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Controlling Twist in Precast

Segmental Concrete Bridges

John E. Breen
The Nasser I. AI-Rashid Chair
in Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas

During this period many highly infor-

Synopsis mative publications 1-14 appeared in the
engineering literature and provided
Discusses several precast seg- guidance to both the designer and con-
mental box girder bridges where sub- tractor in the basics and details of this
stantial undesired twists were ob- type of construction.
served during erection. Several of these publications allude to
Comparison of casting yard data problems in geometry control which re-
and erection measurements indicated sulted in "important geometric imper-
the excessive twist problem originated fections" on certain projects. 7' Unfortu-
during geometry control in the casting nately, relatively little detailed infor-
yard. mation has been given. The important
The sensitivity of normal control lessons which can be learned from such
procedures is illustrated and recom- problems need to be emphasized with-
mendations for a check procedure to out an attempt to assign blame to any
control such twists is given. individual involved in these projects.
The persistent nightmare for both de-
signers and contractors involved in
their first precast segmental bridge proj-
ect is that somehow their graceful
he decade from completion of the structure growing in balanced fashion
T Corpus Christi Bridge in 1973 to from the central pier (Figs. la and 1b)
finishing of the Linn Cove Viaduct in will fail to meet up smoothly with its
1983 showed the emergence of precast mate which is approaching it from the
segmental box girder bridges as a major next pier. Unlike cast-in-place canti-
construction form in North America. lever construction, the basic geometry

for match cast precast segmental bridges
is set in the precast yard.
While shimming can be used as a last
resort to change the course of an errant
cantilever, it is highly undesirable and
sometimes ineffective.' 2 More drastic
corrections have been made using wet
joints. L2 Proper geometry control and
attention to erection procedures should
make such recourse unnecessary.
Unfortunately, errors can he made and
substantial mismatches at closure have
occurred (Fig_ . lc). Such closure errors
are difficult to overcome and conceal.
With ingenuity, serious errors have
been overcome by forming and casting
whole transition units in situ (Fig. Id).
In reality, there are two very different
orders of magnitude of concern on
geometry control. While it is extremely
important to maintain careful control
during segment production and erec-
tion, the box girder bridge system is Fig. 1 a. Balanced cantilever erection using
more forgiving of some types of errors. a launching truss.

Fig. 1 b. Precast segmental box girder bridge being erected in balanced cantilever
fashion using a crawler crane.

PCI JOURNAL'July-August 198587

Fig. 2 illustrates the relative stiffnesses Fig. 2a indicates that if the tips at one
of an actual box girder bridge system end had to be forced into a mating posi-
with approximately 200 ft (60 m) spans tion through a 1 in. (25 mm) vertical de-
resulting in 100 ft (30 m) balanced can- flection, relatively low forces of 40 kips
tilevers during construction. (178 kN) in each web would produce the

Fig. i c. Closure error between two cantilever arms of a precast segmental box girder

Fig. 1 d. Remedial measures to correct for closure errors.

P P -40 < 40e(178kN)

---_ ] e (25 mm.) 25 mm)

0) Canfilever Tip -- Vertical Stiffness

PT = 540" 540" {2400kN)

(25mm)T i ^ Yz5mm.l

b) Cantilever Tip - Torsional ( Twist) Stiffness

Fig. 2. Relative stiffnesses of a typical box girder bridge system.

required deflection. Such forces can be asset in resisting load upon completion,
easily developed using strongback sys- makes it virtually impossible to com-
tems between the two cantilevers such pensate for twist type geometry errors
as shown in Fig. 3a. through application of closure forces,
Somewhat larger but similar mag- Forces of the magnitude shown in Fig.
nitudes of forces are required to provide 2b could produce substantial shear and
lateral or horizontal adjustments with torsion damage to the structure.
simple equipment as shown in Fig. 3b. There are some cases where attempts
In fact, many box girder bridges are have been made to forcibly twist such
closed using final adjustments of this units with resulting damage to shear
magnitude without overall damage to keys and webs. Thus, it is extremely im-
the bridge system. portant that geometry control proce-
Such locked-in forces are reduced by clures specifically ensure twist control.
creep and do not affect the ultimate ca- Many widely publicized procedures
pacity of the section. In many cases pier have ignored or incorrectly portrayed
fixity can be released 1° and lesser forces the need for such controls. Podolny and
are required. Muller' have strongly urged that such
In contrast, Fig. 2h indicates that if twist checks be an implicit part of the
the tips have an unwanted twist and a geometry control.
torque is required to displace each tip 1 In studying problems which have oc-
in. (25 mm) in a twist mode, the required curred in several major bridges, the au-
forces on the webs are 540 kips (2400 thor became aware of the appreciable
kN). The basic torsional stiffness of the sensitivity of the geometry control sys-
box girder system, which is such an tem in short line match cast construction

PCI JOURNAUJuIy-August 1985 89

Fig. 3a. Supplementary "strongback" beams with threaded rods spanning between
cantilever tips to align tips vertically prior to closure placement.

Fig. 3b. Diagonal pulling device between cantilevers to align tips horizontally prior to
closure placement.

Elevation Segment
Profile Length Costing Curve

Desired Final

Pier Midspar

a) Costin g Curve

p EE

Joint I Joint

A g C

b) Match Costing

Fig. 4. Basis of match casting in segmental construction.

to certain kinds oferrors. The purpose of curvature, and varying superelevation;

this paper is to illustrate that sensitivity however, only the vertical curvature
and point out the relatively simple con- profile of one web is shown here for
trol procedures that can be used to simplification. This desired final grade
minimize twist errors in segment pro- must be adjusted to determine the de-
duction. sired profile for the actual casting of the
The adjustments should consider de-
MATCH CAST PROCEDURES formations upon erection due to the ef-
The basics of match casting have been fects of dead load, as well as the effects
thoroughly described by others s,e 7, bo but of prestressing forces and losses, creep,
a brief description will be given here so shrinkage, and relaxation. Considering
that the reader who is not familiar with these effects and the sequential nature
this widely used process will better un- of erection, a theoretical casting curve as
derstand the problem. shown in Fig. 4a is determined.
In any completed bridge there is a de- This curve represents the desired
sired final elevation or grade profile as profile along each web during casting so
shown in Fig. 4a. The profile may in- that the pieces will be initially de-
clude horizontal curvature, vertical formed in a pattern opposite to the de-

PCI JOURNAL/July-August 1985 91

formations that will take place upon ences in segment lengths along the top
erection. Thus, the bridge cast, so as to and bottom fibers could produce ex-
meet the casting curve, should have the treme deflection variations at span
desired profile after initial erection de- centerlines. This sensitivity has been
formations have occurred. eliminated by the use of match casting.'
This, naturally, assumes that seg- As shown in Fig. 4b, Segment 1 would
ments will be correctly fabricated. The be cast first. Assume that an error was
effect of very small systematic differ- made in casting Segment 1 so that the



: : : i




Fig. 5. Match casting systems (from Ref. 6).

(a) Schematic of long line casting system.

actual segment is a prism ABE'D. If the depth segments for the Kentucky River
segment is used as the face of the form Bridge .6 A modified long line in which
for casting Segment 2, and if the correct about one-half of the cantilever span
elevation requirements are set for the segments were cast before relocation on
line DE'F, when Segment 2 is cast it the soffit was used in the pioneer Cor-
will directly compensate for the previ- pus Christi Bridge.'
ous error. The overall construction will In contrast, in the `short line" concept
be correct in spite of a potentially seri- shown in Fig. 5b, all segments are cast
ous error in the distance DE = DE'. in a level position in one set location
There are two general procedures for against a very stiff fixed bulkhead. The
producing match cast segments. In the newly cast segment is then moved to
"long line" concept shown in Fig. 5a, a form the end form of the next segment to
base form is set for an entire cantilever be cast. The newly cast segment is
span at the desired grade indicated by carefully positioned and adjusted using
the casting curve of Fig. 4a. various jacks to develop the proper hori-
Match casting of all units for a can- zontal, vertical, and twist angles with re-
tilever span would proceed and gener- spect to the casting bed in order to en-
ally segments would not be moved until sure the correct geometrical relationship
most of the span had been cast. In this between these two pieces as called for
procedure, the entire span can be seen by the casting curve.10
with all units in their correct relation. The bottom and side forms are then
There is minimal danger of twist positioned to span between the stiff
geometry control errors because the fixed end bulkhead and the previously
basic geometry is apparent when the match cast segment. The forms should
form soffit is set. be flexible enough to warp as required
The long line procedure was used very yet still have the rigidity to hold the
successfully in casting the variable fluid concrete in correct position. The

Fig. 5 (cont.) Match casting systems (trom Hes. b).

(b) Schematic of short line match casting system.

PCI JOURNALJJufy-August 1985 93

Casting Machine titude to cast the next segment in the
span. It is carefully set into position at
the appropriate angles to become the
Fixed Target
end form and the cycle begins again.
Iiil On many projects it has been common
Rigid Fixed Bulkhead
to read the pin elevations using a rod
equipped with either V/32 in. divisions or
Segment in 1 mm divisions. Thus, the smallest scale
Casting Machine
w ••
reading corresponds to 0.032 — 0.040
in. (0.8 — 1.0 mm). In complex geom-
Previously Cost
Segment in Match etry cases, the use of an Invar rod with
•! Casling Position hundredth of a foot increments and ac-
curate interpolation to the nearest one-
Geometric Control Points thousandth of a foot using a parallel
• Elevation Pins plate micrometer is recommended to
+ Centerline Wires
provide readings in the 0.012 in. (0.3
mm) range.
In actuality, with the distances,
climatic conditions, and instrument ac-
curacies involved, such precision is dif-
Fixed Instrument ficult to attain and maintain on a con-
Transit Stotion
sistent basis unless very careful checks
are included. It is highly recommended
that independent sets of readings be
made by two different crews and cross-
Fig, 6. Short line method geometric control. checked before the segments are
moved. Once the segments are sepa-
rated, no further geometric check is
possible. All control must rely on the ac-
other previously cast specimens have curacy of these "initial readings."
been moved to a storage location and no The control process is further illustrat-
overall physical check of the relations of ed in Fig. 7. Fig. 7a shows the desired
all pieces for a span is obtained until the relation along one web of three seg-
segments are erected. ments of a span with respect to their lo-
Geometric control in the short line cations and desired elevations of the
method is provided by insertion of ref- casting curve. Subsequent addition of
erence pins and wires into the fresh other segments along with the effects of
concrete of the segment being cast. The prestressing forces, creep, shrinkage,
locations are generally near the segment etc., will result in segments moving into
front and rear edges over the webs and the final desired position.
centerline as shown in Fig. 6. After the Segment 1 will be firmly attached to
fresh concrete hardens, the elevations of the pier. Segment 2 needs to be cast in
the pins are carefully read using sur- such a fashion that when erected and
veying instruments and the centerline before deforming it will initially make
locations are scribed into the centerline the angle a, with respect to Segment 1.
wires before the segments are separated Segment 3 must be cast in such a way
or moved. that it makes the angle a 5 with respect to
Once the survey is complete, the Segment 2.
segments are then separated and the In every case the bulkhead end top
newly cast segment is moved into the surface and the longitudinal centerline
match cast position and adjusted in al- of the segment being cast in the casting


a) Casting Curve Position

in Structure

Instrument A' f
B. x
Reference Line t Fixed Bulkheod

b) Costing Segment 1

A° El C' D' X
Reference Line
— Fixed Bulkhead
O i Z

c) Casting Segment 2

Instrument '^' —"p ^'^F

Reference Line
Fixed Bulkhead
Oz O`ra3

d) Casting Segment 3

Fig. 7. Vertical elevation geometric control during

casting operations.

machine are in the horizontal plane at ment I then goes to storage as shown in
the elevation set by the fixed bulkhead Fig. 7d. Segment 2 is set into its desired
(X). Fig. 7b shows the level casting of configuration using the control eleva-
Segment 1. tions C" and D" which are based on the
After initial curing, the control eleva- desired geometry between Segments 2
tions of the pins (A', B') are read and and 3 considering the actual geometry of
Segment 1 is then moved to the match all previously cast segments.
casting position shown in Fig. 7c. The Note that any error in measurement of
values of the control elevations A" and an angle would result in a closure error
B" are determined by consideration of proportional to the distance of the joint
the desired relations between A, B, C, from the centerline of the pier. Thus,
and D and the actual cast relations of A', segments near the piers are particularly
B', and X. crucial.
After Segment 2 is cast and has hard- The procedure can operate very
ened, the relative relations of the two smoothly. The success attained in eon-
segments are determined by careful trol of the complex geometry of the Linn
measurement of A", B", C' and D'. Seg- Cove Bridge shown in Fig. 8 indicates

PCI JOURNALIJuly-August 1985 95

that proper control measures will ensure longitudinal centerline of the unit being
short line casting success. This particu- cast is assumed to be the center of rota-
lar bridge involved reverse curves and tion regardless of the amount of super-
rapid superelevation changes which elevation or the change in supereleva-
further complicate geometry control. A tion. Thus, each web is displaced one-
combination of precise, checked mea- halfofthe superelevation in opposite di-
surements and careful evaluation of rections. The rotation produces a hori-
geometry including large scale plots in zontal offset in the base form.
which three dimensional checks are • Superelevation Angle (Q) is defined
made provided proper control. at a specific longitudinal station along
the bridge as the superelevation (S) di-
SEGMENT TWIST CONTROL vided by the horizontal distance be-
tween the center of the inner and outer
In order to clarify the proper geomet- webs (L$). Thus, Q = SIL K (see Fig. 9).
ric control procedures required to pro- • Twist Angle (y) is defined as a
duce a bridge with the desired twist transverse rotation which takes place
profiles, it is necessary to first define between two specific Iongitudinal sta-
certain terms: tions along the bridge and is the change
• Superelevation (S) is defined at a in superelevation angle between those
specific longitudinal station along the stations (see Fig. 10).
bridge as the difference in vertical ele- • Twist (T) is defined as a simplified
vations of the top surface directly above term similar to superelevation in which
the center of the inner and the outer the twist angle between two longitudi-
webs (see Fig. 9), Note that since the top nal sections (y) is multiplied by the
surface is always assumed to be a horizontal distance between the center
straight line at any transverse section, of the inner and outer webs (L a) so that
the intersection of the top surface and the effective surface warping can he ex-

Fig. 8. Complex geometry at Linn Cove Bridge.

Fig. 9. Definition of superelevation S and superelevation angle a-.

pressed by a unique linear dimension should be zero. Many box girder spans
rather than an angular dimension. Thus, are designed to have either no superele-
T = yL s (see Fig. 10). vation or a constant superelevation
The twist in a segment can be acci- within the span.
dental due to errors in casting or can be In either case there is no desired twist
deliberate when there is supposed to be so that the segments may be cast with a
a change in superelevation along the flat fixed bulkhead and with the match
bridge. When changes in superelevation cast unit in the appropriate orientation
occur there must he a difference in to produce the desired horizontal and
transverse slope from segment front to vertical curves but with the match cast
rear face introduced into the segments. unit in a transversely flat position
As shown in Fig. Ila, the top surface ofa (y = 0). If all segments are cast this way
segment with such a twist actually be- they can be rotated uniformly upon
comes a warped surface. The edge ad- erection to provide the desired constant
jacent to the fixed bulkhead is always superelevation. However, as indicated
cast level. by Bender and Janssen, 1° counteracting
The previously cast match casting po- horizontal or vertical curvature may be
sition segment (conjugate unit) must be required in determining the casting
rotated about its longitudinal axis to curve.
provide the desired twist angle, y, in Even when the theoretical twist is
addition to being rotated about the axis zero, there is a danger that due to errors
of intersection with the next segment to during fabrication, placement or curing,
provide the desired camber. As shown the actual twist in a segment may not he
in Fig. lib, the top surface of such a zero. In every segment the final survey
segment has a very complex geometry as results taken just before separation of
compared to the case with no twist. the match cast units must be carefully
The difference between the front and examined to determine the actual as cast
rear face transverse slopes is a measure segment twist T1.
of the twist in a particular segment. With A suggested procedure in which the
variable superelevation, this twist surveying values are given in terms of
should match the superelevation change foresights from a reference plane is
desired in the segment. With flat or con- shown in Fig. 12. As shown, the twist in
stant superelevation sections, the twist each segment can be easily determined

PCI JOURNAUJuIy-August 1985 97

Instrument Reference Plane ^Ua'0
2.000 ` 4 cD
1Tr Y
1.000 ! 000 .
All nolues are Station x ' Station y
instrument *oresignts
1.000 1.060
rxy= Q,-a.y=4

S1.000-1.000=0 ` 5y=1.000-1.000=0
V y6

Note : Cimensions may be

No Twist Values assumed in ony consislont
unit system. Values shown
for Illustration only.
(a) Segment with no twist.

Instrument Reference Plane

2.000 ^x=4 /pia i p opt
All values ore Qy = 50
Instrument foresights 1.000 0.995 ^
Station x - Sfotion y

Same Segment
5x't.000-I,o0C-0 Twisted .010
Sy = 1.005 -0.995=0.010

y'^ y = Q x - Q = 0-0.001 = -0.001

T y.> L B = 1-0.0015(101 =-0.010
Direction of Fall
(b) Segment with twist angle y and twist T.


(c) End view of twisted segment.

Fig. 10. Definition of segment twist.


n st, zT p'^,S pS ON/

SCGO^NS ^T a^ '
az ^- n
o^ i1 -zT



(a) Isometric view with variable superelevation

(from Ref. 7).


No Twist



Twist EL (B-A) - (C-D)

(b) Complications with twist.

Fig. 11. Short line casting — Variable superelevation.

from the survey foresights made in the (T = ET { ), continuously plotted for com-
mated position in the casting yard. Note parison with the desired twist, and ap-
that the twists are determined between propriate corrections made when setting
similar locations on adjacent segments up for each match casting to control
in order to include joint effects. twist tendencies. Since twist errors are
The algebraic summation of the as more difficult to compensate for in
cast twists for all segments of a can- erection than either vertical or horizon-
tilever span should be determined tal alignment errors, priority should be

PCI JOURNAUJuly-August 1985 99

S -S
'!Mini Angle -n- t3 = - Mc
Segment I
Ttaiet = S - S MC - IFS(D) - FS(A)1 - rFS( D I) - FS(A1)1

Cantilever Dist ° ^ Segment 1 twists

i-o repo

O ^
^G O1 ^^'CG


— ---------- — Plane

Foresight D Foresight A

D 5 Q^ Cost
Foresight D Concrete
(C) G'NC I Foresight Ai

Al CaRCr e es^

Fig. 12. Determination of segment twist directly from casting

yard measurement.

given to casting adjustments to elimi- linear algebraic relations or graphical

nate twisting tendencies. plots to a large scale, the actual as cast
profile of the segments cast to date can
be computed.
SENSITIVITY OF CONTROL It is recommended that the as cast
PROCEDURES profiles be plotted to careful scale on the
desired casting curve as shown in Fig.
The practical implementation of the 13. The as cast profile will normally
geometry control procedures in match vary around the desired line. The
casting relies on the casting curves de- amount of variation at any particular
scribed previously (shown in Fig. 4a) time must be considered in choosing the
and the computation of the actual "as elevations to which the previously cast
cast" geometry based on the surveying segment is to be tilted so as to obtain the
measurements made before separation desired geometrical configuration to
of the two match cast segments. Using bring the cantilever span close to the

Bolt-Line AB
Veil ical

I Segment Span Distance I

Pier Midspan

Fig. 13. Practical utilization of casting curves.

desired casting curve. bolt lines remains approximately con-

The extreme sensitivity of the casting stant as there was to be a constant
curves to very small errors in measure- superelevation in the remainder of the
ment of the initial segments has not span. Both of these calculated as cast
been fully appreciated. The angle be- casting curves were close to the desired
tween any two segments must be pro- casting curves upon which the precaster
jected to the end of the cantilever spans based his segment casting decisions.
to determine its full effect on deflection There was some discrepancy in the
of the closure segment. Very often the initial segments but corrections were
length of the pier segments is shortened quickly made and the units were man-
to minimize lifting weight which would ufactured with an apparent close match
otherwise be excessive because of the to the planned profile. It will be shown
heavy diaphragms. subsequently that, when the units were
In addition, in many cases the more actually erected, substantial unwant-
sensitive central units are cast first when ed twists were apparent. Extreme dif-
the construction crews are just begin- ficulty was experienced in closing the
fling to become familiar with the process spans.
and are more prone to error. Fig. 14a What has not generally been ap-
shows the as cast computed profiles preciated is the extreme sensitivity of
for bolt lines AB and DC for an ap- the chain of measurements and calcula-
proximately 100 ft (30 m) cantilever of tions which must be made to control this
an actual bridge. process. In Fig. 14b the calculated pro-
The calculated profiles were deter- files shown in Fig. 14a are shown along
mined by linear algebraic extrapolation with a fictitious dashed line curve.
formulas from the initial elevation This dashed line curve illustrates
readings made on the match cast hard- what happens to the computed eleva-
ened segments before separation. In this tions along bolt line DC if an initial sur-
particular span the desired supereleva- veying error was made on the pier piece
tion in the first seven segments was which resulted in the initial elevation of
variable. This is why the bolt line ele- D being taken as'//a in. (0.8 mm) higher
vations on AB and DC differ so much. than actual and the initial elevation of C
After the seventh segment the differ- being taken as 'hs in. (0.8 mm) lower
ence in the elevations between the two than actual.

PCI JOURNAL/July-August 1985 101


Verlical Along
a2 -


Fig. 14a Computed bolt line profiles from casting yard measurements.

50 ^c
/x ^x 0 A
^x c 6
25 k \
x x\
0 x
vertical 0 x 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 Segments Along
Elevation Pier x Midspan Span

z 25
tMrin ^g^ x Bolr DC

-75 ^^r — Bolt DC Line
but with Arbitrary
1552 (0 $ mm } error on elevation
of D end C of Pier Piece
oll AB
- 125 100} •

Fig. 14b. Sensitivity of computed bolt line profiles to measurement errors.

Surveying errors of this order of mag- span as previously shown in Fig. 14.
nitude are certainly possible since they The apparent twists in the actual as cast
represent the least level of reading units are plotted based on the second
sometimes used in plants. While they differences from the calculated eleva-
might be detected when the piece is tions of bolt lines AB and DC as deter-
being put in the match cast position, it is mined by linear algebraic extrapolation
not always likely. from the individual segment mea-
Such measurement errors would re- surements taken before separation.
sult iu false calculated rotation of the It can be seen that after an initial poor
pier segment and cause the piece to be start the cumulative twist was appar-
set in an incorrect match cast position. ently corrected and the final values are
The entire cantilever would then be ro- indicated to be very close to those de-
tated downward. Because the pier seg- sired. In reality, such was not the case.
ment in this bridge was only about Fig. 16 indicates the extreme sen-
one-half the length of the other seg- sitivity of twist calculations based on
ments and because of the long length of extrapolated elevations to small sur-
the cantilever, the angular magnification veying or calculation errors. Again, tak-
is very high. ing a very arbitrary ± '/ 32 in. (0.8 mm)
The very small assumed discrep- measurement error in bolt line DC of
ancies in pier segment readings result in the pier segment as previously illus-
about 14 in. (38 mm) change in the cal- trated in Fig. 14b, the cumulative twist
calculated elevation ofthe web DC at mid- is calculated as the sum of the second
span. The arbitrarily assumed initial differences in elevation between the
reading error is certainly at the most two bolt lines. On this basis, the com-
critical location but is not even a worst puted value of the twist is greatly
case in terms of magnitude, given the changed as shown by the lower dashed
field conditions ordinarily experienced. curve of Fig. 16.
Closure operations to overcome such In reality, a much simpler and more
discrepancies would be in the realm of accurate measurement of the twist is
the possible given the vertical deflec- available. As previously shown in Fig.
tion stiffness shown in Fig. 2a. As a last 12, the twist in each segment can be
resort there would be a possibility of simply and directly determined from the
shimming corrections in the field if foresights made in the mated position in
erection surveys indicated a consistent the casting yard. The cumulative twist is
tendency for such an error during erec- simply the algebraic sum of the indi-
tion.10 vidual segment twists.
However, the actual problem is very The small measurement errors in pier
much more serious when twist is con- segment elevations assumed in this
sidered. The difference in elevations of example would actually only introduce a
the deck above the webs at any trans- twist change in the entire span of 2/32 in.
verse section of the bridge is the (1.6 mm) since the cumulative twist re-
superelevation. The second difference flects only the algebraic summation of
or change in superelevation between twists in each segment, Because of the
two transverse sections of the bridge is geometric extrapolation of the angular
the twist. The desired change in pier error to all segments when vertical
superelevation in any segment can be deflections are extrapolated, the twist
determined from the planned differ- determined from the computed ex-
ences in elevations along the bolt lines. trapolated elevations indicates over 25
Fig. 15 shows the desired cumulative times the actual effect.
twist or change in superelevation called This oversensitivity to computations
for in the plans for the same cantilever for twist from the extrapolated geometry

PCI JOURNAL/July-August 1985 103

of the bolt line can work in reverse to twists as measured in the precast plant
mask errors, Even more dangerously, it using the relations shown in Fig. 12. As
can actually result in twists being cast in can be readily seen, this simple check
segments to counteract the apparent would have immediately indicated that
twists resulting from erroneous eleva- a severe problem was developing dur-
tions. Fig. 17 shows the same span. The ing casting.
two tipper curves represent the desired Corrective action could be taken
cumulative twist and the twist which the during the casting phase to correct for
precaster assumed he was providing by the unwanted twist by counter-rotating
examining his computed casting curves the next segments to eliminate the error.
plotted from calculated (extrapolated) The simple check correctly mirrors the
bolt line elevations. subsequent chaotic field conditions.
There is good agreement. However, a The magnitude of the as cast twist dis-
simple check was bypassed. As shown crepancy over the webs as indicated is
in Fig. 12, the twist for any segment can further magnified by the ratio of the
be determined directly from the mated distance between tips and webs to result
match cast segment's bolt foresights. The in almost a doubling of the error at the
simple algebraic sum of the twists for segment outer tips. As can be seen from
each segment gives the cumulative twist Figs. Ic and 2, errors of this magnitude
for the span. in twist cannot be easily accommodated.
Fig. 17 also shows the actual twist It is interesting to note that the pattern
measured in the field after erection as of the discrepancy between the assumed
well as the cumulative twist determined and the actual twist shown in Fig. 17 is
by simple summation of the segment similar but of much greater magnitude

125 +(tool
Computed values based on
elevations extrapolated from
yard measurements


Twist 75-1/
Beres een Webs
i" l50) !
32 !
I mm)

z5) /
25 /

10 I 2 3 4 56 7 69 10 I1 12 13 14
Pier Midspon
Segments Along Span

Fig. 15. Desired and computed cumulative twist values.

125 1100)
Computed values based on
elevations extrapolated from
yard measurements

100 - -^
last --^ `^
Twist 75
Between Webs
150 /\
32 /
(mm) /
50 / /

1251 /
/ %/ Computed values as above but with
25 arbitrary ±y" (0.8mm) error on
% elevation of 0 and C at pier
piece to illustrate sensitivity

0 I 23 4 56 7 8 9 10 II i2 13 l4
Pier Segments Along Span Midspan


Fig. 16. Sensitivity to measurement errors of twist calculations based on extrapolated

elevation calculations.

than the hypothetically based discrep- eliminate twists by selecting setup ele-
ancy shown in Fig. 16. The purpose of vations which introduce corrective
these comparisons is not to pinpoint counter rotations can then be applied
cause but to illustrate the sensitivity of during segment production.
the commonly used procedure of con-
trolling profiles by extrapolating eleva-
tions along each web and neglecting the APPLICATION TO
simple twist summation check of Fig. CONSTANT
In addition to the usual control proce-
dure of plotting the extrapolated mea- It might he assumed that such twist
sured elevations on the casting curves check procedures are not required for
for each bolt line, all control of segmen- level or constant superelevation bridges
tal precasting operations should utilize a since there should be no twist in such a
third or cross check plot which com- bridge. Figs. 18 and I9 show twist mea-
pares the desired cumulative twist to the surements from two different projects in
actual twist determined from the simple different states. Both spans were to have
algebraic summation shown in Fig. 12. no change in superelevation and hence
This plot will illustrate simply and zero twist. Fig. 18 shows computed and
readily the development of undesirable measured values from another span of
twist trends. Corrective measures to the bridge shown in the preceding

PCI JOURNAL/July-August 1985 105

125 {loo}
Computed values based on
elevations extrapolated from
casting yard measurements

Cumulaf ive
Between Webs
150) /
Algebraic summolion of individual
{mm) segment twists determined from
50 casting yard measurements

;25] / ^\
25 / Field measurement
from erection

0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 !3 14
Pier Midspon
Segments Along Span


Fig. 17. Desired and measured cumulative twist values.

example. This particular span was to as found from the procedure of Fig. 12.
have no change in superelevation and The application of considerable
thus all segments were to be cast with- shimming was successful in this case in
out twist (Curve A). limiting the twist to about half of the
The calculated elevations based on potential twist cast into the specimen.
the linear extrapolation of the bolt pro- Such shimming should he minimized or
file measurements made during the eliminated because of the potential
match casting process indicated a rela- damage to the long term integrity of the
tively small twist on the order of to % joints. It would be far better to use a
in. (6 to 10 mm) might develop (Curve twist control check and corrective action
B). During erection substantial twist during casting.
was measured (Curve C). As shown in Fig. 19 is taken from a different proj-
Fig, 18, when the measured twist be- ect for a bridge with no design
tween webs was approximately 2 in. (50 superelevation. The algebraic summa-
mm), corrective action was taken to in- tion of the individual segment twists
sert shims in the joints to counteract the determined from casting yard mea-
twisting. surements indicates that substantial un-
Note that the measured twist in the dersired twists were cast into the seg-
field up to this point coincides very ments. Again, the lack of an effective
closely with the predicted twist (Curve check procedure did not alert the pre-
D) as determined by the algebraic sum- caster or the contractor to the magnitude
mation of the individual segment twists of the possible problem.

Pier Segments Along Span Midspan
0 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i0 II E2 13 14
"Desired (01

\ Computed values
based on elevations
O extrapoloted from
casting yard
1-251 measurements

-50 Commenced

Cumulative f-50)
z -75 \ Meld


Algebraic summation of -
-150 individual segment twists
(-125) determined from costing yard



Fig. 18. Twist measurements with effective field shimming as a control measure.

Field measurements agree very well the algebraic summation of the indi-
with the predicted twist pattern in spite viduaI segment twist measurement
of corrective shimming being applied at check as a control during the casting
the stages indicated to control both ver- process to eliminate this problem, the
tical elevation and twist. The shimming twist check can be used to evaluate the
measures used to control twist made rel- potential twist of already cast units prior
atively little difference in this span. The to erection. The procedure is a simple
ineffectiveness of shimming has also direct check which does not involve the
been reported by Harwood.'" extrapolation procedures involved in
Note that this supposedly flat, level computation of elevations of segments
cantilever had a twist between bolt lines in short line casting. The knowledge of
on the webs of approximately 1' in. (32 twist tendencies in the units would
mm). A number of problems involving allow the owner, the precaster and the
jointing and shear keys on this bridge erector to plan accordingly and to re-
may have been aggravated by the un- solve problems at an early stage.
wanted twist tendencies and the need to In all of the bridges illustrated in Figs.
overcome them in closure. 14 through 19, the precasters had
While the ideal procedure is to use elected to base setup geometry control

PCI JOURNAL/July-August 1985 107

on a series of algebraic extrapolation partments, engineering firms, contrac-
equations which correctly projected bolt tors and precasters are becoming in-
line elevations but did not require three volved with such construction. While
dimensional twist consistency. The lack geometry control procedures have been
of a simple twist check combined with published in several references, the
reliance on algebraic rather than three sensitivity of some elements of the con-
dimensional graphic controls resulted in trol process has not been widely ap-
units being cast with substantial twists preciated.
even though in zones with no change in The examples cited of problems
superelevation. which occurred in several American
bridges during the past decade indicate
CONCLUSIONS that twist can be a serious problem in
short line match casting. Because of
With continued development and high torsional stiffness of box girders,
widening usage of precast segmental correction of substantial twist closure
box girder bridges, more highway de- errors is very difficult. However, a rela-




Segments Along Span

E Pier Midspan

0 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I5 16 17^
Desired (0)

Cumulotive \_. Field Measurements


inch Algebraic summation of

individual segment twists
determined from costing yard
_ 30 measurements

C ■ r .- Shimming
40 * s ._Twist Shimming
`-a w *


Fig. 19. Twist measurements from a different project.

tively simple check can be made during one-thousandth of a foot (0.012 in, or 0.3
the match casting process which will mm) range,
provide sufficient warning and informa- 3. Repeated, independent checks of
tion so that twist can he immediately both measurements and computations of
controlled. geometry before moving segments.
Proper geometry control procedures 4. Determination of individual seg-
during precasting should include both ment as cast twists using the relations
the conventional casting curves for the outlined in Fig. 12.
bolt lines and a separate tabulation or 5. Plotting ofa cumulative twist curve
(preferably) graphical plot (like that in which gives the algebraic summation of
Fig, 17) of the cumulative twist of the the twists found in Step 4 of all indi-
segments. Twist values should he de- vidual segments in a cantilever as they
termined as shown in Fig. 12 from the are cast.
elevation foresights taken in the match 6. Comparison at each casting stage of
cast position before separation of the desired and actual cumulative twists.
units. Such a direct summation of the 7. Giving priority in computing set up
cumulative twists of each segment is a elevations for the previously cast unit in
much more reliable indicator of twist the match cast process to the elevations
tendencies than are changes in cross required to correct twist errors by a
slopes calculated from the extrapolated counter-rotation. After the proper rela-
bolt line elevation values of conven- tion of the bolt Iines to counteract twist
tional casting curves. errors are determined, then the offsets
Such extrapolated bolt line elevations required for vertical deflections should
are overly sensitive to minor measure- be computed. The match cast segment is
ment errors in pier segments and near then positioned to these elevations in
the piers. Conventional linear equa- the match casting position.
tions and graphical solutions for web 8. If any residual twist error of mag-
bolt line elevation curves assume planar nitude greater than what can be handled
deflections. Adding the cumulative in the closure process remains after all
twist check forces the process to con- segments for a span are cast, as a possi-
sider warping tendencies and ties the ble corrective measure, shimming of the
two web bolt line elevation curves to- joints during erection with shims on the
gether with a simple check operation. top surfaces of keys in one web and the
The most effective procedure for con- bottom surfaces of keys in the other web
trolling twist is to eliminate any un- can be attempted. Since this shimming
wanted twist tendencies for the can- can weaken the joints and offset the
tilevers during the match cast process. benefits of the match casting process, it
The major elements of such a control should be avoided if at all possible. As a
process are: last resort during erection, an inten-
1. Where possible, design spans for tional wet joint can be cast between two
zero or constant superelevation so that of the match cast segments. Harwood
no planned twist is introduced. This reports` t on the use of approximately 2
simplifies the problem to control of in. (50 mm) wide wet joints between
smaller accidental twists. several segments to correct alignment
2. Precision in surveying to eliminate and twist tendencies on a major bridge
or minimize subsequent computational project. This is a difficult and costly way
errors. This requires highly accurate to correct a problem which need not
procedures such as substantial fixed in- occur. In extreme cases where a serious
strument platforms, fixed reference error was made in a limited number of
targets and precision leveling tech- segments, a corrected segment could be
niques to strive for measurements in the recast before erection. Proper attention

PCI JOURNAUJu€y-August 1985 109

to Steps I through 7 should eliminate these problems.
any extraordinary corrections, Dr. William Stone, now of the Na-
tional Bureau of Standards, greatly as-
sisted in this study by developing a
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS computer program to carry out the re-
quired geometry checks.
Few engineers are willing to share Partial support for the development of
intimate details of their problems in this article was provided by the Univer-
public. The author is particularly grate- sity Research Institute of The Univer-
ful to Mr. R. Lawrie, Mr. H. McLaren, sity of Texas at Austin as part of a study
the Centric Corporation, and the State of on Construction and Durability prob-
Illinois for openly sharing data on con- lems in Long Span Bridges.
struction problems with him. Finally, the author would like to thank
The author is also indebted to two the PCI JOURNAL reviewers for their
pioneers of segmental bridge construc- constructive comments. Hopefully, the
tion, M. Jean Muller and Mr. Arvid clarity of the paper was improved in re-
Grant, for their valuable discussions of sponse to their comments.

NOTE: Discussion of this paper is invited. Please submit

your comments to PCI Headquarters by March 1, 1986.

1. Muller, Jean, "Ten Years of Experience gineering Series No. 6, Bridge Division,
in Precast Segmental Construction," PCI Federal Highway Administration,
JOURNAL, V. 20, No. 1, January- Washington, D.C., August 1979.
February 1975, pp. 28-61. 9. Breen, J. E., Cooper, R. L., and Calla-
2. CEBIFIP Recommendations for the De- way, T. M., "Minimizing Construction
sign and Construction of Concrete Problems in Segmentally Precast Box
Structures, Third Edition, Cement and Girder Bridges," Research Report
Concrete Association, London, England, 121-6F, Center for Highway Research,
1978. The University of Texas at Austin, Au-
3. PCI Committee on Segmental Constnic- gust 1975.
tion, "Recommended Practice for Seg- 10. Bender, Brice F., and Janssen, H.
mental Construction in Prestressed Con- Hubert, "Geometry Control of Precast
crete," PCI JOURNAL, V. 20, No. 2, Segmental Concrete Bridges," PCI
March-April 1975, pp. 22-41. JOURNAL, V. 27, No. 4, July-August
4, Precast Segmental Box Girder Bridge 1982, pp. 72-86.
Manual, Joint Venture: Prestressed Con- 11. Mathivat, Jacques, The Cantilever Con-
crete Institute, Chicago, Illinois, and struction of Prestressed Concrete
Post-Tensioning Institute, Phoenix, Bridges, John Wiley & Sons, New York,
Arizona, 1979. N.Y. 1983.
5. Post-Tensioning Box Girder Bridge 12. Harwood, Allan C., "I-205 Columbia
Manual, Post-Tensioning Institute, River Bridge—Design and Construction
Phoenix, Arizona, 1978. Highlights," PCI JOURNAL, V. 27, No.
6. Barker, James M., "Construction Tech- 2, March-April 1982, pp. 56-77.
niques for Segmental Concrete Bridges,"
PCI JOURNAL, V.25, No.4, July-August 13. Tai, James C., and Lo, George K., "1-205
1980, pp. 66-68. Over Columbia River Bridge_ Geometric
7. Podolny, Walter, Jr., and Muller, Jean Control for Cast-in-Place and Precast
M., Construction and Design of Pre- Segmental Box Girder Construction,"
stressed Concrete Segmental Bridges, Transportation Research Record 871,
John Wiley & Sons, New York, N.Y., 1984.
1982. 14. Nair, R. Shankar, and Iverson, James K.,
8. Henson, H. Henrie, "Construction Dif- "Design and Construction of the
ficulties on 170 Vail Pass Segmental Kishwaukee River Bridges," PCI
Conc re te Bridges," Prestressed Concrete JOURNAL, V. 27, No. 6, November-
Segmental Bridges, Structural En- December 1982, pp. 22-47.

* * *

PCI JOURNAL'July-August 1985 i ll

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