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Definition Key Term:


Jessica Dang

ENGL 360, Technical Writing

Dr. Leslie Bruce

May 12, 2021

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The word that comes to mind when “exercise” is mention is movement. Exercise is a

conventional form of physical activity and requires the body’s momentum to exhaust our

muscles meanwhile works wonders for our body. It is considered one of the better methods to

improve and maintain physical well-being and mental stability. The effects are proven to be

beneficial and can reduce disease risks (Blair et al., 1989).

The Impact of Exercise on the Human Body

The important component for any movement is energy by food consumption. The aerobic system

creates adenosine triphosphate, a molecule responsible for transporting energy throughout the

body, which then will allow calcium to be released for skeletal muscle contraction (Sakamoto

and Goodyear, 2002; Ji et al., 2004). During exercise, the body’s temperature rises, the heart rate

and blood circulation increases to migrate oxygen everywhere in the body. The central nervous

system and the pituitary gland release endorphins, a hormone that alleviates pain and boosts

euphoria. Additionally, strength training creates tears in the muscle fibers in order to repair itself

stronger in mass for exercises like weight lifting or resistance workouts. The image below from

Fitness Genes depicts the physiologic difference in ATP production between different exercises

such as high power, power and short duration, and endurance (Hooijman, 2016)
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Benefits of Exercise

Physical activity has the efficacy to aid treatments or prevent illnesses such as: cardiovascular

and pulmonary diseases, metabolic disorders, muscle cancer, bone cancer, and diabetes (Pedersen

and Saltin, 2006; Warburton et al., 2006a). Exercise is recommended at least three to five times a

week in order to gain the most benefits. In addition, working out can increase flexibility,

strength, balance, endurance, and heighten cognitive functions (Lee, 2007). The brain is capable

of reshaping with long term effects of exercise (Zhao et al., 2020). Even with moderate exercise,
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it can lower 20% or more in mortality. (Myers et al., 2004). Otherwise, lack of exercise can be

deteriorating to the human body and have potential risk for obesity, high blood pressure or

cholesterol, weakening the bones and muscles (Fox and Haskell, 1968). In the imagine of

“Beneficial effects of Exercise” illustrated by The British Pharmacological Society in 2012,

shows the increases and decreases overall in the body.

Exercise is for Anyone and Everyone

Exercise has a wide range of categories to choose and preference from for any age. People who

love endurance will choose a more vigorous method like running, bicycling, swimming, and

more. Endurance activities will improve the lungs, cardiovascular, and the circulatory system.

The most common exercise for strength is to weight lift or resistance train. Strength training will
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increase muscle mass therefore protecting parts of the body, strengthening bones and joints.

Flexibility consist of stretching exercises such as yoga or tai chi can provide strength along with

mindful medication which is great for cognitive functions. In the image below from Premier

Health (2019) illustrates the recommended time frame to perform different activities daily.

Markel’s Strategies Used

The three strategies I used were graphics, principle of operations, and examples. I used a graph

that shows an overview how energy in the muscles are produced. The second graphic I used was

to show how exercise does a variety of changes in our bodies. The third graph I used shows
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examples of different exercises and a chart showing what is the recommended duration. For

principles of operations, I noted “The impact on exercise” and the body, explaining what happens

in the body during these events. For examples, I have included various activities that are

considered exercise.


Benefits of Exercise. (2017). Medline Plus. benefitsofexercise.html

Health Designs. (2018, July 3). What Actually Happens to Your Body When You Exercise?



Vina, J., Sanchis-Gomar, F., Matinez-Bello, V., & Gomez-Cabrera, MC. (2012). Exercise acts as

a drug; the pharmacological benefits of exercise. British Journal of Pharmacology

Society. 167(1), 1-12,


Zhao, J., Jiang, W., Wang, X., Cai, Z., Liu, Z., & Liu, G. (2020) Exercise, brain plasticity, and

depression. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, (26)9, 885-895

Yu, Q., Herold, F., Becker, B., Klugah-Brown, B., Zhang, Y., Perrey, S., Veronese, N., Müller, N.

G., Kramer, A. F., & Zou, L.. (2021). Cognitive benefits of exercise interventions: an
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fMRI activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis. Brain Structure & Function, 226(3), 601–


Graphic 1: Fitnessgenes. (2016). How your muscles work: The energy systems used during

exercise: FitnessGenes®. Retrieved March 02, 2021,


Graphic 2: British Journal of Pharmacology (2012). PubMed Central. NCBI. https://

Graphic 3: A. (2019, May 14). The right kind of exercise - Alaska Premier Health. Alaska

Premier Health -.

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