Og Rhetorical Analysis

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Jasmine Castellanos

English 363-01 16853

Scholar's Notebook

Jan. 30-Feb 11, 2021

30 January 2021 "Rhetorical Analysis of Our Definition Assignment"


The purpose of the definition assignment is to explain T-cells for the Encyclopedia of Science and
Technology thoroughly. Encyclopedias provide correct and unbiased information that scholars can
depend on when the internet may not be trustworthy. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to
provide a reputable reference for the term T-cell. Another purpose would be to explore and expand my
knowledge on T-cell function in immune responses. A personal purpose for writing this definition is to
examine further the immune system related to my research project. The immune system is essential to
my research project, and it would not continue without it. A subsequent purpose of this paper is to write
an educational excerpt for my professor and peers that gives details of T-cell's latest research and its
importance to our society. Since this paper will write about a T-cell's significance, its purpose is to assure
the reader that this scientific item is crucial to learn about while maintaining an unbiased report to
inform those in science professions. This paper is also an assignment, so its purpose is to follow the
professor's instructions to receive the maximum points.

Intended Readers:

The intended readers are researchers, people in the science profession, college students, and others
with higher education. I know at least six of the students in this class are researchers that frequently
read peer-reviewed papers. Therefore, the reader's education level would presumably be a high school
education and greater. The audience of this definition would be fluent in English since this is an English
course and this Encyclopedia is written in English. The primary reader would be my professor, Dr. Bruce,
who has a high education level (i.e. Ph.D., M.A., B.S, teaching credentials). It is to note that Dr. Bruce
would know terms on zoology. If the professor would share this writing with the class, then there would
be English majors, science majors, and possibly just technical writers reading this paper. Hence, this
paper will include terms that are "common knowledge" to science majors. Still, the English majors and
technical writers may not know specific terms so I must accommodate via strategies like negation and
sentence definitions. I should also note that college students are stressed and typically read by scanning
for the main points to move on. Since the readers tend to skip over chunks of writing, my writing needs
sentences that convey the take-home message.

Order of Information:

The title should initially grab the reader's interest in reading the whole paper, but this paper's title
would most likely be simple since it would be in an Encyclopedia. The extended definition will ideally
begin with a sentence definition of the scientific term to ensure the reader can follow the paper's
subsequent information. Markel's strategy of negation would be useful to clarify terms that could
confuse the readers. After writing the essential information, the topic can shift into the word's
significance, processes, examples, and research. It is especially crucial to mention how T-cells affect the
reader to keep them wanting to read. The paper's organization should also keep the conventional order
of other definitions, which entails necessary information, examples, significance, processes, and new

Types of evidence:

Since this is a scientific paper and quoting is not conventional, the research gathered from scholarly
articles will be paraphrased into my own words. All the documents that are referenced will be cited
appropriately. If applicable, this assignment will incorporate statistics to support the idea being
conveyed through the description. For example, to show the term's significance, additional statistical
analysis of research associated with T-cell data could be used. Studies on manipulating T-cells to target
specific cancer cells can be another form of evidence.

Style and Tone:

Since this definition would be going into the Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, the writing tone
must be informative. This paper would be read by scientific professionals or scholars that read with a
high level of vocabulary. As previously mentioned, I am aware that some students in this class usually
read peer-reviewed scholarly articles, so similarly, this writing should be formal and serious. Scientific
writing typically has a numerical system citation, which I will corporate into my extended definition. The
paper's tone will be calm, ordered, and secure as there is no additional agenda other than to inform the

Graphic Presentation:

My extended definition will include a few graphics for the visual learners. These visuals will help
clarify the ideas, methods, and processes that are explained. I will use a drawn image to distinguish any
complicated functions of the term. A visual aid will illustrate how the T-cell responds to pathogens and
provide differentiation of killer T-cells and helper T-cells. For the subheadings, I will be sure to use fonts
that attract the reader's attention. The subheading can guide the reader to the excerpts they are most
interested in reading.

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