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U6Y § 44
Injuries to the person or property of another, or for alimony after the last day on which pleadings may be filed, anid none
due or to become (dife, or for inalntenanee or support of wife or have been filed by the bankrupt or any of his creditors, the
child, or for seduction of tn unmarried female, or for breach clerk shall forthwith refer tile case to tilte referee.
of promise of marriage accompanled by seduction, or for crihi- (g) Upon the filing of a voltntary petlitio the judge sh1all
nal conversation ; (third) have not been duly scheduled In time hear the petition and miake tile adJudlclion01or dislilss tlc PC-
for proof and allowance, with the name of the creditor, if titiloIl. If tile judge is absent from tile dib;trIct, or- the dlivisio
known to the bankrupt, unless such creditor had notice or of tile district in 1lch tile lletitlon is filed fit tile tie of the
actual knowledge of the proceedings ilibankruptcy ; or (fourth) filing, tie clerk shllll fortlhwith refer tile ase to tiie referee.
were created by his fraud, embezzlemnt, mlsapproprlation, or (July 1, 1898, c. 541, § 18, 30 Stat. 551; Feb. 5, 1903, c. 487,
defalcation while acting as an officer or in tny fiduciary 00, :12 Stat. 798.)
capaclty; or (fifth) are for wages duu to worknm, clerks, 42. Jury trials.-(a) A person against whom nit ilvollitlry
traveling or city salesmen, or servants, which have been carnied petition has been illd shall be entitled to h:ve u trial by
wIthin three months before the date of commencement of the jury, in respect to tie questiloll of Ils lllsolvmicy, except as
proceeliugs In bankruptcy; or (sixth) are due for moneys of holvela otherwise proviled, find aiy act of Iankruptcy aileged
an employee received or retained by his eml)loyer to secure the in such petition to have been conlitted, upon filing is written
faithful performance by such employee of the terms of a con- alicatlion therefor at or before tie tline within wilicih lilt
tract of employment. (July 1, 1898, c. 541, § 17, 30 Stat. 550; -lliswer lly be filed. If stici application is not flied within
Feb. 5, 1903, c. 487, § 5, 32 Stat. 71?8; Mar. 2, 1917, c. 153, 39 such time, a trial )y jury 1hll be deemed to have been wNaived.
Stit. 099; Jan. 7, 1122, c. 22, 42 Stat. 354.) (b) If a jury is nlot in attendance upon the court, one fully
lIe specially summnoned for the trill, or the case may be lost-
See. (c) Tile right to submit matters Ill controversy, or an oh-
41. Process. pleading", told adjudlntlons. leged oflense under tile lrovisions of this title, to it jury shall
42. Jury IIlals.
4:3. Ouths, affirinations. be determlined lnd enjoyed, except as provihled it tlis title,
44. Evideice. according to the United States laws in force In relation to trials
4 5o.Re'ference after adJudleathon. by jury. (July 1, 1898, c. 541, § 19, 30 Stat. 551; Mar. 3, 1011, c.
10. Juridilction; United States and State courts.
2:11, § 289, 3 Stat. 1167.)
47. Slae; appellate jurisdiction.
418. Appeals and writs of error. 43, Oaths, afirirations.-(a) Oaths required by this title,
411. Arbitration. except upon iearings ill court, may be admuinistered biy (1)
50. Compromi ses. referees; (2) officers authorized to adlinister oatlis Ill proceed-
51,. )eslginlon of newspapers. ings before the courts of the United States, or under tile
52. Offenises.
53. Rules, forms, and orders. laws of tile State where the same are to be taken; and (3)
54. Computatln of tine. diplonntic or consular officers of tile United States Ill ally
55. Transfer of eases. foreign country.
Section 41. Process, pleadings, and adjudications.-(a) Upon (h) Any person conscientiously opposeId to taking fn oath
the filing of a petition for involuntary bankruptcy, service may, in lieu thereof, atlirm. Any person who shall athiri
thereof, with a .wrjt of sublena, shall be made upon the ierson flsely sll be Inished as for the making of a false oati.
therein named as defendant ill tile same manner that service of (July 1, 1898, e. 541, § 20, 30 Stat. 551.)
such pi ocess was had on July 1, 1898, upon the commencement 44. Evidence.- (a) A court of bankruptcy lnaty, upon1 alpll-
of a stilt in equity in the courts of the United Slates, except cation of ally officer, banklilt, or creditor, by order require
that It shall be returnable within fifteen days, unless the judge any designated person, Including the hankrupt find his wife,
slall for cause fix a longer time; but in case personal service to appear ill court or before a referee or the judge of any
can not be made, then notice shall be given by publication in Slate court, to le examined concerning the acts, conduct, or
the sane manner and for the sane time as provided by law prolpiry of a bankrupt whose estate is il pro'es of niihils-
for notice by publication in sults to enforce a legal or equit- tration iunder the provisions of this title. The wife fully be
able lien in courts of the United States, except that, unless the examined only touching business transacted by her or to whibh
judge shall otherwise direct, the order shall be published not she is a party, and to determine the fact whether she hts
more thn once a week for two consecutive weeks, and the re- transacted or been a party to fifty business of the bankrupt.
turn day shall be tea days after the last 1publicltion unles., (b) The right to take depositions in proceedings under
the judge shall for cause fix a longer time. thislitle shall be (letermlined ind enjoyed accordig to tile
(b) The bankrupt, or fifty creditor, may appear and plead United States laws ilt force relating to tile taking of dllosi-
to the petition within five days after the return day, or within 1iolls, except as heren provlide(l.
such further time is tile court fnly allow. (c) Notice of the takilg of deplositlons shall be filed with
(c) All lpleadings sett'ing up matters of fact shall be verified file referee In every case. When depositions are to be titeni
under oath. il opposition to tile allowance (f at claha notice slall also
(d) If the bankrupt, or ainy of hli creditors, shall appear, iie served upoln tile claimant, ind when Iin opposition to a
wilthif the (line limited, and controvert the facts alleged hi discharge notice shalt also be served upon tile bankrupt.
the petition, the judge shall deternilne, as soon as may le, the (d) Certiled copies of proceedings before a referee, or of
issues presented by the pleadings, without the intervention of papers, when issued by the clerk at referee, shall be admitted
a jury, except in cases where a jury trial is given by the pro- as evidence with like force and effect a1-, certified copies of
visions of this title, in( make tile adjudication or dismiss the records of district courts of the United Stateq tire admitted
file petition. as evidence.
(e) If on the last day wthia which plea'lings miay be filed (e) A certified copy of the order aipprevilg the bond of a
none are filed by the bankrupt or any of his creditors, the trustee shall constitute concuisive evhlice of the vest ing ill
judge shall ol the next day, if present, or ans soon thereafter as 1111 of the title to tile properly of the Inkrupt, amid if re-
practicable, make the adjudication or dismiss the petition. corded shall impart tile same notice til a deed fromi the bank-
(f) If the judge Is absent from the district, or the division rupt to the trustee if recorded would have Ilmarted had not
of tie district Ili which the petition Is pendlig, oi tha next day bankruptcy proceedings Intervened.
§ 45 '12'LB 11.-BANKRUPTOY

(f) A certified copy of an order confirming or setting aside adjudging or refusing to adjudge the defendant a bankrupt;
a composition, or granting or setting aside a discharge, not (2) from a judgment granting or denying a discharge; and
revoked, shall be evidence of the Jurisdiction of the court, the (3) from a judgnmext allowing or rejecting a debt or claim of
regularity of the proceedings, and of the fact that the order $500 or over. Such appeal shall be taken within ten days after
was made. the judgment appealed from has been rendered, and may be
(g) A certified copy of an order confirming a composition heard and determined by the appellate court in term or vaca-
shall constitute evidence of the revesting of the title of his tion, as the case may be.
property in the bankrupt, and if recorded shall impart the same (b) Trustees shall not be required to give bond when they
notice that a deed from the trustee to the bankrupt if recorded take appeals or sue out writs of error.
would Impart. (July 1, 1898, c. 541, § 21, 80 Stat. 551; Feb. (c) Controversies may be certified to the Supreme Court
r, 1903, c. 487, 1 7, 82 Stat. 798.) of the United States from other courts of the United States,
45. Reference after adjudication.-,(a) After a person has and the former court may exercise jurisdiction thereof and
been adjudged a bankrupt the judge may cause the trustee to Issue writs of ceitiorari pursuant to the provisions of the
proceed with the administration of the estate, or refer it (1) United States laws in force on July 1, 1898, or such as may be
generally to the referee or specially with only limited authority thereafter enacted. (July 1, 1898, c. 541, § 25, 30 Stat. 553;
to act in the premises or to consider and report upon specified Feb. 13, 1925, c. 229, §§ 1, 13, 43 Stat. 930, 0.1.)
issues; or (2) to any referee within the territorial jurisdic- 49. Arbitration.-(a) The trustee may, pursuant to the direc-
tion of the court, if the convenience of parties in interest will tion of the court, submit to arbitration any controversy arising
be served thereby, or for cause, or if the bankrupt does not in the settlement of the estate.
do business, reside, or have his domicile in the district. (b) Three arbitrators shall be chosen by mutual consent, or
(b) The judge may, at any time, for the convenience of one by the trustee, one by the other party to te controversy,
parties or for cause, transfer a case from one referee to an- and the third by the Iwo so chosen, or if they fall to agree in
other. (July 1, 1898, c. 541, § 22, 30 Stat. 552.) five days after their appointment the court shall appoint the
46. Jurisdiction; United States and State courts.-(a) The third arbitrator.
United States district courts shall have jurisdiqtion of all con- (c) The written finding of the arbitrators, or a majority
troversies at law and In equity, as distinguished from proceed- of them, as to the issues presented, may be filed in court and
ings in bankruptcy, between trustees as such and adverse shall have like force and effect as the verdict of a jury. (July
claimants concerning the property acquired or claimed by the 1, 1898, c. 541, § 26, 30 Stat. 553.)
trustees, in the same manner and to the same extent only as 50. Compromises.--Tie trustee may, with tie approval of
though bankruptcy proceedings had not been instituted and the court, compromise any controversy arising lit the admins-
such controversies had been between the bankrupts and such tration of the estate upon such terms as he may deem for
adverse claimants. the best interests of the estate. (July 1, 1898, c. 541, § 27,
(b) Suits by the trustee shall only be brought or prosecuted 30 Stat. 553.)
in the courts where the bankrupt, whose estate s being ad- 51. Designation of newspapers.-Courts of bankruptcy shall
ministered by such trustee, might have brought or prosecuted by order designate a newspaper published within their respec-
them if proceedings in bankruptcy had not been instituted, tive territorial districts, and in tile county in which the bank-
unless by consent of the proposed defendant, except suits for rupt resides or the major part of his property is situated, in
the recovery of property under section 90, subdivision b, of which notices required to be published by tiis title and orders
this title; section 107, subdivision e, of this title; and section which the court may direct to be published shall be inserted.
110, subdivision e, of this title. (July 1, 1898, c. 541, 23, Any court may in a particular case, for the convenience of
30 Stat. 552; Feb. 5, 1903, c. 487, § 8, 82 Stat. 708; June 25, parties in interest, designate some additional newspaper in
1910, e. 412, 9 7, 36 Stat. 840.) which notices and orders in such case shall be published.
47. Same; appellate jurisdiction.-(a) The circuit courts of (July 1, 1898, c. 541, § 28, 80 Stat. 554.)
appeals of the United States, and the supreme courts of the 52. Offenses.-(a) A person shall be punisied, by imprison-
Territories, in vacation in chambers and during their respective meat for a period not to exceed five years, upon conviction of
terms are invested with appellate jurisdiction of controversies the offense of having knowingly and fraudulently
arising In bankruptcy proceedings from the courts of bank- ated to ills own use, embezzled, spent, or unlawfully trans.
ruptcy from which they have appellate jurisdiction in other ferred any property or secreted or destroyed any document
cases. belonging to a bankrupt estate which came into Ills charge
(b) The several circuit courts of appeals shall have jurisdic- as trustee.
tion in equity, either interlocutory or final, to superintend and (b) A person shall be punished, by imprisonnment for a
revise in matter of law the proceedings of the several inferi r period not to exceed two years, upon conviction
of the offense
courts of bankruptcy within their jurisdiction. Such power of having knowingly and fraudulently (1) concealed while a
shall be exercised on due notice and petition by any party bankrupt, or after Ills discharge, front his trustee any of the
aggrieved. property belolging to his estate in bankruptcy; or (2) made a
(e) The Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia shall false oath or account in, or in relation to, any proceeding in
have the same appellate and supervisory jurisdiction over pro- bankruptcy; (3) presented under oath any false clain for
ceedings, controversies, and cases in bankruptcy in the District. proof against the estate of a bankrupt, or used any such claim
of Columbia that a circuit court of appeals has over such !n composition personally or by agent, proxy, or attorney, or
proceedings, controversies, and cases within its circuit and as agent, proxy, or attorney; or (4) received any material
shall exercise that jurisdiction in the same manner as a cir- anount of property from a bankrupt after the filing of the
cuit court of appeals is required to exercise it. (July 1, 1898, petition, with intent to defeat the provisions of this title; or (5)
c. 541, § 24, 80 Stat. 553; Feb. 13, 1925, c. 229, 9§ 1, 5, 13, extorted or attempted to extort any money or property from
43 Stat. 930, 937, 941.) any person as a consideration for acting or forbearing to act
48. Appeals and writs of error.-(a) Appeals, as in equity in bankruptcy proceedings.
cases, may be taken in bankruptcy proceedings from the courts (c) A person shall be punished by fine, not to exceed $500,
of bankruptcy to the circuit court of appeals of the United and forfeit his office, and the same
small thereupon become
States, in the following cases, to wit, (1) from a judgment vacant, upon conviction
of the offense of having knowingly
(1) acted nas n referee In a case In which lie Is directly or In- petent to perform teli
duties of that office ; (2) not holding any
directly interested ; or (2) purcihsed, while a referee, directly office of profit or emnolument under the laws of the United
or Indirectly, any property of the estate In bankruptcy of States or of inty State other than comimissioners of (leeds,
which lie is referee; or (3) refused, while it referee or trustee, Justices of the peace, musters In chancery, or notarles public;
to pernilt it reasonable opportunity for the Inspection of the (3) not related by consangulllity or affinity, wIllihi the third
accounts relating to the affairs of, fnd the papers and records degree as determined by the common W.,N.,to any of the judges
of, estatei in his charge by parties in interest when directed of the courts of bankr-uptcy, or of the jimlees or judges of the
by the court so to (1o. alpllato courts of the dlislrlcts wherein lhey may be appoilted ;
(d) A person shall not be prosecuted for ay offense aris- and (4) residents of, or have their offices In, the territor,al
ing under this title unless the Indictment Is found or the In- districts for which they are to be alpointed. (July 1, 18018,
formation Is filed hi court within one year after the conmis- 511, § 35, 30 Stat. 555.)
slon of the offense. (July 1, 1898, c. 541, § 29, 30 Stat. 554.) 64. Same; onths.-l*ft, rees shall tfae tile san11e onth of ofice
53. Rules, forms, and orders.-All necessary rules, forms, itsthat ptescril)ed for judges of United States courts. (July 1,
and orders its to procedure and for c',rrylng the lrovIslons of 1b9S, c. 511, § 36, 30 Stat. 555.)
this title Into force and effect shall he prescribed, and may 65. Same; number.-Such numl)er of i-eferee.i shall he ap-
be aniended froim time to time, by the Supreme Court of the pointed as flly be necessary to assist In expeditiously transact-
United States. (July 1, 1898, c. 541, § 30, 30 Stat. 551.) lIg the bankruptcy business pending hi the various courts of
54. Computation of time.-Whenever time Is enumnerated by bIankruptey. (.July 1, 1898, c. 511, § 37, 30 Stat. 551.)
days Ili this title, or in any proceeding iln bankruptcy, the 66. Same; jurisdiction.-teferees respeclivel- ire Ivested,
number of days shall he computed hI excluding the first and subject always to a review by tile judge, within the limits
including the last, unless the last fall on a Sunday or holi- of their districts as establlled from tini toie, with
day, Ii whlici event the day last Included shall be the next jurisdiction to (1) consier all petitions referred to tlu'n by
day thereafter which is not a Sunday or t legal holiday. the clerks and make tile adjudications or dismiss Oe petitions;
(July 1, 1808, c. 541, § 31, 30 Stat. 554.) (2) exercise the powers vested In courts of bilrulltcy for the
55. Transfer of cases.-I the event petitions are filed IIliflisteig of oaths to and the exai lnatlon of persons is
against the saine person, or against different members of a witnesses and for requlring the production of dollllents ill pro-
lartnershiip, in different courts of hnnkruptcy each of which ceedings before Ihen, except the power of comniiltnmeat; (3)
has jurisdiction, the cases shall be transferred, by order of exercise the powers of the judge for the taking possession find
the courts relinquishing jurisdiction, to and be consolidated by releasing of the property of the bankrupt li the event of the
the one of such courts which can proceed with the same for Issuance by the clerk of a certificate showing the absence of it
the greatest convenience of parties li interest. (July 1, julge from the Judicial district, or tie ilivision of the district,
1898, c. 541, § 32, 30 Stat. 554.) or his sickness, or inaldlity to act; (4) lerform such alrt of
Chapter 5.-OF[ICERS, THEIR DUTIES AND COMPEN- the duties, except as to questions arising out of the applications
SATION. of bankrupts for compositions or discharges, itsare by Nhis
title conferred on court, of bankruptcy anl as shall be prp-
61. Crentlon of two offlces. scribed by rules or orders of the courts of bankruptcy of their
62. Iteferees; appointment, removal, and districts of. respective districts, except as herein otherwise proviled; find
63. Same ; qualifications. (5) upon the appllcation of the trustee during the examination
64. Same; oaths. of the bankrupts, or other proceedings, authorize the emlllly-
65. Same; number.
66. Same; Jurlslctlon. ment of stenographers at tile expense of the estates litit colil-
67. Same; duties. pensation not to exceed 10 cents per folio for reportlng and
68. Same; compensation. transcribing the proceedilngs. (July 1, 1898, c. 511, § 38, 30
(1(1.Same; contempts before.
Stat. 555.)
70. Same; records.
71. Same; absence or disability. 67. Same; duties.-(a) Referees shall (1) declare divilels
72. Traster-s ; allointinent. lind1prepare 11111 deliver to trustees dilvidlemt sheets shoving ilie
73. Same; quallflcatlons. dividends declired aiid to whoa payable; (2) examine alt
7.1. Same; death or removal. schedules of property and lists of creditors filed by bankrupts
75. Same; duties.
70. CompenmatIon of trustees, receivers, and marslals. and cause such as are incomplete or defective to be ialiincled;
77. Accounts and papers of trustees. (3) furnish such lIformnation concerllg the estates In lrocess
78. Bonds of referees and trustees. of administration before them its ully be requested by tile
711. lutles of clerics. parties In interest; (4) give notices to creditors as herein
80. Pecs of clerks and marshals.
81. lluties of Attorney General. provIed ; (5) mlaie u1p1 records emllibodying the evidence, or the
82. Statistics of bankruptcy proceedings. substance thereof, itsagreed upon by ife parties In all con-
Section 61. Creation of two oflices.-The ofilces of referee tested matters arising before them, whenever requested to ito so
by either of the parties thereto, together wlthI their fIlnings
and trustee are created. (July 1, 1898, c. 51, § 33, 30 Stat.
therein, and transmilt thei to tlie judges; (I) iel lmre iilc
62. Referees; appointment, removal, and districts of.-Courts tile the schedules of property find lists of creditors required
to be filed by the bankrupts, or cause the samie to be done,
of bankruptcy shall, within the territorial limits of which they
when the banl:rupts fall, refuse, or neglect to dto so ; (7)
respectively have jurisdiction, (1) appoint referees, each for a
safely keep, perfect, alid trmnsnit to the (lerIcs the records,
term of two years, find may, in their discretion, remove them
herein required to be kept by them, when the c'ses lire col-
becal their services are not nei ded or for other cause; and
eluded; (8) transnit to the clerks such papers as may N. oi
(2) (rcslgnate, and front time to time change, the limits of the
file before them whenever the samenire needed in any pro-
districts of referees, so that each county, where the services of
ceedhgs ilncourts, and iilike ulmenr secure the retuln of
a referee are needed, may constitute at least olme district. (July
such papers after they have been used, or, if it lIe hllracticable
1, 1898, e. 541, § 34, 30 Stat. 555.)
to transnit the original papers, transminilt certified collies theel'of
63. Same; qualifications.-hIudivlduals shall not i)e eligible to
by limal; (0) upon application of lilly party lim Interest, pre-
appointment as referees unless they are, respectively, (1) coca-
serve the evidence takela or tile substance thereof 1tsagreed

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