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105. Appointments made only for fitness.-The appolntment of the Secretary of the Treasury. (June 18, 1878, e. 265, § 10.
of district superintendents, Inspectors, and keepers and crews 20 Stat. 105.)
of Coast Guard stations shall be ntade solely with reference 111. Investigation of shipwrecks accompanied with loss of
to their fitness, and without reference to their political or life.-Upon the occurreice of any shipwreck within the scope of
party affiliations. (May 4, 1882, c. 117, § 10, 22 Stat. 59) the operitlots of the Coast Guard, alittended with loss (tf life,
106. Gratuities to widow or dependents of deceased officer, the conuandant shall cause aniliestilgation of all the ciruinl-
etc.-If any oflicer, warrant oficer, oir enlisted nan, on the active stances connected with saild disaster fnd loss of life to ie
list in the Coast Guard, shall hereafter die by reason of perilous made, with a view of ascertaining the cause of tie disister,
service or any wound or Injury received ori disease contracted and whether any of the olihoers or titen of the Cot .A Guard
Iii tite lifeSaving Service in Ilie line of duty, having a widow, have been guilty of neglect or mtisconduct Ii the prenilses;
or a child or children inder sixteeh years of age, or a depend- and any ollcer or clerk ii lhe employient of the Treasury
ent mother, such widow inl ohi(l or chilhren ll]d dependent I)Departniit vii) nity he iletilled io conduct such ilvestiga-
motlhr shall lie entitled to receive Ii equal portions, diuring a (Ion, or to exitanllie ini ally alleged Iieonltetency or lliscon-
period of two years, under such regulitions as the Secretary duct of fiiy of the officers or eiloyees of the Coast Guard,
of the Treasury inny prescrblhe, the ,;aint al11lilt, lpayalle shall have aulhority to adinisler fill on(lIi (o fifiy witness
quarterly as far is practicable, thiat the husi und or father or attending to t esty or depose Ii (lie course of siuh investl-
son N ould lie entitled to receive as pay if lie were ailve and gt on. (June 113, 1878, e. 215, § ), 20 Stitt. 1(61.)
coiitiiiued In the service: Providd, That if Ilie widow shall 112. Ammunition for Lyle guit and repair of apparatus at
remarry at any time during he sil two years her portion of station on Farallone Islands.-The Secretary of the Treiisury
satid amount shall ecilse to ie piaid to her fron tie date of her Is auithorized to furnish iiinnuttnion for lhe Lyle guf, placed
remarriage, Ilit shall he lidded ti the ainount to be pald to ut tie Faralhie Islinii,. off the coast of Califori, ilid
the ionii iiliig I eneficiries ulnder fli provisions of this section, iimiake rellai's to tlhe* alilil nttls fron tlile to tiiie is ietces-
if there be fiiiy; and if any ohlhd sliall arrive at thle ige of s:iry. (May 30, 1908, C. 231, § 1, 35 Stat. 553.)
sixteen years (luring the Fold1 two years, the potionI of sulh
child shill cease to Ihe- lhl to such child froi the dite on
which such ane shall beit allied, but siill ie added to the 121. Parl wid llo] tin-4ll'
gen lllly.

aioult to be lil( to tile remalnihg i eneichries, if ihere be

any; (AMy 4, 1882, c. 117, § 8, 22 Stat. 57; Mar. 26, 1008, e. 99, 123. 1I ltrktll pnlo ittlidvl it h pay till lliol iWi .
§ 3. ,35 Stat. 46; Jan. 28, 1915, c. 20, :18 Sial. 801.) 121. I'10il In.ittiiciolsti pay nd1111iliwiile.i.
1' rr05.
il liaan a ilowiace-i.
107. Transfer of books from Treasury Department library 126 Tla'iieloli [on iV l i -,,\'liii'| vo' il'lis.
for use at stations.-That the Secretary of the Treasury he, and 127. Hiink, pay, or alhowntes Uafiioto"id by Act of .]lalliiliry 12, 1923,
ie Is hereby, authorized, Ii his d iscretion, to transfer, front c. 25.
12S. OtllcerH' , 3 aceloIInis; vellhii,iioii.
tiie to lite, front the Trreasury l)ep:iriiivnt library to the 121i. Allotilent of
Coast Guard stations of the United States, such books as in
his juigient iutly lIe no longer needed for use In said library. Section 121. Pay and allowances generally.-Connitisioned
(Dec. 11, 1908, e. 1, 35 Stilt. 581.) oflcers, warriilit (tlicer4, ltty offilers, ai.,h other enlisted inli
of the Coast Guhard shall receive the same 1ay, allowiilies,
108. Sale of condeaned articles, etc.-The Secretary of the
aidilinc'el as now tire,itereil irei,
its or hereafter iniy lie pre-
Treasury is hereby authorized to dislose of, to the best advian- scribed for
corre.slondhiig grades or rinthigs and lengl itof serv-
tage, after du condeiimtion by board of survey, such articles
Ice Ill tiie Navy. And thiy it-e entitled li lh lihey and :il-
or niaterils belonging to the Coast Guard stations as tMay, lowaiees
its provideil if Tilli 37, PAY ANi) AL.LOWANCFs. (ily
from long continuod use or other cal':ie, becote uiiserviceable.
18, 1920, c. 190, § 8, 41 Stat. 61i3 ; June 10, 11)22, c. 212, 42
(June 20, 1874, e. 34t, § ), 18 Stat. 127.)
Stat. 625-633.)
* 109. Disposition of proceeds of sale.-All itioney received 122. Constructor; pay and allowances.-A colnstructlor, after
front the sale of ol stations and equipnents and other itatc- tellyears' oininiissimied service ti the levenue (iltelr Service
rini condeined by a board of survey its tnserviceable may lie and Coast Guii'id, shall have he rank, pity, aliii iillow\anoes of
expendeil In relidhing or hnproving and equipping stations. a itelteliantt colmanilder, aid fitter twenty years' 0oniilisslned
(June 18, 1878, c. 265, § 3, 20 Stiit. 103.) servvec the ranllk, piay, find alh)Waillees of a1 eoiiillll]ile r. (lil

110. Compensation of volunteer crews and volunteers; du- 12, 11)231,c.25, § 2, 42 Stitt. 1130.)
ties.-'-The compensation of the enrolled iembers of volunteer 123. District superintendents; pay aud allowances.-lihe
crews of lifeboat stations, Coast Guard, is extended to occi- senior district superhilendent, the three district suplerintendents
sions of actual and deserviig selvice at fifty shipwreck, or ii next I llrder of siority, tile four distr'it suelleriiidns
the relief of anfy vessel lit distress, and such persons as may liext iew lwhese threeili order of senhioity, iiiii ( jilliior
volunteer to take the place of any absent or disaled enrolled live dlistrict superniteidenits shall haviie the i itk,1y, find
members of a crew, and who shall be accepted i)y the keeper, allowiliceos of Ieliteniniit coiiander, lIll t ill, lletilcnilit
may lie paid therefor, tin the discretion of the Secretary of (jlinhr grade), inid eilsignii the ('oaust ( iuird, resiectively.
the Treasury, a sum not to exceed $8 each on every stch (Miy 18, 11)21), c. 110, § 8, I Stalt. 60:1.)
occasion: Provided, That all crews and volunteers who may 124. Civil instructors; pay and allowances.-The Seret'ary
be present at a wreck siall be required to use their utmiiost of the Triietiry Is auo
iorized to emliiy two elviltill I.sli'lii-
endeavors to save life and properly care for the bodies tors Ill tile Coast Gua11rd, one titit salariy of $2,0001 pecriinnuil
of such as may perish, and, when such efforts are no loiger and one lit it sahiry ut' $1,80)0 per annulii.
necessary, to save property and protect the sante, under the A elvilll I iistrulet0' ill Ihit Coast G uard, oft er ive 3viyears'
direction of the senior k,,elter present or of the superinlend- service is such, shall have the ity "id aiiow tli's ot it
ent of the district, until the arrival of persons legally licuteialit (junior grade), ind after tell yeiirs of suih servici
authorized to take charge; and for the tliiie employed In so shall have tile pay aiid aillowialicei of i lieiinit i Ihie'
saving and protecting property volunteers shall be entitled to Guard. (June 23, 11111, e. 3520, § 4, 34 Stilt. '53;1 July 1.
compensation not to exceed $3 per day each, lu the discretion 1918, c. 113, § 1, 40 Stat. 04O.)
§ 125 TITLE 14.-OA9T GUARD

125. Surgeon; pay and allowances.-A surgeon, with the rank third day: Providcd, That all punishments Inflicted by the
of lieutenant, after fifteen years' service in the Coast Guard commander or by his order, except reprimand, shall be fully'
shall have the pay and allowances of. a lieutenant commander. entered upon the ship's log. (May 26, 1906, c. 2550, § 2, 34
(Apr. 16, 1908, e. 145, § 7, 35 Stat. 02.) Stat. 200.)
126. Travel on Government-owned vessels.-Officers of the 143. Coast Guard courts; composition; jurisdiction as to
Coast Guard performing travel by Government-owned vessels crimes and punishment; approval of sentence by President or
for which no transportation fare is charged shall only be Secretary of Treasury.-Offeises against the discipline of the
entitled to reimbursement of actual and necessary expenses Coast Guard too grave hi character to be adequately dealt
Incurred. (Jan. 22, 1925, e. 87, Title I, 43 Stat. 772.) with directly by the commanding officer, as hereinbefore pro-
127. Rank, pay, or allowances unaffected by Act of January vided, may be punished by Coast Guard courts, to bV convened
12, 1923, c. 25.-Nothing contained in this title, sections 10, 11, by or under the direction of the Secretary of time Treasury.
12, and 18, shall be construed to reduce the rank, pay, or Such courts shall consist of not less than three commissioned
allowances of any commissioned officer of the Coast Guard as officers of the Coast Guard, and slall, under rules approved
provided by law prior to January 12, 1923. (Jan. 12, 1923, by the Secretary of the Treasury, be governed in their organi-
c. 25, § 5, 42 Stat. 1131.) zation and procedure substantially in accordance with naval
128. Officers' pay accounts; verification.-It shall not be nec- courts, but the jurisdiction of Coast Guard courts shall be
essary for any coninksioned officer of the Coast Guard to limited to the following offenses, nalely: Disobeying lawful
make oath to his pay accounts. (June 23, 1906, c. 3520, § 5, order of superior officer, refuing to obey lawful order of
34 Stat. 453.) superior officer; striking, assaulting, or atteipting or threat-
129. Allotment of pay.-The Secretary of the Treasury is ening to strike or assault a superior officer while in tile execu-
authorized to permit officers and others of the Coast Guard to tion of the duties of his office; drunkenness on duty; drunken-
nmake allotments from their pay, under such regulations as ness; gambling; misappropriation of mess funds; misuse of
he may prescribe, for the support of their families or rela- Government property or supplies; fraudulently signing
tives, for their own savings, ar for other proper purposes, vouchers; theft in an amount under $100; scandalous conduct
during such time as they may be absent at sea, .on distant lending to the destruction of good morals; desertion; absence
fluty, or under other circunstances warranting such action. front dity without leave or after leave has expired; neglect of
(June 11, 1896, c. 420, § 1, 29 Stat. .121.) (luty ; conluet unbecoming all officer and a gentlemntai ; lallcious
or willful destructfon of public property ; aiding or enticing others
Chapter 5.-OFFENSES OF OFFICEHS AND ENLISTED to desert; smuggling liquor on board a vessel of the Colast
Guird; cruelty toward or oppression or maltreatment of ally
heC. stibolinate person in the service; using obscene or abusive
141. " Deck cote is." language; violating or refusing obedience to tny lawful order
142. Limitation to punishment by colon iod,r of vessel. or regulation issued by the Secretary of the Treasury.or the
113. Coast Guard courts; composition; jurisdiction as to crimes and
uniahunent; approval of sentence by President or Secretary of President. Such courts shall have power to impose upon a
Treasury. comnissioned officer none other than tile following punish-
144. Offenses not within Jurisdiction of Coast Guard tribunals; turn- ments, namely: Sumnniry dismissal front the service; suspen-
Ing offenders over to civil courts. sion from duty fori a period of two years or aly part thereof
145. Concurrent Jvrisdleton of civil courts; turning over offenders. upon reduced pay, which shall ii no case be less than one-
146. Place of Imprisonment.
147. Deserters; arrest ; rewards ; reenlistinent. half nor more than three-fourths of the duty. pay of such
officer; reduction of rank in his own grade; retention of his
Section 141. "Deck courts."-" )eck courts," to consist of present number on the officihl register for a specified tine;
one commissioned officer only, may be ordered by or under the Imprisonment for a period not to exceed twt yearb;
direction of the Secretary of the Treasury for the trial of official reprimand. The only punishments that may be ha-
enlisted men in the Coast Guard for minor offenses now triable posed by such courts upon any person in the Coast Guard-
by Coast Guard courts; and said courts shall be governed in other thian a commissioned officer shall be the following,
their organization and procedure substantially in accordance namely: Dishonorable discharge; forfeiture of not to exceed
with naval "deck courts," and shall have the same power to two months' pay; Iprisonnent on land for a period not to
impose punishment. (June 5, 1920, c. 235, § 1, 41 Stat. 880.) exceed one year; confinement aboard ship not to exceed, one
142. Limitation to punishment by commander of vessel.-No month; confinement in single irons, oil bread and wate,', or
commander of a vessel of the Coast Guard shall Inflict upon on diminished rations, not exceeding thirty days, but a fall
any conmissioned or warrant officer under his coniniand any ration shall in all cases be given at least every third day;
other putirshment than private reprimand, suspension froni confinement inI single Irons; reduction to next inferior rating;
duty, arrest, or coifinienmit, and such suspension, ar- deprivation of liberty for a period not to exceed three months;
rest, or confinement shall not continue longer than tell extra duties, and tle imnposing of these punislunent.s will be
days, unless a further period be necessary to bring the offender regulated in accordance with rules prescribed by the Secretary
to trial; nor shall lie Inflict or cause to be inflicted upon any of the Treasury. A commissioned officer of the said service
oitlier person und(er his coniniand for a single offense, or at may e designated by tihe convening authority as official prose-
any one time, ainy other punisbment than confinement, with cuter to prosecute the cas6 in th interest of the Government,
or without single Ire-, 'r board ship; confinement, ol bread and whose general powers and duties will be prescribed by
and water, with or without single irons, on board ship; dep- the Secretary of the Treasury. The proceedings, flndings, and
rivation of liberty on shore for a period not exceeding three sentences of Coast Guard courts shall be subject to review by
months; extra duties, and, in case of absence without leave the Secretary of the Treasury, as the convening authority, and
falling short of desertion, forfeiture of two days' pay for each the records of such courts shall be filed in the division of
day of unauthorized absence: Providcd, That such confinement Coast Guard, Treasury Department, and no sentence of such
shall not continue longer than tea days, unless further con- court shall be carried into effect until approved by the said
finormnt b necessaly to Lh-rini the offender to trial, and, Secretary: Provided,Thai in the case of a commissioned officer
when on bread and water, a full ration shall be served every, a sentence of dismissal shall not be carried into effect until ap-

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