as well as to anatomy, astronomy, eng neer ng, mathemat cs, med c ne, ophthalmology, ph losophy,
phys cs, psychology, v sual percept on, and to sc ence n general w th h s ntroduct on of the sc ent f c method. He s somet mes called al-Basr , after h s
b rthplace n the c ty of Basra. He was also n cknamed Ptolemaeus Secundus (”Ptolemy the Second”) or s mply “The Phys c st” n med eval Europe.
Born c rca 965, n Basra, Iraq and part of Buy d Pers a at that t me, he l ved ma nly n Ca ro, Egypt, dy ng there at age 76. Over-conf dent about pract cal
appl cat on of h s mathemat cal knowledge, he assumed that he could regulate the floods of the N le. After be ng ordered by Al-Hak m b -Amr Allah, the
s xth ruler of the Fat m d cal phate, to carry out th s operat on, he qu ckly perce ved the mposs b l ty of what he was attempt ng to do, and ret red from
eng neer ng. Fear ng for h s l fe, he fe gned madness and was placed under house arrest, dur ng and after wh ch he devoted h mself to h s sc ent f c work
unt l h s death.
Ibn al-Haytham s regarded as the “father of modern opt cs” for h s nfluent al Book of Opt cs (wr tten wh le he was under house arrest), wh ch proved the
ntrom ss on theory of v s on and ref ned t nto essent ally ts modern form. He s also recogn zed so for h s exper ments on opt cs, nclud ng exper ments
on lenses, m rrors, refract on, reflect on, and the d spers on of l ght nto ts const tuent colours. He stud ed b nocular v s on and the Moon llus on,
descr bed the f n te speed of l ght, and argued that t s made of part cles travell ng n stra ght l nes. Due to h s formulat on of a modern quant tat ve and
emp r cal approach to phys cs and sc ence, he s cons dered the p oneer of the modern sc ent f c method and the or g nator of the exper mental nature of
phys cs and sc ence. Author Bradley Steffens descr bes h m as the “f rst sc ent st”. He s also cons dered by A. I. Sabra to be the founder of exper mental
psychology for h s approach to v sual percept on and opt cal llus ons, and a p oneer of the ph losoph cal f eld of phenomenology or the study of
consc ousness from a f rst-person perspect ve. H s Book of Opt cs has been ranked w th Isaac Newton’s Ph losoph ae Natural s Pr nc p a Mathemat ca as
one of the most nfluent al books n the h story of phys cs, for start ng a revolut on n opt cs and v sual percept on.
Ibn al-Haytham’s ach evements nclude many advances n phys cs and mathemat cs. He gave the f rst clear descr pt on and correct analys s of the camera
In h s exper ments, Ibn Al-Ha tham used the term “Al-Bayt al-Muthl m, translated n Engl sh as dark room. In the exper ment he undertook, n order to
establ sh that l ght travels n t me and w th speed, he says: “If the hole was covered w th a curta n and the curta n was taken off, the l ght travell ng from
the hole to the oppos te wall w ll consume t me.” He re terated the same exper ence when he establ shed that l ght travels n stra ght l nes. A reveal ng
exper ment ntroduced the camera obscura n stud es of the half-moon shape of the sun’s mage dur ng ecl pses wh ch he observed on the wall oppos te a
small hole made n the w ndow shutters. In h s famous essay “On the form of the Ecl pse” (Maqalah-f -Surat-al-Kosuf) he commented on h s observat on
“The mage of the sun at the t me of the ecl pse, unless t s total, demonstrates that when ts l ght passes through a narrow, round hole and s cast on a
plane oppos te to the hole t takes on the form of a moon-s ckle”.
In h s exper ment of the sun l ght he extended h s observat on of the penetrat on of l ght through the p nhole to conclude that when the sun l ght reaches
and penetrates the hole t makes a con c shape at the po nts meet ng at the p nhole, form ng later another con c shape reverse to the f rst one on the
oppos te wall n the dark room. Th s happens when sun l ght d verges from po nt “‫ ”ا‬unt l t reaches an aperture and s projected through t onto a screen at
the lum nous spot. S nce the d stance between the aperture and the screen s ns gn f cant n compar son to the d stance between the aperture and the sun,
the d vergence of sunl ght after go ng through the aperture should be ns gn f cant. In other words, should be about equal to. However, t s observed to be
much greater when the paths of the rays wh ch form the extrem t es of are retraced n the reverse d rect on, t s found that they meet at a po nt outs de the
aperture and then d verge aga n toward the sun. Th s an early accurate descr pt on of the Camera Obscura phenomenon.

Alhacen’s observat ons of l ght’s behav our through a p nhole. W th a second hole the mage s doubled.
L ght generally travels n a stra ght l ne. When rays reflected from a br ght subject pass through the small hole n th n mater al they do not scatter but cross
and reform as an ups de down mage on a flat wh te surface held parallel to the surface through wh ch the hole has been p erced. Ibn Al-Ha tham
establ shed that the smaller the hole s, the clearer the p cture s.

Posted by Azlan Shafer at 4:47 AM

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