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§ 262 TVTLB 15.


foreign nations, and such order may be modified from time to provided, Interfere with the adjustment of time zones as
time. (Mar. 19, 1918, c. 24, § 1, 40 Stat. 450.) established by the Interstate Commerce Commission. (Mar.
262. Duty to observe standard time of zones.-Withi the 4, 1921, c. 173, § 1, 41 Stat. 1446.)
re;pective zones created under the authority of this sabdi-
vision of this chapter the standard time of the zone shall govern
the movement of all common carriers engaged in commerce be- See.
271. Bureau established.
tween the several States or between a State and any of the 272, Functions of bureau.
Territories of the United States, or between a State or tike 273. Functions; for whom exercised.
Territory of Alaska and any of the insular possessions of thi 271. Director; powers and duties; report.
Unlted Stales or any foreign country. In all statutes, orders, 275. Appointment of officers and emnployee'j.
270. Fees.
rulcs and regulations relating to the time of performance of 277. Regulations.
any act by tiny officer or department of the United States, 278. Visiting committee.
whether in the legislative, executive, or judicial branches of 279. Absence of director.
the Government, or relating to the time within which any ,'80.Apprentices; promotion.
251. Testing materials for District of Columbia.
rights shall accrue or determine, or within which any act shall
or shall not 1e performed by any person subject to the juris- Section 271. Bureau established.-The Office of Standard
diction of the United States, it shall be understood and In- Wcights and Measures shall be known as the National Bureau
tended that thw time shall he the United States standard time of tandards. (Mar. 3, 1901, c. 872, § 1, 31 Stat. 1.149.)
of the zone within which the act is to be performed. (Mar. 27 l. Functions of bureau.-The functions of the bureau shall
19, 1918, c. 24, § 2, 40 Stat. 451.) consl't in the custody of the standards; the comparison of
263. Designation of zone standard times.--The standard the s andards used in scientific investigations, engineering,
time of the first zone shall be known and designated as United nmantfc.turing, conmerce, and educational institutions with
States standard eastern time; that of the second zone shall be the sta,idards adopted or recognized by the Government; the
known and designated as United States standard central time; eonstruc oion, when necessary, of standards, their multiples
that of the third zone shall be known and designated as United and sublivlsions; the testing and calibration of standard
States standard mountain time; that of the fourth zone shall mensurln., apparatus; the solution of problems which, arise
be known and designated as United States standard Pacific in connee Ion with standards; the determination of physical
tine; and that of the fifth zone shall be known and designated constants and the properties of materials, when such data
its United States standard Alaska time. (Mar. 19, 1918, c. 24, are of importance to scientific or manufacturing In-
§ 4, 40 Stat. 451.) terests an, are not to be obtained of suillelent accuracy else-
StaL 1449.)
264. Pat of Idaho in third zone.-In the division of terri- where. (A %r. 3, 1001, c. 872, § 2, 31
tory, and In the definition of the limits of each zone, as pro- 273. Functions; for whom exercised.-The bureau shall
vided in this subdivLton of tlis chapter so much of the State exercise its functions for the Government of the United
of Idaho as lies south of the Salmon River, traversing the States; for any State or municipal government within the
State from east to west near forty-five degrees thirty minutes United State.i; or for any scientific society, educational Insti-
latitude shall be embraced in the third zone. (Mar. 3, 1923, c. tution, firm, corporation, or Individual within the United
216, 42 Stat. 1434.) States engagel In manufacturing or other pursuits requiring
265. Transfer of certain territory to standard central-tirt the use of standards or standard measuring instruments. All
zone.-The Panhandle and Plains sections of Texas and Okla- requests Tor tle services of the bureau shall be made in ac-
homa are transferred to and placed within the United SAtes cordance with ta rules and regulations established in sec-
standard central-time zone. tions 276 an1 277. (Mlar. 3, 1901, c. 872, § 3, 31 Stat. 1449.)
The Interstate Commerce Commission is authorized and 274. Director; powers and duties; report.-The director
directed to issue an order placing the western boundary line shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice
of the United States standard central-time zone in so far as and consent of the Senate. le shall have the general super-
the same affect Texas and Oklahoma as follows: vision of the bureau, Its equipment, and the exercise of its
Beginning at a point where such western boundary time zone functions. Ite shall make an annual report to the Secretary
line crosses the State boundary line between Kansas and of Commerce, including an abstract of the work dono during
Oklahoma ; thence westerly along said State boundary line the year and a financial statement. 1e may Issue, when
to the northwest corner of the State of Oklahoma; thence in a necessary, bulletins for public distribution, containing such
southerly direction along the west State boundary line of information as may be of value to the public or facilitate the
Oklahoma and the west State boundary lne of Texas to the bureau In the exercise of its functions. (Mar. 3, 1901, c. 872,
southeastern corner of the State of New Mexico; thence in a § 5, 31 StaL 1449; Feb. 14, 1003, c. 552, § 10, 32 Stat. 829;
westerly direction along the State boundary line between the Mar. 4, 1913, c. 141, § 1, 87 Stat. 736.)
States of Texas and New Mexico to the Rio Grande River; 275. Appointment of officers and employees.-The officers
thence down the RIo Grande River as the boundary line be- and employees of the bureau, except the director, shall be ap-
tweei the United States and Mexico: Provided, That the pointed by the Secretary of Commerce at such time as their
Chicago, Rock Island and Gulf Railway Company and the respective services may become necessary. (Mar. 3, 1901, e.
Chlcago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company may use 872, § 6, 81 Stat. 1450; Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552, § 10, 32 Stat. 829;
Tucumeari, New Mexico, as the point at which they change Mar. 4, 1913, c. 141, § 1, 87 Stat. 730.)
from central to mountain time and vice versa; the Colorado 276. Fecs. -For all comparisons, calibrations, tests, or inves-
Southern and Fort Worth and Denver City Railway Com- tigations, except those performed for the Government of the
panies may use Sixela, New Mexico, as suh changing point; United States or State governments within the United States,
the Atchison, Topeka and Santo Fe Railway Company apd a reasonable fee shall be charged, according to a schedule
other branches of the Santa Fe system may use Clovis, New submitted by the director and approved by the Secretary of
Mexico, as such changing point, and those railways running Commerce. (Mar. 8, 1901, c. 872, § 8, 81 Stat. 1450; Fob. 14,
Into or through El Paso may use El Paso as such point: 1903, e. 552, § 10, 82 Stat. 82; Mar. 4, 1913, c. 141, 1 1, 37 Stat.
Proeidcd further, That this section shall not, except as herein Ss184
277. Regulations.-The Secretary of Commerce shall, from "United States assay," or with any words, phrases, or devices
time to time, make regulations regarding the payment of fees, calculated to convey tile Imlressilon that the United States
the limits of tolerance to be attained in standards submitted Go erlnent has certified to tIle fineness or quality of ::uCh gold
for verification, the sealing of standards, the disbursement and or silver, or of tie gold or silver contained in any of tile goods
receipt of moneys, and such other matters as he may deem manufactured therefrom. Each and every such stlintp shall
necessary for carrying into effect sections 271 to 278, inclusive. constitute a separate offense. (Pei). 21, 1905, c. 720, § 1, 33
(Mar, :3, 1901, c.- 872, § 9, 31 Stat. 1450; Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552, Stat. 732.)
§ 10, 32 Stat. 829; Mar. 4, 1913, c. 141, § 1, 37 Stat. 736.) 292. Forfeiture.--Any gold, silver, or goods manufactu'ed
278. Visiting committee.-There shall be a visiting commit- therefrom after February 21, 1905, bearing any of the stamps,
tee of five macbers to be appointed by the Secretary of Con- words, phrases, or devices prohibited to be used under tIle
mere,, to consist of inen prominent in the various interests In- preceding section, and being In tile course of transportation
volved, and not in the employ of the Government. This con- from one State to another, or to or from a Territory, the Dis-
miltee shall visit the bureau at least once a year, and report trict of Columbia, or possessions of the United States, siall be
to tho Secretary of Commerce upon the efficiency of its scien- forfeited to the United States, and may be selzed and con-
tific work and the condition of its equipment. The members of demned by like proceedings as those proviled by law for the
this committee shall serve without compensation, but shall be forfeiture, seizure, and condemnation of property imported Into
paid the actual expenses Incurred in attending Its meetings. the United States contrary to law. (Feb. 21, 1905, c. 720, § 3,
The period of service of the members of tile committee shall 33 Stat. 732.)
be so arranged that one member shall retire each year, and the 293. Penalty for infraction.-Every person, l)artnershlip, s-
appointments to be for a period of five years. Appointments sociation, or corporation violating the provisions of this sec-
nude to fill vacancies occurring other than in tile regular tion or either of the two precedling sections, and every oillcer,
manner are to be imade for the remainder of the lerlod iII director, or lmnaging agent (if such lartnershilp, associlation,
which the vacancy exists. (Mar. 3, 1901, c. 872, § 10, 31 Stat. or corporation having mknowledg- (If such violation and directly
1450; Feb. .14, 1903, c. 552, § 10, 32 Stat. 829; Mar. 4, 1913, participating ill such volom tilo or consenting thereto, shall be
c. 141, § 1, 37 Stat. 736.) deemed guilty of a lmisdemeuor, 11(, upon conviction, le pull-
279. Absence of director.-In the case of tile absence of the i1hd with a fine of not more than $5,000 or mrlllirsonmelt for
Director of the Bureau of Standards the Secretary of Com- not more tia', on year, or both, tit tile discretion of the court.
mnerce may designale so0e offlcer of bal(1 ilrean to perform (Feb. 21, 1905, c. 720, § 2, 33 Stat. 732.)
tile duties of the director during his absence. (Mar. 4, 1911, 294. Importation or transportation of falsely marked gold
c. 237, § 1, 36 Stat. 1231; Mar. 4, 1913, c. 141, § 1, 37 Stat. 730.) or silver ware prohibitcd.-It shall be unlawful for any li'rson,
280. Apprentices; promotion.-Apprentlces ill the Bureau firl, corporation, or ssoclatioh , being it lunu1acturic of or
of Standards nmy be promoted after satisfactory apprentice- wholesale or retail dealer ll gohl or silver jewelry or gold
ship, with the approval of the Civil Service Commission, to ware, silver goods or silverware, or for tiny officer, in.alllger,
positions corresponding to the Journeymn grades for which director, or agent of such firim, corporation, or assolialin to
tleir duties logically prepare them, without regard to appor- Import or export or cause to be imported into or exlorid
tionment: Provided, That they thus acquire no rights to trans- from tile United States for the purlse of selling or dis-
fer to other 11ne.5 of work. (July 19, 1014, c. 141, § 1, 38 posing of the sa1e, or to deposit or cause, to be delosite(l
Stat. 502.) ill the United States nmalls for transilissio thereby, or to
281. Testing materials for District of Columbia.-Maiterials deliver or cause to be delivered to any common carrier for
for fireproof buildings, other structural materials, nd all Ina- transportation from one State, Territory, or possession of
terials, other tlhan materials for paving and for fuel, purchased the United States, or the District of Columbia, to any otlhr
for and to be used by the government of the District of Colum- State, Territory, or possession of the United States, or to
Ilia, when necessary in the Judgment of the commissioners to be said District, in interstate comnerce, or to transport or cause
tested, shall be tested by the Bureau of Standards under the to be transported frol' one State, Territory, or lossesilon of
same conditions its similar testling is required to be done for the United States, or front tie District of Columbia, to any
the United States Government. (Mar. 4, 1913, c. 150, 37 other State, Territory, or possession of tIle United Stltes',
Stat. 915.) or to said District, ill Interstate comnerce, ainy arlfle of
merchandise manufactured after June 1:, 1907, mid made ill
Chapter 8.-FALSELY STAMPED GOLD OR SILVER OR whole or tm part of gold or silver, or liny alloy of eiller If
GOODS MANUFACTURED THEREFROM. said metals, and having stamped, bralded, engraved, or
sec. printed tlereon, or upon any tag, card, or label nttlched
291, Stamping with words "United States assay," etc., ulawful. thereto, or upon ally box, packllge, cover, or wrapperlil whhich
292. Forfeiture. said article is Incased or inclosed, tilly nark or word illi-
293. Pelaity foe infraction.
204. Importation or transportation of falsely marked gold or silver cating or designed or Ilntended to Ilndliele that tie gold or
ware prohibited. silver or alloy of either of sal mnetuls il such article is (if
205. Standard of fineness of gold articles; deviation. a greater degree of fineness thilin the actal fineness or (Jillity
290. Standard of fineness of silver articles; deviation.
n g " of such gold, silver, or alloy, according to the stanahnd k al
297. Stamping plated articles; words " sterli or " col " forbidden.
218. Violations of law; penalty; Jurisdiction of prosecutions. subject to the qualifications set forlh ll fie two following
299. Expression " article of merchandise " defined. sections. (June 13, 1906. c. 3289, § 1, 31 Stal. 260.)
300. Application of State laws. 295. Standard of fineness of gold articles; deviation.---Ill
Section 291. Ltamping with words "United States assay," tile case of articles of merchandise tlIe in whle or Ill filIIt
etc., unlawful.-It shall be unlawful for any person, portier- of gold or of any of Its alloy-i so hlvrted Into or, eolrt'll
ship, association, or corporation engaged iII commerce among from the United Siates, or so delositeld Il the I IiiI'll Stlltes
Qhe several States, Territories, District of Columbia, and pos- malls for tranllsiiSSfOll, or So de-livered fIor rll sf(lslat ion to,
tny conlnllan carrier, or so I
trllnslorlited val,(1
('or to be 'ansh-
sessions of the United States, or with any foreign country, to
stamp any gold, silver,*or goods manufactured therefrom, and ported its speefiill I the lprcedilillg secllln, the a'lu l fll,-
which are intended and used in such commerce, with the words ness of such gold or alloy shall nit be 1,s by miore tha, me.

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