Service LL Uscode Uscode1925 00101 Uscode1925 001010016 Uscode1925 001010016

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§ 223 TITLI 1O.


the Secretary of War shall be charged with the investigation, 237. Service credits for purposes of promotion.-For pur-
developmtent, lnanufacture, or procuremeni and supply to the poses of future promotion, persons appointed to fill vacancies
Army of till smoke and incendiary materials, all toxic gases, existing on July 1, 1920, shall be considered as having had, on
slid till gas-defense alpliances ; tile research, design, and experi- the date of appointment, suticlent prior service to bring them to
mientation connected with chemical warfare and its material; their respective grades under the rules of promotion established
and chemical projectile filling Ilants and proving grounds; in section 230 of this title. (June 4, 1920, e. 227, subchapter I,
tlo supervision of the training of the Army in chemical war- § 15, 41 Stat. 709.)
fare, both offensive and defensive, including the necessary 238. Duty as to religious services.-All chaplains sliall, when
schools of instruction; the organization, equipment, training, it may be prnctlcable, hold appropriate religious services, for
a(d operation of special gas troops, and such other duties as the benefit of the commands to which they may be assigned
the 'resihent may frot time to l11tle prescribe. (June 4, 1920, to duty, at least once on each Sunday, and shall perform appro-
c. 227, subehapter I, § 12, 41 Sltit. 76S.) priate religious burial services at the burial of officers and
223. Employment of chemists, etc., in office of chief.-The solllers who may (ie in such commands. (11. S. § 1125.1
services of chelists and such other services as the Secretary 239. Facilities for performance of duties.-It shall be the
of War nmiy deeli necessary maty be employed only lit the duty of commaLders of regiments, hospitals, and posts to afford
otilce of the Chief of the Chemical Warfare Service to carry to chaplains, assigned to the same for duty, such facilities as
into effect the appropriation for Chemical Warfare Service, may aid them in the performlnce of their duties. (It. S. §
to be palid front such appropriation: Prohldcd, That the Sec- 1127.)
retary of War shall each year li the Budget report to Coll-
gress the number of persons so emlployed, their duties, find the Chapter 14.-CAVALRY.
aitolt pal to each. (Feb. 12, 1925, e. 225, 43 Stat. 910.) See.
251. Composition of Cavalry.
Chapter 13.-CHA'LAINS. 252. Cavalry dismounted.
253. Negro regiments.
231. Appointment nad qalilflcations of chaplains. Section 251. Composition of Cavalry.-The Cavalry shall
232. Exa . Intlon for aplpintmlt.
consist of one Chief of Cavalry with the rank of major gen-
233. Number of chaplains il Allmy.
23 1. Chief of chaplains; appeintnient, rank, term of office, and duties. eral, six hundred and sixty-five officers in grades from colonel
2:15. Status of chaplains Rs oflicers of Army. to second lieutenant, Ii.clusive, and eight thousand nine huni-
236. ]iank of chaplains; pronotlons on collrpletlon of slieelfied term of dred and twenty-eight enlisted men, organized into Cavalry
units as the I'resident nmy direct. (June 4, 1920, c. 227, sub-
237. Service credits for purposes of promotton.
2:18. Duty as to relll,,us services. chapter 1, § 18, 41 Stat. 770; Juune 30, 1922, e. 253, 42 Stat.
239. Facilities for performance of duties. 723.)
Section 231. Appointment and qualifications of chaplains.- 252. Cavalry dismounted.-Any portion of the Cavalry force
Appoiltnients as chaplains shall be lnade fron among persons
may be armed and drilled as Infantry or dismounted Cavalry,
duly accredited by sonie religious denoininstion or organization, tit the discretion of the President. (R. S. § 1105.)
Ind of good standing therein, between the ages of twenty-three
253. Negrc regiments.-The enlisted men of two regiments
and forty-five years. (June 4, 1920, c. 227, subehapter I, § 21, of Cavalry shall be colored men. (11. S. § 1104.)
41 Stat. 771.) Chapter 1 5.-FIELD ARTILLERY.
232. Examination for appointment.-No person in civil life Sec.
shall he nl)Ilinted at cnlplain until he stall have passed satis- 261. refinition of Field Artillery.
factorily such exaiination as to ills moral, mental and physical 262. Composition of Field Artillery.
(ialiilelltiolts as may he prescribed by the PresideIt. ( Mlt r. 2, CROSS REFERENCE
1891), c. :152, § 7, 30 Stat. 979.)
Field Artillery School; see ciapter 28 of this title.
233. Number of chaplains in Army.-Thcre shall be one
lmndrcd and twenty-ive chaplains lin the Regular Ariny. Section 241. Definition of Field Artillcry.-The Fild Artil-
sJune i0, 1922, c. 253, 42 Stat. 721.) lery Is the artillery which aecompanies an army li the field,
231. Chief of claplains; appointment, rank, term of office, and includes light artillery, horse artillery, siege artillery, and
and dutis.-One clttat n of raIlk not below that of major 1ay mnountalin artillery. (Jan. 25, 1907, e, 307, § 4, 34 Stat. 861.)
le ,mi i nt11d by the President, by at1d with tlte advice and 262. Composition of Field Artillery.-The Field Artillery
cOnll-en t of the Seate, to be chief of chal)ins. Ire shall serve shall consist of one Chief of Field Artillery with the rank of
its sn 1'hfIor four years, tiltd shall IltVe the rank, pay, all( allow- major general, one thousand three hundred and thirty ofilcers
ane-i of colonel while so serving. Ils duties siall include il grades from colonel t,) second lieutenant, inclu.Mve, and six-
inve.i It i it tile qui 1 I ittons of candidaels for appollIt- teen thousand five hundred and eighteen enlisted men, organ-
initnt als cha~plalin, andl~ general coordination till( supervision zed into Field Artillery units as the l'resident may direct.
(if tile -tork of clillllais. (.littne 4, 1920, e. 227, subelilpter 1, (June 4, 1920, c. 227, subelapter I, § 19, 41 Stat. 770; ltune 30,
§ 15, 11 Slat. 769.) 1922, c. 253, 12 Stat. 723.)
235. Status of chaplains as officers of Army.-Chapln Ins shall Chaipter 1G.-COAST AIlTILLE tY CORPS.
)lit' I':lik without (0on11 llt ll , find sI ll be Oil tile ,little footing See.
vith other officers of tiIt Any, its to tenure of office, retire- 271. Dflethih,n of Coa3t Artillery.
ntent, mid plnsihts. (iR. S. § 1122.) 272. ('c01Ype1titon of Coast Artillery Corps.
23;. Rank of chaplains; promotion on completion of speci- 27:1. De'all of warrant officers or enlitd men to ofl'o of Chief of
Coast Artlllery.
fied tern of service.-Clhaldains siall have rank, pay, and 271. 'irmy Mine Plnnter Service esthilslied; composition of mine
Itliowillt , cc ortling to length of active comltnlissloned service plant,-r crews.
lit it Arny, or, sinice April 0, 1917, il tte National Guard 275. Number of warrant oflihers in Army Mine P'lanter Service.
aidlie in at(tiye service ntder a call by the President, its fol- Section 271. Definition of Coast Artillery.-The Coast Artil-
lows: Less than five years, first lieutenant; five to fourteen lery is the artillery charged with the care and use of the fixed
years, captain; fourteen to tweinty year, mainjor; over twenty and movable elements of lnld and coast fortificatlons, lcihding
yearq, lieutenant colonel. (Jane 4, 1920, e. 227, suhclalptor I, tle subnmarine mine and torpedo defenses. (Jan. 25, 11907, e.
§ 15, 41 Stilt. 769.) 397, § 3, 34 Stat. 861.)
§ 299
272. Composition of Coast Artillery Ccrps.-'i'he Coast Ar-
306. P'er dhiii allownnico for nddill)ontal IxlenseS of Ilirs anh1cig nerial
iilcry Corps silioll consist of oue Chief of Coast Artillery with
iirVe.Ni of rivers, h{{i or., etc.
the rIiaik of major general, eight hluded and forty ollicers In 10l7. lioil for lilieiinulty Itgnilitt InJirles rttIq(.d Iby exhhl lan filghls.
3108. (Collille)lflio){0 for (IL-1111l Iy alviationl auelonVt.
irades fromn .ol oil to se.ond l ill teliait, Inclusive, t6mt war'rinui
offlcers of the Ar ,Mi he r trvice ts authorized by law,
Otlan(' :0,f. ll ployliellt of driftsrmen a nd enighn('ers It Atr Sirvice.
and thh'letiln thollsiand tluee hundred ,and iaety-three enlisted
linil, orgaiiilved ito such (isiliS Artillery uilts n1s the President Ai lilliis I 'oS(nIh llctH for tpri.dlction andi ipuirchase ; see Title 50, \V aii.
iay dlreel. (.1in, 1, 1920, v. 227, sulchaliter I, j 20, 41 StiLt. Aviation fields; see ,ettoln 1:111 of this tll(,
770; June 30, 1122, e. 2,53, .12 Stit. 723.) Exio-tlias of ir tr:i\el 1y olicers mid contract s lr.'iilh without
froops; Ste HCI)lol 751) of 1i title.
273. I)etail of warrant officers or enlisted men io office of
Chief of Coast Artillery.-Not to exceed eight vinrriit ollicers or Section 291. Establishment and conposition of Air Serv-
enlisted mei of the Coaist Artillery Corps may Iea detailed uln ice.-'J'here is created iil Air, Sel'vhce. The Air Svrie still]I
duties of a teclillical or military nallre III tile ifliee of the consist of' one Chief of tli Air Solvive with the nik of lajor
Chief of ('oai;t Artillery. (Mar. 3, 1021, c. 121, § 1, 41 Stitt. geniral, one' assistant it ho "11111railk
of ibrigadiir gvllerlt, (lie
|hollsall(| allld sity ({th'er.s ill 9l1lMI.. fl'Olll C010110 to sCCV llId
274. Army Mine Pianter Service established; composition of Ileiiiuit, Iit'lusive, and six Iholiiiild two hundrel i ndi tifty
1inie ulanter crews.-Thier( shall lie in tile Coast Artillery Corlps eliiisted niil,incldling not to exceed five hinired flyilng ead'ts,
of the Regli ar Arliiy a se,'vie to be kniwn as I IC Army Mine such liart of whoin ias thel'resident inuy direct liting formed!
S'li t er Serv ice, .viih ..
all consist, for (,licii inhe plinter it into taetical units, organized as lie iony preserlibe: Providdc
th( service of lil lJiinted States, of one miaster oe first mate, ')'flat not to exceed 10 per ceo11n1 of file oticers lii elle grade
ton1 8econd 11111te,one chieJf eigi ,.,er, an(1 olle assistant elagiln;'er, elow that of Iriga]lr'l' general who fail t qualify is aircraft
who Milll .li warrant iolli(ecs Ipilpintel by and holding their pilots oi a oblservers within oe year after' the dae of ditalt
(iles li lhe discretion of tie Necretary of War, aul two oilers, or assigllliien t shai
hl le permitted to remain delahlltd or asslgnied
foilr firellca, four dock halnds, ole ook, one steward, and one to tlhe Air Service. (June 4, 11120, e. 227, subchalht'r I, § 1:1,
assistanit .twl'W1ii, salll liealiioilnted fro,, enlisted inii
h1t( IL Stat. 708; June 30, 1922, e. 253, .12 Stal. 72-1.)
of ti Coa.t Artillery Corps ulder such regliltions as the 292. Number of officers detailed to duty involving flying.-
Stereliary it War fua llp'esrli'. (July 1), 1.)18, c. 1-13, sub- I, xclusive of tile Amy Air Service, tile n blller (if officers
chap~ter IX, 110Stilt. 881.) deotalhed to duty involving flying shall11 not fit fitly Cleioll(-
275. Number of warrant officers in Army Mine Planter Serv- exceed one-half of I per centuio of the total nthorized lil-
ice.--The iiiil'lr of warliit ofhiceis Ili tile Ariiy Min Planter iissloiled slrength of the Army. (June 10, 1922, c. 212, § 20,
Servi'e sliill not (,xceel forty. (Junne 30, 1922, e. 253, Title I, '12 Stilt. 632.)
42 Stit. 72:1.) 293. Educational qualifications for Air Service.-No lilrsn
otherlwise quallled for servIce vs at lying cadet, pilot, or ol' ,er
Chalpter 17.-INANTRY.
otlicer ll ihef'lt viatlio service, shall lie iarred from such serv-
ice b1y raso of not belng eqni[ped with a college edu ellt ol.
2SI. Coplwlltlon of infantry.
282. Ne~gro[ ieghine.nts (July 9, 1918, c. 143, .10 Slat. 819.)
28,f. Porto Itleoregiient Inade part of It,.gulr Alilly. 294I. Comntand of flying units.-Fl3inig onits shall hn all
eises lie conilii d1d by flying officers. (June 4, 1920, c. 227,
Section 281. Composition of Infantry.-The Infantry shill
subchapter I, § 13, 41 Stat. 768.)
consist of one Chief (if Infantry with the rank of major gel-
295. Aerial operations controlled by Army Air Service.-
eral; two thousan( litle hund red a,,(1 forty oflicers lit grades
from coli llcII to s(cin(I leittelilt, Inhclsive, iuid
The Army Al' Servhio shall control Jtll aen al olierations from1
forty-iI lie
thouls-lid Onle hundred anti seven enllisted ilion, organized |Into land ises frf eistrution and experimen tit lol filld for the
training ,if personnel. )51.)
(June 5, 11)20, e. 210, .11 Slut.
such Illtry units s the President inay direct. All tank nils
296. Aviation schools; instruction for aviation students.
shall form a part of th' Infantry. (June 4, 1116), e. 227, sIll-
The Secretary (if War is autlhorilzed anl dIh'let'd to (-ill ish
chapter I, § 17, 41 Stilt. 761); Time :10, 1922, e.253, -12 Stilt. 72:3.)
and11 lititail lit one or lole estialllshed flying schools courlse:
282. Niegro regiments.--The enlisted n111of two regillents
of instructi n for avliation students. (,1111,' 11, 1919, c. 8, .-1
of Ilnfantry siall he colored nell. (It.S. § 1108.)
Stat. 109.)
283. Porto Rico regiment made part of Regular Army.-
297. Aviation students enlisted or appointed as flying cadets;
The Porto tico li'gllnelt of fifantry and the ollicers find ei-
number.--AviiLtion sludents shall Ilie eniited Iil or ahollinted ino
listeidineli of such regihent .hallIeome11 part of tie Infantry
the grade or flying cadet, Air Serv'ce, which glillde Is IIreliy
branch of tie Army. (.lile 4, 1920, e. 227, subelapter I, § 21,
estlllshed: Providrd, That the toal uinllher if 1lyng cadets
41 Slot. 770.)
shall not ft IIiLa llllll1 three hundrdllIl,
i l v exceed One th011 of
Ciapte' 18.-A1lt SERVICE. whomn live hundlred may lIe enlisted. (July 11, 1019, c. 8, 1l
Sec. Stitt. 1)9; .[tile 30, 1922, c. 253, 'Pill( 1, .12 Slat. 721.)
21)1. Estaiilklinent aid coinio~-lon of Air Service. 298. Detail of officers for instruction il aeronautic engineer-
2112. Nubnlwr of ollicers4 dialed to duity liolvhg flying ing.-The Secrelary (if Wial' is iltllorlzed tI tl sucII ollh'lrS
293. lllEc'itlonl l i(iaillicatilon for Air Service.
of the Arioy its lie n1y select, not exceed Iiig v 'nIy-tI'-e It.,
294. Collillaild of flying inlts. fily onle time, it) Iflcnd and~ pulrsule eourlses of allaIIIllic I(ll-
295. A'ri,,I operations controlled IbyArmy Air Service.
290.viatiln ichools; instruction for aviation students. ginerilng or as.Iicitit e sludy it suceh s0l00e-s, colleges, iflii( nill-
217. AvvhI sdents enlted or appoli ted 1 flying Cadets ; numier.
titti versit itas lie m11ay select, fill to) pay tuiionit' Ile oill'(l'S
298. Detail of illicerts for linitrcilonl In acroinitatic enginecring.
so detailed tld to pr1'ovide thenm wi h ni cessiry tet-bolis and
210. Conilllsslonillg flying ciidels oilcomletig course; dklciehrge be-
fore collileltiig colrse. technlcal Suli lles from fifty ni2eys avallalle for le Al' Serv,-
300. Addllontl pay for flying duty. Ice of ile Amay iiot otherwise S'i 1 pIroriatled. (INIy
3101. Adhlltioil py for nlli tnry aviators and junior nlllary aviators. 10, 1920, e. 175, §§ 1, 2, 41 Silt. 591.)
302. ()fllckrs iiitled to additlonail Iay for aviation duty.
30:1. Base fily of flying cidl,.
299. Commissioning flying cadets on completing course; dis-
304. Allhwanlces of ly ig oadlts. charge before completing colll'se.-UI)Ilii collllleilio (f it eollr,-(i
305. Mileage of otllct iH traveling oil aviation ifty. prc~erihcd for flying cadets, each flying cadet, if lie so de.sire,

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