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Libmanan Camarines sur

i. Basic information
Name of Project CSR GOT TALENT
Municipality LIBMANAN
Objective To derive the student talent and to showcase
what they can do so as the school will pursue
their means of enhancing their talent. Then to
gain a fund that will aggregate the school and
help it as a starting fund for the student. This
might be the way that our youth today might
gain knowledge on that they can do as a
student itself.
Target Beneficiaries The winner student will have the incentives
that will be given for their respective
classroom and that will be used to upcoming

ii. Project Rationale and objective

The possible problem that could occur is when there is many people or student try to
join ans ask to be a participant but they can’t be accommodate by people or the school event
The other possible problem is when there is no or less expected student will join to the
CSR GOT TALENT and the event will not be smoothly done.
 Improve the talents and participation
 Showcase their ability
 Knowledge of the student that can make

iii. Project Description

This could be possible with the help of the Supreme student government and also the
teacher that will command their student to join in every event/program that will do in the said
event in CSR. The school talent competition will just show the best of the student and be given
to showcase their ability.
iv. Proposal budget
The expenses will be for the prize including the trophy, sash, certificate, 1,000 for the
champion, 500 for the 1st place and 250 for the 2nd place and 100 to those 5 lease winners.
Item Quantity amount
Sash 3 300
Trophy 3 1,500
Certificate 30 400
Cash(1,000) 1 1,000
Cash (500) 1 500
Cash (250) 1 250
Cash (100) 5 500
total Php. 4,250

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