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American Revolution Journal Entry Rubric

4 3 2 1
Setting The writer The writer The writer does The writer is not
developed the develops the not properly clear about the
setting of the setting of the develop the setting of the
entries in great entries. setting of the entries.
detail. entries.

Historical Facts The journal The journal The journal The journal entry is
entry contains entry contains entry contains historically
no errors in some errors in many errors in inaccurate.
historical facts. historical facts. historical facts.
Grammar The journal The journal The journal The journal contains
contains no contains few contains some many grammatical
grammatical grammatical grammatical errors that distracts
errors. errors, but they errors that the reader.
do not distract distract the
the reader. reader.

Creative/ The writer was The writer is The writer The writer did not
Voice very engaged in engaged in the somewhat engage in the topic
the topic and topic and caught engaged in the and appeal to the
kept the the eye of the topic but did not reader.
attention of the reader. appeal to the
reader. The reader
displayed a lot
of creativity.
Presentation/ The journal was The journal was The journal is The journal is
Organization organized, and organized, and somewhat disorganized and
the assignment the assignment organized and was not completely
was complete or was mostly was somewhat or was a rough draft.
had more entries completed. completely.
than required.

Total: ____/20

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