Blue-Ray Starseed Traits.: Website

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starseed traits.

Empathetic, sense/mirror emotions and take other ppl’s emotions to heart. Highly
sensitive to energies (scent, environment, sensories) people may say you’re overly
sensitive or a small thing may put your body out of whack when you are not
grounded in your body. Innate ability when you are born to easily access higher
density beings in the spiritual realm. Whether it is ascended masers, angels, or
shadow entities you’re able to tap in beyond the astral realm into the spiritual realm
of this universe. Usually more reserved, quiet, introverted. Energetic Alchemist.
Take energies and transmute it into a different frequency. This can be done in both
ways. You can take a higher frequency like sadness and shift it into joy or everyone
is feeling joy and you are feeling everyone else’s shadows. It can be confusing and
you might be mislabeled as bipolar. You go up and down easily and can be drained
all of a sudden. You can shift energy easily like an alchemist. Part of your innate gift
is to transmute and heal damaged etheric DNA. It makes you guys a great
energy/shamanic healer because of this innate gift to heal energetically. Very
intuitive. Generally embody water or air element. Could be a water sign and air
element in the body. You are gentle and full of movement and creativity. It is easier
to communicate and express self through art/music/writing. Takes a journey or a
couple years to come out of your shell and step into the empowerment of being a
blue-ray. You will innately work with energies such as Archangel Michael, Saint
Germain, and the violet flame these are all ascended entities that has been
associated with transmutation, alchemy, and shifting energy into higher vibration.
You often call upon these entities and these energies very often. Very connected to
Lemuria or Atlantis. You usually find yourself as an observer. Assists the indigos and
crystals. A mixture of indigo traits, but not to that degree and crystal traits.
Background strategist. Blue, turquoise or violet purple color around your auric field.
Specifically choose to be born into trauma and dysfunction in order to empower
yourself and realize your blue ray energies. Realize that you’re the energy alchemist
and the transmutator of healing the human consciousness so you purposely choose
to suffer in order to awaken out of the suffering and into your body into your innate
gifts and abilities to serve humanity for its highest good. It is beneficial to learn to do
shadow work on yourself. It will benefit you and the people around you as well.
Learn more from this channel or her website.

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