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Modal verbs

Here is a list of modals with examples:

Modal Verb Expressing Example

Strong obligation You must stop when the traffic

lights turn red.
Obey norms/ laws/ commands

must logical conclusion / He must be very tired. He's been

working all day long.
strong feeling

prohibition You must not smoke in the hospital.

50 % obligation I should / (ought to) see a doctor. I

have a terrible headache.
Advice /suggestion You should / (ought to) revise your

ability I can swim.

can Informal permission Can I use your phone please?

possibility Smoking can cause cancer.

ability in the past When I was younger I could run


could formal permission Excuse me, could I just say


possibility It could rain tomorrow!

Polite Permission May I use your phone please?

+ possibility, probability It may rain tomorrow!

polite permission Might I suggest an idea?

- possibility, probability I might go on holiday to Australia
next year.
make suggestions, offers or Shall we stay or go out?
ask for advice
Shall we dance?

Shall Shall I get his phone number if I

with I and We meet him?

What shall I do to get rid of my


Future tense auxiliary I will travel to Cusco this year

Will Invitations/offers Will you join us for coffee? Won’t
you come in?

past of will I thought we would be late, so

we would have to take the train.
to talk about hypotheses
If I had the money, I would buy a
(when we imagine something)
new car.
for polite offers and requests. You would lose weight if you took
more exercise.

Will you carry this for me, please?

Would you please be quiet?

Would you like a cup of coffee?

Will or would:
1. I _______ come if I have time.
2. _______ you like some tea?
3. I promise, I _______ quit smoking.
4. ‘There is the doorbell.’ ‘I _______ go.’
5. I didn’t expect that I _______ fail the test.
6. If I knew that you were in trouble, I _______ help you.
7. I hope I _______ get the job.
8. I _______ wake up early if there was a good reason to.
9. Do you think she _______ come if you invited her?
10. 1o. I don’t know whether I _______ have time tomorrow.
11. I _______ call you when dinner is ready.
12. Whom do you think _______ win?
Choose the right modal verb

1. It's a hospital. You    smoke.

2. He had been working for more than 11 hours. He        be tired

after such hard work. He        prefer to get some rest.

3. I        speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in

Morocco. But after we moved back to Canada, I had very little exposure to the

language and forgot almost everything I knew as a child. Now, I        

just say a few things in the language.

4. The teacher said we        read this book for our own pleasure as it
is optional.

5.        you stand on your head for more than a minute? No,

I       .

6. If you want to learn to speak English fluently, you        to work


7. Take an umbrella. It         rain later.

8. You        leave small objects lying around . Such

objects        be swallowed by children.

9. People        walk on grass.

10. Drivers       stop when the traffic lights are red.

11.        I ask a question? Yes, of course.

12.        you speak Italian? No, I        .

Complete with the correct modal verb( multiple answer)

1. Jonathan __________ ski really well and he often wins his races.
2. I __________ go to the party but I'm still not sure.
3. I think you __________ go out more and meet new people.
4. This is a secret between you and me, so we __________ tell anyone.
5. It's dangerous to go into deep water if you __________ swim.
6. I __________ go out later with my parents but I don't really know.
7. All passengers __________ remain in their seats and __________ use their
mobile phones.
8. __________ you please phone me in the evening?
9. To get a driving licence you __________ be over 18.
10. You __________ wear a uniform when you're in the army.
11. She __________ come with us because she's broken her leg.

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