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349 2ITLH 14.

-OA82T GUARD § 206

in resculng and succoring the shipwrecked, and-saving persons be entitled to revert to such grade or rating. Service under.
from drowning,,as, In his opinion, shall merit such recognition. any suel temporary appointment shall he included in deter-
(June 18, 1878, c. 205, § 12, 20 Stat. 165.) mining length' of service as a warrant ollcer or enlisted man.
195. Additional tokens of honor for repeated acts of hero- (Apr. 21, 1924, c. 130, § 4, 43 Stat. 105.)
ism.-The life-saving medals of the first and second class au- 202. Temporary promotion of permanent officers; effect of,
thorized by the second preceding section shall be designated as promotion oi permanent commission and retirement rights.-
the gold and silver life-saving medal respectively, and any per- Permanent commissioned ollcers of the Coast Guard many be
son who lizs received or may hereafter receive either of said given temliorary promotion in order of senlo'lty and without
medals under the provisions of either of the two preceding sec- examination, to fill any such temporary grades. Notwithstand-
ti,ns, and who slall again perform an act which would entitle Ing such temporary promotion, any such officer shall con-
limi to a nmdal of the same class under said provisions, shall re- timue to hold is lernanent commission and1 shall be advanced
coive, and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized In lineal rank, promoted, and retired in the sane manner its
to award, In lieu of a second medal, a bar, sultably inscribed, though no provision for temporary officers had been made by
of the same metal as the medal to which said person would be law. (Apr. 21, 1921, c. 130, § 3, 43 Stat. 105.)
entitled, to be attached to a ribbon of such description as the 203. Appointment of temnporary officers authorized; pay and
Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, which may be fasitened allowances; retirement rights.- (a) The President is author-
to the medal already bestowed upon sail person; and for every ized to appoint, by and with tie advice and consent of the
such additional act an additional bar may be added. And the Senate, the following temporary officers of the Coast Guard:
SecretOry of tie Treasury is herebi authorized, in his dis- Two captains, ten commanders, twenty-live lieutenant com-
cretion, whenever any person becomes entitled to a bar repre- manders, f,,rty-elght lieutenants, ail forty-two lieutenants
senting a gold medal, to award him, in addition to sail liar, (Junior grade) and ensigns, of the line; and live commanders,
such token its it is customary to award In acknowledgment of eleven lieut,.imant comnalnders, ninteee lieutenant s, and forty
the services of masters and crews of foreign vessels in rescu- lieutenants (Junior grade) and ensigns, of the Engineer Corps.
Ing American citizens froni shipwreck. (May 4, 1882, c. 117 § 9, (b) Such temporary officers while in service shmll receive
22 Stat. 57.) the smne pay, allowances, and benefits as permanent conlinis-
196.'Bestowal of medal on person other than member of sioned officers of the Coast Guard of correslondling grade antd
Coast Guard.-So much of the tlree preceding sections as pro- length of service, except that no such officer shall be entitled
vide for the award of life-saving medals shall be construed so to retirement because of Is temporary commission.
as to empower the Secretary of the Treasury to bestow such (c) Temporary appointments shall continue until the Presi-
medals upon persons making signal exertions in rescuing and dent otherwise directs or Congress otherwi provides. (Apr,
succoring the shipwrecked and saving persons front drowning 21, 1924, e. 130, § 2, 43 Stat. 105.)
in the waters over which the United States has jurisdiction, 204. Special list of temporary officers; promotions, reduc-
whether the sai persons making such exertions were or were tions, and dismissals.-The names of all persons appointed
not members of the Coast Guard, or whether or not such exer- under the preceding section shall be placed upon a special
tions were made in the vicinity of a Const Guard station. (Jan. list of temp)orary officers, its (listinguished from the list of
21, 1897, c. 83, 29 Stat. 494.) permanent officers, of the Coast Guard. The President Is au-
thorized, without regard to length of service or seniority,
to promote to grades not above lieutenant, in the line or
Sec. Engineer Corps, or to reduce officers on such special list,
201. General quallficatlons for appointment ns temporary commissioned within the number specified for each grade, and l may, liu
202. Temporary promotion of permanent officers ;' effect of promotion his discretion, call for the resignation of, or dismiss, any such
on permanent commission and retirement rights. officer for unfitness or mnisconduct. (Apr. 21, 1924, c. 130,
203. Appointment of temporary officers authorized; pay and allow- § 4, 43 Stat. 105.)
ances; retirement rglts. 205. Appointment of temporary chief warrant officers; pay
204. Special list of temporary officers; promotions, reductions, and dis.
missals. and allowances; retirement rights.-(a) Umler such regula-
205. Appointment of temporary chief warrant officers ; pay and allow- tions as lie ,nay prescribe, the President is authorized to ap)-
ance4; retirement rights. point, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate,
200. Appointment of temporary warrant officers and temporary enlist-
ments; retirement length of service rights. twenty-five temporary chief warrant otilcers of the Coast
207. Temporary appointments from naval reserve; effect on status; Guard from the permanent list of warrant officers of tho
pay. Coast Guard.
208. Rights of permanent personnel unaffected. (b) Such chief warrant officers shall receive the sane pay,
Section 201. General qualifications for appointment as tem- allowances, and benefits as commissioned warrant officers of
porary commissioned officers.-(a) All original temporary ap- the Navy, except that any such offleer shall contintae to hold
pointments shall lie made in grades not above that of lieuten- his permanent grade, and shall be retired in the snine manner
ant, in the line or the Engineer Corps, and shall be made only as though no provision had been made for lemporary ciilef
ifter the candidate has satisfactorily passed such examinations warrant officers. (Apr. 21, 1924, c. 130, § 5, 43 Stat. 100.)
as the President may prescribe. No person shall be given an 206. Appointment of temporary warrant officers and tem-
original temporary appointment who Is nmore than forty years porary enlistments; retirement length of service rights.-(a)
of age. Under such regulations its he may prescribe, the Secretary of
S(b) Any warrant officer or enlisted'man of the permanent the Treasury Is authorized to appoint temporary warrant oill-
Coast Guard may be given an original temporary qppointment, cers, and to make special temporary enlistmnts, In the Coast
under such regulations as the President may prescribe, and Guard. No person shall he entitled to retirement because of
without reduction in pay or allowances. Notwithstanding such his temporary appointment or enlistment under this section.
temporary appointment, any such warrant officer or enlisted (b) Any enlisted man in the pernianent Coast Guard nmy be
nnan shall be entitled to retirement li the same manner as appointed as a temporary warrant officer. Notwithstanding
Ihough he had continued to hold his peramanent grade or rating, such temporary appointment, any such enlisted nian shul be
avid upon the termination of such temporary appointment shall entitled to retirenient In the same manner as though lie had

continued to hold his permanent rating, and upon the termina- members of the Naval Reserve shall not be entitled to retainer
tion of such temporary appointment shall be entitled to revert pay or any other special privileges by reason of their former
to such rating. Service under any such tempoiary appoint- servicoin the Navy or Naval Reserve, except that service In
ment shall be included in determining length of service as an the Cast Guard may bo counted as service In the Naval Re-
.enlisted man. (Apr. 21, 1924, c. 130, § 0, 43 Stat. 100.) serve. (Apr. 21, 1924, e. 130, § 7, 43 Stat. 100.)
207. Temporary appointments from naval reserve; effect on 208. Rights of. permanent personnel unaffected.-Nothihg
status; pay.--The temporary appointment of any member of contained in the preceding sections 201 to 207 of this chapter
the Naval Reserve to an enlisted, warrant or commissioned shall operate to reduce the grade, rank, pay, allowances, or
grade in the Coast Guard shall not prejudice his status in the benefits that any person in the Coast Guard would have been
Naval Reserve when his temporary service in the Coast Guard entitled to if such sections had not become law. (Apr. 21, 1924,
shall have terminated. While serving with the Coast Guard c. 130, § 8, 43 Stat. 100.)








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