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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

San Pablo City Campus
Del Remedio , San Pablo City



COURSE TITLE: Foundation of Education
REPORTER: Hosmillo , Nicole Raz
MAJOR: MAED- English
PROFESSOR: Dr. Agripina F. Banayo
TOPIC: Ancient Chinese Education


( 3000 B.C – A.D 1900 )
The history of education in China began with the birth
of Chinese civilization. China education is the largest education
system in the world. Ancient China education was first
prevalent in the Shang Dynasty when “school” was first
mentioned on the oracle bones. Many Chinese scholars believe
that the history of education in China can be tracked back to
the 16th century B.C during the late “Xia Dynasty”. During this
period of time, education in China was the privilege of the
elites. The teaching of Confucianism during the Spring and
Autumn and Warring States periods, the curriculum was
mainly based on The Four Books and The Five Classics.
In primitive society, knowledge was passed on orally by
elders to their children. As hieroglyphic writings emerged
3,000 years or so ago, professional institutions emerged
aiming to teach knowledge. These were called chengjun, the
predecessors of schools.
Ancient China followed a policy of isolation and did
not care to associate with the rest of the world. They had no
fear for invasion for they have no intention to conquer. They
build the Great Wall of China to protect itself from invaders.
Their education was mainly concerned with
memorizing the teachings of Confucius. Ancestors worship
was also one of the important parts of their lives. The civil
service examination originated from Chinese, since selection
for government employment was made by rigorous system of
Taoism (Path of Reason) second Chinese philosophy
for living and attributed to Lao-Tse, with Tao-Te-Ching as his
only work.
Confucianism probably is the biggest influence in
education of China throughout the entire Chinese history.
Later in Han Dynasty, a form of public education system was
established. Not only elites from upper class families can study
in school, common man can also use education as a path to
become a better man, known as gentleman.

Confucianism: The Core of Ancient Chinese Education

Confucius (551-479 BC), the founder of the

Confucius school gave lectures of ethics during the Spring and
Autumn Period. Education in ancient China was largely based
on Confucian classics. From a young age, children spent their
schooling time learning and memorizing Confucian texts like
the Great Learning, the Doctrine of the Mean, the Analects of
Confucius, the Book of Odes, and the Three Character Classic.

At the core of Confucianism are five cardinal virtues —

benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, faithfulness.
Many values, such as loyalty, filial piety, courage, transparency,
diligence is derived from it.

The teachings of Confucianism defined the moral

standards for being a good person. They covered and
effectively regulated the various strata of society, from the
individual and the family unit, to society and the principles of

Educational Goal
To prepare elite officials to govern the
empire according to Confucius principles.

Aims of Education
Early Chinese Education is ideological and ethical or moral
1. Confucius- 5 fundamental relationships (sovereign and
subjects; father and child; husband and wife; older
brother and younger brother; older friend and a
younger one); doctrine of submission; cardinal values
(benevolence or universal charity, justice, conformity;
prudence or rectitude of heart and mind; and, fidelity or
pure sincerity)
2. Cultural development- to maintain their cultural
pattern and usages.
3. Civil service- to prepare the students to take the state
examinations to qualify for higher status in life and
position in the government; one of the outstanding
contributions of early China.

Types of Education
1. Ideological and Moral Education – Confucian
relationships, doctrine of submission and the cardinal
2. Language Education – memorize and master the
Chinese language.
3. Vocational and Domestic Education - men to acquire
trade skills; women on domestic skills to serve men.
4. Civic Education – those who like to serve in the
5. Military Education – for defense and aggression

Methods of Instruction
1. The Confucian Method
2. Direct and Exact Imitation- imitating Chinese
character writing.
3. Memorization

Agencies of Education
1. Home
2. Private Schools
3. House of a teacher or rich pupil
4. Deserted Pagoda
5. Environment

The books to be mastered in order to hold any official


The Five Classics

These are the five ancient Chinese books associated with
Confucius. For more than 2,000 years they were invoked as
authorities on Chinese society, government, literature, and
religion. Chinese students usually studied the shorter Four
Books before attempting the Five Classics, which consist of :
1. The Shu King ( The Book of History) – history before
the time of Confucius. It is considered as the first
narrative history of ancient China. These narratives are
the influential in the development of the understanding
of sage.
2. The Shi King ( The Book of Odes) – an outline of poetry.
It comprised of 305 poems dealing with a range of
issues, including love and marriage, agricultural
concerns, daily lives and war.
3. The Yi King ( The Book of Changes) – an outline of
prophecy and augury. It contains the system of
divination that centered the principles of yin and yang.
4. Li Ki King ( Book of Rights )- an outline of social
etiquette. It describes the social norms, governmental
organization and the ritual conduct.
5. The Hsiao King ( Book of Filial Piety )- It is considered
as the historical chronicle.

The Four Books

1. The Ta Hsio ( Great Learning ) – the name of a chapter
in the Classic of Rites. It is a guide for moral self-
2. The Chung Yung ( Doctrine of the Mean) - the name of a
chapter in the Classic of Rites. It deals with how to
maintain perfect balance and harmony in one’s life.
3. The Lun Yun ( Sayings of Confucius) – a book of concise
sayings attributed to Confucius and recorded by his
disciples. According to Analects, the first step in
knowing the Way is to devote oneself to learning. It
emphasize the importance of good governance, virtue
and ritual.
4. The Meng-Tze ( Sayings of Mencius) – a book of
conversations between Mencius and some kings of his
time. Mencius believes that all human beings are
inherently good.
Educational System
Generally, education in China can be divided into the following
1. Pre-school education- for the 3-5 years old children in
2. Primary education- for 6-11 years old children.
Primary schools are usually rum by local educational
authorities, and in some cases, by enterprises and
3. Secondary education
4. Higher education- usually known as college education.
It also provided by institution including general and
technical universities, institutions and professional

Outstanding Contribution / Influence to Education

Evidence of learning in the Chinese system was almost strictly
through examination.
1. Civil service Examination
The civil service examination system for
selecting government officials was established and
came into force during the Sui dynasty (581-618). It not
only served as an education system, but as the standard
of selection for talented people across the nation.
Three levels of exam taken place by Chinese
education are County, Provincial and National Levels.
The best characteristics of traditional education
are examination, conformity and competition which
probably reflect the educational situation of today.
A good education has always been highly valued
in China, as the people believe that education ensures
not only the future and development of the individual
but also the family and the country as a whole.

Since the modern days, when the new education

has replaced the traditional classical education, education was
still be considered instrumental; however, in a different
manner. Education can only diminish and ultimately eradicate
the difference among human beings.



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