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Overview: The Third Eye Center
Manifestations of a Strong Third
05 Eye Chakra
Third Eye Chakra Problems
Healing Third Eye Chakra
11 Problems
Third Eye Chakra Balancing and
14 Healing Exercises

When Your Third Eye Chakra is
19 Unblocked

Overview: The Sacred
Third Eye Center

Your Third Eye Chakra is located in between and just above your
eyes, at the center of your forehead. This chakra is represented by
the color INDIGO and governs your “Inner Site” and Intuition.

When functioning properly, your Third Eye Chakra ensures you have
the ability to trust your intuition and “see” the truth behind physical
matter. It can make for a great, natural “lie detector”.

When this center is out of balance, you could experience literate

physical vision problems such as sties, poor vision, eye pain or

headaches. You may also experience things like frightful dreams or
imaginings, temporary blindness, or unwanted “visions” that intrude
upon your consciousness.

Manifestations of a
Strong Third Eye Chakra

When your Third Eye Chakra is clear and functioning well, you are able
to distinguish between intuitive knowing and mental thought. This, in
turn, allows you to trust your intuitive guidance, rather than struggle with
doubt or over-thinking. Things like: creative visualization, meditation
and “divine downloads” are all empowered by an openand balanced
Third Eye Chakra.

With a strong Third Eye Chakra you can expect the following types
of experiences and opportunities to be more “in flow” in your life:

It’s easier for you to “see” what you want to manifest, creating
an almost tangible vision to activate your desires. Focusing on
your goals seems to come easier.

You’ll be able to feel more trusting of your own insights about

people, situations or important decisions you must make in life.

You tend to feel an intuitive sense about what is going on with

close friends and family.

You’ll likely feel more INTUITIVE when it comes to making

choices, without that sense of needing to review every possible
detail before deciding which way to go.

The majority of your relationships are defined by a sense of

trust because you can “see” who is honest … and who is not.

You trust yourself and create the life that’s right for you
regardless of other people’s opinions.

You know your Third Eye Chakra is clear when making the “wrong”
decision is a rare occurrence in your life. Instead you will find yourself
following your inner guidance without trying to force the future to unfold
before the time is right.

When your Third Eye CHAKRA is Open and Balanced

You know your Third Eye Chakra is balanced when your life feels
aligned with the following statements:

I trust myself. My intuition always guides me.

I am not troubled by the opinions or beliefs of others who are

using logic to argue against what my vision shows me.

I am able to enjoy safe and loving relationships because my

inner guidance lets me discern who to trust and who to avoid.

My professional and personal life are mostly harmonious, and

when problems arise I can count on my intuition to help me
resolve difficulties.

I feel a sense of confidence when it comes to advising friends

on personal matters

Third Eye Chakra

When your Third Eye Chakra is unbalanced, you will find your life
harder to handle. With a weak Third Eye Chakra you can expect the
following types of experiences and manifestations in your life:

You tend to over-think decisions and may even lose sleep

because your mind churns too much.

You get nervous around some people but don’t trust what you
are perceiving because “everyone else” thinks they are great.

You feel a sense of confusion or doubt about one or more
people in your life who say one thing but do another.

Your fear gets the best of you, keeping you from doing what you
truly wish to do.

You have been “burned” by “smooth-talkers” in the past, even

though you felt something was off from the beginning.

You cannot see well or have vision problems which are

“mysterious” and uncorrectable by the normal means.

If your Third Eye Chakra is unbalanced, you may find that you
experience feelings of confusion or doubt over important life decisions,
a low tolerance for light or the experience of being “fooled” by others on
more than one occasion

Check to see if any of the following statements apply:

I feel unable to vision anything better for my life.

In my free time, I watch news, violent movies or things which

upset me.

I am not happy with many of the decisions I have made and

wish I could trust my first instinct more.

I feel disconnected from the universe and am not even sure I
have Spirit Guides available to help me.

I feel burdened by indecision at times.

Healing Third Eye
Chakra Problems

Healing Third Eye Chakra problems begins by addressing both the

spiritual and physical causes, which created these difficulties in the first
place. Then, you can use a variety of methods to balance, heal and keep
this chakra healthy.

Third Eye Chakra problems can be connected with any trauma or

suppression around your natural Intuitive abilities as a child. Your
Third Eye is about INTUITION and CLAIRVOYANT VISION, so any
suppression, dismissal or attack you’ve experienced when you’ve

shared what you intuitively knew can weaken that Third Eye Chakra
– potentially causing you trouble throughout life.

Ask yourself if any of the below conditions have occurred in

your life:

1. You experienced discouragement or even punishment when

you share an intuitive “hit” or clairvoyant vision

2. You were rejected by a loved one in a painful or embarrassing

way when revealing a psychic “knowing” you had

3. You had one or more primary care-takers who made fun of

you when you shared your thoughts or feelings about certain

4. You were directly told that you did not see what you saw and
were threatened to keep quiet about it

5. One or more adults in your household were dismissive or

spiritual or religious experiences

6. You were frequently told to stop daydreaming or be quiet

about an “imaginary” friend

These are just a few possible scenarios that can cause trouble. Some
are traumatic; others simply create an imprint which obstructs the
activation of your Third Eye Chakra’s capacity for authentic insight.
Either way, you’ll want to heal these issues from the inside-out, if you
want a balanced, healthy Third Eye Chakra.

You may want to use a journal to explore these issues further.

Shedding light on unloving imprints are key to understanding your
current circumstances.

AND ... if you know these years included trauma, it is best to address
these issues with a professional therapist, counselor or trained
practitioner. In any case, please always be sure to consult your
physician if you are dealing with previous traumas, current medications
or addictions of any kind.

Third Eye Chakra Balancing and
Healing Exercises

The 4 Energy Balancing and Healing methods below are particularly

powerful. Be sure to read through each method carefully before moving
on to do your healing work.

Exercise 1: Using a Healing Pendulum

To use a pendulum for balancing and healing, you want to begin by
holding your pendulum close to your Third Eye Chakra (you can place
it right above or in front of the middle of your forehead). Then ask the
following questions and wait for the pendulum to show you the answer:

1. Is this chakra balanced?

2. Is this chakra open?

Another way to do this is to simply hold your pendulum in one hand and
put your other hand over your Third Eye Chakra area as you ask the
questions and get the “Yes” or “No” answer.

When you find your Chakra is unbalanced, your next step is to set an
intention for it to balance and heal by opening or coming into balance.
Then simply wait and breathe as you focus here. You will begin noticing
the pendulum swing differently. As it does, you know that your Third Eye
Chakra is healing, opening, and coming into balance.

The benefit of a pendulum is that you can use it to shift the energies in
any of your Chakras! You can also use it in combination with the healing
methods below. Simply hold your pendulum in one or both hands as you
do the meditations mentioned next.

Exercise 2: Third Eye Chakra Meditation
Your Third Eye Chakra resonates strongly with the frequency of the “e”
note in a musical scale. This, combined with the ancient Sanskrit seed
sound "Om" has a powerful, healing effect on your Third Eye Chakra.

That’s why the best way to perform a Third Eye Chakra meditation is by
chanting the sound Om in a “e” tone, over and over again.

To perform this healing meditation correctly, be sure you are seated in a

comfortable position, with the tips of your index fingers and thumbs
touching each other. Breathe deeply a few times to quiet your mind.

The element for this Chakra is Light, so one great way to make the most
of this meditation is to do it while sitting in natural sunlight.

Exercise 3: Crystals for a Freely Moving
Third Eye Chakra
Amethyst, Purple Fluorite, Moldavite, Quartz Crystal and Shungite are
all excellent gemstones to help your Third Eye Chakra remain open and

When you keep these stones in your home, carry them with you, hold
them during a meditation or wear them as jewelry, they will enhance
your capacity to vision your desires and have foresight.

But the very best way to use any of these stones is to place one close
to your Third Eye Chakra for a few minutes each day. You can also use
your pendulum to ask which stone is best for your Third Eye Chakra
“right now” and then work with or carry that stone for the day.

Exercise 4: Aromatherapy
We all respond powerfully to smells. A smell can trigger deep emotions,
powerful memories and energy activations in your body. That’s why
Aromatherapy is a great tool for healing and balancing your Third Eye

The best way to select the right aroma for you is to consult your
pendulum first, in the same way recommended for crystals (above).

Choose from among these great oils or incense: Bay Laurel, Cypress,
Clary Sage, Juniper and Angelica Root. You can use these both during
meditation or simply by placing them around your home.

When Your Third Eye
Chakra is Balanced

When you heal your Third Eye Chakra using one or all of the methods
above, you put yourself in the perfect position to fully activate ALL
your Chakras. And this is the secret known by the world's greatest
healers, alchemists and metaphysical masters throughout time!

By balancing your Third Eye Chakra, you will find it much easier to
vision your desires clearly, see hidden truths behind specific events
and circumstances, and sometimes, even vision future scenarios with
“clairvoyant” power.

So be sure to begin your Third Eye Chakra healing today using one or
more of these powerful techniques.


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