Main Aim: Trainee Teacher: Paula Aguirre Date: 03/05 Class: 12 Grade

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Trainee Teacher: Paula Aguirre

Date: 03/05

Class: 12th grade

Main aim
At the end of the lesson students will be able to understand the structure of a product review
and write an online review.
Subsidiary Aims
Reading skill: “Headphone’s review”

Vocabulary: Describing a product phrase.

Procedure Tim
Lead in (10 minutes):
Present the aims for the lesson and show students the lesson’s agenda. Review previous 5
lesson and ask students if they remember the concepts we studied. Tell students that
today’s lesson will be about writing online reviews.

Pre task:
Show students the keywords for the lesson, give them the meaning and pronunciation
of the words. Ask students what was the last technological product they bought and if 10
they look at online reviews before deciding which product to buy. Ask them what web
pages do they visit to look for reviews.

Setting the task:

Tell students to look at Kris’s review of headphones in p. 61. Ask them to look at the
picture and tell me what is the review about. Draw their attention to the last sentence,
and ask them if she think the headphones are good. We are going to read the review all 10
together, after that students will have 4 minutes to read it again and find phrases were
Kris expresses her approval. Check the sentences they find.

After checking, refer to the words in the box in ex. 2. Explain some words (ease of use,
overall) and tell them that they are the heading of the different parts of the review. Tell
them what type information should go in each part. Then, ask them to match the
headings to the correspondent paragraph. They will have 2 minutes and check all

Draw students’ attention to the useful language and ask them if they can find more 10
example in the review. Then, we will complete ex.4 all together and check the answers.

Continue practicing the structure and the useful language with the exercises from the
Workbook p. 52. We are going to read that review all together and continue with
exercises 3 and 4.

Tell students that they may use relative clauses review in the previous lessons, to write 10
their own review. Show them a PPT slide with some examples.

Students will have to create their own online review following the structure that we
reviewed. They first have to choose the product to review. Create their own online
report about the object they choose. It must include the parts reviewed in the lesson.

Wrap up: 5
Short game to check if students understood the different parts of an online review.

Trainee Teacher: Paula Aguirre

Date: 06/04

Class: 12th grade

Main aim
Students will be able to listen for specific information and create sentences using relative

Subsidiary Aims
Video: “What a waste!”

Listening skills: “What a waste!”

Grammar: Passive voice and relative clauses

Procedure Tim
Lead in (10 minutes):
Show the lesson’s agenda. Review previous lesson. Short activity to see if they 8
remember what to include in an online review and useful phrases. Tell students that
today we are going to practice grammar and vocabulary for the test and watch a short
video. Start with the keyword of the lesson, they will have 5 minutes to look for the
words in the dictionary.

Pre-Reading/Listening: 5
Ask students 2 questions: 1 What do you do with the things you own when they break
or become out-of-date? 2 What objects do you recycle in your home?

While Reading/Listening:
Check all together the questions they have to answer, then students will have 6 minutes
to watch the video twice. They have to identify what “e” in e-waste means according to 15
each person and what it really means.
They will also have to identify what are the suggestions given in the video as to what
can be done about e-waste. We will check the answers all together.

After Reading/Listening:
Ask them what they think about the following statement: We live in a throwaway
society in which we value only the new objects that we can buy.
After the listening activity we are going to review and practice vocabulary and grammar
for the test. (*ask them in the previous lesson what they want or need to review)

Show them a picture with different gadgets and ask them to describe one of them using 10
relative clause. Give them time to think and create sentences in the chat. Provide

Wrap up:
Short game about relative clauses and passive voice.

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