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Research on the Optimal Charging Strategy for Li-Ion
Batteries Based on Multi-Objective Optimization
Haitao Min 1 , Weiyi Sun 1 , Xinyong Li 1 , Dongni Guo 2 , Yuanbin Yu 1, *, Tao Zhu 1 and
Zhongmin Zhao 3
1 State Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation and Control, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, China; (H.M.); (W.S.); (X.L.); (T.Z.)
2 China First Automobile Work shop Group Corporation Research and Development Center,
Changchun 130011, China;
3 China First Automobile Work shop Bus and Coach Co., Ltd., Changchun 130033, China;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +86-431-8509-5785

Academic Editor: K.T. Chau

Received: 6 March 2017; Accepted: 12 May 2017; Published: 17 May 2017

Abstract: Charging performance affects the commercial application of electric vehicles (EVs)
significantly. This paper presents an optimal charging strategy for Li-ion batteries based on
the voltage-based multistage constant current (VMCC) charging strategy. In order to satisfy the
different charging demands of the EV users for charging time, charged capacity and energy loss,
the multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm is employed and the influences
of charging stage number, charging cut-off voltage and weight factors of different charging goals are
analyzed. Comparison experiments of the proposed charging strategy and the traditional normal
and fast charging strategies are carried out. The experimental results demonstrate that the traditional
normal and fast charging strategies can only satisfy a small range of EV users’ charging demand
well while the proposed charging strategy can satisfy the whole range of the charging demand well.
The relative increase in charging performance of the proposed charging strategy can reach more than
80% when compared to the normal and fast charging dependently.

Keywords: EV charging; Li-ion batteries; multi-objective optimization; equivalent circuit model

(ECM); MOPSO algorithm; multistage constant current charging

1. Introduction
Electric vehicles have been the new development point of the motor industry because of the
advantages of zero pollution and high energy efficiency [1–3]. Li-ion batteries with high energy
density, good life cycle performance, and low self-discharge rate [4–7] are being more widely used
in electric vehicles. However, the Li-ion battery charging strategy has become the bottleneck of their
application, due to the slow charging speed and uncertain effects on battery life. Li-ion battery charging
optimization technology has become one of the central difficult issues [8].
Many studies have researched the charging techniques and topologies, such as constant current
(CC), constant voltage (CV), and constant current constant voltage (CC-CV). One of the most commonly
used charging strategy is the CC-CV charging [9–11]. In a CC-CV charging process, the battery
is first charged with constant current, and when the battery voltage reaches the cut-off value,
the battery is charged with constant voltage. However, the constant voltage process extends the
charging time. Much effort has been made to carry out a better charging algorithm. Gao [12] proposed
a boundary-curve based optimum charging current strategy. The temperature rise and polarization
voltage were used to obtain the boundary curves during the charging process. The charging time was

Energies 2017, 10, 709; doi:10.3390/en10050709

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decreasedand andbattery
capacity was
was increased.
increased. In In[13],
[13], aa constant
constant polarization-based
polarization-based fuzzy-control
charging pattern was proposed, while charging strategy was shortened,no
pattern was proposed, while charging strategy was shortened, noobvious
temperaturerise rise
was observed. Chen [14] proposed a duty-varied voltage charging strategy
was observed. Chen [14] proposed a duty-varied voltage charging strategy that can dynamically detect that can dynamically
detect and the
and track track the suitable
suitable duty of duty
the of the charging
charging pulse. pulse.
Multistage constant current (MCC) chargingisisanother
constant current (MCC) charging anotherwidely
which has the advantage of faster charging speed and better battery charging
which has the advantage of faster charging speed and better battery charging performance [15–20]. performance [15–20].
illustratedinin Figure
Figure 1, the entire
1, the charging
entire process
charging of MCC
process of charging
MCC charging consistsconsists
of a certain
of anumber
of constant current charging processes. When the preset switching condition
number of constant current charging processes. When the preset switching condition is reached, is reached, the charging
process movesprocess
the charging into themoves
next charging stagecharging
into the next until all the charging
stage until allstages are completed.
the charging According
stages are completed. to
the switching condition, the MCC charging strategy can be divided into two categories:
According to the switching condition, the MCC charging strategy can be divided into two categories: voltage-based
MCC (VMCC) charging
voltage-based MCC (VMCC) and state of charge
charging and(SOC)-based
state of charge MCC (SMCC) charging.
(SOC)-based MCC (SMCC) The research on
MCC charging mostly focuses on the optimization of the charging current of
The research on MCC charging mostly focuses on the optimization of the charging current of each stage. each stage. In [17], a
Taguchi-based algorithm is presented and orthogonal arrays are implemented
In [17], a Taguchi-based algorithm is presented and orthogonal arrays are implemented to determine the to determine the
combinedthe theTaguchi
methodand andbattery
estimation technology and proposed an SOC-based MCC charging strategy. Wang [19] regardedthe
technology and proposed an SOC-based MCC charging strategy. Wang [19] regarded the
problem as a combinatorial optimization problem, and proposed a PSO-based
problem as a combinatorial optimization problem, and proposed a PSO-based fuzzy-controlled method fuzzy-controlled
to searchtoforsearch for thepattern
the optimal optimal of pattern of thecurrents.
the charging charging In currents.
[20], an Ant In Colony
[20], anSystem
Ant Colony System
algorithm was
algorithm was used to select the optimum charging current among five charging
used to select the optimum charging current among five charging stages. In [21], the whole charging stages. In [21], the
was divided process
intowas divided
ten parts into tentoparts
according SOC,according
and the ILP to algorithm
SOC, andisthe ILP algorithm
adopted to solve the is
adopted to solve
optimization problem. the optimization problem.



Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 ... Stage n

Charging time

Figure MCCcharging

chargingtime, time,charged
capacityand andenergy
performance in battery charging [22,23]. The traditional EV charging strategy can
performance in battery charging [22,23]. The traditional EV charging strategy can mainly be classified mainly be classified
as normal
chargingor or fast
fast charging.
charging.For For normal
charging,the thecharging
chargingtime timecancanbebehours
hoursand andisis
usedfor forananovernight
overnight charge,
charge, andandfast charging
fast charging is usually chosen
is usually chosenwhenwhenthere is a is
there demand
a demandfor
short charging
a short charging time. However,
time. However, in in
people have
requirementsfor for
overnight charging and
overnight charging andfastfastcharging.
charging.AnAn optimal
optimal charging
charging strategy
strategy should should
be ablebeto able to provide
provide different
charging charging currents according
currents according to the
to the different different
charging charging
demands demands
of the users. Asof the
a mainusers. As a main
contribution of
this paper, anofoptimal
this paper, an optimal
charging strategycharging
that canstrategy that can charging
satisfy different satisfy different
demands charging
of the EV demands
users is
of the EV users
proposed basedison proposed
the MOPSO based on the MOPSO
algorithm. Also, a algorithm.
simulation Also,
modela of
the VMCC model of the
charging VMCC
charging algorithm
is proposed to simulateis proposed to simulate
the charging processthe of charging
the VMCC process
chargingof the VMCCAscharging
strategy. another strategy.
another contribution
of this paper, of thisofpaper,
the influence the parameters
charging influence ofsuch charging
as theparameters such voltage
charging cut-off as the charging cut-off
and the number
voltage and the
of charging number
stages of charging stages are discussed.
are discussed.
organizedas asfollows.
model(ECM)(ECM)and andthermal
estimationof ofthe
parameterand and
proposesthe thesimulation
simulationmodel modelof ofthe
introducesthe theexperimental
experimentalsetup setup
conductsthe thebattery
formulatesthe themulti-objective
optimization problem. The MOPSO algorithm and the searching procedure are described in detail in
Section 5. In Section 6, the influence of charging stage number, charging cut-off voltage and weight
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optimization problem. The MOPSO algorithm and the searching procedure are described in detail
in Section 5. In Section 6, the influence of charging stage number, charging cut-off voltage and
factors of different charging goals are discussed and experiments are carried out to verify the
weight factors of different charging goals are discussed and experiments are carried out to verify the
performance of the proposed charging strategy. Finally, Section 7 concludes this paper.
performance of the proposed charging strategy. Finally, Section 7 concludes this paper.
2. Li-Ion Battery Modeling and VMCC Simulation
2. Li-Ion Battery Modeling and VMCC Simulation

2.1. Battery
2.1. Battery Equivalent
To optimizethe thecharging
currentsof ofthe
procedure, an anaccurate
accurate and and reliable
battery model must be formulated when using model-based methods.
battery model must be formulated when using model-based methods. The ECM (equivalent circuit The ECM (equivalent circuit
model) approach
model) approach uses uses the
the circuit
circuit elements
elements to to represent
representthe theelectrochemical
electrochemical phenomena
phenomena inside inside the
battery to avoid the lengthy electrochemical process calculation while
battery to avoid the lengthy electrochemical process calculation while still capturing the dynamic still capturing the dynamic
performance ofthe
[24,25]. In
In general,
general, an an ECM
ECM withwith one
one oror two
two Resistance-Capacitance
Resistance-Capacitance (RC) (RC)
blocks without
blocks without the the parasitic
parasitic branch
branch is is aa common
common choicechoice and
and for
for the
the batteries
batteries that
that have
have an anobvious
hysteresis phenomenon, a hysteresis model is also included [26]. In
hysteresis phenomenon, a hysteresis model is also included [26]. In this paper, only the chargingthis paper, only the charging
process considered,so sothe
hysteresismodel modelisischosen.
AA one-RC
one-RC network
network basedbased ECMECM is is shown
shown in in Figure
Figure 2.2. U𝑈oc is the
𝑜𝑐 is thebattery
battery open
open circuit
circuit voltage
(OCV); 𝑈 is the battery terminal voltage; 𝐼 is the battery load current
(OCV); Ut𝑡 is the battery terminal voltage; IL𝐿 is the battery load current (assumed positive for (assumed positive for
discharging and negative for charging)
discharging and negative for charging) and I p is the and 𝐼 is the outflow current
𝑝 outflow current of C p . Rr is the of 𝐶 . 𝑅
𝑝 ohmic
𝑟 is the ohmic
which represents the electrical resistance in the battery during the accumulation and dissipationand
resistance which represents the electrical resistance in the battery during the accumulation of
charge in theofelectrical
charge in double-layer;
the electrical double-layer;
Ur is the voltage 𝑈𝑟 isacross
the voltage
Rr . Racross 𝑅𝑟 . 𝑅𝑝 is the polarization
p is the polarization resistance;
and and
C p is the 𝐶𝑝 is the polarization
polarization capacity. The capacity. The RCconsisted
RC network network consisted
with R p and withC p𝑅describes
𝑝 and 𝐶𝑝 the describes
the mass transport effects and dynamic voltage performances of the battery.
transport effects and dynamic voltage performances of the battery. The polarization voltage on Rr and The polarization voltage
Con 𝑅𝑟 and 𝐶𝑝 is as
p is represented
Up . as 𝑈𝑝 .

Figure OneRC-branch

. 1 1
U𝑈𝑝̇ ==−
−C 1R U𝑈p𝑝++C1 IL𝐼𝐿
{p 𝐶p𝑝 𝑅p 𝑝 𝐶p𝑝 (1)
U𝑈 oc −−IL𝐼 R𝑅r −
t ==U𝑈 Up
𝑡 𝑜𝑐 𝐿 𝑟 − 𝑈𝑝

The discreteformat
formatcan canbe

U p𝑈(𝑝k(𝑘)
) ==exp
exp−(−τ )××U𝑈p𝑝(k(𝑘−−1)1)++(1(1−−expexp(− ∆t/τ )) × 𝐼I𝐿L(𝑘
(−∆𝑡/𝜏)) (k − 1)𝑅
1) R𝑟r
{ 𝜏 (2)
U𝑈t 𝑡==U𝑈oc𝑜𝑐++IL𝐼𝐿R𝑅r𝑟+

where andIL𝐼(𝐿k(𝑘)
k) and ) is is
areare values
values Up 𝑈
of of and IL at𝐼𝐿the
𝑝 and at k-th
the k-th
step,step, τ = C𝜏p=
respectively. · R𝐶p𝑝is· 𝑅𝑝 is
the the
time constant
constant of theof
circuit and ∆tand
the circuit ∆𝑡sampling
is the is the sampling
time. time.
All theparameters
parametersof ofthe
functionof ofSOC,
Z t𝑡
SOC 𝑡 =
t =
𝑆𝑂𝐶0−− ∫ η𝜂𝐼
SOC Il𝑙((𝜏)𝑑𝜏 /𝐶𝑄
τ )dτ/C (3)
0 Q
where 𝑆𝑂𝐶𝑡 denotes battery SOC at time t, 𝑆𝑂𝐶0 denotes the initial value of battery SOC (defined as
0 in this paper for the charging condition), 𝐶𝑄 is the rated capacity of the battery and η is the current
efficiency, which is assumed to be 1 in this paper.
Energies 2017, 10, 709 4 of 15

where SOCt denotes battery SOC at time t, SOC0 denotes the initial value of battery SOC (defined as 0
in this paper for the charging condition), CQ is the rated capacity of the battery and η is the current
efficiency, which is assumed to be 1 in this paper.
The energy loss of the battery can be calculated as:

Qloss = IL2 Rr + U p2 /R p (4)

2.2. Battery Parameter Estimation

The Least Square estimation method is used to estimate the battery parameter. Define the voltage
difference between the terminal voltage and the OCV as:

Ud = Ut − Uoc (5)

From Equation (1), Ud can be calculated as:

Ud = − IL Rr − U p (6)

According to Equations (1) and (6), the system transform function can be calculated as:

Ud (s) Rp
G (s) = = − Rr − (7)
IL (s) 1 + R p Cp s

Setting the sampling time as 1 s and considering the slow variation of the battery parameter, the
following relationship can be defined:

Uoc (k ) = Uoc (k − 1) (8)

The difference equation form of Equation (7) can be written as:

Ut (k) = θ1 Ut (k − 1) + θ2 IL (k) + θ3 IL (k − 1) + θ4 (9)

where θ1 = 2R p C p − 1 / 1 + 2R p C p , θ2 = Rr + R p + 2Rr R p C p / 1 + 2R p C p , θ3 = ( Rr + R p −
2Rr R p C p )/ 1 + 2R p C p , θ4 = 2Uoc / 1 + 2R p C p .
Define the following equation:

ϕ(k) = [Ut (k − 1), IL (k), IL (k − 1), 1] (10)

Then, for n sets of sampled data, the following equations can be written:

U = Φ·Θ (11)

where U = [Ut (k), Ut (k + 1) . . . Ut (n)] T , Φ = [ ϕ(k), ϕ(k + 1) . . . ϕ(n)] T , Θ = [θ1 θ2 θ3 θ4 ].

Then the least square method can be employed to estimate the battery parameter according to the
following equation:
Θ = (Φ T ·Φ) · Φ T ·U (12)

2.3. Battery Thermal Model

The value of the ECM components depends on SOC and battery temperature, so the battery
thermal model is necessary for the prediction of battery voltage. The battery thermal model is consistent
with thermal generation and thermal transfer. In this paper, the heat generation process of the battery is
attributed to the ohmic heat and the inner battery temperature is assumed to be uniform. The thermal
model of the battery is computed as:
Energies 2017, 10, 709 5 of 15

Q = IL2 Rr + U p2 /R p
dt = Q − R E f f ·( T − Ta )
where Q is the heat generated from the ohmic resistance; CT = mbatt ·Ch,batt , mbatt is the battery mass,
Ch,batt is the heat capacity of the battery; T is the battery temperature and Ta is the ambient temperature;
R E f f is the heat conduction coefficient between the battery and the ambience.
The discrete format of Equation (13) can be written as:
T ( k + 1) = T ( k ) + IL2 Rr + U p,k
/R p ·∆t − R E f f ·( T − Ta ) /CT (14)

2.4. Simulation of the VMCC Charging Strategy

A simulation model of the VMCC charging strategy is established to simulate the charging process
of the battery under the VMCC charging process. The charging time, charged capacity and energy
loss of the VMCC charging process can be acquired directly from the simulation. The flow chart of
the simulation is shown in Figure 3 and the pseudo code of the VMCC charging strategy are shown
in Algorithm 1.

Algorithm 1. Pseudo code of the VMCC charging strategy.

VMCC (n, k, Qloss , Ccharged , Tch , SOCmax , T, ∆t).
n, number of charging stages
k, number of time step
Qloss , energy loss
Ccharged , charged capacity
Tch , charging time
SOCmax , maximum state of charge
T, battery temperature
∆t, sampling time, which is 1s in this paper
1: Initialization: U p = 0, SOC = 0, n = 1, k = 0, IL = I (1), Qloss = 0, Ccharged = 0, Tch = 0
2: charging step update: k = k + 1
3: SOC update: SOC(k) = SOC(k − 1) + η IL ∆t/CQ
4: if SOC (k) ≥ SOCmax thend
5: break
6: end if
7: battery parameters update: Rr = Rr (SOC, T ), R p = R p (SOC, T ), C p = C p (SOC, T ),
8: Uoc = Uoc (SOC, T )
9: charging time update: Tch = k∆t
10: charged capacity update: Ccharged = Ccharged + IL ∆t
11: polarization voltage update: U p,k = exp(−∆t/τ ) × U p,k−1 + (1 − exp(−∆t/τ )) × IL Rr
12: battery terminal voltage update: Ut,k = Uoc + IL Rr + U p,k
13: energy loss update: Qloss = Qloss + IL2 Rr + U p,k 2 /R · ∆t
2 /R · ∆t − R
IL2 Rr + U p,k
14: temperature update: T (k + 1) = T (k) + p E f f ·( T − Ta ) /CT
15: if Ut ≥ Uset then
16: stage number update: n = n + 1
17: if n + 1 > nstage then
18: break
19: else
20: charging current update: IL = I (n)
21: end if
22: end if
23: Output Qloss , Ccharged and Tch
2.4. Simulation of the VMCC Charging Strategy
A simulation model of the VMCC charging strategy is established to simulate the charging
process of the battery under the VMCC charging process. The charging time, charged capacity and
energy loss of the VMCC charging process can be acquired directly from the simulation. The flow
Energies 2017,
of 709
the simulation is shown in Figure 3 and the pseudo code of the VMCC charging strategy are 6 of 15
shown in Algorithm 1.

Energies 2017, 10, 709 6 of 15

(a) (b)
17: if n + 1 > 𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 then
Figure 3.18: break parameter estimation; (a) Pulse current charging profile; (b) Comparison of the
Figure 3. Battery
parameter estimation; (a) Pulse current charging profile; (b) Comparison of the
elseexperimental results.
simulated and20: experimental
charging current results.
update: 𝐼𝐿 = 𝐼(𝑛)
21: end if1. Pseudo code of the VMCC charging strategy.
22: end ifk, 𝑄𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠 , 𝐶𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑑 , 𝑇𝑐ℎ , 𝑆𝑂𝐶𝑚𝑎𝑥 , 𝑇, ∆𝑡).
3. ExperimentalVMCCSetup (n,and Battery Parameter Estimation
23: Output of
n, number 𝑄𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠 , 𝐶𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑑
charging and 𝑇𝑐ℎ
k, number of time step
3.1. Experimental Setup
𝑄𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠 , energy
3. Experimental Setuploss
and Battery Parameter Estimation
The experimental𝐶𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑑 , charged
setup capacity
consists of (1) a LiFePO4 test battery (Bak, Shenzhen, China); (2) a Chroma
𝑇𝑐ℎ , charging
3.1. Experimental Setup time
72001 battery (Chroma ATE, Taoyuan,
𝑆𝑂𝐶𝑚𝑎𝑥 , maximum state of charge
China) test system; (3) a host computer; and (4) a thermal
The experimental
chamber (ENVAN,𝑇,Shanghai, setup
China). Theofnominal
battery temperature consists (1) a LiFePO
voltage4 test battery (Bak, Shenzhen, China); (2) a
of the battery is 3.2 V, the recommended
Chroma 72001∆𝑡,3.65 battery
sampling (Chroma
time,nominal ATE, Taoyuan,
which is 1scapacity
in this paper China) test system; (3) a host computer; and (4) a
charging voltage is V. The is 2.5 Ah. The Chroma 72001 battery test system is
thermal 1:chamber (ENVAN,
Initialization: 𝑈𝑝 = 0,Shanghai,
SOC = 0, n =China).
1, k = 0, The nominal
𝐼𝐿 = 𝐼(1), 𝑄𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠voltage of the
= 0, 𝐶𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑑 = 0,battery
𝑇 = 0is 3.2 V, the
used to charge and
2: charging
the battery
step update: k =isk 3.65
with a maximum voltage of 5 V and a𝑐ℎmaximum current of
+ 1 V. The nominal capacity is 2.5 Ah. The Chroma 72001 battery
20 A withtest
3: SOC of 1 to
is used
update: mV voltage
SOC(k) and and
= SOC(k − 1) 10
+ 𝜂𝐼mA
discharge thecurrent.
𝐿 ∆𝑡/𝐶
The thermal chamber is used to maintain
𝑄 battery with a maximum voltage of 5 V and a
the environmental
maximum 𝑆𝑂𝐶(𝑘)of≥20
4: ifcurrent 𝑆𝑂𝐶 of the
with anexperiments.
thend accuracy of 1 mV The experimental
voltage and 10 mAdata such
current. Theasthermal
current and voltage
is used 5: maintain
to break the environmental temperature of the experiments. The experimental data such
are measured by the Chroma 72001 and recorded by the host computer.
6: end
as current andifvoltage are measured by the Chroma 72001 and recorded by the host computer.
7: battery parameters update: 𝑅𝑟 = 𝑅r (𝑆𝑂𝐶, 𝑇), 𝑅𝑝 = 𝑅𝑝 (𝑆𝑂𝐶, 𝑇), 𝐶𝑝 = 𝐶𝑝 (𝑆𝑂𝐶, 𝑇),
3.2. Battery Parameter
8: 𝑈 =Estimation
𝑈 (𝑆𝑂𝐶, 𝑇)
𝑜𝑐 𝑜𝑐
3.2. Battery Parameter Estimation
9: charging time update: 𝑇𝑐ℎ = 𝑘∆𝑡 ◦ C, 25 ◦ C, 30 ◦ C, 35 ◦ C and 40 ◦ C respectively
The pulse current charging profile is executed
in 20
= 𝐶𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑑
pulse current
charged charging
capacity profile
update: is executed in+20𝐼𝐿°C,
∆𝑡 25 °C, 30 °C, 35 °C and 40 °C respectively
to estimate the battery charging
11: polarization
to estimate the battery voltage parameter
chargingupdate: 𝑈𝑝,𝑘 under
parameter underdifferent
= exp(−∆𝑡/𝜏) × 𝑈𝑝,𝑘−1
different temperature. TheThe
+ (1 − exp(−∆𝑡/𝜏))
temperature. × 𝐼current pattern and
𝐿 𝑅𝑟 pattern and
corresponding battery terminal
12: battery
corresponding terminal
battery voltage under𝑈under
voltage voltage
terminal update: 𝑡,𝑘 =temperature
the 𝑈𝑜𝑐
the+ 𝐼temperature
𝐿 𝑅𝑟 + 𝑈𝑝,𝑘 of 25of◦ C25is°Cshown in Figure
is shown 3a. Figure
in Figure 3a. 3b
2 2
Figure 3b13: energy
shows loss
the update:
comparison 𝑄𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠
shows the comparison of the voltage response between= 𝑄
the 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠 +
voltage(𝐼 𝐿 𝑅𝑟 + 𝑈
response𝑝,𝑘 /𝑅 𝑝 ) ·
between∆𝑡 the experiment and simulation.
the2 experiment and simulation. The absolute The
absolute 14: temperature
error is also update:
shown 𝑇(𝑘
inIt + 1)3b.
Figure = 𝑇(𝑘)
It can+ ((𝐼
be 𝑅𝑟 + that
𝐿seen 𝑈𝑝,𝑘 /𝑅 𝑝 ) simulated
the · ∆𝑡 − 𝑅𝐸𝑓𝑓 ·results
(𝑇 − 𝑇𝑎 ))/𝐶 𝑇
coincide well
error is also shown in Figure
15: if 𝑈𝑡 ≥ 𝑈𝑠𝑒𝑡 then
3b. can be seen that the simulated results coincide wellwith
with the
the experimental results. Figure 4 is the estimated battery parameter under the temperature of 25 °C.◦
experimental results. Figure 4 is the estimated
16: stage number update: n = n + 1 battery parameter under the temperature of 25 C.

Figure 4. Battery
4. Battery parameter under
parameter under 25 ◦ C.

4. Multi-Object Optimization Problem Formulation

4.1. Problem Formulation

The aim of this paper is to get a balanced charging performance between charging time, charged
capacity and energy loss. These charging performances can be divided into two types: the smaller the
better for charging time and energy loss, the larger the better for charged capacity. In order to unify
Energies 2017, 10, 709 7 of 15

4. Multi-Object Optimization Problem Formulation

4.1. Problem Formulation

The aim of this paper is to get a balanced charging performance between charging time, charged
capacity and energy loss. These charging performances can be divided into two types: the smaller the
better for charging time and energy loss, the larger the better for charged capacity. In order to unify the
two different types of problem, the concept of uncharged capacity (UCP) is adopted, which is defined
as follows:
Cuncharged = CQ − Ccharged (15)

The charged capacity is calculated as:

Z t
Ccharged = IL dτ (16)

where IL is the charging current of the battery.

So, the multi-objective optimization problem can be formulated as:

Minimize J = { TCT ( I ), Q EL ( I ), CUCP ( I )} (17)

4.2. Constraint Conditions

It should be noted that the maximum current for the battery used in this paper is 2 C (C rate,
defined as a charge or discharge rate equal to the capacity of a battery divided by 1 h), so the maximum
charging current is set as 2 C. Since the voltage limit of each stage is the same, if the charging current
of the present stage is greater than that of the previous stage, the rise of battery polarization voltage
and ohmic voltage will immediately make the battery terminal voltage higher than the cut-off voltage,
so the charging current of the present stage should not exceed the previous stage. The current interval
of 0.01 C is used in this paper and the minimum charging current is set as 0.1 C. Considering the
overnight charging condition as the longest charging time, the charging time is constrained to be less
than ten hours. The uncharged capacity is constrained to be less than 20% of the rated battery capacity
considering the driving range and more than 10% of the rated battery capacity considering the battery
cycling life [27,28].
According to the above statement, the constraint conditions can be expressed as:

 TCT ( I ) ≤ 10h

 0.1CQ ≤ CUCP ( I ) ≤ 0.2CQ

 0.1C ≤ I ≤ 2.0C

Ij ≤ Ik , i f j ≤ k; j, k = 1, 2, . . . , nstage

5. MOPSO Based MCC Optimization

5.1. Multi-Object Optimization

As for the problem of multi-objective optimization (MOO), there is not a global best solution that
would be optimal for all the objectives simultaneously, so a compromised solution must be found.
The MOPSO algorithm is proposed by Coello et al. [29] in 2004 to solve the multi-objective optimization
problem and has been widely researched and applied [30–32]. Here, the MOPSO is employed because
of its high searching ability and low time complexity [29]. In the MOPSO algorithm, every particle is
a potential global optimum which has a fitness value evaluated by the object function.
According to the fitness value, the local best value Pbest and the global best value Gbest is used to
guide the direction of the particles’ movement. However, in the problem of MOO, the optimal value
cannot be decided directly as different objects conflict with each other. To solve this problem, the
Pareto Envelope and grid-making technique is introduced to the MOPSO algorithm and an external
Energies 2017, 10, 709 8 of 15

repository is used to keep a historical record of the nondominated vectors found along the search
process. The detailed optimization procedure is summarized by the following steps.

Step 1 Particle initialization. An m-size population with random positions and zero velocities is
generated. The position of the i-th particle is represented as xi = xi1 , xi2 . . . xin and the

velocity of the i-th particle is represented as vi = vi , vi . . . vin , where n is the dimension of

 1 2 

the search space.

Step 2 Evaluate the particles according to the simulation result of the MCC charging strategy.
Step 3 Store the nondominated particles in the repository (REP) and update the REP.
Step 4 Update the speed and velocity of each particle according to the following equations:
vin (k + 1) = ωvin (k ) + Λ1 R1 Pbest,i
− xin (k) + Λ2 R2 ( REP(h) − xin (k)) (19)

xin (k + 1) = xin (k) + vin (k + 1) (20)

where vin (k + 1) and vin (k) denote the current and previous velocities in the n-th dimension,
respectively. xin (k + 1) is the current position of the i-th particle in dimension n while xin (k )
is its previous position; ω is the inertia weight. Λ1 is the cognitive learning factor, Λ2 is the
social learning factor. R1 and R2 are two random numbers in the range [0, 1]. Pbest,i n is the
local best value and REP(h) is the global best value chosen from the repository.
To determine REP(h), the explored objectives are meshed with hypercubes, and a fitness
value is assigned to the hypercubes containing more than one particle with the following
f itness[i ] = i (21)
where, ni is the number of particles located in the i-th hypercube.
Then REP(h) is selected by applying a roulette-wheel selection.
Step 5 Convergence determination. Compare the average fitness value of the current particle swarm
with the previous particle swarm; if the difference is less than the threshold value α, the
search procedure is terminated.
Step 6 Repeat the steps from Step 2 to Step 5 until the best point is found or a fixed number of
iterations has been reached.

5.2. Parameter Setting

To make the searching procedure work effectively, proper parameters of the algorithm should be
chosen. As for the number of the particles, the more particles used in the search procedure, the less
steps of iterations are required. However, too many particles would increase the burden of computation.
In this research, the number of particles is chosen as 100 to ensure good convergence and accuracy.
The maximum iteration number is set as 200 and the inertia weight ω is set as 0.7; the constants Λ1 and
Λ2 are set as 1.6 and 1.5 respectively and the grid number is chosen as 10.

5.3. Multi-Objective Decision Making

To get a balanced charging strategy, a compromised solution should be chosen from the resulted
Pareto set. To address this issue, the weighted metric method is adopted in this paper. Since the three
objects are in different units and scales, they are first normalized to be between 0 and 1 with the
following equation:
f k ( X ) − f kmin ( X )
f k0 ( X ) = (22)
f kmax ( X ) − f kmin ( X )
where f k ( X ) is the value of the k-th object, f k0 ( X ) is the normalized vale and f kmin ( X ) and f kmax ( X ) is
the minimum and maximum value respectively.
Energies 2017, 10, 709 9 of 15

Then the weighted objective function can be written as:

Jω = ω1 TCT ( I ) + ω2 Q EL ( I ) + ω3 CUCP ( I ) (23)

where ω1 is the weight factor of charging time, ω2 is the weight factor of uncharged capacity and ω3 is
the weight factor of energy loss.

6. Results and Discussion

of Stage Numbers
10, 709 9 of 15

Optimizations of three, five and seven charging stages are conducted to analyze the influence of
Optimizations of three, five and seven charging stages are conducted to analyze the influence of
charging stage numbers. The Pareto sets of the optimization result are shown in Figure 5. From the
charging stage numbers. The Pareto sets of the optimization result are shown in Figure 5. From the
distribution of the Pareto set in Figure 6a, it is clear that there is not an optimal solution for all the
distribution of the Pareto set in Figure 6a, it is clear that there is not an optimal solution for all the
three objectives. From Figure 5b,c, it can be observed that charging time is in conflict with uncharged
three objectives. From Figure 5b,c, it can be observed that charging time is in conflict with uncharged
capacity and energy loss. In Figure 5d, the Pareto set is a single point, which means the uncharged
capacity and energy loss. In Figure 5d, the Pareto set is a single point, which means the uncharged
capacity and energy loss are both optimal in this point.
capacity and energy loss are both optimal in this point.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 5. Simulation
5. Simulation result
result under
under different
different charging
charging stage
stage numbers.
numbers. (a) (a) Pareto
Pareto set set of charging
of charging time,
uncharged capacity and energy loss; (b) Pareto set of charging time and uncharged capacity;
uncharged capacity and energy loss; (b) Pareto set of charging time and uncharged capacity; (c) Pareto (c) Pareto
set of of charging
andand energy
energy loss;loss; (d) Pareto
(d) Pareto setuncharged
set of of uncharged capacity
capacity and and energy
energy loss.loss.

It can be observed from Figure 5b that as the stage number increases, the Pareto set moves
towards the origin—both the optimized charging time and uncharged capacity decrease. The decrease
is relatively large when the stage number increases from three to five while the difference between
stage number of five and seven is not apparent. From Figure 5c, it can be seen that the optimization
Energies 2017, 10, 709 10 of 15

results are almost the same while stage number of three and five have a slightly better performance
than stage number of seven.
(c) This is because the increase in the charging (d) stage number augments
the average charging current. This relationship can be further confirmed in Figure 5d. In Figure 5d,
Figure 5. Simulation
the optimization result isresult under
a single different
point charging
and as stage
the stage numbers.
number (a) Pareto
increases, setenergy
the of charging time,
loss decreases
uncharged capacity and energy loss; (b) Pareto set of charging time and uncharged capacity; (c) Pareto
while the uncharged capacity stays the same. According to the former analysis, the charging stage
set of charging time and energy loss; (d) Pareto set of uncharged capacity and energy loss.
number is chosen as five in this paper.

Energies 2017, 10, 709 10 of 15

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 6. 6.Simulation
set of
of charging
charging time,
time, uncharged
capacity and energy loss; (b) Pareto set of charging time and uncharged capacity;
capacity and energy loss; (b) Pareto set of charging time and uncharged capacity; (c) Pareto set (c) Pareto set of
charging time and energy loss; (d) Pareto set of energy loss and uncharged
charging time and energy loss; (d) Pareto set of energy loss and uncharged capacity. capacity.

It can be observed from Figure 5b that as the stage number increases, the Pareto set moves
6.2. Impact of Cut-Off Voltage
towards the origin—both the optimized charging time and uncharged capacity decrease. The
The effect
decrease of cut-off
is relatively voltage
large whenon thethe charging
stage number performance is studied.
increases from three to To fivecharge
while the difference
battery to
the stage number
target capacity, of five
the cut-off and seven
voltage must isbenot apparent.
higher From
than the Figure 5c, itOCV,
corresponding can be
so seen that the
the low-level
optimization results are almost the same while stage number of three and five
cut-off voltage is set as 3.4 V. The high-level cut-off voltage is set as the manufacture’s recommendedhave a slightly better
voltage, whichthan is 3.65stage number
V. The of seven. This
medium-level is because
cut-off voltagethe increase
is set as 3.5inV.the
The charging
set is
shown the average
in Figure 6. charging current. This relationship can be further confirmed in Figure 5d. In
Figure 5d,bethe
It can optimization
observed result
in Figure is that
6a,c a single pointcut-off
a higher and asvoltage
the stage number
leads increases,
to a smaller the energy
charging time loss
a higher while
energy theHowever,
loss. uncharged thecapacity
difference stays the same.
of energy loss According
for the sametocharging
the formertimeanalysis, the
is relatively
small. From stage number is chosen
the optimization asin
result five in this
Figure paper.
6b, it can be concluded that the cut-off voltage affects
the charging time largely and a higher cut-off voltage also leads to a smaller uncharged capacity.
In6.2. Impact
Figure 6d,ofthe
set of 3.65 V and 3.5 V coincide with each other and is better than the result of
3.4 V. In
Thethis paper,
effect the manufacture’s
of cut-off voltage on the recommended cut-off voltage
charging performance is used.
is studied. To charge the battery to the
target capacity, the cut-off voltage must be higher than the corresponding OCV, so the low-level
cut-off voltage is set as 3.4 V. The high-level cut-off voltage is set as the manufacture’s recommended
voltage, which is 3.65 V. The medium-level cut-off voltage is set as 3.5 V. The resulted Pareto set is
shown in Figure 6.
It can be observed in Figure 6a,c that a higher cut-off voltage leads to a smaller charging time
and a higher energy loss. However, the difference of energy loss for the same charging time is
Energies 2017, 10, 709 11 of 15

6.3. Impact of Weight Factors

According to the former analysis, a five stage VMCC charging strategy with the cut-off voltage
of 3.65 V is chosen as the final charging strategy. The distribution of the resulted Pareto set is
shown in Figure 7a. It can be found that the shortest charging time is 0.43 h (marked with “*”),
where the corresponding charging current is I = [1.91 C, 1.73 C, 1.61 C, 1.55 C, 1.47 C]. The smallest
uncharged capacity is 0.25 Ah (marked with “∆”), where the corresponding charging current is
I = [1.70 C, 1.33 C, 0.58 C, 0.42 C, 0.19 C]; The smallest energy loss is 0.061 J (marked with “×”),
Energies 2017, 10, 709 11 of 15
where the corresponding charging current is I = [0.18 C, 0.16 C, 0.13 C, 0.11 C, 0.10 C].

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 7. Simulation result under different weight factors. (a) Pareto set for the proposed charging
Figure 7. Simulation result under different weight factors. (a) Pareto set for the proposed charging
strategy; (b)charging

The resulted Pareto set provides all the possible optimal solutions for the five stage VMCC
The resulted Pareto set provides all the possible optimal solutions for the five stage VMCC
charging strategy. In actual usages, a compromised solution should be chosen from the Pareto set
charging strategy. In actual usages, a compromised solution should be chosen from the Pareto set
according to the specific charging demand. In this paper, the weight metric factor method is adopted
according to the specific charging demand. In this paper, the weight metric factor method is adopted to
to decide the optimal solution. To study the influence of weight factor, the charging performance
decide the optimal solution. To study the influence of weight factor, the charging performance under
under three different 𝜔 is compared, where 𝜔1 (the weight factor of charging time) is set as 0.4, 0.6
three different ω is compared, where ω1 (the weight factor of charging time) is set as 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8,
and 0.8, 𝜔2 (the weight factor of uncharged capacity) and 𝜔3 (the weight factor of energy loss) is set
ω2 (the weight factor of uncharged capacity) and ω3 (the weight factor of energy loss) is set to be equal.
to be equal.
The charging current, SOC and energy loss performance under different weight factors are shown
The charging current, SOC and energy loss performance under different weight factors are
in Figure 7b–d. Figure 7b shows that high values of ω1 result in high values of charging current
shown in Figure 7b–d. Figure 7b shows that high values of 𝜔1 result in high values of charging
in the first CC stage. In other words, as more emphasis is put on charging time, a larger charging
current in the first CC stage. In other words, as more emphasis is put on charging time, a larger
current in the first CC stage is required to shorten the charging time. Figure 7c shows the performance
charging current in the first CC stage is required to shorten the charging time. Figure 7c shows the
of SOC. It is observed that by increasing ω2 , more emphasis is put on uncharged capacity and a smaller
performance of SOC. It is observed that by increasing 𝜔2 , more emphasis is put on uncharged
capacity and a smaller uncharged capacity is acquired. It should also be noted that, as 𝜔2 increases
further, the uncharged capacity does not decrease accordingly. This is caused by the constraint
condition of the minimum uncharged capacity. Figure 7d is the performance of energy loss. As
expected, high values of 𝜔3 result in lower energy loss as more emphasis is put on energy loss, which
Energies 2017,10,
709 12of
12 of15

CC-CV charging with the CC stage current of 0.3 C and for fast charging, the charging strategy is
defined as capacity
uncharged CC-CV charging withIt the
is acquired. CC also
should stagebecurrent of 2.0asC.ωThe
noted that, conceptfurther,
2 increases of userthe
uncharged is
adopted does
capacity here not
to evaluate
decrease the charging This
accordingly. performance
is causedofbythe
conditionstrategy, which is
of the minimum
defined as:capacity. Figure 7d is the performance of energy loss. As expected, high values of ω3 result
in lower energy loss as more emphasis is put on energy loss, which means a higher efficiency.
𝜂 = 1 − 𝐽𝜔 (24)
6.4. Experimental Comparison
For the calculation of the with the Traditional
weight 𝜔1 is set Strategies
factor ω, Charging to change from 0.1 to 0.9 with the interval of
0.1 while 𝜔2 is equal
Experimental to 𝜔3 . According
comparisons of the to the definition
proposed chargingof 𝜂,strategy
it is easywithto seethe
that the larger charging
traditional the value
of 𝜂, the better the charging performance satisfies the users’ charging demand.
strategies are carried out. Without loss of generality, the traditional EV charging strategy is classified Figure 8 shows the
as normal charging comparisons of the proposed
and fast charging. For normal charging strategy
charging, with thestrategy
the charging traditional normalasand
is defined fast
charging strategies. It can be observed that, for the traditional normal
charging with the CC stage current of 0.3 C and for fast charging, the charging strategy is defined ascharging strategy, the charging
CC-CV charging is good
with when
the CCthe charging
stage currentdemand
of 2.0 C.for Thecharging
concept time of user is low; however,
satisfaction as the demand
is adopted here to
evaluate the charging performance of the optimized charging strategy, which is defined as: for the
for the charging time increases, the charging performance descends linearly. Conversely,
traditional fast charging strategy, the charging performance is good when the charging demand for
charging time is high, and as the demand forηthe = 1charging
− Jω time decreases, the charging performance (24)
decreases linearly. It can be concluded that the traditional normal and fast charging strategies only
satisfy smallcalculation
range ofof thecharging
the weight factor
demand. ω, ωOn1 isthe
set other
to changehand,from 0.1be
it can to seen
0.9 with
proposed of
0.1 while
charging strategy
ω 2 is equal to . According to the definition of it is easy
always3performs well no matter how the charging demand changes, which means
ω η, to see that the larger the value
of the bettercharging
theη,proposed the chargingstrategyperformance satisfies
satisfies the whole the rangeusers’
of thecharging
charging demand.
demandFigure well. 8 shows the
Figure 9 comparisons
shows the relative of the increase
proposed incharging strategy (represented
user satisfaction with 𝜀) normal
with the traditional and fast
of the proposed
chargingstrategies. It can be observed
strategy compared with the that, for thenormal
traditional traditionaland normal charging
fast charging strategy,Itthe
strategies. cancharging
be seen
that the increase is goodcanwhen
reachthe morecharging demand
than 80% when forthecharging
proposed timecharging
is low; however,
strategy as is the demandwith
compared for
normal and timefast
charging thestrategies
charging performance
independently. descends
In actual linearly.
usage, Conversely,
when a short for the traditional
charging time
fast charging
is needed, thestrategy,
EV users themaycharging
fast charging is and
when thethe charging
charging forischarging
used. In
Figureis high,
9, theand as the
“Switch demand
point” for theas
is defined charging time decreases,
the intersection of the “Fastthe charging
charging” performance
line and thedecreases
charging” It can
concluded that the traditional
ideal conditions, normal and
normal charging is used when 𝜔strategies
fast charging 1 is smaller onlythan
point ofandthe charging
fast charging demand.
is usedOn the otherInhand,
otherwise. it canthe
this case, berelative
seen that the proposed
increase in chargingcharging strategy
always performs charging
of the proposed well no matter strategy howcanthe
reach almostdemand 40%, changes, which means
which shows the proposed
the advantage of the
charging satisfies
strategy. the whole range of the charging demand well.

Figure 8.8. Experimental

Figure Experimental comparison
comparison of
of the
the object
object function
function between
between the
the proposed
proposed and
and traditional
charging strategy.

Figure 9 shows the relative increase in user satisfaction (represented with ε) of the proposed
charging strategy compared with the traditional normal and fast charging strategies. It can be seen
that the increase can reach more than 80% when the proposed charging strategy is compared with
the normal and fast charging strategies independently. In actual usage, when a short charging time is
needed, the EV users may choose fast charging and otherwise the normal charging is used. In Figure 9,
the “Switch point” is defined as the intersection of the “Fast charging” line and the “Normal charging”
line. For ideal conditions, normal charging is used when ω1 is smaller than the switch point and
Energies 2017, 10, 709 13 of 15

fast charging is used otherwise. In this case, the relative increase in charging performance of the
proposed charging strategy can still reach almost 40%, which shows the advantage of the proposed
Energies 2017, 10, 709 13 of 15
charging strategy.

Figure Relativeincrease
traditional normaland

An optimalbattery
charging strategy
strategy isisproposed
proposed to tosatisfy
demandsof of
EV users for charging time, charge capacity and energy loss based on multi-objective
EV users for charging time, charge capacity and energy loss based on multi-objective optimization optimization
technology. Thebattery
adopted,and andthetheleast
methodisisusedusedto to
estimate the battery parameters through a pulse current charging experiment.
estimate the battery parameters through a pulse current charging experiment. A VMCC simulation A VMCC simulation
model proposed andandthe the
MOPSOMOPSO algorithm
algorithm is usedis to
solve the multi-objective
multi-objective optimizationoptimization
The impacts of the charging stage number, charging cut-off voltage and weight factors of factors
problem. The impacts of the charging stage number, charging cut-off voltage and weight differentof
different charging goals are investigated in detail. We found that as the charging
charging goals are investigated in detail. We found that as the charging stage number increases, a better stage number
increases, a better
optimization result optimization result is achieved;
is achieved; however, when the however,
stage number when is the stage
greater thannumber is greater
five, the increase than
charging performance is not evident. Thus, a charging stage number of five is chosen. The analysis ofis
five, the increase in charging performance is not evident. Thus, a charging stage number of five
chosen. The
charging analysis
cut-off of charging
voltage shows that cut-off voltage
the use showscharging
of higher that the use of higher
cut-off voltage charging
benefitscut-off voltage
the charging
benefits the charging
performance performance and
and the manufacture’s the manufacture’s
recommended charging recommended
cut-off voltage charging
is used.cut-off voltageofis
The impacts
used. The impacts of different weight factor combinations are also studied
different weight factor combinations are also studied and a compromised optimal charging strategy is and a compromised
chosen charging strategy
on the analysisis chosen
result.based onan
Finally, theexperimental
analysis result. Finally, anof
comparison experimental
the proposed comparison
of the proposed charging strategy with the traditional EV charging strategies
strategy with the traditional EV charging strategies are performed. The comparison results show that are performed. The
the traditional normal and fast charging strategies can only satisfy a small range of charging demanda
comparison results show that the traditional normal and fast charging strategies can only satisfy
while range of charging
proposed charging demand while
strategy the proposed
satisfies the wholecharging
range ofstrategy
demandthe whole
well. The range
charging demand well. The relative increase in charging performance
increase in charging performance of the proposed charging strategy can reach more than 80% when of the proposed charging
strategy can
compared reach more
to normal and than 80% when compared to normal and fast charging.
fast charging.
Acknowledgments: The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the National Natural
Science Foundation The
Acknowledgments: authors
of China (No.gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (No. 51107052).
Author Contributions: Weiyi
writing; XinyongLi
contributedto tothe
YuanbinYu Yucontributed
contributedto tothe
the fundingsupport;
contributed to
to the
the analysis;
analysis; Tao
helped to
to rearrange
rearrange the
the paper
paper structure;
Conflicts Interest:The
ConflictsofofInterest: Theauthors

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