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Dear Grandma,

I know you are up there watching over me. I know you watch me make mistakes, but I
also know you watch me do good things. I know I can’t personally deliver this letter, but
I believe you are watching me type it. You left so quickly without us having a chance to
have a final conversation. You took care of me and raised me as you own. I thank you
for feeding me, cleaning me, caring for me, and endlessly loving me until the day you
departed this world. I wish I had done many things differently, I know I could’ve been a
better grandson when I moved to the United States. I barely called or even asked about
you much. It wasn’t until you were slowly disappearing when I started feeling a sense of
being ungrateful. Ungrateful for all the things you did for me. I know if you were here
today you would forgive me and tell me that it’s all good. I know you would be that
loving and caring person you always were. I thank you for everything and anything you
did for me. Thanks to you I am the man I am today. My morals and principles, along
with my way if being is genuinely mostly all thanks to you. Thanks to you I am humble,
loving, caring, brave, a fighter, and to always try to help and treat others the same way I
would like to be treated myself. The list of things you taught me while you were here is
way too long. You always gave me your all and for that I am grateful. I am also going to
thank you because I know for a fact that you are taking care of me from above and
watching over me like an eagle. You are my angel in the sky and I love you so very
much. I’ll see you someday grandma. Thank you and happy birthday today.

Yours Truly,

Your favorite grandson <3


P.S. My grandmother died a fighter, but she died too quickly and these are some words
I never got to say before she left. I took this opportunity to do so. Coincidentally, today
would’ve been her 69th birthday too.

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