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Prepared by Ashley Kuhn

University of Florida

April 19th, 2019

Table of Contents

Executive Summary……………………….………………………………………………i



Implementation Plan…………………………………....…………………………………5

Evaluation Plan……………………………………………………………………………6


Table of Figures

Figure 1……………………………………………………………………………….…..3

Figure 2…………………………………………………………………………….……..4
EzyVet Proposal i

Executive Summary

This report recommends the use of the cloud-based application, ezyVet. This application
is used in Veterinary clinics, hospitals, and practices to make appointments, hold records of
every client, communication with pet owners and more. With all of the reviews I have read,
ezyVet is known to be the best. There haven’t been many cons found in the system, and the ones
that have been known to the ezyVet company, they have been working to solve them.
Veterinarians have claimed that this application has enabled them to increase revenue by time
saved and their clinics have grown efficiently. Since this cloud-based application was established
in 2006, there has been a lot of time to figure out bugs and quirks to make the system run
smoothly. With all of the cloud-based applications for the field of veterinary medicine, this
system has shown the most useful features. This application holds all features that a clinic needs
in order to run an efficient practice plus more. Some of these features include, calendar
scheduling, 2-way SMS, online bookings, automatic billing, external lab integrations, clinical
summaries, boarding module, and more. The system is relatively cheap for the vast number of
features and tasks that the system offers. The implementation process should only last a week,
since the transfer of records and data will only take a day to complete. During the first week of
using the new system, every employee will undergo an 8-hour training. Each employee will also
have the ability to work with an ezyVet specialist to personalize their dashboard for their specific
needs within the clinic. Following the first week, employees will have a meeting with
Veterinarians and ezyVet trainers to discuss any issues that were found.
EzyVet Recommendation 1

Technology plays an essential role within the field of Veterinary Medicine. Veterinarians
and vet techs use a variety of technologies for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes to better
understand an animal’s situation and to improve their overall health. But in order to run a
successful and efficient practice, Veterinary facilities need to have a computer system that has
the capability to hold every record of each patient that enters the practice. Using a cloud-based
application like ezyVet, enables a Veterinary practice to have an easy access and easy to use
system for all the practices needs.
Using the cloud-based application ezyVet, problems found within Veterinary clinics have
the capability of being solved. Lack of time is a huge reason why there are problems in
veterinary practices. Reverting to digital records over paper records can help with this issue.
Paper records will no longer be lost because everything would be computerized and
backed up through the cloud. With this, free time will also be increased by the easy use of the
computer system, which allows Veterinarians to bring in more patients.
The easy use system of ezyVet will help with the problem of complicated records found
within every clinic. EzyVet offers features that enable easy access to client’s records, scheduling,
and much more. Storage issues will also be solved because there is no limit to the amount of
records and information that can be stored in the ezyVet system. This application has the abilities
to help with saving time when scheduling appointments, reminders, and inventory.
Using this application will increase revenue for the clinic as a whole, by reducing the
amount of time it takes for Veterinarians to enter records. Inventory will be easier than ever to
keep and has the capability of linking with the clinics local suppliers and can place orders, check
prices, receive invoices, and automatic deliveries.
Ezyvet also has the capability of running all size clinics. EzyVet comes with a self-chick-
in kiosk for convenience at reception desks, especially during busy times. The kiosk also gives
clients capability of looking at their own pets’ records with a login and password specific to
Two-way communication is also offered with ezyVet which gives Veterinarians, and
receptionists an easy way to communicate with clients without accessing the phone, or a separate
email. With ezyVet, you can send SMS appointment reminders and receive responses from the
clients directly.
EzyVet Recommendation 2


Some information presented in this section has come directly from an unpublished report
submitted to the supervisor on March 28th, 2019.
I am recommending ezyVet to be implemented into our practice. Out of all the cloud-
based applications that I studied and evaluated, ezyVet has proven itself to be the best functional
system for the price. The following criteria was used during the evaluation.
EzyVet has functions that an ordinary system does not include. The system has the
capability of having 2-way email and faxing to patients, automatic billing, advanced reporting,
wellness module, and automatic inventory ordering. The system also comes with a self-check-in
kiosk which enables patients to come in and check their status with the clinic and their pet.
Veterinarians, veterinary technicians, receptionist, and other employees found in a
Veterinary practice will be able to use the features found on this system. Pet owners will also
have the capability of using ezyVet when in the clinic to look up their own personal records with
a login and password specific to them. This system can be used from small clinics, to large
EzyVet has countless features that are able to be customized for each clinic and
employee. Some of these features include medical notes, reminders, making appointments,
record lockdowns, advanced reporting, calendar schedules for each Veterinarian, online booking,
etc. EzyVet is fully customizable to meet the exact needs of your unique vet practice operation
EzyVet Recommendation 3

Figure 1: Example of booking calendar

EzyVet includes personal logins and passwords for each employee and clients. Clients
are limited to what they are able to access. All payments are also secured.
Storage space
Since EzyVet is a cloud-based application, the storage space is unlimited.
This system is known for its notable look and easy use. All the reviews I have read, have
concluded that ezyVet is modernized and does not look like an old computer system that is
boring to look at. The system is easy for vet staff to learn and quick to use.
The base installation process will cost $2,500 to transfer all records and data into the new
system. For the use of the system, there will be monthly payments and no contract, so you can
cancel the subscription at any time.
EzyVet Recommendation 4

Figure 2: Monthly payment options

Tech support and reviews

EzyVet subscriptions come with 24-hour phone support. All reviews from veterinarians
claimed that ezyVet has enabled their clinic to grow efficiently.
EzyVet Recommendation 5

Implementation Plan

The cloud-based application, ezyVet will be fully integrated into the pet clinic. The base
installation process will cost $2,500 to transfer all records and data into the new system. To
ensure there are no complications, and employees know how to use the new system, the
following steps will be completed:

Step 1:

The cloud-based application, ezyVet will be programmed into all laptops and iPads found
within the clinic.

Step 2:

Each employee at the pet clinic will go through a full day training. This training is done
on-site and will take 8 hours to complete fully. A trainer from ezyVet will come to the facility
for $1,250 across the board for all employees.

The employees will have the chance to ask questions and learn how to use all features
found on ezyVet.

Step 3:

Employees will get the chance to personalize their dashboard for certain tasks that pertain
to them. For example, secretaries will want to personalize their dashboard with reminders for
appointments, emailing and faxing clients, calendar scheduling, etc. While Veterinarians, and
Vet techs, will need other tasks like reporting, lab integrations, and clinical summaries.

Step 4:

The program will be tested for a week by all employees to ensure that this system is right
for the clinic. At the end of the week, employees will be asked the pros and cons of the system.

Step 5:

Any problems that employees noted during the trial week, will be solved and improved
with the ezyVet specialists and trainers.

Step 6:
EzyVet Recommendation 6

Since ezyVet is known for reducing computer time when entering records, Veterinarians
and secretaries will examine the amount of time each client takes for appointments. This is to see
if ezyVet has increased the number of clients a Veterinarian will be able to see daily. If the
Veterinarians free-time has been increased, then more patients will be added on to the daily
appointment scheduling.

Evaluation Plan

During step 4 and step 5 of the implementation plan, employees, Veterinarians, and clients will
have the chance to test out the new ezyVet system for a week. These steps will follow the
process of customizing each employee’s dashboard for their specific purposes and jobs within
the clinic. At the end of the week, Veterinarians will hold a meeting with their employees about
the pros and cons of the new system. During this discussion, the following questions will be
asked and evaluated:

Did you find that ezyVet has all the necessary functions?
Will this system be beneficial to our clients?
Are the special features helpful?
Did you find any security issues?
Did you run into storage space issues?
Was ezyVet modernized and easy to use?
Is the cost of the system worth it?
If you had to use technical support, was it easy to use and did your problem get solved?
Any final reviews and comments that were not mentioned in the previous questions?

The original specialists and trainers will then come back to the facility to answer any questions
or confusions about ezyVet and come up with solutions if need be.
EzyVet Recommendation 7


Better business tools for the world's veterinarians. (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2019, from

Features. (n.d.). Retrieved April 04, 2019, from

Janczak, E. (2018, May 31). 3 Reasons Your Veterinary Practice Should Adopt Cloud
Technology. Retrieved March 19, 2019, from

Maykuth, P. (2011). Is Your Practice Head in the Cloud? Perhaps It Should Be.

Mohanty, P. (n.d.). Why Cloud-based Veterinary Software is best for your Practice. Retrieved
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