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§ 300 71TLl, 1O.-ARA!

may be discharged and commissioned as a second lieutenant in sonnel upon other than Government fields, a bond of indemnity,
the Officers' Reserve Corps: Provided, That tihe Secretary of in such stun as the Secretary of War may require for damages
War is authorized to discharge at any time any flying cadet to person or property, shall be furnished the Government by the
whose dlsclharg,. shall have been recommended by a board of paptles desiring the exhibition. (Mar. 2, 1923 e 178, Title I, 42
not less than three officers. (July 11, 1019, e. 8, 41 Stat. 109.) Stat. 1398; Juno 7, 1924, c. 201, Title 1, 43 Star. 492; Feb. 12,
300. Additional pay for duty.-Officers and enlisted 1925, e. 225, Title I, 43 Stat. 008.)
men of the Army shall receive ani increase of 50 per centum 308. Compqnsation for death by aviation accident.-There
of their pay while on duty requiring them to participate regu- shall be paid to the widow of any offlcer or enlisted man who
larly and frequently in aerial flights; and no person shall re- shall die asthe result of an aviation accident, not the result of
ceive additional pay for aviation duty except as prescribed in his own misconduct, or to any other person designated by him
this section, and except flying cadets as prescribed inI section in writing, an amount equal to one year's pay at the rate to
303 of this title. (June 4, 1920, c. 227, subchapter I, § 13, 41 which such officer or enlisted nan was entitled at the time of
Stat. 768.) the accident resulting in his death, but any payment made In
301. Additional pay for military aviators and junior mili- accordance with the terms of this section on account of tile
tary aviators.-In lieu of the 50 per centum increase of pay death of any offlicer or enlisted mau shall be in lieu of and a bar
provided for in section 300 of this title oi.y officer or enlisted to any payment under section 903 of this title. (July 18, 1914,
ui:n upon whom the rating of junior military aviator, or mill- c. 186, § 3, 38 Stat. 515.)
tary aviator, was conferred for having specially distinguished 309. Employment of draftsmen and engineers in Air Serv-
himself In time of war in active operations against the enemy, ice.-The services of aeronautical engineers, skilled draftsmen,
slall, while, on duty which requires him to participate regui- and such technical and other services as the Secretary of War
larly and frequently in aerial flights, have the rank, pay, and may deem necessary may be employed only in the office of the
allowances of one grade higher than that held by him under Chief of Air Service to carry into effect the various appropria-
his commission if hik rank under said commission be not higher tions for aeronautical purposes, to be paid from such appro-
than that of captain, and it.addition an increase of 50 per priations: Provided, That the Secretary of War shall ,-ach
centuin of tihe pay of his grade and length of service under his year in the Budget relort to Congress the number of persons
commission in case of a junior military aviator, and 75 per so employed, their duties, and the amount paid to each. (Feb.
centum of the pay of his grade and length of service under his 12, 1925, c. 225, 43 Stat. 908.)
commission In case of a military aviator. (June 4, 1920, e. 227,
subchapter I, § 51, 41 Stat. 785.) Chapter 19.-PHILIPPINE SCOUTS.
302. Officers entitled to additional pay for aviation duty.- Sec.
The authorization for increase of flying pay contained i, sec- 821. Organizntion.
tion 300 of this title, shall be construed to include any officer .322. Eligibility as officers of militia.
of any branch of the service who may be ordered by proper 323. Appointment of officers.
324. Officers commissioned prior to July 1, 1920, and not recommts-
authority to perform duty rquirlng him to participate regu- sloned in Regular Army continued in service.
larly and frequently in aerial flights. (June 30, 1922, c. 253, 325. Computation of period of service of officers.
Title 1, 42 Stat. 724.) 320. Promotions; classification and ellmination of officers.
303. Base pay of flying cadets.-The base pay of a flying 827. Retired pay of officers.
328. Attendance on course of preparatory instruction pursuant to detail
cadet shall be $75 per month, including extra pay for flying under section 386 or 1180 as active duty.
risk as provided by law. (July 11, 1919, e. 8, 41 Stat. 109.) 820. Ratification of administrative action as to pay of retired offeors
304. Allowances of flying cadets.-The ration allowance of a on duty mentioned In next preceding section.
flying cadet shall not exceed $1 per day, and his other allow- 330. Duty mentioned in section 328 performed prior to March 3, 1925.
331. Detail of retired officers to educational institutions.
ances shall be those of a private, first class, Air Service. (July 332. Promotion on retired list.
11, 1919, c. 8, 41 Stat. 109.) 333 Number of enlisted men.
305. Mileage of officers traveling on aviation duty.-Mlenge 334. Pay and allowances of enlisted men.
to officers of the Army traveling on duty in connection with 335. Philippine Scouts cooperating with Philippine Constabulary.
aviation shall be paid from the apprqpriation for the work in Section 321. Organization.-The President is authorized to
connection with which the travel is performed. (July 9, 1918, form the Philippine Scouts into such branches and tactical
c. 143, 40 Stat. 849.) units as lie may deem expedient, within the limit of strength
306. Per diem allowance for additional expenses of fliers prescribed by law, organized similarly to those of the Regular
making aerial surveys of rivers, harbors, etc.---To cover actual Ariuy, the officers to be detailed from those authorized in
additional expenses to which fliers are subjected when mak- section d82 of this title. (June 4, 1920, c. 227, subchapter I,
ing aerial surveys, hereafter a per diem of $7 in lieu of other § 22, 41 Stat. 770.)
travel allowances shall be paid to officers, warrant officers, 322. Eligibility as officers of militia.-Officers of the Philip-
and enlisted inen of the Army, for the actual time consumed pine Scouts shall be eligible to appointment as officers in the
while traveling by air, under competent orders, in connection militia or other locally created armed forces in the Philippine
with acrial surveys of rivers and harbors, or other govern- Islands which may be drafted into the service of the United
mental projects, and a per diem of $6 for the actual tuie con- States; and any such officer of the Philippine Scouts so ap-
sined In itmking such ae'ial surveys, to be paid from appro- pointed as an officer in said drafted forces shall not thereby
priatlons available for the particular improvement or project vacate Is commission in the Philippine Scouts, and in case
for which the survey is being made: Provided, That not more his commission in said Philippine Scouts shall terminate while
than one of the per diem allowances authorized in this section holding a commission in said drafted forces as aforesaid, h
shall be paid for any one (lay. (Mar. 3, 1925, c. 467, § 5, 43 shall thereupon be eligible to reappointment as an offlicer of
Stat. 1190.) said -hillippine Scouts notwithstanding his retention of a coin-
307. Bond for indemnity against injuries caused by exhibi- mission in said drafted forces. (Mar. 30, 1918, c. 30, § 1,
tion fligbls.-None of the funds appropriated for the Air Service 40 Stat. 500.)
shall be used for the purpose of giving exhibition flights to the 323. Appointment of officers.-After July 1, 1920, no appoint-
public other than those under the control and direction of the nments as officers of Philippine Scouts shall be made excelt of
War Department and if such flights are given by Army per- citizens of the Philippine Islands, who may be appointed in time
181 TITLE 10.-ARMY § 335
grade of second lieutenant, under such regulations as the retired officers of the l'hililpiple Seouts. (Mar. 3, 1925, C. 411,
1'vrsihent Ittly prescribe. (June 4, 1920, c. 227, subchapter I, 1, 43 Stat. 3099.)
§ 22, 41 Stat. 770.) 332. Promotion on retired list.-Ollcers aud former officers
324. Officers commissioned prior to July 1, 1920, and not of the lhilipphn Scouts who were 1placed ov the retired list
recommissioned in Regular Army continued in service.- prior to June 4, 1920, shall te entitled to rlomotili on the
Officers of the Phillipphio Scouts holdig coininisslon9 as such retired list for active duty performed lrior to July 1, 1922,
on July 1, 1920, who were not then recoinialssioned fin the 6uhisequent to retirement, Il aecordance with the provi.lons
Regular Army shall conitinue to serve under their commissions of sectio 1011 of tis title, iaild to the Iti lily and benefits
as oficers of Philipine Scouts. (June 4, :1920, c. 227, sub- received by other olicers of the Ariiy of Ilke gralo and length
chapter I, § 22, 41 Slat. 770.) of service ont the retired list. (June 10, 1922, c. 212, § 17,
325. Computation of period of service of officers.-In coin- 42 Stat. 632.)
piting pic id of service for any purpose officers of the Plhillip- 333. Number of enlisted inen.-The toltal number of onli ted
pine Scois shall he credited with all time served as coninis- mnen In the Philippine Scouts shall not extced twelve thou-
sloned ollicers Il the drafted forces mentioned In section 322 of sand. (Fel. 2, 1901, c. 192, § 30, 31 Stat. 757.)
this title. (Mar. 30, 1918, c. 36, § 2, 40 Stitt. 500.) 331. Pay and allowances of enlisted ues.-The piy, rations,
326, Promotions; classification and elimination of officers.- and clothing allowances to le authorized for the enlisted men
Ollhcers commissioned hi the Ihilliplne Scouts shall be subject shall be fixed by the Secretary of War, and shall not exceed
to promnotion, classification, and elimination, as hereinafter pre- those authorized for the Rtegular Army. (Feb. 2, 1901, c. 192,
scribed for officers of the Regular Army. (June 4, 1920, c. 227, § 36, 31 Stiut. 757.)
suhlpter 1, § 22, 41 Slat. 770.) 335. Philippine Scouts cooperating with Philippine Con-
327. Retired pay of officers.-Olilcers of the Philippine Scouts stabulary.-Any companies of Phllippine Scoutn ordered to
oil the retired list oti June 4, 1920, shall thereafter receive the assist the Philippine Constabulary In the maintece of ordet
saie pity as it retired second lieutenant of equal service, except In the Philippine Islands may be placed under ihe command of
as otherwise providet in section 332 of this title. After June officers serving as chief or assistaunt chefs of the Phlilippine
4, 1)20, officers of the Philippine Scouts shall lie retired under Constabulary, as herein provided: Provided, That when the
the same conditions, and those thereafter placed on the retired Phllippie Scouts shall be ordered to assist the Philippine Con-
list shall receive the same retired pay, as other officers of like stabulary said mcouts shall not ut any little lie ptced under
grades and length of service, and shall be equally eligible for the commnd of Inspectors or other olilcers of the constabu-
advancement on account of active duty performed since retire- lary telow the grade of assistant chief of con.stvbultary. (,lau.
meat. (June 4, 1920, c. 227, subchapter I, § 22, 41 Stat. 770.) 30, 1903, c. 331, § 2, 32 Stitt. 783.)
328. Attendance on course of preparatory instruction pur-
suant to detail under section 386 or 1181 as active duty.-Duty Chapter 20.-RESERVE FORCES.
performned by retired officers of the Philippine Scouts, pur- ORtG.NIZI) REISERtVES
suanit to War Department orders issued under section 386 or See.
section 1181 of this title, respectively, including, ii either case, 34 1. Location and designation of units Comphirited entirely within Stato
or Territory.
temporary duty for attendance on any course of 1)reparatory 342. Preseriation of nalne,, numbers, flags, etc., of 1u1l1 selving In
Instruction required by such order, shall be construed to b World War.
active duty for the purpose of increase of longevity pay of OFFICIMS' Itl-NEltVIP CORPS
such retired officers within the nianing of sections 973 and
971 of this title. (Mar. 3, 1925, c. 411, § 2, 43 Stat. 1099.) 351. Organization of Oflicers' neserve Corps.
329. Ratification of administrative action as to pay of re- 052. Appointment of reserve officers.
35:1. Qualiications and eligibility; grade of allintlment.
tired officers on duty mentioned in next preceding section.- 35 1. Appointnient of graduates of Reserve Offhitrs' 'Training Corps.
Any ndministrative action taken prior to March 3, 1925, by 355. Fortn of coinl nlisha.
the War Department depcident for validity upon the con- 356. Caotnimiorancous commisslons iii Officers' Ithesrve Corps anl Nit-
tional Guard.
struction of sections 073 and 074 of this title mentioned in sec-
:57. ltecomiission of officer3 called for servi, iIl grade lower than
ties 328 of this title, or a like construction of tny other statute reserve cointsb ion.
authorizing the detail of rctired officers of the Army to educa- 358S. Period of Berviee ; right to discharge on termiinationl of Ior.
tional institutions, is hereby ratified and confirmed ; and any 359. Period of service by National Guard officer comamissiined nis re-
serve officer.
pay otherwise due to any retired officers of the Philippine
360. P1romotions atdt transfers.
Scouts but heretofore withheld by reason of a construction of 361. itight of reserie officers to pay and iliolinces.
any of the indicated statutes inconsistent with those foregoing 362. Itte of pay of reserve officers on active duty.
shall be considered due and payable. (Mar. 3, 1925, c. 411, § 5, :i6:. Loigevity liy for reserve officers.
ai1. Righit of reserve officers to retirement nnd retired pay.
43 Stat. 1100.) 365. Pensions lia cases of disability.
330. Duty mentioned in section 328 performed prior to 360. Allowances of reserve ollicers and reserve warrant officers on
March 3, 1925.-Duty performed before March 3, 1925, by active dity.
retired officers of the Philippine Scouts, pursuant to War 367. Mileage allowance lilted.
368. Mileage exempt frot land-grant deductions.
Department orders purporting to have been Issued under sec- :109. Ordering reserve officers to active duty.
tioi 380 or section 1181 of this title, respectively, including, in 370. Auslgnineut to duty Ili locality of residence-,
either case, temporary duty for attendance on atiny course of U71. Government enployees its reserve offlcers; leaves of alsenico when
preparatory instruction required by such order, shall be con- ordered to duly.
strued to be active duty for the purpose of Increase of lon- PESIEtVE1 OIFICI'lS' TRAINiNO CORIS
gevity piay of such retired officers, within the mneanlrg of sec-
381. Establishment of traiing corps.
tions 973 and 974 of this title. (Mar. 3, 1925, c. 411, § 3, 43 382. Eligibility to noembersiip.
Stat. 1100.) "183. Admission of iaedical, dental, nid veteriary students to trauing
331. Detail of retired officer to educational institutions.- corps.
The authority for detail of retired officers of the Regular 384. Adtnission of reserve otl!ers being medical, deiital, or veterinary
Army contained In sections 380 and 1181 of this title shall, 385. Courses of training.
in either case, be construed to Includ3 authority to so detail 380. Detail of instructors.

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