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Thaiss's Six Categories for Rhetorical Analysis

1. Purposes – By simplifying the definition “neuron” and the processes involved, as well as
several neurodegenerative disorders, will allow the audience to decipher these disorders from
others. There tends to be an advanced understanding of the processes involved with this word,
but on more basic level, perhaps medical students, healthcare workers, or even upcoming
scientists can comprehend the functions and processes in a memorable way. By exemplifying
“neuron”, the applications used to detect or treat these disorders will be laid out for students,
healthcare workers or scientists, who are interested in the nervous system. More importantly, by
truthfully defining this word, will enlighten the intended audience to be more aware of these
disorders and not assume that all are the same, but rather be prepared to treat, to study, to
enlighten others, and to acknowledge the stigma that comes with these disorders within their
future works.

2. Intended Readers
 James Trefil, the editor of Encyclopedia of Science and Technology
 Undergraduate students who are pre-med or interested in neuroscience
 Those who cannot define the word “neuron” and do not know the exact processes
 Students who are interested in technology that detects neuronal activity as well as
 Volunteers in educational programs that are studying to be neuroscientists
 For future healthcare workers, in any field (EMT, paramedic, nurses, PA, MD etc.)
 Future scientists, that are learning about the applications involved in neuroscience
3. Order of Information
Order of paper:
 First, adding the simplest definition to the word “neuron” because in the given
encyclopedia most of the words begin with a definition (so, simply stating what it is)
 Then, informing the audience about the structure and function of a neuron and how it
drives our nervous system (breaking apart the central nervous system and peripheral
nervous system into their own subjects. By doing this, it will inform the audience that
neurons are not involved in one single system, but in two)
 Lastly, mentioning the main neurodegenerative disorders impacted by defected neurons
because these disorders affect society (it is important for the undergraduate students to be
aware of these disorders if they are going to be living amongst society or possibly
working with neurodegenerative patients).

4. Types of Evidence
 Since, this is an encyclopedia textbook, some statistical information will be involved such
as when discussing the number of neurons in the body and using percentages of
dysfunctional neurons to explain the disorders
 Mainly, descriptions will be used to explain the structure, functions, processes, the
mechanisms involved that lead to dysfunction as well as the technology that is used
 References and links of sources will be included so, that James Trefil will know that the
information is coming from reliable sources
5. Style and Tone
 Informative, formal, and serious, but emotional and hopeful
 Informative, formal, and serious when explaining the term and the processes, but
emotional when recognizing the statistics of who is affected by neurodegenerative
disorders (on a basic level) and hopeful for future discoveries.

6. Graphic Presentation
 Include bold letters for the main topics such as structure, function, processes, technology
and neurological disorders
 Incorporate images and diagrams of a neuron and its processes as well as the damaged
neurons and the technology devices used
 The sentences will be short and concise as the term is being defined to undergraduates,
but also detailed (meaning, the paragraphs will not be too long)

Using Generic Conventions to Analyze Three Definitions:

“Vaccination”, “Absolute Zero”, and “Eclipse”

1) Writing style
 The explanation for the definition of “vaccination” is written formally and
informally as some statistical data is used to influence the readers thoughts
on vaccinations (the data is presented in the safety section as well as in the
usage of vaccines). With this data, the writer is being informative, but
when informing the readers about the history and the involvement of
vaccinations, it tends to be somewhat informal. Therefore, they are trying
to sound qualified and logical to discuss the development of vaccines, but
in a way that is easily understood.
 Similarly, to the definition “Eclipse”, brief information is used to discuss
the etymology, eclipse cycles, and the historical records, which again
implies that they are writing to an audience that is trying to understand the

 Likewise, the “Absolute Zero” definition is explaining the basics and uses
formal and informal diction to tend to an audience that is trying to
understand the main involvements with this word.
2) Evidence
 Like previously stated all definitions contained some statistical evidence
when explaining the side effects of vaccines, the eclipse cycles or even the
range of temperatures at which absolute zero occurs (however, it is very
simple data that explains the definition).
 Besides using statistical evidence, most of the information provided is
descriptive evidence that are gathered from other sources as way to
express the historical background, or even the governmental policies
involved with vaccinations.
 As for “Eclipse” and “Absolute Zero”, the definitions also contained
descriptive evidence but, for “Absolute Zero” there were no resources and
links included because this information is in a textbook. Whereas
“Eclipse” and “Vaccination” contained quotes and resources.
3) Organization
 Personally, the “Eclipse” and “Absolute Zero” definitions were easy to
follow because the Eclipse definition was ordered in a way that stated
what it is, the history, the types of eclipses (with the use of bullet points)
and was explained in shorter sentences.
 As for Absolute Zero, the organization of the information was also easy to
follow as it transitioned smoothly into the next topics.
 However, for Vaccination, the information was not easy to follow as the
organization of the sections did not make sense (first explaining, what it is,
then the background and advancements, then the side effects/ingredients,
then history/government policies). If they were trying to discuss this to an
audience of students, they most likely should discuss the components, then
the background because the audience needs to understand what vaccines
do and their functions before expressing their opinion. However, it was
organized in a way that discussed the background and the advancements
before the side effects and the ingredients, perhaps trying to persuade the
audience that vaccinations are beneficial in the long run.
4) Citation style
 Since there is a lot of information in defining vaccination, it was
reasonable to cite the information by using a numbering system.
 This is similar to “Eclipse”, as a numbering system was also used to cite
the information in an organized way.
 As for Absolute Zero, neither a numbering system was used for the
sources nor was it embedded in the text, but instead a footnote was used
(placed in a box) that indicated the source of information. Since there was
only brief information and the flow of transitioning topics were important,
perhaps, the footnote was used so that the audience can continue reading
without stopping.
5) Design
 For Eclipse and Vaccination, a lot of photographs were used to explain the
definition, in comparison to Absolute Zero.
 Considering that Eclipse and Vaccination are defined on Wikipedia, a lot
of images are necessary or usually the norm, then in a textbook that
describes Absolute Zero in shorter paragraphs. Either way, all definitions
contained images.
 Also, the paragraphs were organized in a way that placed the pictures
beside the information, whereas for Absolute Zero the information
surround the images in a column format. This indicates that the images are
a part of the information and require the readers to look at images while,
transitioning to the next topics. Whereas the Wikipedia definitions most
likely wants the audience to continue reading by not really emphasizing
the images to the left or the right.

For my own definition, I plan on organizing it in a way that has smooth transitions by
starting with a simple definition, then going on to the structure of a neuron as well as its
functions. I will continue from there and end it with neurogenerative disorders because it
provides examples for the readers which, makes it easier to understand the overall functions
involved in the nervous system. As far as citing goes, I plan on incorporating it within my
information because only a limited number of sources are involved but will reference them under
a numbering system. Also, by incorporating images of neurons, structures, functions, and
processes, it will allow my readers to visualize and comprehend the word better. I will try and
place the pictures beside the information rather than below it, as it will cause the readers to see
the image before they move on.
Possible risks for organization are that I can either effectively transition my information
or not, but by sticking to the outline it will create reasonable transitions. As far as citation, the
only risk of incorporating it within the paragraphs is that it ruins the format of the general
definitions in the encyclopedia, but it will not have an affect on the readers. For design, the
images incorporated will automatically benefit the written information because again it gives
readers visualization, but if they were not implemented then, readers will find the information
too technical and uninteresting.

My major is Biological Science and the keyword I’d like to define is neuron.

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