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i TI'.TLB 16.

§ 763
penses in connection therewith, shall be covered Into the Treas- northern Pacific Ocean. (June 7, 1924, e. 345, j§ 1, 12, 43
ury of the United States. (June 7, 1024, c. 345, § 8, 43 Stat. Stat. 649, 050.)
763. Unlawful port use; departures.-No person, firm, or AND SALE OF SPONGES TAKEN FROM GULF O10
corporation shall use any port of or place In the United States MEXICO AND FLORIDA.
to furnish, prepare, or outfit any vessel, bout, or other craft
intended to be used in violation of this chapter. nor shall any Sec.
781. Takina or catching, In waters of Gulf or Straits of Florida, com.
person permit, or cause to be permitted, any vessel, boat, or merelal sponges of less than preerlbed size, and landing or
other craft intended to be used in violation of this chapter to possefsion of same.
depart from any port of or place In the United States. (June 782. Some; possession prima face evidence.
7, 1924, c. 345, § 4, 43 Stat. 6,19.) 783. Punishment for violations of law; liability of vessels.
784. Jurisdiction of prosecutions.
76,4. Unlawful port entry; possession of fish unlawfully 785. Enforcement of law prohibiting taking of sponges of specified
caught.-It shall be unlawful for any vessel, boat, or other sizes; employment of vessels of tho Coast Guard and of em-
craft having on board any halibut caught contrary to the pro- ployees of Customs Service.
visions of this chapter to enter any port or place in the United Section 781. Taking or catching, in waters of Gulf or Straits
States, or for any vessel, boat, or other craft to enter any such of Florida, commercial sponges of less than prescribed size,
port or place while upon or in the prosecution of any voyage and landing or possession of same.-It is unlawful for any citi-
during hich the vessel, boat, or other craft fished or was zen of tie United States, or person owing duty of obedience to
used In fishing for halibut in prohibited waters in the close sea- tile laws of the United States, or any boat or vessel of tile
son. It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to have in United States, or person belonging to or on any such boat or
his possession any halibut unlawfully caught under the pro- vessel, to take or catch, by any means or method, in the waters
visions of this chapter. (June 7, 1924, c. 345, § 5, 43 Stat. of the Gulf of Mexico or the Straits of Florida outside of State
649.) territorial limits, any commercial sponges measuring when
765. Canadian vessels and nationals.-Every national or in- wet less than five inches in their maximum diameter, or for
habitant and every vessel of Canada found violating the pro- any person or vessel to land, deliver, cure, offer for sale, or
visions of this chapter sliall be delivered as soon as practicable have in possession at any port or place in the United States, or
to all authorized oficial of Canada at tile nearest point to the on illy boat or vessel of the United States, any such commercial
place of seizure or elsewhere as the officials of the United sponges. (Aug. 15, 1914, e. 253, § 1, 88 Stat. 692.)
States seizing tile saie and the authorized officials of Canada 782. Same; possession prima facie evidence.-Tho presence
may agree upon, and the witnesses and proof necessary to the of sponges of a diameter of less than five Inches on any vessel
prosecution of said persons and vessels of Canada shall be or boat of the United States engaged In sponging in the waters
furnibied with reasonable promptitude to the authorities of of the Gulf of Mexico or the Straits of Florida outside of State
Canada having jurisdiction thereof. (June 7, 1924, c. 345, territorial limits, or the possession of any sponges of less than
§ 8, 43 Stat. 649.) the said diameter sold or delivered by such vessels, shall be
766. Patrols; searches.-The President shall cause a patrol prima facie evidence of a violation of the provisions of this
of naval or other public vessels designated by him to be main- chapter. (Aug. 15, 1914, c. 253, § 2, 88 Stat. 692.)
talned in such places and waters as to him shall seem bxpe- 783. Punishment for violations of law; liability of vessels.,
di,,nt for enforcing the provisions of this chapter, and any Every person, partnershlip, or association guilty of a violation
ollicer of any vessel engaged in such service, and any other of the provisions of this chap ter shall be liable to a fine of not
oiicers designated by the President, may search any vessel, more than $500, and in addition such line shall be a lien
boat, or other craft in the territorial waters of the United against the vessel or boat on which the offense is committed,
States and any vessel, boat, or other craft of the United States and said vessel or boat shall be seized and proceeded against
on the high seas when suspected of having violated or being by process of libel in any court having jurisdiction of the
alout to violate the provisions of this chapter. (June 7, 1924, offense. (Aug. 15, 1914, c. 253, § 3, 38 Stat. 692.)
c. 345, § 7, 43 Stat. G19.) 784. Jurisdiction of prosecutions.-Any violation of the pro-
767. Seizure and forfeiture.-Every vessel, boat, or craft visions of this chapter shall be prosecuted In the district court
employed in any manncr In violating the provisions of this of the United States of tile district wherein the offender Is
cliter shall be seized by any collector, surveyor, inspector, found or Into which he Is first brought. (Aug. 15, 1914, c. 253,
ofilcer of a revenue cutter, or person specified in section 766 of § 4, 38 Stat. 092.)
tilis title, and except as provided in section 705 of this title, 785. Enforcement of law prohibiting taking of sponges of
every such vessel, boat, or craft, including its tackle, apparel, specified sizes; employment of vessels of the Coast Guard
lurnliture, cargo, and stores, shall be forfeited to the United and of employees of Customs Service.-The Secretary of
States by proper procebdlings In any court of the United States Commerce shall enforce the provisions of this chapter, and
In Alaska, California, Oregon, or Washington. (Juno 7, 1024, he is authorized to empower such officers and employees of the
c. 3.15, § 9, 43 Stltt. 650.) Department of Commerce as lie may designate, or such officers
768. Penalty; Fisheries Commission exempted.-Any person and employees of other departments as may be detailed for the
violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be fined purpose, to make arrests and seize vessels and sponges, and
not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 or imprisoned not upon his request the Secretary of the Treasury may employ tle
more than one year, or both, but none of the inhibitions con- vessels of the Coast Guard or the employees of the Customs
tained In the chapter shall apply to the International Fisheries Service to that end. (Aug. 15, 1914, e. 253, § 5, 38 Stat. 692.)
Commission when engaged in any scientific investigation.
(June 7, 1924, c. 345, §§ 6, 10, 48 Stat. 649, 650.) Chapter 12.-VATERI POWER.
769. Duration of chapter.---This chapter, which may be cited See.
as the Northern 'acific Halibut Act shall continub in force 701. Short title of chapter.
ulil the termination of the convention concluded by the United 792. Creation of Federal Power Commission; members, quorum, seal,
and chairman.
States and Great Britain on Mar-ch 2, 1924 (Forty-third Stpt- 713. Executive secretary; detail cf engilneer offlcLr.
utes, page 1841), for the protection of the halibut fishery of the 704. Performance of work of commission generally.

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