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T'I''LE 8.


53. Same; persons appointed to execute process.-Every lives, shall lie pald iil tie snie manner as slnillar cilms are
person appointed to excente process under section 50 of this paid to white sodlers, sallors, and nries, but no such certifi-
title shall ble entitled to it fee of $5 for each lartvl he may cate shall be Issued until it shall have been ascerlhed that
arrest and take before nay coindls'oner, with such other fees. tle appli(catlon is maade by lhe original calinant, or, If lie be
as ny be deemed reasonable by tile coniatassioner for any dead, by h1 1 true living legal rere.eiatile, i0 until t(ie
additional services necessarily performed by ]lim, such ats at- Identiy of such el0n111111 1t or ;evIreseiat',e its tle cai 'e iitiy Ile,
lending at tile examinaton, keeping the prisoner in encutody, shall iiave been thily estlblished. I' fill agelit or attorley lo
and providing hin NIth food alid lodging during Ills detention, emiloiyed, tho allowance for hlis services shall not lii aniy case
and until tlie flnal detrin Ination of tile connissiner; such exceed lhat contellda ted Iti the scale of fees ind allowalices
fees to b)e niide tii) ti conformity with tlie fees tialuhiv clairged
fixed by joint reiohitio .J113' 26, 1s6R), Nieilered 86, set'tion 2,
by tile otlcers of the conrts of Justice within lhe proper fis- FolurteeithI] Statutes, page 3(18, and1(h lno power of attorney, trans-
tr et or couny, as near ias nay ]be practicable, filid paid oit offer or ii.,.'igiiniiit of lhe anillt of siueh clili,, or any Iltt
the Treasury of the United Stite. on the cerltieate of the thereif, shall iii aty case hii, re('ognizd. (.Mir. 3, 1871), C. 182,
Judge of the distrit within which tihe a rrest Is made, and to § 2, 20 Stitt. 102; Feb. 1, 1SS, c. *q § 1, 25 St. 9.)
ble recoverable fron tile defeiidanat n.4 part of (lie j midgia t Ini64. Retained bounty fund; applicatiou for payilenlt.-The
case of eonviction. (It. S. § 1987.) unexpielnded lniice of tIi retalell futtl iit (lit 'l.itoily of
54. Speedy trial.-Whever the l'resident has reason to the Frcedei 's Bur'eau prior o July 1, 1902, Is covered 1ita1)
believe that offetises have been, or are Ilkely to be committed tle T'(lsilry Its " 'MIste tiaOlls
In ricellitts." Ul aliha ii th l
against tie provisions of ehallter 3 of Title 18, or of sectios by tlar IIs enltilhid t 111y portiot o' (if , bl{mney so covered Iii,
216, 428, 413 to 115 of said Title IS, or of section 51 of this tile Secretr'y of tle Treasury Is autlhorilzed and dilectel to
title, withiit any Judicil tlderct, it shall Ihe lawful for him, pay (leiliaolnt foud (lit' Intillt'ale l anlii" aod frol tih
i his discretion, to direct the judge, tanrshal, fnil( distrlet sanie alpo'riration itis cliiis for Ioianlly to volunteer "oldlet's
atiorney of such diltrict to attend it such place wt iin tlie are now pad. (July 1, 1902, v. 1351, 32 Stiat. 556.)
district, and for snch ltle is it may desilgnale, for tie Iurpose
65. Who deemed wife and children of colored soldiers.-It
of tile more specedy arrest flld trittl of persons so charged, alld
ilerinhilng who Is (he wife or chld of tiiiy colored olletr,
It shall be (ile (]lily of every judge or other oflicer, when any withhlthe nleaniig of this chalter, evidence lhat lie soldier
such requ Isitlon is received by hihin to attend at the place and and Lhe wonian clinne t o Ic his wife cohabited or a.,siiltId
for the litle therein deignaled. (It. S. § 1988.) is hiisbiand alld wife, and so cont(ilnued to eiliil i or associiat
55. Aid of military and naval forces.-lt shall le lawful
it the thn of enlistment, nr evidence that a forntit of mariuge,
for the President of tie United States, or such person as lie whether tli miarriage was authorized or revognizd by law
may empower for that purpose, to employ such part of the or liot, was en tered into by them, and (lat tle partiies ther-
land or naval forces of the United States, or of tie militia, as aft'r lived togeier its hnililnd ali(] wife, and :o coniniii
wa1y ire nieces.ary to aid hi tile execution of judicial process to live together at thei tthe of lhe enlistlmit, shall be dietitt
Issued under any of tie pcedilng sectiins, or as.l "hall I( sufflieiitt Iriof of inaeill cc; ald lhe chlhren ii orlI of aniy
necessary to prevemt the violation anid elforce tiet( lie execol- such mnarrliage sfall le takell to lie the clihiten tln1rai'd
lion of tle lovisions of this title. (R. S. § 18)9.) within il ptrovisions of this chapter, w lith'r stti marr ne
56. Peonage abolished.-The holhing of fiity plerion to service wia; or was not dissolved at lhe tiie of t(e enist tnilt. (It. S.
or labor ililet to system knowni as Ieonatze is al iltshed all] 2037.)
forever prohibited iii any Territory or S(ale of the United
Slates; alnd all acts, laws, resolutons, order.,, reguhtions, (or Chapter 5.-ALIEN OWNEiSIi P OF LAND.
nusages of any Territory or State, vhih htve heretofore estilb-
lished, maIntalned, or enforced, or by virte of which fity 71. Aeftulsilhot or wmrivilill (if hind lit 'T'hirltorles by aliins.
attetlipt shall iei'eafler lie made to e,talili, maintain, or en- 72. Sanie; lands piPv') iciilied.
force, diectly (or Inlrectly, (le voluntary or Involuntary serv- 73. Saino; aciiktil 11'yhiliritiinco or in collection of dibt.
71. Smilte coiovihliee by' silliis lefore e lschett Iil'u(titllgp.
Ice or Iht of fity persons it- peons; hi liquidtion of any debt
75. S ime; escliit ploci-viitig.
or obligation, or otherwise, fire dechied nuill and vold. (It. S. 7 . saltae; coldtilen tinloll 11(la
d silie of ]liti(1.
§ Io90.) 77. Saiie; tiblic lands.
78. Saie; real e-itate in Diktrict of Columihh.
Chapter 4.-FIEEDMEN. 79. Sane; real esttea i Mitrict of ('olnibhl ; ireai-q.
80. Saitie real estate in Iil-,trict of Colnihl ; aillen o, aid cipoitioonq.
boic. t
81. Saine; real e.tate Ili ]ilstrlet of ColiitlJi; forfell tiii at property.
01. Laws ontnittlidlI force.
(12. .awis enforced y Secicary of Wir. 82. sanli' real estate lit )lkirlt -f t'oIiiiiiui ; forlgil 1]glitioll'.
8"3. ]ilbilce hinds In 111a1%all; light to aciire i genleral.
63. Cliiis for pay or bounty ; Imyient.
Si. Saine; CohttVe'e3~n or other trirfer to iilili.
ill. itatliinei bounty filil; applicatiin for pnt3menti.
85. Same; prefeence right to purchase land to persons declaring In-
05. Who deliei wife and children of colored soliers.
tetiOl to beconi, clilvens.
Section 61. Laws continued in force.-All laws and parts of st3. Saini'; salt- of igriltittirlil liid to persois d ehlirnig ilitiiiilon to
htws iertaining to the collection and payment of bounty, prize Iiecoiic cltizeli.
iotiey, ald other legitinmate claiis of colored soldiers, sailors, Section 71. Acquisition or ownership of hind in Teritories
and iarnhes, or their heirs, sliall remain lii force until other- by aliens.-No allien or licrsoa who Is not it cltizei of lhe Unilhd
wle ordered by Congress. (11. S. § 2032.) States, or who has not declared his intention to becoiie ait iff-
62. Laws enforced by Secretary of War.-Th Secretary of Zell of (lie UiIted States Ii I(e mn iinler providld by lw shill
Wttr is authorized to carry Itr effect all laws and parts of acqilire title to or own fiity ]illi(nlily of the Territories of (lie
laws referred to in the preceding section, nnt to this emnd lie United States except its herelliafter provided. Telie rohirlilon
may enlploy such clerical force as lie declins necessary. (R. S. (if this section 811ia1l not apiply to ( in which tlhe right to
§ 2033.) hold or dispose of lainds i lhe Unitled Stiates is secured by
63. Claims for pay or bounty; payment.-All suns due upon existing treaitles to citizens or ;,tibjvtef of foreign cotlil i'le,
certificates issued, or which may lie issued in settlement of which rights, so far is they hitly exIst by folrce of fifty such
claims for pay, bounty, prize money, or other moneys (life to Ireaty, shall continle to exist so long as such treatli are fi
colored soldiers, sallors, or marines, or their legal representa- force, atid no loiger. (Mar. 2, 1897, c. 303, § 1, 29 Stat. 618.)

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