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Jasmine Castellanos

ENGL 363-01 16853

Scholar’s Notebook #3

March 25th – April 15th

March 25th, 2021 (Week 9 Part 1) - “Paraphrasing and Attributions”

Original Quotation:  “Many colleges . . . do not ensure that students acquire [work readiness] skills. 
One survey of employers, for example, found that recent college graduates lack basic workplace
proficiencies like adaptability, communication skills, and the ability to work in groups and solve
complex problems.  The National Association of Manufacturers reports that its members are most in
need of employees with strong basic employability skills (such as timeliness and work ethic)” (Stone

USE LANE’S STRATEGIES A-E, How did I change the How did I change Did I accidentally
pg. 1 here, to fill in the language? the structure? change the
language and structure meaning?  How? 

Instructor’s Paraphrase:  c) The phrases were d) Sentence two in The meaning of the
Currently, colleges seem to changed from formal to the original quotation did not
be failing to prepare a more informal. Some quotation is lengthy. change. The
students for many of the messages were The instructor’s paraphrase has less
social aspects of the changed but retained version is broken jargon than the
workplace.  For example, the same meaning. For into two sentences. original quotation
employers have indicated example, using the but gets the point
 By using a
that they want—and aren’t terms team work across.
precise verb
getting—basic workplace instead of “the ability
“indicated”  A possible
skills, such as teamwork and to work in groups”. 
it implies change in
communication skills, from
 Changed the that the meaning
their new college-educated
“ability to work writer is could be the
in groups” to referring to addition of
“teamwork” another employees
and removed study   being
some of the college-
listed skills educated.

*Modified from Suzanne Lane’s IWAC 2014 Presentation Handout


Original Quotation:  For the most part, corals are extremely chaste; they reproduce asexually, by
“budding.”  The annual spawning is thus a rare opportunity to, genetically speaking, mis things up. 
Most spawners are hermaphrodites, meaning that a single polyp produces both eggs and sperm, all
wrapped together in a convenient little bundle.  No one knows exactly how corals synchronize their
spawning, but they are believed to respond to both light and temperature (Kolbert 145).

USE LANE’S STRATEGIES How did we change How did we change Did we accidentally
A-E, pg. 1 here, to fill in the language? the structure? change the meaning? 
the language and How? 
structure columns.

Group’s Paraphrase:  We changed asexual The last sentence We removed the

reproducing to the about the function of theorized spawning
Corals produce offspring
actual description of coral spawning was mechanisms and just
through one individual
what that mechanism moved as a transition mentioned how it is
parent through a
entails. This could be a to how they are debated. There is no
process called budding.
way to adjust rhetoric hermaphrodites.  mention about the
The factors that trigger
for a different genetic “mess up.” 
synchronized coral
audience. Another
spawning are debated;
change in language is
however, most corals
“sperm and eggs” to
have all the necessary
be gametes. 
gametes to generate

Works Cited

Kolbert, Elizabeth.  The Sixth Extinction:  An Unnatural History.  New York:  Picador, 2014.
Stone, James R. III.  “More than One Way:  The Case for High-Quality CTE.”  American Educator.  Fall
2014:  n. pag.  Web.  30 Oct. 2014.

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