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COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics

in electrical and electronic engineering

Application of artificial neural network for adaptive speed control of PMSM drive with
variable parameters
Tomasz Pajchrowski Krzysztof Zawirski
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Tomasz Pajchrowski Krzysztof Zawirski, (2013),"Application of artificial neural network for adaptive speed
control of PMSM drive with variable parameters", COMPEL - The international journal for computation and
mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, Vol. 32 Iss 4 pp. 1287 - 1299
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Artificial neural
Application of artificial neural network
network for adaptive speed
control of PMSM drive with
variable parameters
Tomasz Pajchrowski and Krzysztof Zawirski
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Poznan University of Technology,
Poznan, Poland
Downloaded by University of Louisville At 10:53 29 January 2015 (PT)

Purpose – The aim of the research was to find out a method of adaptive speed control robust against
variation of selected parameters of system like moment of inertia, time constant of torque control loop
or torque coefficient of the motor.
Design/methodology/approach – The main goal of the research was achieved due to application of
artificial neural network (ANN), which was trained on line on the base of speed control error. The good
results were gained by elaboration of enough fast and precise training algorithm and proper ANN
Findings – The work shows a structure of artificial neural network (ANN), applied as adaptive speed
controller, and presents an algorithm of ANN training. Some versions of this algorithm were analysed
and verified by simulation and experimental tests.
Research limitations/implications – The research should be continued to determine a final
version of training algorithm and its influence on controller properties.
Practical implications – The elaborated adaptive controller can be easily used by applying
microprocessor system available now on the market. The proposed control solution is robust against
parameters variation as well as their imprecise identification. The controller has ability of self-tuning
which can have great practical advantage.
Social implications – Social implications are difficult to determine.
Originality/value – The paper presents a new solution of adaptive speed controller, which means a
new ANN structure and new training algorithm.
Keywords Artificial neural network, Adaptive control, Robust control,
Permanent magnet synchronous motor, Electric motors, Controllers
Paper type Research paper

I. Introduction
It is recently observed that requirements concerning dynamic properties of servodrives
become higher and higher. Because of it a proper controllers’ settings adjustment are of
great importance. A procedure of controller tuning is difficult when a variation of drive
and driven mechanism parameters is expected or when the parameters are identified in
imprecise way. Variation of such parameters like a moment of inertia, in drives of robot
COMPEL: The International Journal
arms, machine tools or rolling machines, motor torque coefficient in case of field for Computation and Mathematics in
weakening range or a delay time of torque (current) control loop, in case of existing Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Vol. 32 No. 4, 2013
pp. 1287-1299
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
This work was supported by the Polish National Science Center (NCN) under the Grant No.: 0332-1649
N N510 146638. DOI 10.1108/03321641311317103
COMPEL variation of resistance and inductance of motor windings, are often met in industrial
32,4 applications. In such situations an adaptive control is recommended, which guarantees
on line controller tuning.
A typical cascade servodrive control system contains three control loops:
supervised angular position control loop with subordinate control loops of angular
speed and motor torque. The main problem with plant parameters variation is in speed
1288 control loop, so in the paper the adaptive speed controller was analyzed. The analysed
speed control loop is shown in Figure 1. An artificial neural network (ANN) was
applied to design the adaptive speed controller. Two different concepts of ANN
adaptive controller were presented in literature (Grzesiak et al., 2005, 2006;
Orlowska-Kowalska and Szabat, 2007). In Orlowska-Kowalska and Szabat (2007) the
neuro-fuzzy adaptive model following control (MFC) was described. In this method the
neuro-fuzzy controller is trained “on-line” on base of error (difference) between output
Downloaded by University of Louisville At 10:53 29 January 2015 (PT)

signals of reference model and controlled plant. In Grzesiak et al. (2005, 2006) an
adaptive neural controller was proposed, which was trained on the base of its own
control error. This reference model free adaptive control seems to be more promising so
this concept was developed and analyzed in the paper.
Results of simulation investigations were verified by experimental tests. The object
of control was a direct servodrive (gearless) with low speed PMSM, which parameters
are given in Appendix.

II. Ann structure and training algorithm

A proposed structure of ANN, shown in Figure 2, depends on assumed type of speed
controller. The ANN structure represents nonlinear controller of PD modified type.


idref = 0 ud
PI dq αβ
ωref iqref – uq
ANN PI αβ abc
– –
id ia
dq αβ ib
iq LPF ic
LPF αβ abc

Figure 1.
Scheme of angular
position and speed control
systemwith PMSM d θ
Artificial neural
1 network
w13 v1
e b1
2 w22
– w23 v2
w31 2 4
ω w32 1289
3 w33 v3
b2 b4
z–1 4 3
w43 Figure 2.
ANN structure
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The modification consists in calculation a differential component only of feedback

signal (Ellis, 2004). The ANN network has one hidden layer with three neurons and one
output neuron. Activation functions of neurons are linear (Norgaard et al., 2000).
The main difficulty in designing the adaptive neural controller is to find a training
procedure, which could be realized on-line in relatively short time. The assumed
criterion for ANN training is a square of speed control error:
E ¼ ðvref 2 vÞ2 ð1Þ
Resilient-back propagation algorithm (RPROP) was selected as an ANN training
method because of its simplicity (Grzesiak et al., 2005; Riedmiller and Braun, 1993). The
main advantage of this method consists in calculation only a sign of error gradient
instead of its value. A change of weight coefficient for j-input of i-neuron Dwij(k) is
described by equation:
Dwij ðkÞ ¼ 2hij ðkÞ · sign ð2Þ
Training coefficient hij(k) in equation (2) is determined individually for each weight
and changed in each step of training in agreement with formulas (Riedmiller and
Braun, 1993):
> minðahij ðk 2 1Þ; hmax Þ for Sij ðkÞSij ðk 2 1Þ . 0
hij ¼ maxðbhij ðk 2 1Þ; hmin Þ for Sij ðkÞSij ðk 2 1Þ , 0 ð3Þ
: hij ðk 2 1Þ for other cases

where hmin, hmax are minimum and maximum values of training coefficient and a, b
are, respectively, constants coefficients of increasing (usually a ¼ 1.2) and decreasing
(usually b ¼ 0.5) of training coefficient and Sij(k) describes equation:
S ij ðkÞ ¼ ð4Þ
COMPEL It is worth to comment that the RPROP algorithm increases training coefficient hij
according equation (3), when in two following training steps the sign of error function
32,4 gradient is the same, decreases it when the sign is changed and keeps its constant
value when the gradient is zero. The last procedure step (for other cases) means that for
Sij(k) ¼ 0 the value of training coefficient hij is without change. To fulfil condition
Sij(k) ¼ 0 is difficult in practice so in the paper was proposed a solution, which
1290 introduces some tolerance band DS for evaluating the value of gradient equal zero.
After assumption the tolerant band the formulas (3) take form:
> minðahij ðk 2 1Þ; hmax Þ for Sij ðkÞSij ðk 2 1Þ . DS
hij ¼ maxðbhij ðk 2 1Þ; hmin Þ for Sij ðkÞSij ðk 2 1Þ , 2DS ð5Þ
: hij ðk 2 1Þ for other cases
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The scheme of algorithm of elaborated training procedure is shown in Figure 3.

III. Results of simulaton analisys of controller operation

Simulation investigations of proposed control system were provided on the computer
model of the system in MATLAB – Simulink language, described in

Sij(k)Sij(k-1) > ∆S

Sij(k)Sij(k-1) < ∆S

ηij(k)=max(bηij(k-1),ηmin) ηij(k)=ηij(k-1) ηij(k)=min(aηij(k-1),ηmax)

Figure 3. wij(k)=wij(k-1)-ηij(k)sign(e(k))
The scheme of algorithm
of elaborated training
Pajchrowski et al. (2006, 2007). During simulation tests the responses on step change of Artificial neural
reference speed and step change of motor load were analysed for drive with constant and network
variable moment of inertia. First investigated problem was a starting of ANN controller
with initial values of weight coefficients. Random selection of these coefficients leads to
the transient process of speed step response with unaccepted oscillations and significant
value of overshoot. Such situation is shown in Figure 4(a). In the paper two solutions of
this problem, which make the first start of ANN controller soft, were analysed. First of 1291
them bases on introducing a filter of speed reference signal with proper time constant
(first order lag block with time constant TF ¼ 0.0125 s). The results of such approach are
shown in Figure 4(b). As can be noticed the introducing the filter reduces oscillations of
speed and motor torque but makes step response slower.
Second proposed solution consists in involving the first transient process without
motor rotation. This concept base on forcing in special way a change of reference motor
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w [rad/s]
iq [A]
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
t [s]
w [rad/s]




iq [A]
Figure 4.
–0.02 Waveforms of angular
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
speed and current in axis q
t [s] during transient process of
(b) first starting of
neural controller
Notes: (a) Without; (b) with filter of speed reference signal
COMPEL torque (current in axis q) with reference speed equal zero. In this situation control
32,4 system tries to keep speed equal zero and the change of reference torque treats as a
disturbance, which is compensated. Transient process involved in such way leads to
initial selection of ANN weight coefficients without motor starting (zero speed).
Illustration of such ANN starting is visible in Figure 5.
Shown in Figure 5 transient process was obtained for constant moment of inertia.
1292 At time 1.7 s a step change of load torque was involved. In Figure 5 one can observe
that this load change is accompanying by some changes of selected ANN weight
coefficients. It is interesting that the controller changes its weight coefficients even in
situation when plant parameters are constant. During responce on load torque change
a weight coefficient of bias in output neurone is significantly increased and due to it a
dynamic drop of speed, involved by this change, is compensated. As a result of such
controller operation a steady state speed control error is kept at value near zero with
Downloaded by University of Louisville At 10:53 29 January 2015 (PT)

accuracy, which depends on width of assumed tolerant band in training procedure

equation (5). Influence of tolerant band width on speed control error, involved by step
change of load torque, is shown in Figure 6 (3). One can see simple dependence that so
the wider tolerant band as bigger error. Presented controller operation shows its very
important, which consists in ability of elimination steady state control error, even in
structure of PD type. This effect is gained due to ANN training procedure, which tries
to eliminate training error given by equation (1). The controller advantage is clearly
illustrated by waveforms of speed during transient process involved by step torque
load change shown in Figure 7. Behaviour of three types controller can be compared:
analysed adaptive ANN controller, the same controller but with stopped training
procedure during transient process (with constant weight coefficients) and standard
linear controller of PI type adjusted in agreement with “symmetry criterion”. The zero
steady state control error guarantees only PI controller but adaptive ANN controller
gives this error with very small value in contrary to the ANN controller with stopped
training procedure, which leads to significant value of steady state error. More over the


ωref, ω [rad/s]


Figure 5. –0.2 w13

Illustration of ANN
starting and tuning –0.4
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
t [s]
Waveform angular speed Artificial neural
tolerant band 1 < tolerant band 2 < tolerant band 3
tolerant band 1
ω [rad/s]

tolerant band 2
tolerant band 3

Downloaded by University of Louisville At 10:53 29 January 2015 (PT)

0.17 Figure 6.
The influence of tolerant
2.98 3 3.02 3.04 3.06 3.08 3.1 3.12 3.14 3.16 band on response
on load change
t [s]

Waveform angular speed

ANN - on line
ω [rad/s]

ANN - on line
–0.01 in t = 2.3 s
ANN - off line

–0.02 Figure 7.
Comparison of speed
PI - symmetry criterion
–0.025 control error involved by
step change of load torque
(20 Nm) for three types
2.3 2.305 2.31 2.315 2.32 2.325 2.33
of controllers
t [s]

ANN adaptive controller ensures much smaller value of dynamic control error in
comparison with PI controller, what is its advantage.
Some another important problem is to select proper period of ANN training. The
shortest period is equal sampling time of controller calculations (Ts) but for such small
its value some unstable behaviour of ANN during training process was observed. The
minimum safety value of the training period selected by trial and error method is equal
2Ts. The results of analysis of training period influence on speed control error involved
by step change of load torque are shown in Figure 8. It is clearly visible that a smaller
control error was obtained for smaller value of training period.
COMPEL Waveform angular speed
32,4 0.21
1294 Ta = 2 Ts

ω [rad/s] 0.185 Ta = 4 Ts

Ta = 6 Ts
Figure 8.
Downloaded by University of Louisville At 10:53 29 January 2015 (PT)

Influence of ANN training 0.165

period on controller
properties during step
3 3.02 3.04 3.06 3.08 3.1 3.12 3.14 3.16 3.18 3.2
change of load torque
t [s]

Adaptive abilities of controller are shown in Figure 9, which shows a sequence of speed
step responses during variation of moment of inertia. The control system is invariant
to these variations due to its adaptive abilities.

IV. Results of experimental investigations

The results of simulation investigations were verified by experiment, which was
provided on laboratory stand. The scheme of this stand is shown in Figure 10. Control
algorithms were implemented on signal processor ADSP 21060. This processor
allowed realizing control algorithm with sampling period equal 100 ms. The same
period was assumed for PWM of inverter.
Figure 11 shows waveforms of reference and measured speed as well as current in
axis q for series of step change of speed reference value without filter the shortest
period of training (Tt ¼ 200 ms). The controller operation starts with random initial
weight coefficients using proposed by authors starting procedure without motor
rotation, described in Section III. The influence of a change of tolerant band width and
a change of training period on speed control error involved by step change of load
torque measured on laboratory stand is shown in Figures 12 and 13. Conditions of
analyzed test are the same like in simulation investigations shown in Figures 6 and 8.
Similar results of simulation and experimental tests confirm correct operation of
elaborated adaptive neural controller in real time.

V. Conclusions
The results of investigations proved correct operation of adaptive neural controller trained
on-line. Proposed concept of adaptive controller enables to obtain robustness against drive
parameters variation. Moreover, the self tuning abilities of the ANN controller lead to good
dynamic operation and significantly reduce stead state control error of load torque change
even in structure without integral operation. The described training algorithm of ANN is
enough fast to be used on-line (in real time) on DSP processor.
Artificial neural
w [rad/s] network


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0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1
t [s]





0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1
t [s]
Figure 9.
(b) Illustration of controller
Notes: (a) Reference and measured speed; (b) current in axis q and operation during change
moment of inertia of moment of inertia;

PC Analog LCD
Port I/O


Downloaded by University of Louisville At 10:53 29 January 2015 (PT)

DSP 10 – bit
u, i I/O iDC

Service AD7865
14 – bit

14 – bit MUX

ia, ib, ic


Figure 10.
Scheme of laboratory
Artificial neural
w [rad/s] network


Figure 11.
Experimental waveforms
iq [A] of angular speed and
Downloaded by University of Louisville At 10:53 29 January 2015 (PT)

current in axis q during

process of speed reference
step changes; training
period short Ti ¼ 200 ms
with wide tolerance band

Waveform angular speed

tolerant band 1 < tolerant band 2 < tolerant band 3


tolerant band 1
n [1/s]

tolerant band 2
tolerant band 3


0.1 Figure 12.

Experimental waveforms
of speed illustrating
influence of tolerant
10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 band on response
on load change
t [s]
COMPEL Waveform angular speed


1298 Ta = 2 Ts
n [1/s] Ta = 4 Ts
Ta = 6 Ts

Figure 13.
Downloaded by University of Louisville At 10:53 29 January 2015 (PT)

Experimental waveforms 0.05

of speed illustrating
Influence of ANN training
period on controller
properties during step 0
4.8 4.9 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8
change of load torque
t [s]

Ellis, G. (2004), Control System Design Guide: Using Your Computer to Understand and Diagnose
Feedback Controllers, 3rd ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Grzesiak, L.M., Meganek, V., Sobolewski, J. and Ufnalski, B. (2005), “DTC_SVM Drive with
ANN-based speed controller”, paper presented at PELINCEC Conference,
Warsaw University of Technology.
Grzesiak, L.M., Meganek, V., Sobolewski, J. and Ufnalski, B. (2006), “On-line trained neural speed
controller with variable weight update period for direct-torque-controller AC drive”, paper
presented at EPE-PEMC Conference, Portoroz.
Norgaard, M., Ravn, O., Poulsen, N.K. and Hansen, L.K. (2000), Neural Networks for Modelling
and Control of Dynamic Systems, Springer, London.
Orlowska-Kowalska, T. and Szabat, K. (2007), “Control of the drive system with stiff and elastic
coupling using adaptive neuro-fuzzy approach”, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics,
Vol. 51 No. 4, pp. 228-240.
Pajchrowski, T., Urbański, K. and Zawirski, K. (2006), “Artificial neural network based speed control
of permanent magnet synchronous motor”, COMPEL: The International Journal for
Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol. 25 No. 1,
pp. 220-234.
Pajchrowski, T., Zawirski, K. and Brock, S. (2007), “Application of neuro-fuzzy techniques
to robust speed control of PMSM”, COMPEL: The International Journal for
Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol. 26 No. 4,
pp. 1188-1203.
Riedmiller, M. and Braun, H. (1993), “A direct adaptive method for faster backpropagation
learning: yhe RPROP algorithm”, IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks,
28 March-1 April, Vol. 1, pp. 586-591.
Further reading Artificial neural
Pajchrowski, T. and Zawirski, K. (2012), “Application of artificial neural network for adaptive network
speed control of PMSM drive with variable parameters”, Proceedings of XXII Symposium
on Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits, EPNC’2012, Pula, Croatia,
26-29 June.

Appendix 1299

Parameters of PMSM Unit Value

Moment of inertia kg · m 0.046
Minimum moment of inertia kg · m2 0.75
Maximum moment of inertia kg · m2 5.83
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Torque constant N· m/A 17.5

Voltage constant V/1,000 rpm 1,560
Rated load torque N· m 50
Rated value of speed Rpm 145
Stator inductance per phase MH 45
Stator resistance per phase V 18.5
Rated current A 1.94 Table AI.
Rated voltage V 310 Data of investigated drive

About the authors

Tomasz Pajchrowski, MSc, PhD, has obtained his scientific degrees in 2000 and 2005,
respectively, at the Electric Engineering Faculty of Poznań University of Technology (PUT).
Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at the Electrical Engineering Faculty of PUT. His
research interests are in electrical drives control with application of computational intelligence
methods including neural networks and fuzzy logic and microprocessor techniques to electrical
drives control. He is the author and co-author over 60 scientific papers. Tomasz Pajchrowski is
the corresponding author and can be contacted at:
Krzysztof Zawirski graduated from Poznań University of Technology (PUT) in Poznań,
Poland in 1971, where he received the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering in 1979 and D.Sc.
(habilitation) degree in 1993. He is currently full Professor and head of the group of Power
Electronics and Motion Control at the PUT. From 1991 to 1994 and from 1996 to 1997 he was a
visiting Professor at Universidade da Beira Interior in Portugal. His work addressed various
kinds of electrical drive and converter systems for industrial applications. Current research
interests of his group include control of synchronous permanent magnet motors and switched
reluctance motors. In these control systems the non-linear, adaptive, and robust control
algorithms as well as computational intelligence methods are applied. He is author and co-author
of over 170 scientific papers, a textbook, two books and two monographs. He is a senior member
of IEEE, member of EPE and member of the international steering committees of a few European
conferences. He was a General Chairman of 13th Power Electronics and Motion Control
Conference EPE-PEMC’2008, which was held in Poznań in September 2008.

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