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§ 1149 'ITLE2 10.

-ARMY 212
commutation to be at the rate of $1.08 per ration. (June 28, Army of the United States, and which shall be the depot
1902, c. 1300, 32 Stat. 409; May 28, 1908, c. 214, 35 Stat. 430; to which all recruits for such service shall be sent. (Jan.29,
June 30, 1921, c. 33, § 1, 42 Stat. 77.) 1887, e. 72, § 1, 24 Stat. 372.)
•1149. Credit to new cade-ts for clothing and equipment 1172. Post and garrison schools for enlisted men.-Schools
issue.-Each new cadet shll, upon adnlission to tite United shall be established at till posts, garrisons, and perintanent
Stitcs Military Academy, be credited with the suin of $250 to camps at which troops are stationed, ill wich the enlisted 'llen
cover the cost of his initial clothing and equipment issue, to be may ibe instructed in tile coaulion English branclhes of educa-
deducted subsequently from his pay. (June 30, 1921, c. 33, § 1, tion, aud especially in the history of the United States; and the
42 Stat. 95.) Secretary of War may detail such officers and enlisted nlen as
1150. Pay after graduation and before qualification under may be necessary. to carry out this provision. It shall be the
coinmission.-Every cadet who has graduated or may graduate duty of the post or garrison colummnder to set apart a suitable
at the West Point Military Academy, and who has becl) or may room or building for school and religious purposes. (It. S. §
be coionissioned a second lieutenant in the Army of the United 1231.)
State, under the laws appointing such graduates to the Army, 1173. Second lieutenants assigned to Field Artillery School
shall be allowed full pay as second lieutenant from the date of at Fort Sill for instruction.-Ofllcers in the grade of seconl
his graduation to the date of his acceptance of and qualiilcation lieutenant in the Field Artillery may be assigned, for the period
under his comnission and during his graduation leave, in of one year, to batteries stationed at the School of Fire for
aecordance with the uniform practice which has prevailed Field Artillery at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, for the purpose of pur-
since the establishment of the Military Academy. (Dec. 20, suing courses of practical instruction in Field Artillery. (May
1886, c. 2, 24 Stat. 351.) 12, 1917, c. 12, 40 Stat. 41.)
1174. Schooldetachmentsof enlisted men at service schools.- -
MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS From tie enlisted force of the Army provided by law the IPresi-
1161. Military Academy band.-The Military Academy band dent may authorize the organization of school detachments at
shall hereafter consist of one teacher of music, who shall be each of the service schools, and may authorize the allpoinlment
the leader of the band, one enlisted band sergeant and assistant therein of such noncomllissioned officers, ineclmanics, artificers,
leader, and of fifty enlisted musicians. (June 27, 1918, c. 108, farriers, horseshoers, and cooks as may lIe necessary for tho
40 Stat. 623.) administration of such school: Provided, That nothing herein
1162. Government publications furnished to library.-The -'hail be construed as to authorize an increase in the total nnlln.
library of the United States Military Academy is constituted ber of enlisted men of the Army authorized by law. (Mar. 3,
a designated depository of Government publications, and the 1909, c. 252, 35 Stat. 733.)
Superintendent of Documents shall supply one copy of said 1175. Translator for Army service schools.-Not exceeding
puhlicatins, in ti same form as supplied to other depol- $100 per month may be used for the payment of one trans-
tories, to said library. (Jan. 12, 1895, c. 23, 1 98, 28 Stat. 624') lator, to be appointed by tile commndant of the Army service
1163. Hazing.-The Superintendent of the United States schools with the approval of the Secretary of War. (May 12.
Military Academy, subject to the approval of the Secretary of 1917, c.'12, 40 Stat. 41.)
War, shall make appropriate regulations for putting a stop to 1176. Instruction of soldiers in addition to military train-
the practice of hazing, such regulations to prescribe dismissal, ing.-In addition to military training, soldiers while in the
suspension, or other adequate punishments for infractions of active service shall hereafter be given the opportunity to study
the sanie, and to embody a clear definition of hazing. and receive instruction upon educational lines of such character
Any cadet who shall be charged with offenses under such as to increase their military efliciency snld enable them to return
regulations which would involve his dismissal from the nead- to civil life better equipped for industrial, commercial, and
cloy shall be granted, upon his written request, a trial by a general business occupations. Civilian teachers may bo emi-
general court-martial, and any cadet dismissed front the acad- pIloyed to aid tIe Army oflicers in giving such instruction, Iad
ely for hazing shall not thereafter be reappointed to the Corps part of this Instruction may consist of vocational e(lucation
of Cadets nor be eligible for appointment as a comnissioned either in agriculture or the necimanie arts. The Secretary of
officer in the Army or Navy or Marine Corps until two years War, with the approval of the President, shall prescribe rules
after the graduation of the class of which lie was a member. and regulations for conducting the instruction herein provided
(Apr. 19, 1910, c. 174, 36 Stat. 323.) for, and the Secretary of War s1hall have tie power at all times
to suspend, increase, or decrease the amount of such instruction
Chapter 28.-SERVICE SCHOOLS, POST SCHOOLS, AND offered as may in his judgment be consistent with tile require.
MILITARY INSTRUCTION IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITU- ments of military instruction and service of the soldiers. (June
TIONS. 3, 1916, e. 134, § 27, 39 Stat. 180.)
Sec. 1177. Vocational training.-The Secretary of War may, lin his
1171. Cavalry School at Fort Riley. discretion, in order to carry out the provision of section 1176
1172. Post and garrison schools for enlisted men.
of this title authorizing vocational education for enlisted men
1173. Second lieutenants assigned to Field Artillery School at Fort Sill
for Instruction. consisting in either agriculture or the mechanic arts, select one
1174. School detachnients of enlisted amen at service schools. or more and not exceeding three regiments of Infantry, Cav-
1175. Translator for Artly service schools. alry, or Field Artillery to be stationed at a regimental post
1176. Imstruction of sohldiirs In addition to ailitary training.
1177. Voeatoanil training. witlin the continental limits of the United States on or before
1178. Application by retired officer for detail as professor In college. July 1, 1917, and amy transfer from such regiment to other
1179. Sale of Army stores to educational institutions. organizations any enlisted man or men who do not desire educa-
1180. Military equipment for certain schools and colleges. tional or vocational training and instruction such as is coutema-
1181. Detail of oflicers, warrant officers, and enlisted imen to certain
sehools and colleges. plated by said section and may transfer thereto from other
organizations a number of enlisted men to be selected under
Section 1171. Cavalry School at Fort Riley.-The Secre- such rules and regulations as he may prescribe whmi do desire
tary of War is hereby authorized and directed to establish such instruction and training or may receive recruits 'thereto
upon the military reservation at Fort Riley a permanent school sufficient to bring the enlisted strength of the regiment up to
of instruction for drill and practice for the Cavalry of the that authorized by law. During such part of the .year begin-
TITLR 10.-ARMY § 1181
ning July 1, 1917, and thereafter as the enlisted men of the See.
regiment so selected shnll not be engaged on field service or in 1100. Purchase of subsistence stores generally.
1107. Purchase of exceptional subsistence stores for officers and en-
field training they shall be under training or instruction nine listed men.
hours of each day, or as near that number of hours as possible, 1108. Stipulation in contract as to place of delivery of subsistence
Sundays and holidays excepted, at least three hours of each day supplies.
1199. Secrecy as to ordnance articles purchased.
to be devoted to military training and six hours of each day, 1200. Letting contracts for quartermaster supplies; reports to Recre.
or as nearly that as possible, to educatidnal and vocational tary of War.
training and instruction such as is contemplated by said section. 1201. Advertisement for proposals; considerations governing letting of
The educational and vocational training to be had under civil- contracts.
1202. Advertisement for quartermaster supplies ; preference given to
tan instructors employed for that purpose under such rules and domestic products.
regulations as the Secretary of War shall prescribe. Said civil- 1203. Advertisement not required for purchase of medical supplies.
ian instructors, as well as the discipline of the said post, shall 1201. Advertisement not required for purchase of motor ambulances.
be under the Jurisdiction of the military authorities, under such 1205. Purchase or procurement of supplies or services in open market.
1206. Purchase of horses in open market.
rules and regulations as the Secretary of War may prescribe. 1207. Marking supplies with name of contractor.
(May 12, 1917, c. 12, 40 Stat. 59.) 1208. Material for sacks for Artillery cartridges imported free of duty.
1178. Application by retired officer for detail as professor in
college.-Any retired ollicer may, on his own application, be CONTRACTS REQUIRED TO Bi IN WRITING
1221. Contracts of Quartermaster Corps.
detailed to serve as professor in any college. But while so 1222. Contracts of Ordnance Department.
serving such officer shall be allowed no additional compensation. 1223. Contracts of Signal Corps.
(It. S. § 1260; Feb. 27, 1877, c. 69, § 1, 19 Stat. 242.) 1224. Contracts of Medical Department.
1179. Sale of Army stores to educational institutions.- 1225. Contracts of Air Service.
Under such regulations wi the Secretary of War may pro- SALES TO SOLDIERS, VETERANS, AND CIVILIAN
scribe, educational institutions to which an officer of the Army EMPLOYEES
Is detailed as professor of military science and tactics may 1231. Sale price of quartermaster supplies.
purclmse from the War Department for cash, for the use of 1232. Stle of rations to officers in field.
1233. Sale of Navy stores to officers and men of Army.
their millittry students, such stores, supplies, mat6riel of war, 1234. Saile of quartermaster p.-operty to offlcers of Navy and Marine
and military publications as are furnished to the Army, such Corps for use in public service.
sales to be at the price listed to the Army -with the cost of 1235. Sale of subsistence stores to veterans receiving medical treat-
transportation added: Provided, That all moneys received from ment.
1236. Sale of medical supplies to civilian employees.
the sale of stores, supplies. mat6riel of war, and military pub-
lications to educational institutions to which an officer of the SALES, TRANSFERS, AND LOANS TO OTHER DEPART.
Army is detailed as professor of military science and tactics MENTS, BUREAUS, OR ORGANIZATIONS
1251. Transfer of surplus explosives to other departments of Govern-
shall respectively revert to that appropriation out of which
they were originally expended and shall be applied to the 1252. Loan of tents.
purposes for which they are appropriated by law. (July 17, 1253. P~rlce charged for subslstence supplies.
1914, c. 149, 38 Stat. 512.) 1254. Sale of medical supplieq and equipment to Red Cross.
1255. Loan to Red Cross of arUcles required for instruction and prac.
1180. Military equipment for certain schools and colleges.- tice.
The Secretary of War is authorized, under such regulations 1250. Safe-keeping and return of articles loaned to lied Cross.
as he may prescribe, to Issue such arms, tentage, and equip- 1257. Transfer of material to Chief of Engineers.
meat as he shall deem necessary for proper military training SALES OR LEASES TO PUBLIC
to schools and colleges, other than those provided for in sec- 1201. Stores unsuitable for public service.
tion 381 of this title, having a course of military training pre- 1202. Sale of surplus war material to States and foreign governments.
scribed by the Secretary of War and having not less than one 1203. Real property acquired for Army storage.
hundred physically fit male students above the age of four- 1204. Disposal of proceeds of sale or lease under section 1203.
teen years. (June 4, 1020, c. 227, subchapter I, § 35, 41 Stat. IOXCIIANGE AND INTERCIIANG1E O' PROPERTY
780.) 1271. Exchange of used machinery, etc., in part payment for new
1181. Detail of officers, warrant officers, and enlisted men to articles generally.
certain schools and colleges.-The Siecretary of War t s author- 1272. Motor vehicles, aircraft, etc.
1273. Typewriters and adding machines for Signal Corps.
Ized to detail such available active or retired officers, war- 1274. Interchange of supplies between Army and Navy.
rant officers, and enlisted men of the Regular Army as he may
deem necessary to said schools and colleges, other than those
1281. Proceeds of subsistence supplies and stores.
provided for in section 381 of this title: Provided, That while 1282. Proceeds of serviceable Signal Corps supplies.
so detailed they shall receive active pay and allowances: Pro- 1283. Proceeds of serviceable quartcrnmstcr's supplies and stores.
vided further, That in time of peace retired officers, warrant 1284. Procceos of material supplied to Army by Engineer lh-partmnet.
officers, or enlisted men shall not be detailed under the pro- 1285. Proceeds of serviceable medical an( hospital Supplies.
1286. Money from sale of ice, electric current, and. laundry work.
visions of this section without their consent. (June 4, 1920, c. 1287. Proceeds of oel~ration of public utilities.
227, subchapter I, § 35, 41 Stat. 780.) 1288. Receipts from transfers of military stores to insular department
of Philippines.
Chapter 29.-SUPPLIES, STORES, AND SERVICES. 1280. Deductions from carriers' accounts.


1301. Regulations for accounting.
Sec. 1302. Affidavit of company commander In exoneration of linbility.
11.1. Authority to make purchases, etc.; settlement with contractors 1303. Power to administer oaths to officers iettling accounts.
and purchasing agents.
1102. Regulations governing purchase, transportation, storage, and dis- MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
tribution. 1311. Use of surplus war material on civil works.
1103. Supervisory authority of Assistant Secretary of War. 1312. Fidelity bonds required of certain officers.
1104. Detail of officers and civilian employees to office of Assistant 1313. Waiver of bond,
. Secretary of War. 1314. Renewal of bonds.
1195. Manufacture at Government arsenals and factories. 1315. Prohibition against officers dealing In quartermaster stores.

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