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A New Mechanism of Quark Energy Loss

Jorge Casalderrey-Solana,1 Daniel Fernández,2 and David Mateos2,3

Physics Department, Theory Unit, CERN, CH-1211 Genève 23, Switzerland
Departament de Fı́sica Fonamental & Institut de Ciències del Cosmos,
Universitat de Barcelona, Diagonal 647, E-08028 Barcelona, Spain
Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA), Lluı́s Companys 23, E-08010, Barcelona, Spain
We show that a heavy quark moving sufficiently fast through a quark-gluon plasma may lose energy
by Cherenkov-radiating mesons. We demonstrate that this takes place in all strongly coupled, large-
Nc plasmas with a gravity dual. The energy loss is exactly calculable in these models despite being
an O(1/Nc )-effect. We discuss phenomenological implications for heavy-ion collision experiments.
arXiv:0912.3717v2 [hep-ph] 5 Feb 2010

1. Introduction. A remarkable conclusion from the FIG. 1: D-branes (in green) in a Boundary geometry.

Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) experiments [1] is r

D-branes v
that the quark-gluon plasma does not behave as a weakly
coupled gas of quarks and gluons, but rather as a strongly Horizon
coupled fluid [2]. This makes the study of theFIG. plasma a
1: D-branes (in green) in a Black Hole geometry.
challenging task.
Experimentally, valuable information is obtained by FIG. 1: D-branes and open string in a BH geometry.
analyzing the energy loss of energetic partons created
in hard initial collisions. In order to use this information
to learn about the plasma, a theoretical, quantitative un-
derstanding of the different mechanisms of parton energy 6
loss is needed. Several such mechanisms have been pre-

viously studied, both in QCD itself [3] and in the context
of the gauge/gravity duality [4]. 2
In this letter we will uncover a new mechanism whereby 0
a sufficiently fast heavy quark traversing a strongly cou- 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
pled plasma loses energy by Cherenkov-radiating in-
medium mesons. We will first show that this takes place
in all strongly coupled, large-Nc theories with a gravity FIG. 2: DR for the transverse (black, continuous curve) and
dual. Next we will calculate the energy loss in a simple longitudinal (red, dashed curve) modes of a heavy vector me-
example. Finally, we will discuss possible implications son with vlim = 0.35 in the D3/D7 system. The blue, contin-
uous straight line corresponds to ω = vq with vlim < v < 1.
for heavy-ion collision experiments.
2. Universality of the mechanism. This follows from
two universal properties of the gauge/gravity duality (in Let ω(q) be the in-medium dispersion relation (DR)
the limit Nc , λ → ∞): (i) the fact that the gauge the- for these mesons. As an illustrative example, the DR
ory deconfined phase is described by a black hole (BH) for vector mesons in the D3/D7 system is depicted in
geometry [5], and (ii) the fact that a finite number of fig. 2. As q → ∞, the DR becomes linear: ω(q) ∼
quark flavours Nf is described by Nf D-brane probes [6] vlim q, with vlim < 1. This subluminal limiting velocity,
– see fig. 1. In addition to the gauge theory directions, which is the same for all mesons, is easy to understand in
the gravity description always includes a radial direction the gravitational description [11]. Since highly energetic
which is dual to the gauge theory energy scale. The ra- mesons are strongly attracted by the BH, their wave-
dial position of the horizon is proportional to the plasma function is very concentrated at the bottom of the branes.
temperature T . The D-branes extend in the radial di- Consequently, their velocity is limited by the local speed
rection down to a minimum value proportional to the of light vlim at this point (see fig. 1). Because of the BH
(constituent) quark mass Mq . redshift, vlim is lower than the speed of light at infinity. In
For sufficiently large Mq /T , the D-branes sit outside the gauge theory this translates into the statement that
the horizon [7–9]. In this phase, low-spin gauge theory vlim is lower than the speed of light in the vacuum [12].
mesons are described by small, normalizable fluctuations Consider now a heavy quark in the plasma. In the
of scalar and vector fields propagating on the branes, gravitational picture, this is described by a string that
whose spectrum is discrete and gapped. In particular, starts on the D-branes and falls through the horizon –
this means that sufficiently heavy mesons survive decon- see fig. 1. In order to model a highly energetic quark we
finement, in agreement with lattice and potential model consider a string whose endpoint moves with an arbitrary
predictions for real-world QCD [10]. velocity v at an arbitrary radial position r0 , where r0 is

meson of the D7-brane action will not contribute to our calcula-

quark quark tion. The second term in (2) is the minimal coupling
of the endpoint of an open string, whose worldline is
FIG. 3: Effective quark-meson coupling. parametrised by σ a (τ ), to the gauge field on the branes.
We have omitted a similar coupling to the scalar fields,
which will be considered in [15]. The coupling constant
inversely proportional to the size of the gluon cloud that in (2) is
dresses the quark [14].
Two simple observations now lead to the effect that 1 8π 4
e2 = 2 = , (3)
we are interested in. The first one is that the string end- TD7 (2πls2 ) L4 Nc
point is charged under the scalar and vector fields on the
branes. In the gauge theory, this corresponds to an √ effec- where TD7 = 1/gs (2π)7 ℓ√ 8
s is the D7-brane tension. As
tive quark-meson coupling (see fig. 3) of order ∼ 1/ Nc . expected, e is of order 1/ Nc , which justifies our neglect
The dynamics of the branes+string endpoint system is of terms of order higher than quadratic in the action.
thus (a generalization of) that of classical electrodynam- The second term in (2) may be written as
−e d8 σAa J a . For simplicity, we will assume that the
ics in a medium in the presence of a fast-moving charge.
The second observation is that the velocity of the quark quark moves with constant velocity along a straight line
may exceed the limiting velocity of the mesons, since the at constant radial and angular positions, so we write
redshift at the position of the string endpoint is smaller
than at the bottom of the branes. As in ordinary elec- J a = δ (3) (~x − ~v t) δ(r − r0 ) δ (3) (Ω − Ω0 ) × (1, ~v , 0, ~0) . (4)
trodynamics, if this happens then the string endpoint
In reality, r0 and v will of course decrease with time be-
loses energy by Cherenkov-radiating into the fields on the
cause of the BH gravitational pull and the energy loss.
brane. In the gauge theory, this translates into the quark
However, for simplicity we will concentrate on the initial
losing energy by Cherenkov-radiating scalar and vector
part of the trajectory (which is long provided the initial
mesons. The rate of energy loss is set by the square of
quark energy is large) for which r0 and v are approxi-
the coupling, and is therefore of order 1/Nc .
mately constant [16] – see fig. 1.
3. A quantitative example. In this section we will
The rate of quark energy loss is given by minus the
calculate the rate of energy loss in four-dimensional,
work per unit time done by the gauge field:
SU (Nc ), N = 4 super Yang-Mills (SYM) theory coupled
to one quark flavour (but the result is valid for arbitrary dE
Nf , see sec. 5). The dual description consists of a D7- = −e d3 xdrdΩ3 F0a J a = −ev i F0i (t, ~v t, r0 , Ω0 ) .
brane probe in the supergravity background of Nc black (5)
D3-branes. Following [12] we write the induced metric Since real-world QCD has no internal S 3 , we focus on
on the D7-brane worldvolume as ds2 = L2 ds2 (g) with modes with no angular momentum on the S 3 . These take
the form Aµ (xν , r), Ar (xν , r), AΩ = 0. We set Ar = 0
ρ2 f2 2 ˜ 2 (1 + Ṙ2 ) 2 r2 2
ds (g) = − dt + f dxi + dr + 2 dΩ3 , by a gauge choice. Further, we work with the Fourier-
2 f˜ ρ2 ρ space components Aµ (ω, q, r) and choose ~q = (q, 0, 0),
(1) ~v = v(cos θ, v sin θ, 0). After integrating over the S 3 , the
where ρ2 = R2 + r2 , f = 1 − 1/ρ4 , f˜ = 1 + 1/ρ4 , relevant Fourier-space components of the current are
Ṙ = dR/dr, and xµ = {t, xi } are the four gauge the-
ory directions. R(r) describes √ the D7-brane embed- J µ = 2πδ(ω − qv cos θ) δ(r − r0 ) × (1, cos θ, sin θ, 0) . (6)
ding, with R(∞) = 2Mq / λT . The dimensionless co-
ordinates above are related to their dimensionful coun- With this choice the only transverse mode of the gauge
terparts (denoted with tildes) through xµ = πT x̃µ , field excited by the source is A = A2 . The equation of
{r, R, ρ} = {r̃, R̃, ρ̃}/πL2 T . motion for this mode is
The terms in the brane+string action relevant to our !

f r3 ∂r A p r 3
ω f q 2
calculation are ∂r + 1 + Ṙ2 4 − A = ẽJ ,

2 1 + Ṙ2 ρ f
√ 1 dσ a
S = − d8 σ −g F ab Fab − e dτ Aa , (2) (7)
4 dτ where J = J 2 , ẽ = e/Ω3 and Ω3 = 2π 2 is the volume of
a unit S 3 . We solve (7) by expanding A as
where Fab = ∂[a Ab] and σ a = {xµ , r, Ω3 }. The first term
comes from expanding the Dirac-Born-Infeld part of the X
A(ω, q, r) = An (ω, q) ξn (q, r) (8)
D7-brane action to quadratic order in the gauge field.
The metric g that enters this term is that in eqn. (1),
which contains no factors of L; these have been absorbed in terms of a basis of normalizable eigen-functions
in the definition of e in eqn. (3). The Wess-Zumino part {ξn (q, r)} in the radial direction. These are solutions

of eqn. (7) with J = 0 with q-dependent eigen-values 3.0

ω = ωn (q), and satisfy the orthonormality relations 2.5

Nc dE
(2πT )2 dt

f˜r3 p
dr 1 + Ṙ2 ξm ξn = δmn . (9) 1.5
0 f ρ4
Inserting the expansion (8) in (7), and using the eigen- 0.5
state equation and the orthonormality relations, we find 0.0
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
ω − ωn2 (q) An (ω, q) = ẽJn (ω, q) ,

(10) v
where FIG. 4: Energy loss into A(n=0) for an embedding with
Z R(∞) = 1.32. The continuous curves correspond to r0 =
Jn (ω, q) = drJ (ω, q)ξn (q, r) 0.86, 0.97, 1.10, 1.25, 1.45. The dotted curve is defined by the
endpoints of the constant-r0 curves.
= 2πδ (ω − qv cos θ) v sin θ ξn (q, r0 ) . (11)

Through the expansion (8) we have ‘Kaluza-Klein’ re- sufficiently large q the radial profile of the mesons be-
duced the five-dimensional gauge field to a discrete, in- comes of order the string length and stringy effects be-
finite tower of independent four-dimensional gauge fields come important [13]. Also, mesons acquire widths Γ ∝ q 2
{An (ω, q)}. Each of these fields is characterized by a q- at large q [20] and can no longer be treated as well defined
dependent radial ‘wave-function’ ξn (q, r), as well as by a quasiparticles. Finally, the approximation of a constant-
DR ω = ωn (q), and couples to the quark with an effective v, constant-r0 trajectory ceases to be valid whenever the
strength eeff (q, r0 ) = eξn (q, r0 ). energy loss rate becomes large.
With retarded boundary conditions, as appropriate for 4. Phenomenology. The Cherenkov radiation of
the reaction to the quark’s passage, eqn. (10) yields mesons by quarks depends only on the qualitative fea-
tures of the DR of fig. 2, which are universal for all
ẽJn (ω, q) gauge theory plasmas with a dual gravity description [17].
An (ω, q) = 2 . (12)
(ω + iǫ) − ωn2 (q) Moreover, it is conceivable that they may also hold for
QCD mesons such as the J/ψ or the Υ (see e.g. the dis-
We now evaluate (5) to obtain the energy deposited cussion in [18]). Here we will examine some qualitative
on the n-th transverse mode. We first express consequences of this assumption for HIC experiments.
F02 (t, ~v t, r0 , Ω0 ) as an integral over its Fourier compo- The energy lost into mesons would be reflected in a
nents. We then integrate over frequencies trivially be- reduction of the heavy quark nuclear modification factor
cause of the delta-function in (11). Finally, we set RAA [21]. This would only occur for high enough quark
d3 q = 2πq 2 dqds, where s = cos θ, to arrive at velocities, thus yielding a very particular behaviour of
Z 1 RAA . Note that the minimum quark velocity at which
dEn e2 v ∞ dq 2 ds s(1 − s2 )
= − qξn (q, r0 ) the reduction starts to occur may actually be higher than
2 2
dt Ω3 0 2π −1 2πi (s + iǫ) − sn (q) vlim , since the quark energy must be larger than the mass
e2 v ∞ dq 2
of the radiated meson. For example, for a charm quark
= qξ (q, r0 )(1 − s2n (q))Θ(1 − s2n (q)) ,
2Ω3 0 2π n to radiate a J/ψ meson this condition yields v > 0.87.
(13) In fact, our calculation applies strictly only in the limit
of infinite quark energy, which suggests that it should be
where sn = vn /v and vn (q) = ωn (q)/q is the phase veloc- more relevant to HIC experiments at the Large Hadron
ity of the mode. The Heaviside function confirms the ex- Collider than at RHIC.
pected result: The quark only radiates into modes with The radiated mesons would be preferentially emitted
phase velocity lower than v – those to the right of the at a characteristic Cherenkov angle cos θc = vlim /v. Tak-
dashed, vertical line in fig. 2. The numerical result for ing the gravity result as guidance, vlim could be as low as
n = 0 is plotted in fig. 4. For fixed r0 , the energy loss vlim = 0.35 at the meson dissociation temperature [12],
increases monotonically with v up to the maximum al- corresponding to an angle as large as θc ≈ 1.21 rad. This
lowed value of v – the local speed of light at r0 . As emission pattern is similar to the emission of sound waves
r0 decreases, the characteristic momentum qchar of the by an energetic parton [23] in that both effects lead to a
modes contributing to the integral increases. As r0 → 0 non-trivial angular structure. One important difference,
these modes become increasingly peaked at small r, and however, is that the radiated heavy mesons would not
eeff (qchar , r0 ) and the energy loss diverge [15]. However, thermalize and hence would not be part of a hydrody-
this mathematical divergence is removed by physical ef- namic shock wave. As in the Mach cone case, the meson
fects we have not taken into account. For example, for emission pattern could be reflected in azimuthal dihadron

correlations triggered by a high-pT hadron. Due to sur- paran, B. Fiol, A. Guijosa, C. Manuel, A. Paredes,
face bias, the energetic parton in the triggered direction L. Patiño and P. Townsend for discussions. We are sup-
is hardly modified, while the one propagating in the op- ported by a Marie Curie PIEF-GA-2008-220207 (JCS)
posite direction moves through a significant amount of and 2009SGR168, MEC FPA 2007-66665-C02 and CPAN
medium, emitting heavy mesons. Thus, under the above CSD2007-00042 Consolider-Ingenio 2010 (DF, DM).
assumptions, the dihadron distribution with an associ-
ated J/ψ would have a ring-like structure peaked at an
angle θ ≈ π − θc .
5. Discussion. Cherenkov emission of gluons in the
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Acknowledgments. We thank M. Chernicoff, R. Em- [27] Attached at points higher than the bottom of the branes.

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