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Faith reflection

From kindergarten to 8th grade my faith has definitely gotten stronger every year. My

faith journey has definitely been a rollercoaster. Just like life with ups and downs. At the end of

the day I know God loves me and that I can come to him for anything. So I hope for my faith to

continue staying strong and get stronger.

Ever since I was little I would go to church every Sunday, so it's really always been a

part of my life. Being a Catholic is very important to me because I am able to know that I can

rely on God and pray to him whenever I want. If I didn't have this belief I would have more

stress and struggles. St. Charles made it very easy for me to say that I want to continue my


I will continue my journey as a Catholic all throughout my future. Being baptised, having

my first reconciliation and first communion has started a path for me. I have been in catholic

school all my time but just because I am now going to attend a public school doesn't mean that I

am going to leave my faith. I want to get confirmed as a catholic in the soon future. I also want

to get married through the church someday in my life. Never forgetting my faith and passing it

on to my children. Even though I had some difficulty believing in it.

The past year because of covid my mental health and relationship with God got bad.

Distant is what my teachers would call God in this situation but for me it was that he was

nowhere to be found. I felt weak. I felt lost. Not having God in my life leads to me being sad, and

being lonely. Covid was not the only time I doubted God. When my nana died I questioned God.

I asked him “Why now?” “I didn't even get enough time with her.” I figured God did that to hurt

me. I don't see it that way any more. God made me stronger, I live my life for her and push

myself because I now know she is right by my side and she never really left. Retreat was a time

that also got me thinking.

Faith. Hope. Love was the theme to retreat. This time I knew God was there but still had

some doubt. My teacher showed us an image. It said God is NOwhere/ nowHERE. We were to
look at it and say the first thing that we saw. I was called on and he asked what I saw, I said I

saw “God is no where”. The other people saw that too but I don’t know if they thought the things

that I did. Mr. Blair started saying that in some points in life where we will feel like that.

Remember that God only throws hardships at us that he knows we can handle and that you can

get stronger form. Ever since that day my mindset had completely changed. What I say to

myself now is that “God has great plans for me.”

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