Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Major Conceptions of Curriculum

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Hazel M.

Visto BEED III-A EEd128 (MWF 1:00-2:00PM)

2 Major Conceptions of Curriculum

Poem Analysis

The Curriculum Types

By Princess Fe Caballes-Deliva

I am the curriculum, and I have different types.

One is recommended, and other is supported.
I am written and taught by your teacher
I am learned and assessed by the learner
But hey, don’t forget I could be everything
Can be seen, heard, experienced and even hidden.

1. Based on the information above, do you think the curriculum has one sole purpose?

2. If you say no, what do you think is its types? And how these types contribute to the
curriculum components?
Because as I search to the internet there are 7 types of curriculum recommended,
written, taught, assessed, learned, and hidden curriculum. Everything that is written
taught and tested in an educational program of study. According to Glatthon (1987), t he
curriculum is the plans made for guiding learning in schools, usually represented in
retrievable documents of several levels of generality, and the implementation of those
plans in the classroom; those experiences take place in a learning environment that also
influences what is learned.

A. Matching type. Match the terms on the images below. This activity is related to the types of
curriculum operating in the school. Write your answer on the space provided in each item.

___A_____1. Recommended Curriculum _____F_____5. Assessed Curriculum

__ _ D____2. Written Curriculum _____G_____6. Learned Curriculum
___ E___ _3. Taught Curriculum _____C_____7. Hidden Curriculum
___B_____4. Supported Curriculum

A. G.



B. Matching type. Match the questions to the components in the box presented, make sure that
the answer addressed each other correctly. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space

A. aims, goals and objectives B. subject matter/content

C. learning experience D. evaluation approaches

1. What is to be done? A
2. What is the subject matter to be included? B
3. What are the instructional strategies, resources, and activities that will be employed? C
4. What methods and instruments will be used to assess the results of the curriculum? D

Application: Let’s Apply

I. Get a copy of one of the lesson plans you had already written on your past subjects. Read
every detail of the lesson plan and specifically look in the following;
1. What are the objectives of the lesson plan?
A. Describe the three state of matter based on their characteristics,
B. Analyse that matter exist in different forms, and
C. Draw examples of solid, liquid, and gas.
2. What is the subject matter content?
A. Topic: The Three State of Matter
B. References: Learner’s Materials pp. 12-19
C. Materials: plastic container, glass, balloons, biscuit, water, bond paper,
table/chart, and pictures

3. What strategies or method of teaching is utilized?

Group activity, Direct Instruction Methods, and Visual Simulation
4. What evaluation procedure is used?
Pen and Paper Test
5. Do the four components fit or match with one another? Explain
Yes, since I will be discussing about the three state of matter students must have a
first-hand experiences so I come up with the idea that I will be using real objects that will
represents the solid, liquid and gas. Students must have experiential way of learning I use
group activities in order for them to discuss with their group mates. And the kind of
evaluation I prepared was they will going to list down the things that are belong to solid,
liquid, or gas choices are presented through pictures. Teaching and learning science needs
visual simulation so that students will be able to understand because science have wide-
range that needs comprehension to understand its nature.

6. Can you consider a lesson plan as a curriculum? Why?

Yes, Because the term curriculum refers to the lessons and academic content taught
in a school or in a specific course or program.   And A lesson plan is a teacher's daily
guide for what students need to learn, how it will be taught, and how learning will be
measured. That is in line to the curriculum which has been proposed by scholars and
professional organizations to address the students’ needs in education.

II. Write specific examples (one per curriculum) of what you have observed on your school.
These examples should be those of the existing different curricula in the operation of
Curriculum operating in Examples from observation
Recommended Curriculum
Taking additional grade level which is called Senior High
School (SHS) that are implemented by the Department of
Education (DepEd) to produce students that are globally

Written Curriculum
Teachers does lesson plan to be guided on what they must
discuss and achieve at the end if the discussion.

Taught Curriculum
Giving group activities right after the discussions and
teachers will serve as the facilitator among students who
performed the given activities that will address students’
needs and interest.

Supported Curriculum
Discussion will be more effective if teacher will use
television or projector in presenting the topic. And uses real
objects are part of instructional materials.

Assessed Curriculum
When teachers will give test after the discussion or
quarterly examinations in order to know if the students are
progressing or not.

Learned Curriculum
The result of assessment or outcome from the test given by
the teacher will represent the learned curriculum. A
learning outcome can be manifested by what students can
perform or do either in their cognitive, affective or
psychomotor domains. The learning outcome can be
determined by the results of the tests, and it can be achieved
by the students through the use of learning objectives.

Hidden Curriculum
The effect what was taught and assessed by my teachers,
and eventually may affect what I will learn.

Today I learned that

In this lesson I learned about the different types of curriculum, I learned its different role
in students learning and teacher’s way of teaching. I learned that both teaching and learning
process needs to follow right procedures that will help the development of the learners. And I
also learned that government’s role in education is very important because teachers will only
depend on what did they implement, and then students also depend on teachers as they are the
root of knowledge. So if the government fails to their duties education will not have a good
1 Philosophical Foundations
of Curriculum

Modified Post parade

1. Using the topic, you are going to write on post its or pieces of papers with a word modifying
or that would tell us something about the education in the Philippines. One word for each
2. Consolidate and paste the post its in one bond paper.
3. Out of the words in the post its, make one idea that would best describe the education system
in the Philippines.
4. Take a picture of the consolidated post its and also with the general idea that you have made.


You may answer the following reflective questions:

1. What are the guiding principles of the curriculum?

Curriculum principles are the values a school believes will give both their pupils and
community the best chance of succeeding, and what they know to be right, given its context.
You can think of curriculum principles as being like those by which you live your life and
base important decisions on. Except, when deciding on curriculum principles, a school needs
to consider what will give all its children the best possible chance of becoming well-rounded,
happy individuals who are prepared for the next steps of their lives.

2. How does curriculum differ from each other?

RECOMMENDED CURRICULUM proposed by scholars and professional

organizations.  May come from DepEd, CHED, DOST or any organization who has a take on
education. WRITTEN CURRICULUM appears in state and locally produced documents
such as state standards, district curriculum guides, course of study or syllabi handed down to
schools for implementation. Mostly made by curriculum experts with the participations of
teachers. TAUGHT CURRICULUM what the teachers implement or deliver in the
classrooms. Refers to the different planned activities which are put into action in the
classroom.  Varies according to the learning styles of students and teaching styles of teachers.
SUPPORTED CURRICULUM refers to resources that support or help in the implementation
of the curriculum. Includes material resources such as textbooks, computers, audio-visual
materials, laboratory equipment, playground, zoos and other facilities. ASSESSED
CURRICULUM refers to a tested or evaluated curriculum. Series of evaluation are being
done by teachers to determine the extent of teaching or if the students are progressing.
LEARNED CURRICULUM is the bottom-line curriculum – the curriculum that students
actually learn.   Refers to the learning outcomes achieved by the students. Indicated by the
results of the tests and changes in behavior – cognitive, affective, psychomotor. HIDDEN
CURRICULUM is the unintended curriculum.   Is not deliberately planned but may modify
behavior or influence learning outcomes. Factors: school environment, physical condition,
peer influence, teacher-learner interaction, mood of teachers, etc.
Glatthorn, Allan A. The Principal as Curriculum Leader: Shaping What Is Taught and Tested. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif.:
Corwin Press 2000.
Purita P. Bilbao, et al. Curriculum Development. Quezon City: Lorimar Pub., c2008

Application: Let’s Apply

A. Draw Like You Mean It!

1. In a short bond paper, write your name, section and course in the upper left corner of the
2. From the 8 Philosophies, choose four (4) and draw an illustration that would best describe the
philosophy. You may use colored pens, pencils, crayons, and oil pastel.
3. In a separate bond paper, elaborate your drawing by using real life scenarios as examples of
the influences of the philosophies in the curriculum.
B. Today I learned that

Today I learned about the philosophical foundation of the curriculum which include
Idealism, Realism, Pragmatism, Existentialism, Perennialism, Progressivism , and
Reconstructionism. The philosophical foundation of curriculum helps determine the driving
purpose of education, as well as the roles of the various participants. While
all foundations propose to set goals of curriculum, philosophy presents the manner of
thinking from which those goals are created. That these types of curriculum are only have
one in common and that is to help learners in their learning process and help them develop to
be ready in their facing their future.
2 Psychological Foundations
of Curriculum

It’s time to reactivate what you have already known with this topic so far. So, let’s do a
word plus sentence factory. List 5 words that come to your mind when you hear the words
below. Write your responses in the corresponding boxes and use these words to make one
complete sentence. Don’t mind about the thought of the sentence as long as these words are
present in it. Game!


1. John B. Watson 1. Idea 1. Belief
2. Input and output 2. Actively 2. Well-being of
3. Stimulus processed nation
4. Response 3. Changes 3. Personality
5. Reinforcement behavior 4. Development
4. Searching 5. People
5. Information

Behaviorism: John B. Watson coined the term “behaviorism”, the input that we will get
will be our output that will make who we are behaviorism is a step- by-step structured
methods for learning where stimulus provided by teacher, response by learners from that
stimulus, then reinforcement provided by instructor or vice versa that will change the
behavior of the students.

Cognitivism: Cognitivism is based on the idea that information is actively processed in

the mind of a learner and that changes in behaviour happen as a result of searching for the
relationships that exist between the various kinds of information learned.

Humanism: Humanistic Curriculum is based on the belief that the education that is good
for a person is also best for the well-being of the nation which aims at development and
realization of complete human personality of the student, form global community based
on “common humanity of all people”.

Guide Questions:

1. How did you come up with your list?

I come up with this list through readings and searching to the internet because I
did not have enough idea about this topic.
2. What sentence have you formed?
John B. Watson coined the term “behaviorism”, the input that we will get will be our
output that will make who we are behaviorism is a step- by-step structured methods for
learning where stimulus provided by teacher, response by learners from that stimulus,
then reinforcement provided by instructor or vice versa that will change the behavior of
the students.
Cognitivism is based on the idea that information is actively processed in the mind of a
learner and that changes in behaviour happen as a result of searching for the relationships
that exist between the various kinds of information learned.
Humanistic Curriculum is based on the belief that the education that is good for a person
is also best for the well-being of the nation which aims at development and realization of
complete human personality of the student, form global community based on “common
humanity of all people”.

3. What law, theory or principle of learning has helped you come up with this answer?

4. How do this law, theory or principle of learning relate to the development of curriculum?
5. In what ways do you think psychological foundations enable curriculum workers
(teachers, supervisors, and curriculum developers) to perform their educational
Application: Let’s Apply

A. Fill Me
B. Now that you already know about the three major classifications of learning theories that
make up the psychological foundation of curriculum, list the proponents with their
respective learning theories and cite their influence in designing, developing or
implementing the curriculum. You may use characters on situations/scenarios that
demonstrate such influence. Write your responses inside the box. The first item is already
given to you as an example.
Proponent Situation/Scenario
Teacher Anna makes sure to include ample drills, worksheets
Edward Thorndike and exercises in her lesson plan for she believes that transfer
“Law of Exercise” of learning is effective if there is an opportunity for repetition
and review of facts, concepts and principles.


Person Contribution
First psychologist to make a systematic study of cognitive
Jean Piaget development. His contributions include a stage theory of child
cognitive development, detailed observational studies of
cognition in children, and a series of simple but ingenious
tests to reveal different cognitive abilities.
Person Contribution
He developed humanistic psychology, which focuses on the
potential of people to become all that they can be. Other
Abraham Maslow psychologists helped develop different elements of
humanistic psychology, but Maslow is largely considered to
“Leader of
humanistic be the father of the humanist movement in psychology. Let's
psychology” look closer at his primary contributions to humanism,
including his 'hierarchy of needs' and his work to make
humanism a recognized psychological model.

A. Today I learned that

3 Historical-Social Foundations of

Unscramble Me in a
Crossword Puzzle

Fill the vertical and horizontal blocks of the puzzle with list of words that you will see
below. Unscramble the letters before filling it in the boxes. These will serve as your hints and
clues to unravel the words. Let’s go

1. Csolho 2. Horytis
4. Ienepecerx 3. Edsne
7. Scyieto 5. Ipylophhso
8. Stinructoin 6. Ieresntt
10. Lopeved
9. Cuirumculr
11. Tilineme
12. Rleconefti

1.School 2.History
4.Experience 3.Needs
7.Society 5.Philisophy
8.Instruction 6.Interest
10.Develop 9.Curriculum


Guide Questions:

1. Have you unscrambled all the words in the crossword puzzle?


2. How do you think these words relate to this lesson, the historical and social foundation of
I think these formed words above has a connection for this lesson Historical-Social
Foundations of Curriculum since we are talking about history so this will be one of the topics
which will include philosophy that developed history. Curriculum will be the focus of this
lesson which will be use at school that will be the guide for teachers instruction for the
development of students and the society. The history of curriculum will address the needs
and interest of students.

3. Where do you think curriculum development is coming from?

I think the development of curriculum first happen a long time ago since education now a
day has a big change showing its development maybe it was develop and change a long
time a go that will be presented in this lesson.

4. How important is it to be acquainted with the historical background of curriculum?

It is important to know about the historical background of curriculum in order for
the new generations to be aware of how and when did the curriculum started. And also it
will be a good way of giving importance and appreciation of the person/s that design

5. How will it influence decision-making of stakeholders on the curriculum?

It will influence decision-making of stakeholders through setting goals so that in
every discussion they will have enough guide to be fulfill at the end of the lesson.

Application: Let’s Apply

A. Story Telling

Make a short story and timeline on how the curriculum developed from a historical and
social point of view. Use the theorists you have learned in this lesson as the characters and
their contributions as the flesh of the story. It needs not to be lengthy, but just a summary of
what you have known so far with this lesson. You’re free to decide on its title and style.
Write also a brief reflection on its importance to you as a curriculum worker. Happy writing!

B. Today I learned that

4 Legal Foundations of Curriculum


Guide Questions:

1. What are the laws/resolutions mentioned?

2. What are your opinions about the news?

3. How will it affect/contribute to the education system in the Philippines?

Application: Let’s Apply

A. Completing the concepts

Using the table below, track down the changes/contributions in the curriculum by providing the
year, legal bases and the significant changes/contributions brought about by the laws/resolutions.
Elaborate how did it change or help the education setting of the Philippines

Year Legal Basis Significant changes/


B. Today I learned that

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