The Throat Chakra Balancing Guide

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Overview: The Throat Center
Manifestations of a Strong
05 Throat Chakra
Throat Chakra Problems
Healing Throat Chakra Problems
Throat Chakra Balancing and
14 Healing Exercises

When Your Throat Chakra is
19 Unblocked

Overview: The Sacred
Throat Center

Your Throat Chakra is located in the base of your throat. This

chakra is represented by the color BLUE and governs your capacity
to Communicate and Express Yourself. It also rules your Higher or
Divine Will and has a direct influence on your ability to speak with
authenticity and in alignment with your heart.

When functioning properly, your Throat Chakra ensures you have

the ability to communicate clearly, honor your own and others’
feelings, and express yourself free of fears of judgment or criticism.

When this center is out of balance, you could experience
physical Throat problems such as thyroid and parathyroid
malfunction, speech difficulties, neck or jaw pain and even
hearing problems. You may also experience things like
unexpressed grief, sorrow or betrayal anger, which can lead to
depression over time.

Manifestations of a
Strong Throat Chakra

When your Throat Chakra is clear and functioning well, you are able to
communicate clearly and with self-confidence. Things like: creative self-
expression, thoughtful and compassionate responses in difficult
situations, and the willingness to define and honor your personal
boundaries are all results by an open and balanced Throat Chakra.

With a strong Throat Chakra you can expect the following types of
experiences and opportunities to be more “in flow” in your life:

It will be easier for you to communicate your needs and desires
and handle conflict without losing your cool.

You’ll be able to feel equal in both personal and professional

relationships without fear of being verbally or emotionally

You'll feel a sense of self-trust among other people, no matter

how stressed, worried or judgmental they may be.

You’ll feel more CLARITY when in communication with others,

without that sense of needing to be falsely polite or excessively
angry in order to get your point across.

The majority of your relationships will be defined by respectful

You'll know how to communicate your needs and will be able to
maintain healthy personal boundaries without nervousness or

You'll trust yourself and will be able to express your beliefs to

others without concerns that they agree or not.

You know your Throat Chakra is clear when miscommunication is a

rare occurrence in your life. Instead you will find yourself engaging in
respectful communication in both your personal and professional life..

When your Throat CHAKRA is Open and Balanced

You know your Throat Chakra is balanced when your life feels aligned
with the following statements:

I am able to share my thoughts and eelings with others easily.

I am not troubled by opposing opinions or beliefs and am happy

to engage in friendly debate over meaningful topics.

I am able to enjoy sae and loving relationships in which our

boundaries and words are mutually respected.

My professional and personal communications are clear and

tend to flow easily the majority of the time.

I feel a sense of confidence when it comes to speaking and can

even speak publicly when necessary.

I can discern when it is better to be silent than to speak.

Throat Chakra Problems

When your Throat Chakra is unbalanced, you will find your life harder
to handle. With a weak Throat Chakra you can expect the following
types of experiences and manifestations in your life:

You tend to hold back from expressing “negative” feelings such

as anger or fear.

You have a hard time saying “No” even when it means you will
add stress to yourself or your family.

You feel a sense of frustration, oppression or rage with one
or more people in your life who are overbearing or dominate

Your fear gets the best of you, keeping you from expressing
yourself or asking for what you need.

Asking for what you need in intimate relationships is difficult and

you find yourself always agreeing to what your partner wants
or needs.

You talk fast and use a lot of words and sometimes find other
people avoiding you.

If your Throat Chakra is unbalanced, you may find that you experience
feelings of frustration, confusion over misunderstandings, a low
tolerance for silence around others or a sense of being dominated by
others in conversations

Check to see if any of the following statements apply:

I feel unable to ask for what I really need.

In my free time, most of my energy goes into doing things

I’ve said yes to which I really don’t want to do.

I am not happy with most of my relationships and wish I

could say what I really think.

I have burned a lot of bridges by blowing up at people and
saying things I later regret.

I feel burdened by resentments and wish I could give some

people a real piece of my mind!

Healing Throat
Chakra Problems

Healing Throat Chakra problems begins by addressing both the spiritual

and physical causes, which created these difficulties in the first place.
Then, you can use a variety of methods to balance, heal and keep this
chakra healthy.

Throat Chakra problems can be connected with any trauma or

suppression around self-expression you may have experienced at
any time in life. Your throat is about COMMUNICATION and SELF-
EXPRESSION, so any emotional trauma, suppression, rejection or

betrayal you’ve experienced when you’ve authentically expressed
yourself can weaken that Throat Chakra – potentially causing you
trouble throughout life.

Ask yourself if any of the below conditions have occurred in

your life:

1. You experienced discouragement or even punishment when

you expressed your beliefs or opinions

2. You were rejected by a loved one in a painful or embarrassing

way when sharing your feelings

3. You had one or more primary care-takers who made fun of

you when you shared your thoughts or feelings about certain

4. You were silenced or threatened to keep silent about a sexual

abuse or sexual trauma by someone you trusted

5. Respectful communication, friendly debate or space for

differing opinions were not valued or demonstrated by the
adults around you when you were a child

6. One or more adults in your household were violent or

dangerous and you had to “walk on eggshells” in order to feel

7. You were frequently told to stop crying or be quiet or shut up
as a child

These are just a few possible scenarios that can cause trouble. Some
are traumatic; others simply create an imprint which obstructs the
activation of your Throat Center’s capacity for authentic self-expression.
Either way, you’ll want to heal these issues from the inside-out, if you
want a balanced, healthy Throat Chakra.

You may want to use a journal to explore these issues further. Shedding
light on unloving imprints are key to understanding your current

AND ... if you know these years included trauma, it is best to address
these issues with a professional therapist, counselor or trained
practitioner. In any case, please always be sure to consult your
physician if you are dealing with previous traumas, current medications
or addictions of any kind.

Throat Chakra Balancing and
Healing Exercises

The 4 Energy Balancing and Healing Methods below are particularly

powerful. Be sure to read through each method carefully before
moving on to do your healing work.

Exercise 1: Using a Healing Pendulum

To use a pendulum for balancing and healing, you want to begin by
holding your pendulum close to your Throat Chakra (you can place it
right above or in front of your throat). Then ask the following questions
and wait or the pendulum to show you the answer:

1. Is this chakra balanced?

2. Is this chakra open?

Another way to do this is to simply hold your pendulum in one hand

and put your other hand over your Throat Chakra area as you ask the
questions and get the “Yes” or “No” answer.

When you find your Chakra is unbalanced, your next step is to set an
intention for it to balance and heal by opening or coming into balance.
Then simply wait and breathe as you focus here. You will begin noticing
the pendulum swing differently. As it does, you know that your Throat
Chakra is healing, opening, and coming into balance.

The benefit of a pendulum is that you can use it to shift the energies in
any of your Chakras! You can also use it in combination with the healing
methods below. Simply hold your pendulum in one or both hands as you
do the meditations mentioned next.

Exercise 2: Throat Chakra Meditation
Your Throat Chakra resonates strongly with the frequency of the “d”
note on a musical scale. This, combined with the ancient Sanskrit seed
sound "Ham" has a powerful, healing effect on your Throat Chakra.

That’s why the best way to perform a Throat Chakra meditation is by

chanting the sound Ham in a “d” tone, over and over again.

To perform this healing meditation correctly, be sure you are seated in a

comfortable position, with the tips of your index fingers and thumbs
touching each other. Breathe deeply a few times to quiet your mind.

The element for this Chakra is Aether or Spirit, so one great way to
make the most of this meditation is to do it after calling upon your
Higher Self or your Spirit Guides to join you.

Exercise 3: Crystals for a Freely Moving
Throat Chakra
Amazonite, Aquamarine, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite are all
excellent gemstones to help your Throat Chakra remain open and

When you keep these stones in your home, carry them with you, hold
them during a meditation or wear them as jewelry, they will enhance
your experience of self-confidence and the power to manifest your
deepest desires.

But the very best way to use any of these stones is to place one close
to your Throat Chakra for a few minutes each day. You can also use
your pendulum to ask which stone is best for your Throat Chakra “right
now” and then work with or carry that stone for the day.

Exercise 4: Aromatherapy
We all respond powerfully to smells. A smell can trigger deep emotions,
powerful memories and energy activations in your body. That’s why
Aromatherapy is a great tool for healing and balancing your Throat

The best way to select the right aroma for you is to consult your
pendulum first, in the same way recommended for crystals (above).

Choose from among these great oils or incense: Geranium,

Peppermint, Clove, Tea Tree, and Sage. You can use these both during
meditation or simply by placing them around your home.

When Your THROAT
Chakra is Balanced

When you heal your Throat Chakra using one or all of the methods
above, you put yourself in the perfect position to fully activate ALL your
Chakras. And this is the secret known by the world's greatest healers,
alchemists and metaphysical masters throughout time!

By balancing your Throat Chakra, you will find it much easier to attract
healthy relationships – including love relationships, and express yourself
more clearly.

So be sure to begin your Throat Chakra healing today using one or more
of these powerful techniques.


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