ACTIVITY NO.1: Displaying String: Objectives

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1: Displaying String

At the end of this activity, the students are expected to:
1. learn how to make a program that display strings,
2. understand the purpose of the dollar sign ($) in the data directives,
3. be able to run a program, and
4. know how to trace and debug program errors in assembly language.

We need to know that:

The codes:
 For displaying string on screen

mov ah,09h
lea dx, <memory_location_name>
int 21h

memory location name is declared under the data directives.

 For ending the process

mov ah,4ch
Int 21h

There are necessary codes when string is to be displayed.

 Codes that get and register the starting memory address of data

mov ax,@data ; ax=@data

mov ds,ax ; ds=ax

@data is the symbol for the starting address of data segment.


1. Type the following line of codes in the Notepad:

2. Then save under the filename active_1.asm and run your program; follow the
procedure in Steps in Creating Assembly Language Program

The screen output must be

Hello, World

3. Now, remove the dollar sign “$” in the source code, save, and run the program
What happened to the output? Write your observation:

4. Return back the dollar sign ‘$’ into the source code. This time, remove the first
two lines of code under the code directive. These are:
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
Save the changes. Run the program again. Write your observation.

5. Return back the removed codes

mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
into the source code. Replace ds with dx such that the new code is:

mov ax,@data
mov dx,ax
Save the changes then run the program again. Write your observation.

6. Now, replace dx with the previous code ds so that the code we again the correct
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax

7. Let us go to tracing errors.

Change the reserved word Title with Tittle.
Change the word message with messag (Note: not all words message in the codes
but select only one).
Save the file as exer_1.asm and then run the program. What are the error

8. Open the file exer_1.asm. Run and list down line numbers that contain error
and the error messages. Debug the program and write the correct source code.

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