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proved by the President of the United States. (May 26, 1000, shall, when retired, be retired with lhe rank of commandant
e. 2550, § 3, 31 Stait. 200.) and with the pay of a rear admiral (lower half) of the Navy
142. Offenses not within jurisdiction of Coast Guard tribu- on the retired list. (Jan. 12, 1923, e. 25, § 2, .12 Stat. 1130.)
nals; turning offenders over to civil courts.-For offenses 162. Engineer in chief; retirement; rank and pay.-An
against the lows of ti United States other than those speci- officer who shall after January 12, 1923, serve as engineer in
lied in the foregoing six sections, offenders shall he turned thine shall, when retired, be retired with tlhe rank of engineer
over to the civil authorities for trhd. (May 20, 1000, c. 2550, in ciefr and with lie pay of a captain (engineering) on tie
§ 7, 34 Stat. 201.) retired list. (Jan. 12, 1023, c. 25, § 2, '12 Slat. 1130.)
145. Concurrent jurisdiction of civil courts; turning over 163. Pay and allowances while onl active duty.--lletlred
offenders.-The jnrisdl.ton conferred by the foregoing five offleers of the Coast Guard below tle grade of brigadiler gen-
sections for the punishnient of offenses against the discipline eral or coininodore find retired warrant ohfl'ers and enlisted
of the Coast (uard shall not be regardedt as exclusive, but of- tie, shail, when oniactive duty, re(elve full pay inndallow-
fenders nay, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, ances. (Jane 10, 1922, c. 212, § 17, 42 Stat. 632; iiy 31, 1921,
be turned over to the civil authorities for trial by any court c. 221, § 6, 43 Stat. 252.)
having jurisdiction of the offense. (May 26, 1900, c. 2550, § 164. Recall to active duty during war or emergency gener-
(, 3-i Stit. 201.) ally.-DIurlng the exlstence of war oi' of a national enmergency
116. Place of imprisonment.-l'h Secretary of the Treasury declared by (l( P'resiilent to exist, tiny conmissioned or war-
muay designlie, Is tile place of execution of tie sentence of a rant officer of the Coast Guard of lhe United States oi the
Coast Gunrd court involving Iinprlsonnielt, tiny prison or peni- retlied list 1may, in tie disiretion of tie Secretary of tile
tentiary hlint recelves Federal prisoners. (May 26, 19006, c. Navy, be ordered to 11clive (lillIt sea )' (oil shore; i fifty
2551, , 4, 34 Stitt. 201.) retired off'er performing such active du3ty i (11e m of war or
147. Deserters; arrest; rewards; reenlistnent.-It shall he national enmrgency, declaired as aforesaid, shall le entitled
l awful for lht (.Ol1omma(dlg ollicer of a vessel of Int 'o st to promotion oil tie retired list to (lie grade or rank, not
Guaord to al preld all(ad arrest or eaiiso to he alpreliendel nd above t1t of Ileutennt coinmndaler 1i tie ('0oast (I'ard,and
Snreste(1, by (ie for(e lndr his colill iad, it deserher fron (lh' slif1 lherenfler receive tie ptro' finldallowances thereof, wh'Ih
'ost G uard wherever found, (od shall have authority call ]iis total fictive service as fill officer both prior ad1(1 subsequent
upOll all persons to assist III such arrest, anld all persons so tio retirelment, lii the nll1ienr rendered by hii, woiild have
assistling are hereliy Invested with the powera adl authorily of elnabled llin to atlh Ii (111liecourse of pronton liit(] stieh
deputy United States inirslols, and shall deliver the offenler service been rendered continuou0sly on the active list dilllng
oil board of tie vessel fromn whlich he deserted : Prorhid, That fle period of (lie lost palt, except as provihed Inl lie follow-
i rewaid for the apprehension an( delivery of a desviter from Ing section. (July 1, 1918, e. 114, .10 Stat. 717.)
lie Coast Guard as lirelInbefore provilled, not to exceed $15, 165. Temporary advancement in rank while on active duty.-
ny be offered by the colimmanding ollieer of the vessel from luring tie existence of war or of it national emnergency, Ie-
which t he lperson deserted, uni this reward, or afy part thereof, clared its aforesiId, a3llycolnissilond or r1"alit 11flicer of
may be deducted and paild front nloney flue s l1d deserter: the Coast Gullrd of tile United States on tie retired list,
Provid('d, That no person who Ires deserted from tine Coast while oii fictive du(ty, ainyle temporarily advanced to and
Guard shall afterwards lie employed It sal service, or enlisted comlissioned lin such higher grade or rank on the retired list,
In fifty olher ntllltary or naval service under tile United States, not above that of lieutenant conninaInder in tile Coast Guard,
unless lie shall have delivered himself aboard the vessel from as the Preshlent may (letermie, and any officer so advanced
which lie deserted, or been apprehiendel, and the dlisahlilly shall, while oi active duty, be entitled to the same pay and
shall have ieen remioved 11y a board of comnnissloned officers allowances us officers of like grade or rank on lhe active list:
of the said service convened for a consideration of (lie ('use, 'rovided, That ainy suil commissioned or warrant otfier who
and the action of the said board shall have bieen approved by has been so temporarily advanced in grade or rank shall,
the Secretary of tie Treasury. (May 26, 1900, c. 2556, § 5, 34 1pon his relief from active duty, or in tiny case uot 1ltter
Stat. 201.) tian six months after tile termination of the war or of tile
national emnergency, declared as aforesaid, revert to the grade
or rank ol the retired list and to the pay and allowanc- statu4
which lie would have 1el hd lie not been so temnporarily iiil-
See. vanced: 'rovided futi her, That nothing In (his or t(e see-
161. Commandant; retirement; rank and pay.
162. Englneer In chief; retirement; rank flnd pay. 0nd preceding section sliall operate to reduce tile ly lilt(]
163. Pay and allowances while on active duty. allowances now allowed by law to retired otlieers. (.lly), 1,
164. Rtecall to active duty during wvar or emergency generally. 1118, e. 114, 40 Stat. 717.)
165. Tenporary advancement In runk while on active duty. 166. Promotion for active duty after June 30, 1922.-Ailve
100. Promotion for active duty after Juno 30, 1022.
167. Pay of retired offlicers generally. duty performed after June 30, 1122, by l officer on the refired
108. Disabilities due to vicious habits. list or Its equivalent shall not entitle such oIlcer to proioth1(1.
109. Disabilitles In course of duty or from age; assignment to special (Juno 10, 1922, c. 212, § 17, 42 Stat. 632; May 31, 1924, e. 22.1,
duties. § 6, 43 Stat. 252.)
170. Retiring board; proceedings generally.
171. Retirement for failure in physical examination for promotion. 167. Pay of retired officers generally.-Ali officeng borne
172. Retirement for disability generally. upon the retired list prior to April 12, 1902, or thereafter, shnl
17". Retirement on account of age. receive 75 per centiln of tie duty pay, salary, and Increase of
174. Ietlrenment of commissioned oflleers on forty yours' length of serv- the rank upon which they have been or may be reti'ed: Pro.
ice; advance In rank.
175. tetlrement o1 thirty years' service; pay; assignment to special viaed, That no longevity increase of pay shall le allowed for
duties. any length of service accruing after retirement. (Apr. 12, 1902,
176. Pensions generally. e. 501, § 9, 32 Stat. 101.)
177. Disabilities received In cooperation with Navy; pension. 168. Disabilities due to vicious habits.-When a board finds
Section 161. Commandant; retirement; rank and pay.-Any that an officer Is incapacitated for active service, aiid f(it such
officer who shall after January 12, 1023, serve as commandant Incapacity Is the result of his own vicious habits and not due
§ 169 TITLE 14.-- 0 AST GUARD 348
to any incident of service, and 1t decision approved 170. RetireMent on thirty years' service; pay; assignment
by tile President, the officer shall be dropped from the service. to special duties.-A commissioned officer, warrant officer, or
(Apr. 12, 1002, c. 501, § 7, 32 Stat. 101.) enlisted mall Nyho has served thirty years, upon suitable appli-
, 169, Disabilities in course of d~ty or from age; jissigzppent cation and as to commissioned otlicers upon approval by tile
to special duties.-When a beard finds that .al officer is inca- Secretary of the Treasury, may be retired from active service
pacitated for active service, and that Ills incapacity is the re- and receive 75 per centum of the duty pay, salary and increase
suit of an incident of service, or is due to the infirmities of age, of his grade or rating: Provided, That such comnmissioned
or physical or mental disability, and not his own vicious habits, ofilcer, warrant; officer, or enlisted mal may be assigned to
and such decision Is approved by the President, be shall be re- such duties as lie may be able to perform. (Jan. 28, 1915, e.
tired from active service and placed upon a retired list. Of- 20, § 3, 88 Stat. $01.)
ficers ltniq retired may be assigned to such duties as they may 176. Pensions generally.-No pension shall be allowed or
be able to perform, in the discretion of the Secretary of the paid to any commissioned officer, warrant officer, or enlisted
Treasury. * (Apr. 12, 1902, c. 501, § 0, 32 Stat. 101.) man in the Coast Guard either on tile active or retired
170. Retii ing board; proceedings generally.-The Secretary list. (Jan. 28, 1915, c. 20, § 3, 38 Stat. 801.) .
of the Trei.sury, under the direction of the President, shall 177. Disabilities received in cooperation with Navy; pen-
froml time to time assemble a Coast Guard retiring board, sion.-The olllcers an( semnien of the Coast Guard, who have
composed of officers of the Coast Guard and medical officers been or may be wounded or disabled In the discharge of their
of the Public hlealth Service, consisting of not less than five duty while cooperating with the Navy by order of the Presi-
commissioned officers, two-fifths of whom shall be selected dent, shall be entitled to be placed oil the Navy pensionii st,
from medical officers of the Public IHealth Service, for the at the same rate of pension andtunder the same regulations
purpose of examining and reporting on such officers of the and restrictions as are provided by law for the oflicers find
Coast Guard as may be ordered by the Secretary of the seamen of 'he Navy. (R. S. § 4741.)
Treasury to appear before it; and the members of said board
shall be sworn, In every case, to discharge their duties honestly
and Impartially, the oath to be administered to the members Sec.
101. Medal for heroism of officer.
by the president of the board, and to him by the junior mcmii- 192. Volunteer crews ; comnpensation for saving life; medals.
ber or recorder; and such board shall inquire Into and deter- 193. Medals for saving life generally.
mine the facts touching the nature and occasion of the dis- 194. Bestowal of medal of second class.
ability of any officer who appears to he Incapable of perform- 195. Additional tokens of honor for repeated acts of licroismn.
106. Bestowal of medal on person other than miember of Coast Guard.
ing the duties of his office, and shall have such powers as may
be ncceqsary for that purpose; and when the board finds all Section 191. Medal for heroism of oflicer.-The President of
ofilcer icmeapaltated for aitive service it shall aimio find and tile United States is hereby empowered to prepare a suitable
report the cause which in its judgment has produced his in- medal of honor to be awarded to any officer of the Coast Guard
capacity,, whether such cause is an incident of service, whether who shall have distinguislhed himself in battle or displayed
due to his own vicious habits, or the infirmities of age,,or extraordinary heroism in the line of his profession. (Mar. 3,
physical or mental disability. The proceedings and alecisions 1915, c. 83, 38 Stat. 931.)
of the board slall be transmitted to the Secretary of the 192. Volunteer crews; compensation for saving - life;
Treasury, and shall by him be laid before the President for medals.-The Secretary of the Treasury may accept tile services
his approval or dlbapproval and his orders in the case. (Ap)r. of volunteer crews at tiny of the life-boat stations authorized,
12, 1002, c. 501, § 5, 32 Stat. 100.) who shall be subject to the rules and regulations governing
171. Retirement for failure in physical examination for pro- the Coast Guard; and a lilt of the names of eaci crew shaoll
motion.-If any commissioned officer slll fail il his physical be kept Ill the officc of the Secretary of the Treasury. Suei
examination for promotion and be found incapacitated for v:olunteers shall receive a suin of not more than $10 eaci for
service by reason of physical disability contracted in the line every occasion upon which they shall have been instrumental
of duty, he shall be retired with the rank to which his seniority in saving human life, and such of the medals as they nmmay le
entitled him to be promoted. (Jan. 12, 1923, c. 25, § 3, 42 Stat. entitled to under the provisions of this chapter: Provided,
111.) That no payment shall be nmade to any person who shall not
172. Retirement for disability generally.-Wheu any cont- have actually participated in the efforts to save the life or
inissionled officer, warrant officer, or enlisted man has become lives rescued. (June 20, 187.1, c. 344, § 0, 18 Stat 127.)
Incptable of performing the duties of his office he shall be either 193. Medals for saving life generally.-The Secretary of the
placed upon tile retired list or dropped from the service by the Treasury is directed to cause to be prepared medals of lonor,
President, as hereinafter provided in this chapter. (Apr. 12, with suitable devices, to be distinguished as life-saving medals
1002, c. 501, § 4, 32 Stat. 100.) of the first and second class, which shall he bestowed upon iny
173. Retirement on account of age.-When any commissioned persons who shall hereafter endanger their own lives Il saving,
officer, wairrant officer, or enlisted man in the Coast Guard has or endeavoring to save lives from perils of the sea, within tile
reached the age of sixty-four years he shall be retired by the United States, or upon any American vessel: Proehded, That
President front active service. (Apr. 12, 1902, c. 501, 1 4, 32 the medal of the first class shall be confined to cases of ex-
Stilt. 100.) treme and heroic daring; and that tile medal of tile second
174. Retirement of commissioned officers on forty years' class shall be given in cases not sufficiently distilguished to
length of service; advance in rank.-When a commissioned deserve the medal of the first class: Providcl also, Tlat no
officer of the Coast Guard who has had forty years' servIce award of either medal shall be made to any person until suf-
shall retire, lie shall be placed on the retired list with the rank ficient evidence of his deserving shall have been filed with the
and retired pay of one grade above that actually held by him Secretary of the Treasury and entered upon the records of the
at the time of retirement; and, in the case of a captain, the department. (Juno 20, 1874, c. 344, § 7, 18 Stat. 127.)
rank and retired pay of one grade above shall be the rank of 194. Bestowal of medal of second class.--'le Secretary of
coniniodore and the pay of a commodore in the Navy on the the Treasury is authorized to bestow the life-saving inedal of
retired list. (Jan. 12, 1023, c. 25, § 8, 42 Stat. 1131.) the second class upon persons making such signal exertions

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