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Biographical Chart: Steve Jobs

● Full Name
○ Steven Paul Jobs

● Lifespan
○ February 24, 1955-October 5, 2011

● Early Family Background and Created Family Structure

○ Steve Jobs was born to Abdulfattah Jandali and Joanne Schiebe
○ Joanne left to San Francisco after spending the summer with Jandali in Homs,
Syria to give birth to Jobs
○ There was a disagreement but Jandali eventually signed off to put Jobs up for
○ He was later adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs
○ Clara Jobs admitted that raising Steve was hard and theat at the beginning she
wanted to return him at times
○ Jobs often refers to Clara and Paul as his real parents not his adoptive parents

● Education
○ He attended Monta Loma Elementary School
○ He was a troublemaker in class and was suspended and often misbehaved
○ He was taught how to read at age 3
○ He was placed in an advanced fourth grade class and was recommended to skip
multiple grades his parents decided against it and he went on to skip one grade
and attend a new school, Crittenden Middle School
○ After being bullied for a long time the family moved to Cupertino California
where Jobs continued school
○ Jobs attended Homestead High
○ He was very interested in Engineering and Literature
○ Jobs never really fit in when he was in high school
○ Jobs then attended Reed College in Portland, Oregon
○ Jobs dropped out after one semester because he didn’t want to waste his parents
○ Jobs continued to attend college by auditing his tasks though

● Personality Characteristics and Areas of Aptitude, Talent, and Interest

○ Jobs always seemed to be interested in mechanics because his father was one
○ Jobs loved the fact that his dad could make nearly anything
○ He picked up a strong liking for mechanics and electronics
○ Jobs also made friends with engineers in his neighborhood
○ Jobs was also into literature and developed the passion in his Junior year
○ His educational approach was very different and would pick and choose what he
found important

● Major Career/Professional Events and Accomplishments

○ Jobs gets his first job working for a video game company Atari
○ In March 1976 Jobs was shown the basic design of the Apple I computer and
showed it to Jobs
○ In April Jobs, Wozniak, and Ronal Wayne founded Apple Computer Company
○ Wayne eventually left and Jobs and Wozniak decided on Apple Inc.
○ The company was run out of Job’s bedroom and garage
○ The Apple II became one of the first highly successful micro computer products
in the world
○ Jobs then came up with the Macintosh
○ Late Jobs resigned from Apple
○ Jobs then founded NeXT Inc.
○ Jobs bought received a lot of founding from Ross Perot
○ NeXT and IBM form a partnership to have NeXT run on IBM
○ Jobs bought Pixar
○ Apple later on buys NeXT from Jobs for $400 million.
○ Steve Jobs comes back to apple and serves as CEO and brings Apple back
○ Steve Jobs unveils the iPod on October 23, 2001
○ Jobs unveils the iPhone on January 9

● Personal Life Themes/Beliefs

○ Jobs took psychedelics such as LSD
○ Jobs became a practitioner of Zen Buddhism
○ Jobs was viewed as a hippie
○ Had a daughter named Lisa when he was 23
○ Jobs married Laurene Powell
○ Jobs had 4 children

● Selected Quotations
○ Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know
what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
○ “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”
○ “You have to be burning with an idea, or a problem, or a wrong that you want to
right. If you’re not passionate enough from the start, you’ll never stick it out.”
○ “Creativity is just connecting things.”
● Awards and Recognition and Contributions
○ Samuel S. Beard Award For Outstanding Public Service 35 Years Or Under
○ National Medal of Technology and Innovation
○ PGA Vanguard Award
○ Grammy Trustees Award
○ Bravo Otto- Social Media Star
○ The Mac is the “Machine of the Year”

● Death and Aftermath

○ Jobs died on October 5, 2011
○ Jobs died to Neuroendocrine cancer
○ California Governor declared SUnday October 16, 2011 “Steve Jobs Day”

● Lasting Impact and Contributions

○ Jobs is responsible for the revolution of technology that we see today
○ Jobs revolutionized the way we communicate and use technology
○ Jobs’ impact can be seen everyday in the form of apple products
○ Without Jobs we wouldn’t have seen the iPods, iPads, and iPhones we are so
familiar with today.

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