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Reading & Speaking

1 What do you think a 'kidult' is? 3 Match paragraphs (1-5) and headings (a-e~.
a) Money in their pockets 2-
2 Befare you read the article, say whether you think b) Kids are young adults
these sentences are true (T) or false (F).
e) Hooked to the screen
1 British kids get the most pocket money in Europe. d) Bedroom culture
2 Most children in the UK aged between eleven e) Crazy about technology
and fourteen have mobile phones.
3 Toe bedroom is the most important room in the 4 Discuss these questions.
house for Italian kids. 1 Did you have your own room when you
4 Children in the UK spend on average seven were a child? What about a TV?
hours a day watching TV. 2 Whaf are the advantages and / or
5 Technology is improving young people's disadvantages of kids ...
reading habits. a) having a TV in their bedroom?
Read and check your answers. b) knowing so much about technology?


technology consuming our kíds V


They are brother and sister. He buys computer 4 Experts say that one reason for this is the many
magazines and knows more about _ealmtops than hours that British kids spend in their rooms. lf
his father. She can download music from the you ask ten year olds in ltaly which is the most
Internet onto her mobile and bum her own CDs. impÓrtant room in the house, they'II say the
~ -- --
He's eight She's s1x. Welcome to the world of kitchen. The British equivalent will always say
kidults, where young children behave as if they his or her own bedroom. The majority of UK
were in their twenties. teenagers have their own bedroom complete
with CD player, while 25 per cent even have their
2 British kids are the most spoilt in Europe.They get
own TV / video and electronic games.
on average {_ 13 a week pocket money, twice the
rate in ltaly. UK parents spend less time with their 5 On average, UK kids spend an incredible seven
kids but they s~much more money on them. hours a day' watching the screen - playing games,
chatting online or killing time watching TV. As a
3 According to research done by Value Engineers,
result, have adolescents forgotten how to read?
70 per cent otyoung teens in the UK have a
Tfieanswer seems to be yes. Reading requires
mobile phone and 15 per cent have their own
concentration and t echnology has killed this.
computer. And ~ their parents, ~ are

not afraid to exp'eriment with technology.

~ cit:g e focus
::irst conclitional
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the Present Simple or wi/1 + infinitive.
1 lf you eat (eat) cheese late at night, you'll have bad dreams.
2 You'Jl get a cold if you _ _ _ _ _ (go) outside with wet hair in winter.
3 If you _ _ _ _ _ (change) the colour of your hair too often, it'll fall out.
4 You (have) bad skin if you _ _ _ _ _ (eat) too much chocolate.
5 If you _ _ _ _ _ (smoke) when you're young, it _ _ _ _ _ (stop) you growing. ·
6 You (become) anti-social if you (spend) tob much time in front of a computer.

?econd conditional ·-=.:.:__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Complete the sentences to make them true for you. Use the Past Simple or wou/d(n't) + infinitive.

1 ,..,. ._

. • , "l.

lf 1 were on a crowded bus, I 'd 9ive, / wouldn't

.i,:~ .. .c~~t~ =~'--'
~ if ~~ (', ,.;,._,... i,_;..

If I siví"hvo children fighting in the stre;t, I

' ";J • ~

- ~ (give) my seat to an old person. _ _ _ _ _ _ (try) to stop them.

2 5

Jf I found a purse or wallet in .the street, JfI hada party and myneighbours complained about
r ______ (keep) the money in it. the noise, I _ _ _ _ (tum) the music down.

3 6

lf 1 was in a street and I couldn't find a bin, I _ _

I _ _ _ _ _ _ (tell) the police if I thought that
(throw) my rubbish on the ground.
----- my neighbour sold drugs.


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