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-,OlNsUS §§ 1-8

Chapter See. Chapter Sec.
1. [IREAmI OF TIE CrNSus ---------------------------------- I a. COLLECTION OF STATISTICS ----------------------- --------- 61
2. THIS DECXNNIAL ^NUS ---------.........------------------ 21

Chapter 1.-BUItEAU OF TIlE CENSUS. and the rules established thereunder. Persons who
See. have served as soldiers In any war in which the United States
I. Permanent cstablishnent. may have been engaged, who have been honorably discharged
2. Director of the Census ; duties. from the service of the United States and the widows of sues
3. Duties as to Official Register. soldiers, shall have preference In the matter of employment.
4. Printing and distribution of bulletins, etc.
All new appointments to the permanent clerical force in the
5. Civil service; preferences.
0. Citizenship of employees. Census Office shall be made in accordance with the requirements
7. Division of Cotton and Tobacco Statistics. of sections 632, 33, 635, 37, 638, 640, 641 and 0,12 aforesaid.
8. Copies of old records for States or cities. (Mar. 0, 1002, e. 139, § 5, 32 Stat. 51.)
Section 1. Permanent establishment.-The Census Office 6. Citizenship of employees.-Alil employees of the Census
temporarily established in the Department of the Interior in Office shall be citizens of the United States. (Mar. 6, 1902,
accordance with an Act entitled "An Act to provide for taking c. 139, § 10, 32 Stat. 53.)
the twelfth and subsequent censuses," approved March 3, 1899, 7. Division of Cotton and Tobacco Statistics.-There shall
is made a permanent office. (Mar. 6, 1902, c. 139, 1 1, 32 Stfit. be in the official organization of the bureau a separate, dis-
51.) tinct, and independent division called the Division of Cotton
2. Director of the Census; duties.-The permanent Census and Tobacco Statistics. (May 10, 1910, c. 117, § 1, 39 Stat.
Office shall be in charge of a Director of the Census, appointed 110.)
by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the 8. Copies of old records for States or cities.-The Director
Senate. It shall be his duty to superintend and direct the tak- of the Census is authorized, upon tile request of a governor of
Ing of censuses of tile United States and to perform such other any State or Territory, or the chief officer of any municipal
duties as may be Imposed upon hin by law. (Mar. 0, 1902, govermnent, to furnish such governor or municipal officer with
c. 139, § 3, 32 Stat. 51.) copies of so much of the files or records of the eleven decennial
3. Duties as to Official Register.-The Director of the Census enumerations from 1790 to 1890, Inclusive, as may be requested,
shall cause to be compiled, edited, Indexed and published, on at the discretion of the Director of the Census, upon payment of
or before the first Momay In October of each year an Official the actual cost of making such copies; and the amounts so re-
Register of the United States which shall contain a full and ceived shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States,
complete list of till persons occupying administrative and super- to be placed to the credit of and in addition to the appropria.
visory positions in each executive and judicial department of tion made for the taking of the census. (Jan. 12, 31903, c. JO, 32
the Government, including the District of Columbia, II con- Stat. 767.)
nection with which salaries are paid from the Treasury of the
United State.;. The Register shall show the name ; oflcial title; Chapter 2.-THE DECENNIAL CENSUS.
salary, compensation and emoluments; legal residence and place Sec.
of employment for eaeh person listed therein: Provided, how- 21. Time and place of taking.
22. Decennial census period.
ever, That the Official Register shall not contain the name of
23. Enployees during census period : appointment and prererences.
any postmaster, assistant postmaster or officer of the Army, 24. Duties of additional employees ; dlisuising clerk.
Navy and Marine Corps. 25. Compensation on piece-price basis.
To enable the Director of the Census to compile and publish 20. Examination and selection of employees; transfers.
27. Scope of decennial census; statistics; by whom collectcd.
the Ofilcial Register of the United States, the Executive Oflee,
28. Designation of supervIsors and districts; vacancies
the judiciary, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, 29. Duties of supervisors; enumerators.
and the head of each executive department, independent offlice, 30. CompensatIon of supervisors; allowances.
establishment and commission of the Government shall, as of 31. Duties of enumerator; commission.
the 1st day of July of each year, supply to tile Director of the 32. Fnumeration districts and assignments.
33. Removal of enumerator.
Census the data required by this section, upon forms approved 34. Incomplete or erroneous enumeration.
and furnished by him, in due time to permit the publication of 35. Interpret ra.
the Official Register as herein provided; and no extra compen- 36. Compensation of enumerators; expenses.
sation shall be allowed to any officer, clerk, or employee of the 37. Residence of suler~lsors and enumerators.
38. Payment for services on death of mupervisor or enumaintor.
Bureau of the Census for compiling tIle Officlal Register. (Mar. 39. Special agents; appointment, duties, compensation, and allowances.
0, 1002, e. 139, § 7, 82 Stat. 52; June 7, 1900, c. 3048, 34 Stat. 40. Oath or affirmation.
219; Mar. 3, 1925, c. 421, § 2 (a, b), 43 Stat. 1105.) 41. Qualification of employees.
4. Printing and distribution of bulletins, etc.-The Director 42. Enumeratlon; commencement arid completion.
43. Receiving compensation for appointment; penalty.
of the Census is authorized and directed to have printed, pub. 44. Offenses by census officials.
lished, and distributed, from time to time, bulletins and reports 45. Duty to furnish correct information; penalty.
of the preliminary and other results of the various investiga- 40. Causing Inaccurate enumeration ; penalty.
tions authorized by law; and all of said printing and binding 47. Duty to furnish information as to organization, etc.; penalty.
48. Restriction on use of Information.
shall be done by the Public Printer at the Government Printing 49. Enforcement of fines and penalties.
Office. (Mar. 0, 1902, c. 139, § 11, 32 Stat. 53.) 50. Authorization of expenditures for expenses.
5. Civil service; preferences.-All employees of the Ccnsus 51. Printing or publishing.
Office, except unskilled laborers, are placed under the provi- 52. Information from other departments.
53. Additional census of agriculture and livestock.
sions of sections 632, 633, 635, 637, 038, 040, 041 and 042 of Title 54. Additional statistics of manufactured products.
5, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND GOVERNMENT OFFICERS AND EM- 55. Copies of returns, data, etc., for States, courts and others.

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