Ot2 Bgo Devotional 08 Dalisay

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Old Testament 2 – 2020 – BGO


Date: April 12, 2021
Devotional No. 08

Scripture Text: Psalm 1

1  4 
Blessed is the one Not so the wicked!
    who does not walk in step with the wicked     They are like chaff
or stand in the way that sinners take     that the wind blows away.

    or sit in the company of mockers, Therefore the wicked will not stand in the

but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, judgment,
    and who meditates on his law day and night.     nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.
3  6 
That person is like a tree planted by streams of For the LORD watches over the way of the
water, righteous,
    which yields its fruit in season     but the way of the wicked leads to
and whose leaf does not wither— destruction.
    whatever they do prospers.

Creative Devotional Title: Cheat Sheets


What helped me survive the rigorous and grueling licensure exams for Professional Civil
Engineering are the formulas and principles written on manila papers stuck on the surface of
the ceilings just above of my bunk bed of my apartment. So even when I was laying on my
bed, day or night, I could just gaze on those cheat sheets, recite, and memorize again and
again the complicated equations and formulas. The figures and images on those manila
papers did remain in my visual memory and—thank God— it helped me pass the board

At the outset of the book of Psalms, the psalmist paints us powerful images that illuminate
contrasts about how should we respond to God’s Word as we live and these pictures brings
questions for us to decide upon. Do we want to be tree or do we want to be a chaff? Do we
want to we want to live under the counsel of the Divine or do we want to follow the counsel of
humanity? Do we want to be known by God or do we want for God to reject us and not know
us? Psalm 1 encourages us that it brings blessings, happiness, and prosperity when we dwell
and delight in the concrete reality of His Word—day and night. We must be deeply rooted in
His truth so that we can fulfill our true potential.

Everyday is a battle for everyone. There will always be trials and afflictions that come upon us
and we are challenged to find joy and flourishing in those instances. Life does not give us free
pass to sufferings—it is inevitable, but God freely gives us His Word that our growth’s
dependence on constant nourishment from God’s truth will really bring true prosperity as our
portion so that we can pass and conquer our lives’ biggest tests and battles.
For Facilitator Use

Your Facilitator will use the following rubric to rate your assignment. Your overall rating will be
the sum of points across all criteria.

Criteria 19-20 pts 10-18 pts 0-9 pts Points

The title does not catch

The title is somewhat
The title is catchy and is attention and
Creative Title interesting and related to
related to the material disconnected to the
the material

The biblical text is fully

Fairly explains the text Poorly explains the
Explanation explained and the
and some theological biblical text and does not
of the Text theological truths are
truths are identified. identify theological truths

The illustration is well The illustration fairly The illustration poorly

chosen and enhances the enhances the enhances understanding
understanding to the understanding of the of theological truths and
theological truths theological truths may not be related at all

The application is very The application is fairly The application is missing

Application clear and related to the clear and not so related or inappropriate for the
truths to the truth truth.

Form and
Follows the format and Misses some of the Misses the format and the
Style of
the style is clear format and style is fair style is unclear

Overall Rating:

Overall Feedback:

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