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McFarling, U. L. (2021, March 10).

The uncounted: People who are homeless are invisible

victims of covid-19. Retrieved April 16, 2021, from https://www.statnews.com/2021/03/11/the-


The reporter, McFarling for statnews, a news organization focusing on the frontiers of health and

medicine, highlights the dark underbelly of the lockdown response to Covid-19. What about

those without homes to return? The homeless have always been challenging to keep track of, and

covid only exasperates this issue. With an estimated 500,000 deaths due to covid in March 2020,

it is unknown how many of those are homeless people. In cities like New York City, where they

could keep better track, homeless individuals were 75% more likely to die from covid-19. In LA,

the death percentage raised by 32%, and LA county saw similar issues happening in counties all

over southern California. (AL)

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